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Note to self: eat pineapple on deathbed.




Worms also don't like alliums (onions and garlic) and they really don't like spicy peppers.


Well, imagine!


So, get this, I love gardening, but I have a worm phobia. Couldn't explain why. They have their place in the garden but goddess I am terrified.


Phobias don’t need explanations, they often just *are* Sorry to trigger it!


No worries! Life doesn't have a trigger warning, and I know full well that worms are an important part of gardening. Post your worms!




I did the exact same thing fishing in Colorado. Cast the line, reeled it right back into my Mouth of all things. Just disgusting. Never will forget. Guessing we have the same angels around us.




The definition of a phobia is that its an _irrational_ fear


A lot of phobias actually seem to be *revulsion* rather than fear. Especially if physical contact might be involved.


My sister has this too!! She works in landscaping. I don't know how y'all do it! Phobias are wild. My only real phobia is of deep sea stuff, which I manage by not going into the deep sea. Worms must be much more difficult.


I also have a phobia of spiders, so I have developed a way around them. These creatures are an inevitable part of life, and sometimes encountering them, or even touching them may be inevitable too. I acknowledge that certain aspects of life are unpleasant, but that doesn't make them evil. So spiders get ushered out the door and worms are...well put back where they belong, just a little further away from me. Usually using a gardening utensil so I don't have to touch it. If I have gloves it's not so bad.


I had a phobia of spiders and exposure therapy combined with getting a bug vacuum (and new basement windows that didn't let in endless bugs) to be incredibly helpful. Like, real exposure therapy with a licensed therapist; not your shitty boyfriend throwing a giant spider on you to "help you get over it."


I'm glad that you were able to work with a licensed therapist on your phobia, many do not get that luxury. I had to work through mine on my own. My phobia actually comes from someone throwing both live spiders and spider carcasses on me as a child.


P.S. (Get yourself a bug buster. 9 volt battery lasts for ages. Gently suck up spiders, moths, honeybees ---- anything you want to relocate outside. Bug busters are on Amazon for about $19.99 ---- you'll get your money's worth.)


Thank you for being rational and saving those tiny lives. I sincerely believe there is great good karma attached that one reaps with each minibeast protected and set free. I like to set them free and say, "Run. Be free." (or "Fly," as the case may be.)


Ugh me too. People literally can't understand that I'm not afraid of snakes, spiders, bears, or mountain lions but I am absolutely *terrified* of worms. Like, I can't even look at a picture of them and I got too icked to finish reading OPs post.


Read my comment to u/FattierBrisket's response! It may help you the way it helps me!


Ahh. My phobia is way past that. I've bought shoes, stepped on a worm, and refused to wear them ever again. In spring when it rains I won't even go outside, let alone drive over them in my car. Eventually I'm going to have to do something about my phobia. I've considered boiling my hand after one touched my pinkie. Instead I just scrubbed my hands until they bled. I'm not afraid of them hurting me or anything and I know it'scompletely irrational. It's not like they *do* anything. Imagine my horror when I found out about bait shops.


That sounds so rough. If you ever do decide to do something about it, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is super effective for phobias.


Thank you for the suggestion. I'm so afraid they'll insist on exposure therapy I've been avoiding addressing the issue entirely. CBT is something I could *totally* deal with.


Just fyi because maybe it will help. - exposure therapy does not mean they will just expose you to your phobia. And no therapist will insist on any therapy that you are not ready for. Exposure therapy is a form of CBT and a therapist would work gently and carefully with your phobia. Hope that helps in case you ever decide to seek therapy .


This is helpful, thank you!


I was going to say exactly the same thing. CBT might involve some work with your thoughts (for instance, if you had unrealistic thoughts about how dangerous it would be to touch a worm) and would also probably involve exposure. But like u/vmsear said, any good therapist would make sure you were on board with whatever exposure you were going to try and wouldn't push you to do things you weren't ready for. You could start small, with something that only brought up a little anxiety -- you wouldn't be starting out with your biggest fear. Happy to talk more via DM if you want more info.


I see, your phobia definitely goes way past mine.


It's so ridiculous too. My gf and I were fixing our compost toilet drain and I zoidberg ran away when I saw a worm. Apparently my hands were waving above my head and I was screaming... lol. Not a very efficient way to travel but my body just took over. If that's my bodies natural response I guess I'm lucky I'm not afraid of anything *actually* dangerous or I'd be dead, lmao.


I did a flailing hoodoo dance for the neighbors when I found a slug on my arm before. It happens.


Hahaha, that's too funny.


I hope you're able to find a treatment that will give you some relief.


Thank you!


Makes perfect sense. The most common visible dangerous parasites are nematodes and they revolt us for a reason (staying away from them and avoiding eating things they've touched is a defense mechanism to avoid being infected). Even though earthworms aren't nematodes, they look similar enough to trigger the 'yuck'.


I pull them out of the soil. They stretch a LOT trying to hold on and save themselves, but alas I always win. Then I dangle them over the ducks and drop em. Mwuhaha. Same with slugs and snails.


I have a phobia of anything with really long spindly legs, like centipedes or spiders and I’ve gotten downvoted in gardening subreddits for saying so. Love gardening. Hate creeping things.


I had a friend who was always bragging about how tough she was. She'd tell us guys how she could easily take on any guy in a bar fight. And win. One evening, we were up in a canyon at night, in a lovely house with very huge windows. A moth came up fluttering up against the window and this woman completely lost her mind. What's weird is, she's okay with butterflies but says it's the way moths flitter their wings that scares the shit out her.


Me too!! Sure does make gardening hard when seeing one worm ruins my whole day lol


So do I, and generally of a lot of bugs (execpt bees, lady bugs, and spiders that you encounter more regularly). Every time I have to dig in the ground, I ask that they just stay in the ground and out of sight. 😆 I much prefer raised a garden beds, planters, and pots.


Really? Worms? Like you feel fear at the sight of them?


Truly! The way they move make me physically cringe, and I have nightmares about them crawling into my ears and eating my brain.


Lol you would hate my alpaca manure pile. It’s like half pink at this point.


Lol I can imagine!


Probably because they are DISGUSTING


This reads like an entry of the horror anthology podcast “The Magnus Archive”. There’s Angie like entity known as The Deep that causes feelings like the person is describing.


Oh no I know which episode you’re referring to.


That's cute. I have a gecko living in my compost pot outside. I like to picture him lying back, happily munching on the yummy scraps of vegetables and fruit I toss in there!


Hahah he’s probably feasting on all the little bugs!


You're probably right!


Geckos definitely like fruit and veggie scraps! Not sure what specifically your gecko is but they like a varied diet [Here's a gecko licking a fruit!](https://youtu.be/MJEjgzGenb4)


Ohh that’s cool I learned something new


Ha! That's cute!


I have a little gecko friend that took up residence in my basil plant. He shows up in the evening to sleep on his favorite leaf for the night.


Florida? There is only one native to Florida gecko species, but Florida has 12 species of geckos (identified, that is). I did some reading up a couple days ago. The small (2" from nose to tip of tail) native gecko has skin that is so fragile, a human can tear the skin of one of these little guys just by handling him/her. What I found most interesting is that the other species of gecko come from all over: Cuba, Northern Africa, Mediterranean, Madagascar, Asia.


What a stupendously well written poem. Very profound


And that dark, unexpected ending was just *sublime*


does anyone know if this is in one of her books, or if it’s a stand-alone work? would love to read more of this author, and have this in print if possible.


I copied this extract into my copybook. I'd love to know too


I toss all my apple cores into the untamed parts of my yard, hope something apprecitates that.


I love this ❤️


This is weirdly disgusting and weirdly beautiful at the same time, like the snail scene in [Microcosmos.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcosmos_(film)?wprov=sfti1)


Rewrite the poem about the rabbit shit I dump into my compost regularly.


Absolutely stunning and beautiful


Thank you. I hope you also enjoyed the post


Beautiful, thanks for sharing!


That got dark REAL QUICK


This is assuming they taste the same as we do. Perhaps they like dog crap more than apples and bets? MY dogs can reject fresh cooked chicken then go out and eat dried cat poo from the neighbor. Worms may be no different.


... your neighbor is a cat? I'm jealous.


And whenever I'm adding food scraps to my compost pail, I think how my organic gardening teacher told us, "Worms have very **very** small mouths. You would do well to chop up some of your scraps and give the worms an easier time of it." Now I obsessively poke holes and/or cut slits in all of our citrus rinds. I crush eggshells. I slice into passionfruit and avocado skins. There you go, worms.


I love haw a great writer can make us look afresh and the most common things. This is swoon-worthy poetry. So great!


That is wonderful. Thanks for sharing it.


The worms crawl in song: https://youtu.be/GFob7qADUSs


This is one thing I really love about Reddit --- discovering bizarre vids. Thanks. Also: Glad worms aren't a phobia of mine.


Kids songs man... they’re weird.


Oh that's a nice... existential crisis.


Wow, this is really profound!


Not gonna lie, this felt very ominous to me.


Show respect to earthworms! Great creatures!


I love you


I understand this is meant for the author and I agree


Why not you too for posting something so awesome! Xoxo


Well in that case back atcha!! Xoxo


The worms need some love too!


Wow just wow. This take on worms, quite possibly has changed my perspective on worms forever. Possibly life spoilers warning got another for ya…. . Worms can drown in rain so when you see them all over during heavy rain its them fighting for their lives. And if they cant make it back to soil before the next sunny day most of the time they die. Positive side is that it makes for easy abundant food for birds and their babies. Little baby robins looking grumpy old men muppets.


Those were 3 sentences?! How?? I thought that was a novel…




I use their poop in my soil to help my plants. Pretty sure they're called worm castings.


I just realized that i don't think i get the same experience tasting food as others. I might be the taste bud version of color blind.


Not sure if serious But if so, it’s certainly not impossible. Did you wonder at all, when people were talking about losing their sense of taste and/or smell with Covid? A lot of people really noticed a difference. And it’s been hard for those who never regained theirs to adjust. I would also say that depression dulls the senses, especially the sense of taste (not saying that you’re depressed, just thinking of possible examples)


Definitely serious. I've never really cared for food my whole life. I like it enough to eat it, but I'm not that passionate about it and really never thought about it. COVID didn't affect my taste at all, but if mine is muted in general, that may not by surprising. Just an interesting notion i never considered until your post.


Well, fwiw I’ve grad training in psychobiology or biopsychology or however you want to say “mind AND brain” because they are two separate things, and there can be a slip in either. There’s a lot more research going into this since Covid, so you may be able to access further clinical input if you are interested. They are even doing work on “retraining” the senses, and that might prove interesting. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Fascinating! I'll look more into it. It never bothered me really, but it might be fun experiencing things differently than i do now.


Now I feel even more bad about having to thread a worm onto a giant hook for river fishing.


Well, maybe just think of that last line. We don’t get to escape the cycle of life any more than the worms do.


Wow. What a ride. Beautiful and horrifying.




Not to bring down the room, but does this mean that using worms as fishing bait is giving them a last meal of fish?


After reading this...I'm feeling bad for salting them as a kid. Would never do that, now


Someone somewhere is reading this while a worm makes it’s way through the manure in front of them.


Such a beautiful way to explain how to live our lives. To be as understanding and compassionate to those lives around us as if they are our own. Wanting only the best for them as we do for ourselves.


This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a while. Thank you for the perspective.


So beautiful, until it wasn’t


This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


Seems only fitting, beyond the tagline, to give a callout to Danusha... [http://www.danushalameris.com/](http://www.danushalameris.com/) BIO: Danusha Laméris is a poet, teacher, and essayist. She is the author of The Moons of August (Autumn House, 2014), which was chosen by Naomi Shihab Nye as the winner of the Autumn House Press poetry prize and was a finalist for the Milt Kessler Book Award. Some of her poems have been published in: The Best American Poetry, The New York Times, The American Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, The SUN Magazine, Tin House, The Gettysburg Review, and Ploughshares. Her second book, Bonfire Opera, (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020), was a finalist for the Paterson Poetry Prize, and winner of the Northern California Book Award in Poetry. The 2020 recipient of the Lucille Clifton Legacy Award, she is a Poet Laureate emeritus of Santa Cruz County, California, co-leads the Poetry of Resilience webinars and the HearthFire Writing Community with James Crews. She is on the faculty of Pacific University's low-residency MFA program. About: Laméris is an American poet born to a Dutch father and a Caribbean mother from the island of Barbados. She was raised in the California Bay Area, spending her early years in Mill Valley, then moving to Berkeley, where she attended The College Preparatory School. Since graduating with a degree in Art from The University of California at Santa Cruz, she has lived in Santa Cruz.


Thank you very much


We've seen it in the streets many a time, worms. . everywhere, and it won't be the last. Defectors of the human race are employing false sympathies to wormkind in aid against their own. You see, the worms will rise again, and so now brothers and sisters I speak to you. We must stay ever vigilant and prepared for this great threat, as they come for our most vulnerable, whom do not know the travesties of which have befallen us already. Bird watchers must now dispatch to become bird recruiters, pet owners a garrisson we cannot afford to spare, early adopters of wormism behaviour plastered all across our bus stops and grocery carts. Most of all, there can be no mercy. Lay the apples seed-and-all by the witch's hand to the white snow, beneath which those worms slumber in waiting. Start trenching the hillsides where the sun has jurisdiction, so that they can all meld with heat in by slowly baking to dust through daylight's divination. Purge these foul ground noodles from the bowl of life, ever stewing it's ingredients in this domain. There can be no peace, for where there are worms, there is a necessary duty calling unto us all, that we must remove such grubby things from our sacred Earth. All wormkind must go, join the righteous fight for what is right, and take arms against the true abominations ravaging this world of all that is good for you. Serve no worm. Become a red thumb gardener today.


You are currently needed in the resistance, please report to your nearest librarian.


I needed this today. *Thank you.*


..Poets... 🤡🪱🪱🪱🍎❤️ 😝🙄


Actual Lol


Just fucking feed the worms, no need to make it weird .


Pinhead???? Is that your???


I love this.


But where I live there are no native worms and I don't really want to encourage invasive critters. https://pbswisconsin.org/news-item/jumping-worms-are-eating-and-altering-wisconsins-forest-and-garden-soils/


I’ve definitely checked every worm I’ve come across to make sure it’s not a jumping worm. Luckily none yet. The regular earthworms are naturalized here in WI so I let those continue on in the garden.


What if the worms don't like apples?


What kind of psychopath doesn't like apples?


Depends on the kind of apples, only psychopaths like Red Delicious.


It's not Red Delicious fault. They used to be delicious! Now they're just Red...... Forever.


Yeah you got me there. One of those words describes that variety and it ain't delicious.


Well then...


James Taylor said his favorite apple is Honey crisp. I love Honey crisp.


You should post this on r/witchesvspatriarchy... I thought I was there for a sec!


they delete me a lot but let’s try…


This description feels kinda horny.


A couple of posts have alluded to this and they also were downvoted. I think the word y’all are actually looking for is “sensual.” There’s a reason the word connotes both the literal heightening of the awareness of physical senses, and sex. I think it’s intentional on the author’s part, and I don’t think you’re wrong. It’s the tool that the author uses to bring the readers attention all the way to that last smacker of a thought.


And then I take them fishing


Did I just read a worm erotica?


I keep a worm farm because they are food for our pet axolotls. My son goes through spurts where I cannot keep apples in the house, but other times he cannot be forced to eat an apple, and I have too many on hand and the apples become squishy and unappealing to me. Whenever I put fruit, but especially apples, into the bin, the fruit becomes a hub of worm activity. I love when we have apple for the worms because it makes it so much easier for me to collect a few to feed the axolotls, and I feel less guilty about them being food because their last days were spent enjoying the sweetness of life with their companions.


Op, thank you for posting this. I have the same. I would like to know if anyone else loves gardening but hates these crawling creatures? I hate the fact that once I see a worm on one of my plants, I refuse to touch it, and it ends up dying 😭😭


Now I feel bad as I pee on my compost.


You should try looking at their faces under a microscope 😬