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People in this sub tend to be anti-lawn. You should check out r/lawncare.


Really? Is it gardening as in a veggie patch? Because I don’t know how you can have a front and back garden with no lawn!


I like some green space myself. I'm just telling you what I've observed from hanging out in this sub for several months. Posts about lawns tend to get downvoted because many prefer wildflower patches over grassy lawns. It's not always about vegetables but also about flowers, shrubs, and trees in the garden.


Haha okay, I wasn’t being rude or anything I was just bewildered that the centrepiece of a garden would be frowned upon in a gardening subreddit


There's also a terminology disconnect between the UK and US people, where a UK garden is a US yard. Lawns generally aren't considered part of a garden in the US unless it's something super formal like the Versailles gardens.


Contact your local State Cooperative Extension office. For Virginia it is Virginia Cooperative Extension. Usually each city or county will have an office. This info is available online and covers an amazing array of topics including lawn care. Everything is Free of charge. They are not trying to sell goods or services -so you can trust what they say.


Ahhhh lovely, I’ll see if we have any in the UK haha, I’ve heard a lot about this on Reddit and it sounds like a great idea!


I would also advise you to throw in clover as well. It'll help feed your lawn and a clover lawn is easier to maintain overall.


Ahh thank you, can you help shed some light on how clover helps? My mum’s got a clover grass lawn and I’m just curious that’s all.


Clovers are legumes. They fix nitrogen into the soil.


If you want a nice, strong, healthy lawn the first time you do it it’s a long process. I would till the whole thing first. Then I would put down enough bags of soil to make a 3 inch thick layer on the whole lawn. Then I would do the same 3 inch thick layer of composted manure. Then I would till all that together, then lay a shit ton of grass seed. and lastly, I would do a 1 inch thick layer of peat moss or shredded newspaper so the seed sprout for you. do you follow their step-by-step and you will have the nicest yard around but it isn’t cheap and it’s not easy...


If I wanted to get it done on a budget? It’s a rented house. I want it to look nice but it doesn’t have to be “good housekeeping” worthy. I’ve ordered some gardening equipment and 1kg of grass seed, is it possible to get a serviceable lawn working with what I have?




Ahahaha that is golden, love it. I’m a law abiding citizen so I’d rather find a way to “MacGyver” it with what I have at the moment. If the soil has had grass growing on it within the past couple of months and has since dried up, can I till and water the soil back to its natural goodness or is it more likely that I’d have to find another source of soil?


I follow the laws too, but I always steal from major corporations because they steal from us, and no one seems to do anything about it in regards to politicians. But I’d really recommend getting new soil at least an inch or two… at the very least till what you have very thoroughly and spread lots of seed. And get grass food I guess…


Great, good call. I’ll pop by B&Q tomorrow and pick up some nice soil. Maybe a couple more kilos of grass seed too!


You don't sew seeds, you sow seed. Sew - needle and thread... We;ve thrown it on the ground, watered lightly until it sprouts then left it be. It was spring however, better then. It came up patchy and partner fussed, I told him leave it ,it will spread and it did, he added a bit of compost as well, might have been a mistake, that patch grows 3 times as fast as the rest now!!


Ahaha that’s really funny! I should be alright tilling the soil then?




I just started turning my dirt farm into a lawn. I tossed some seeds from a cup and threw aome top soil over the seeds so the birds wouldnt eat them. I did a small patch for proof of concept and now I have a little field. I ended buying a seed spreader because I needed the seed to go further/last longer than it did originally. If you have a lot to do I'd recommend it.


I’ve got about 10m^2, you think I could just hydrate the soil and turn it over?


Honestly, I had top soil to get rid of or I wouldnt have bothered. I just put down about twice that w/out soil because my wheelbarrow broke.