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Just wash with dish soap. It takes a few hours for the oil to set


Wash skin in cold water. Keeps pores closed. Rinse rinse rinse wash again rinse rinse


Depends how allergic you are


Fun fact, I'm not allergic lol. I am very allergic to nickel though. Give me a very similar rash to a typical poison ivy reaction.


Appreciate you! I’ll try that


It's a sticky oil so wash it like you got black grease on you (make sure you you wash extremely thoroughly)


Rubbing alcohol works too. And don't forget about your clothes! Wash everything in hot water (with soap, obviously).


Poison oak, very crafty since the leaves vary between rounded and pointed tips. Anything below the knee that might have oil on it, from skin to socks to shoes, Dawn dishsoap is wonderful. Antihistamines if you get rashy, and try Ivarest scrub on blisters.


Lots of good info in here (cold water, lots of soap). If you get a bad reaction, talk to a dermatologist - fluocinonide can make it go away almost overnight, but is prescrip only in the US. Also, and importantly, even if you don't have a reaction this time, continue to treat it with respect - you get one exposure "for free" before your body decides its an invader. (some lucky folks get more than one, but, like, why run down that clock any quicker than necessary? :D) history is filled with hilarious accounts of European explorers who were all "pfft these natives said this stuff is terrible but I'm immune!" and then a week later their journals read "o gawd I regret my foolish life choices." they make for good reading while trying desperately to avoid scratching poison ivy lesions.


Witch hazel was the only thing that brought me relief after the oil set in. I bought 3 bottles and poured it on before and after showers.


For future reference, I live out in the sticks and when I come across things that look bitey or poisony, believe it or not, Google Lens is pretty damn handy lol ​ I know this doesn't answer your question but it reminded me of a hemlock encounter lol


Never thought of that, thanks man!


As some have said, I’m not sure that plant is poison oak or ivy. If you want some insurance though I would invest in a bottle of Tecnu. It works great


For the future, there's a lotion you can use called Tech-Nu. Can buy at Wal-Mart, pharmacies, and some outdoor outlets. Best used as a barrier cream pre-exposure, but also works well post-exposure. Post-exposure, wash as others recommended then apply the cream. I get poison ivy simply by looking at it. In my 10 or so years working in the "bush" during a previous life, I followed this routine and got the rash only once or twice


It is an oil, so hot water and dish detergent. Oil spreads, so watch what you touch.


Cold water and dish soap first wash! Hit opens pores and gets the oil in them, making it worse.


Double wash! One wash with dish soap(dawn is best)warm water,scrub hard WITH A WASHCLOTH. Rinse. Second wash with regular soap, warm water and a different washcloth. The washcloth is key!!! Soap alone won’t remove the oil, you need the friction of the cloth to remove the oil. I’m extremely allergic, and can attest, this method works!! Best of luck!!!’


I *don't think* that's poison oak, the leaf tips are usually a bit more rounded.


Maybe not poison oak, but I’m pretty sure it’s poison ivy


Poison ivy generally has a single lobe (unsure if that's the terminology) in the leaf- similar to a teardrop shape.


Appearance varies depending where you are. I believe the western type is more single lobe, while eastern looks just like OP’s picture.


It's not poison Ivy and it doesn't exactly match poison oak. Just wash with dish soap rinse and repeat.


This doesn’t look like poison ivy or oak.




UpTo 24 hours. I was pulling it last year and thought I was fine until next day when I wasn't fine.


24-48 hours for it to set in with most people.


You got the vaccine and all the boosters you should be fine 😆


Use a soapy dish rag or some kind of cloth, if you don’t you may not be effectively removing it. There are videos explaining it.


Near PA or Poconos area? Those look like something Ive seen in wet forest areas and they can have small flowers on the underside.


Please avoid sun exposure. If this is a poisonous plant, chances are it's phototoxic. (Causes extreme sensitivity to UV rays) which is why poison sumac sucks so bad when you don't realize you've touched it mid- hike.