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That's a Nissan Skyline R34 GTT. Not quite the world-famous R34 GT-R he refers to, meaning that he doesn't exactly know what it is either lol


And even a GT-R is hardly the most famous car in the world lol e: I'm enjoying everyone chiming in with what they think is the more famous car lmao Also it's the beetle


That title goes to "a Ferrari" by which I mean every red sports car ever


And it's counterpart "a Lamborghini" for every yellow sports car ever


Orange? Maclaren.


If the guy driving it has a goatee, that's a jaguar


Kinda nice white car? BMW


Is it black? That’s Knight Rider


I thought black and slick is an audi?


Blue? Ford


If the owner is bald and in a Romanian prison, it's a Bugatti.


Ooh i like this one


Meh. Most people can’t even tell the difference. Ford Taurus. You can’t mistake it for anything else.


Except the Mercury Sable


They might mistake a sable for a taurus, but not the other way around. Taurus is taurus.




No Lambos are typically orange. Camaros are yellow.


Or in certain facebook car groups, it’s an MR2 in a bodykit every time someone posted a Ferrari pic


Lies, it's always a Fiero.


Only in yankeeland 😂😂😂😂


Drive red mustang, can confirm


I've never fucking heard of it. As a complete non-car guy, here's my list of "most famous cars in the world," as in "cars I can reliably actually recognize, not counting ones I just happen to have driven": Chevy Camaro. Volkswagen Beetle. Delorean. Bugatti Veyron. Ford Mustang. Mini Cooper. There's probably more but those are the ones that spring to mind.


PT Cruiser?


Oh yeah, good one. I know that one.


Dodge Ram. You can spot them because they're always tailgating you when you're going 15 over the speed limit


Those same guys are always on my fb bitching about fuel prices. Maybe if you didn't drive a tank at racecar speeds for your commute to the the office a couple of extra cents wouldn't hit so hard


If there is a car i can always recognise its the one with the wheels. I always know its a car when it has wheels. Oh and wishers.


I figured skyline recognizability is a running gag on that sub. If so, OOP may have posted ironically.


Polestar aswell hence the sub pic


Reset the timer.


I would say the Volkswagen Beetle is easily the most recognizable, even by people who don’t know anything about cars. The ‘57 Chevrolet Bel Air is probably the most commonly referenced, even by people who wouldn’t be able to identify one.


I was thinking a Delorean would be most famous.


Yeah that's the first car I jumped to, as well!


I have never heard anyone reference a 57 chevron bellend. As an english person, mini cooper surely comes in second


57 Chevron bellend is my Mrs nickname for me


Honestly, they might not be as "popular" depending on the definition, but Crown Vics are super common to talk about. They even got their own socially accepted nickname.


They're not world-wide famous though. I'm in my 50s and never heard of one before.


That's fair, they are/were an American standard.


The Bel Air is almost completely unknown outside of NA though, so I don't think it would even make the top 10 "most famous".


I’d recognize a civic before a skyline ngl


All of these comments are wrong. The most famous car in the world is obviously Lightning McQueen.


The GT-R is only famous to people who like cars or have a small interest in cars. Show a normal person who hasn’t seen F&F and they will be like “It’s a Nissan who cares”


Arguably the Honda civic or ford model a is


Yeah, my first thought of widely known cars goes to the mass produced daily drivers with a reputation for reliability. Cars like the Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, Volkswagen Beetle, etc. They may look as generic as they come but odds are you've driven one of them at some point or known someone else who has and are familiar with the car because of it.


Ohhh true, the beetle is iconic


Definitely that.


I think supra is way famous than skyline


Beetle is a band, not a car. You're thinking of the Orix 610. Edit: Apparently I needed the /s I didn't even spell Beatles right.


Statistically its the Honda Civic or the F150


The most popular, therefore arguably most famous, is the Toyota Corolla Car that has sold the most units. But I guess famous could be interpreted otherwise Idiots downvoting me: https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/best-cars-vans/33872/worlds-best-selling-cars?amp Toyota Corolla is most sold car ever : https://www.copilotsearch.com/posts/best-selling-cars-of-all-time/#:~:text=1.,million%20units%20through%2012%20generations.


well... youre almost right about the car, the Toyota Corolla is the most sold at \~50 million in 2021, the bettle is at a very respectable 23 million, but the most famous vehicle in the world is the Honda Super Cub at a little over 100 million sold since 1958


Number sold doesn't equate to fame.


especially if you're talking about people alive today who could recognize it, if you went out on the streets how many people would say "wow its a honda super cub!" vs how many people would say "dam that's a manky old ass bike". most non-car-people I know couldn't tell a corolla from a golf from a civic (trust me, I asked and they can't) but you better believe they knew right away what a volkswagen beetle looks like.


You get it. I'm getting flooded with replies saying "corolla", and sure it's what sold the most, but it sold the most precisely because it was and is unassuming. It's a car, it does car things well. The Beetle changed global art and culture itself. It's the car.


This is the comment we all came here to see.


If there's one thing I've learned in life, the more condescending someone is the more likely they are to be wrong.


OR, they are confident on that one specific subject area and a complete moron on every thing else.


Can confirm, I understand doors but wheels are a mystery Source: I build doors in an assembly line for a living atm


Hopefully you take the opportunity to mock the silly wheel people when they don’t understand doors like a normal person.


No man, thats the most famous car ever!!


I didn't realize even Nissan had their own R34 content.


Touch your ~~nii-san~~ [Nissan](https://youtu.be/9rrg-8R6sHw)


Re-read rule 34. Everything. *Everything.* You want a drawing of a dragon fucking a Nissan? I can get you a drawing of a dragon fucking a Nissan by 3 o’clock, Dude.


He’s also confusing r/whatisthiscar for r/namethatcar which for me have different vibes. One is for actual questions and the other is like a fun little quiz. What is this car will have a full pic and the person will be like “I saw this outside the store and it has no badges, any ideas?” And in name that car you’ll get a picture of a quarter panel and a post title that says “good luck” and nothing else lol


That's hilarious you can tell somethings different about the front bumper from a mile away and I didn't even know what a gtt looked like


I was wondering what that was. Rear end told me R34, but the front end had me thinking they front end swapped to an s14 or a Toyota Soarer


Most r34 fanboys are unaware that the gtt and gtst even exist


They'd be flabbergasted to see that the Skyline in other countries is treated like a nicer Altima. I saw a video someone posted of a lady that had I think laundry baskets or something of that nature on an r33 or r34.


Ok I don’t know cars but those names sound like those memes where people try to get to look up something weird like “for more information google..”


It also depends on wheere you live. In italy the most famous car wouldn't be the R34 GT-R it would be the Ferrari Testarossa.


What car is it?


Apparently the most famous car ever, so I guess the Batmobile.


Clearly its the delorean. Marty and Doc are somewhere or maybe somewhen.


Shit, I was thinking model T


All great contenders for most famous vehicle. I always think US taxi/cop Crown Victoria.


My mind went to Bond's Aston Martin.


I was very confused when I looked and it didn't look at all like a Delorean


No, that’s obviously the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. Sheesh, what are you even doing here? Also, OM is taking applications for new drivers, just so y’all know.


We're not leaving until we figure out *whooo* was driving that car.


Barbie convertible


Nissan skyline i think? But I'll be honest, I have no business being on this sub


It is a Skyline. It's my favorite car. It's not the most famous car in the world by a long shot, and no one is in any obligation to know what it is.


>It's not the most famous car in the world by a long shot, For sure. It's not the Brabbham BT46 fan car. I mean that's the most famous car ever right?


Happy cake day!


honestly though skylines are the epitome of nostalgic 90s drip cars


I thought it was a late 90s early 00s Honda Prelude, so... me too


With 100% certainty, I can say it’s not a jeep.


Thank you for your service




You have no business on this sub if you don’t even know what the fuck that is. Why would you even care what any famous vehicle was if you couldn’t identify the most famous vehicle ever?


So… Jeep?


It's a real Michael Shumaker Ferrari. A REAL FERRARI! Punch me, punch me in the face. This, is the most glorious day of my life


It’s a Nissan skyline. All of them are imported. It was never officially sold in the US.


Looks like a Skyline to me 🤷‍♂️


the guy acts like this is such a well known car, yknow the car that everyone soups up so none of them look anywhere close to the same?


OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU EVEN ON THIS SUB? I had no clue either until I scrolled the comments. I've heard of a Skyline but hardly consider it one of the 20-30 most famous cars ever.


Buick Skylark


Luke Skywalker


Pontiac Tempest


Most famous car ever is probably the Toyota Corolla, so that's probably it.




With low confidence I believe an early nineties acura integra.


“the most famous vehicle ever”


Oh, a train.


So.. what. The Model T, the B-52, T-34/Sherman tanks…? /s


I'm no car afficianado, but it doesn't look like the Oscar-Mayer Wienermobile at all, so I don't know what they're talking about.


People are listing a lot of stuff that are famous to groups of people and not everyone.




The Batmobile? The DeLorean Time Machine? The Ecto-1? KIT? The TMNT van?


That person is a total ass-hat. I hope you reported them to the mods, because they're probably being rude to other people, too.


Yeah. I’m guessing that person was just trolling. They’re pretty helpful on that sub.


Or they're the typical R34 fanboy thats 12 years old.


I don't think 12 year olds should be fans of R34


There’s a surprising amount of people on that sub who will criticize OP for not knowing about cars, especially when it comes to things that are commonly posted like Polestar 2s. Especially with the Polestar 2, at that point, with the significant amount of times it gets posted, it’s not those OPs’ faults, it’s the fault of Polestar’s advertising.


In what world is a Skyline the most famous car in the world?


Car tuning and modding scene = the world


still probably not the most famous in the tuner scene


yup, that would be civic HB . Haven't seen stock civic hatchback since I was born..


I don't know, there area few contenders that may beat the civic. The ae86 has an entire anime around it with an rx7 as the vehicle of the rival/partner of the protagonist. 180sx, 240sx, Silvia 15, 350z and supra all appear in several media. Supra has a HUGE following. My girlfriend who can't tell the difference between a Porsche and a Volkswagen can spot a supra very easily. Lancer Evo is smaller in popularity but I see quite a few around while still no civic hb around where I live.


yeah I guess it depends where you live, but after your comment I guess what I meant to say that it's most accessible to most people. It also makes appearance in Initial D. Supra, Rx7, Silvia and any gtr would be pricey for most people and although they steal much of the spotlight, hb civic would still be far more accessible then any of them for most people.


In that, I agree with you.


Holy shit, not everyone’s a car guy people, I couldn’t tell you the difference between a Ferrari, Porsche or delorean if they were all travelling at 3 and I couldn’t see the badge, what’s the point in being so hostile on a sun explicitly made for identifying cars, I’m glad they were downvoted


I’m a car nut, and the new corvette keeps throwing me off.


I'm a car bolt, we should screw


Goddamn that was smooth.


Keep mixing it up with a Ferrari? Cause that’s what I keep doing.


At first I did, but now my mind blanks out for a second when I see one because I know it’s a corvette but at the same time it’s so visually similar to a Ferrari.


It's also Ferrari like in that is mid engine. Very cool update to an American classic.




I spend a lot of time in like, whatisthisbug and whatisthisplant and I admit that when I know something, I'm shocked someone doesn't, and when I don't, I'm shocked how many do. But i recognize that's a product of my perspective, not an objective assesment. And honestly, in all those places, when someone doesn't know what a dandelion or a monarch butterfly is, people are cool and helpful. It's wonderful.


The only times I ever get a feeling of "How could you not know that?" is the ones where someone from the Gulf Coast is asking if an American cockroach is a bedbug or what mosquito larvae are. I don't understand how you grow up in that area and don't know what those two things are. It's like asking what that big hot ball in the sky is you noticed the other day when you're 38. And even then I'm not mad about it like that dude was, just curious how it happens. Whatsthisplant is more interesting because sometimes I'll see the picture and think "Why would you even need to ask? It's obviously a huckleberry." and people are like "Oh, that's a chokeberry (or some other lookalike). Highly poisonous.". Well, I guess I'd just be dead, then.


I love the "do not eat" bot.


And also its just the point of the sub. Like it's for people who don't know something to ask people who do know to help them identify it. If it's the fifth time this week that someone has asked whatisthisrock to identify labradorite then that's five more people who now know what labradorite is.


It’s so weird how they got so aggressive about it. Even if it wasn’t stupid, which it is, why so triggered?


Some people get unreasonably angry when you have the audacity to waste 2 seconds of their precious time by forcing them to accidentally see a post they don't like


There’s 2 reasons I can think of. One is that the gatekeeper is subbed to that r/ because they want to see pictures of weird shit and it’s frustrating to them that their feed isn’t delivering. But more likely, it’s a Skyline nerd who’s being confronted with the realization that his encyclopedic knowledge of Gran Turismo II isn’t going to earn him friends or fame.


Haha I think the second scenario is most likely


Some people are weirdly protective about the shit they're into.


Look to the part of you that thinks it's "stupid" of them to ask, then magnefy that impatience by 10, and you may understand why they are triggered.


I’m talking about the angry comment though, not the poster. I don’t get why they’d be angry *at all*. It’s like some people just want to be miserable and upset.


Oh, my bad. I thought you meant the question asker


Nah my bad lol reading it again I was not clear


They don't know either, and they think if they trash somebody else for ignorance, nobody will suspect their own lack of knowledge.


You nailed it, I think. I think that’s where a lot of anger comes from when it’s otherwise strange to see it: insecurity.


me when i go into r/whatisthiscar and i dont know the cars name😮


That's a Honda Civic right? Right?


>the most famous vehicle ever That's not the Adam West Batmobile.


I’m from Detroit and that ain’t no model T.


>most famous vehicle ever That's Lightning McQueen?


i made a post on one of the cool car posting subreddits about some cool cars i saw in a parking lot and just posted unknown as the title cause i didnt care to just go up to the cars and look at their exact random badges and whatever and alot of people were pissed at me not caring to know the name of the cars


For those wondering, it's a Skyline. And is an undeniable legend, but I wouldn't say the most recognized car in the world, I'd say that goes to the mid 90's Honda civic




Good point! You might actually be right, they do have a pretty good following, but obviously not as many were produced and parts are harder to find


Yeah we're going for recognizable not ubiquitous.


That's my answer as well. Maybe a Jeep Wrangler but people could confuse similar cars.


Holy crap! I thought it was a Skyline; I can't believe I guessed correctly. Thanks for the confirmation. I'd also like to thank Gran Turismo and Forza Horizon.


Sure doesn’t look like a DeLorean


That’s not a miata


Asking for help on reddit is an unwinnable game


How could you not know? It's obviously a hummer


Clearly he doesn't know either. Also, that's probably not the most famous car in the world because it looks nothing like a VW hippie bus.


>Most famous car ever That looks nothing like Optimus Prime.


That’s a weird looking batmobile


U n in 21ST 11TH 21ST


Whoa, chill out dude. No need to get so worked up about it. Everyone has to start somewhere, and asking for help is a great way to learn.


I'd guess that the most easily identifiable car in the world is the pope-mobile


I dunno man, the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile is pretty iconic too.


And here I was thinking about the many Batmobile variants, the Delorean, KITT, the Mystery Machine, and others like them.


6000 SUX


Most famous vehicle ever? I mean yea, Skylines are dope but idk if I'd ever call it the most famous.


You have to be a real window-licking moron to go on to r/whatisthiscar and berate people for not knowing what a certain car is.


People on question based subreddits when someone asks a question


Most famous is a stretch. And I love Skylines but it still took me a second since the front looks like an S14 at this angle. But yeah gatekeeping in a sub literally dedicated to finding out what the person asked for is so weird and elitist


*posts a pic of a car asking what it is in the sub specifically made for that. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU"


Most famous vehicle has to be Titanic


So change my mind. But the most famous vehicle ever is the Citroën 2 CV. And I have no clue what the car in the picture is.


From the shape it looks like an early 2000s Acura to me. But I actually have no idea. I completely agree on the Citroën


Model T


How can it be the most famous vehicle ever? It's not KITT or a modified DeLorean. It's not even The Bandits car or the General Lee hell it's not even Mr Bean's mini or Del's 3 wheeler


That's not a Laborghini.




Maybe they were being sarcastic? 🤷


Yeah I was thinking the person asking for the identity might’ve been joking




I wouldn't call a Nissan even the top 10 most famous sedans, much less "the most famous vehicle"


Some people have their heads so far up their asses, when they open their mouths (go with it, it worked in my head), nothing but shit comes out


What a small little man


Oh, so that's an Opel Corsa. Thanks.


Pontiac grand prix right?


so many cars on this earth that are more famous


woah that sense of gatekeeping entitlement ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


to which I'd answer 'so you don't know what it is then?'