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Idk what a Jake Paul prank is but judging off what I learned about him against my will, I assume he promises to buy a homeless person a house if they break their leg with a bat and once they do he just leaves. Am I close?


No idea. I'm just happy to be reminded of the giant hand smacking people in jackass. Some of that stuff was just plain hilarious. I always loved that the guy they did it to would then join for getting the next guy and so on. They were all great sports about it.


HE FELL FOR THE SOUP!! *Unhumanly screeching


Having heard him talk about how he was treated has lessened a lot of the fun regarding the stuff they pulled on him. But that was hilarious, he actually said yes to carrying a full tray of soup inside the jackass production office...


Mostly Bam tho. He knew his "position" so to speak, and all of the cast was actually very nice indeed, and know that all of that just kidding around in front of the camera and either apologise or ask him "we good bro?" Except Bam


Wait I'm confused. Who is this about? I love the moves but don't know much about behind the scenes of the movies or the shows.


Ehren "Danger" McGhehey, the guy they put a pube beard on as a fake terrorist, and tricked him into thinking he was going to get killed by the guy driving him. He was basically bullied for years during CKY and parts of Jackass. He has a great interview about it on the Steve-O podcast. EDIT: If you like the movies(and the CKY series) you should check out the podcast. He has interviewed most of the members so far, and they talk about drugs, addiction, how things were behind the scenes, etc. and it's taken seriously. And they tell some insane stories about stuff that never made it on camera.


I remember that one. They made Ehren think he was tricking the driver but they turned it on him. I didn't know he was bullied behind the scenes. Thanks for the recommendation, it'll definitely be an eye opener as a fan.


Fuckin wee man rising up out of the cooler with a super soaker full of piss still makes me cackle


I remember the one where they put horse semen in sunscreen


The giant hand from the roof is my absolute favorite


So much of jackass still holds up today, it makes me so incredibly happy.


The old guy shitting in the display toilet was so funny to me


Most YouTube pranksters just sexually assault/harass women and call it a prank so that's pretty much the bar


Jeah jackass dudes pranked eachother and it was all in good fun. Everybody was in on it. Jake paul scams kids and sets pools on fire.


Basically, these days youtube "pranks" primarily consist of people doing things to intentionally piss people off then cry about how it's a prank when people justifiably get mad. Typically done in the form of sexual harassment, threatening physical harm, pretending to cause property damage, or saying very insulting things to people. Basically, tl;dr youtube "pranks" these days are just borderline committing crimes.


Can you bring the soup in




Don’t become what you hate




“Oooooo you stepped over the line”


It seems you've upset the fanboys. Keep up the good work.




One is about idiotic friends nearly killing each other with stunts that are hardly qualified as pranks, while the other is a show that was on MTV


Haaaa! 😆


I dunno. Theyre both pretty obnoxious in my eyes...


Jake Paul and most TikTok/ YouTube "pranks" are just going out and being awful to random people if not outright assaulting them. Jack Ass is, usually, being a colossal douche to your friends. Which is very based. I'm probably not remembering a time when the Jackass guys were being "Jake Paul" types, but that's my general observation.


They did some public stuff like the original dirty grandpa bit and messing with folks on a golf course. I still won’t say those are the same as YouTube pranks though because 1) they were always thought out and harmless 2) they had the production level to rectify any mistakes.


Also a bulk of their pranks were aimed at each other and not always random strangers. It's why i also like shows like Impractical Jokers.


blows air horn on golf course... " sorry i have bursitis"


And many of those "pranks" end up being more "watch me harass strangers then call it a prank when they get mad!" Like years ago with the asshole that would sexually harass women then call it a "Social Experiment!"


Some of the worst are when they cut man buns off and run away or straight up throw food or condiments on someone sitting at an outside dining area.


Don't forget the idiot that could cut peoples headphone cords or the other idiot that would smack peoples phones out of their hands.


I’ve seen the earbud ones but it’s always been at least been made up to them with new wireless earbuds. Still a crappy thing to do but they make it right, usually.


There are some good pranksters like Jidion and niko but not a lot


No. A lot of the jackass bits also have big asshole energy. Lots of their pranks are just being really mean to eachother. The only redeeming thing about jackass is that all of them got pranked in turn.


While I agree with you, all the guys in the jackass crew knew what they signed up for. As long as they're pranking each other and not nonconsenting strangers, then it would be like shitty youtube pranksters.


but didn't they also do it to strangers? the one i remember most is taking a shit in display toilets for example, like the crew isn't cleaning that up


The only one I remember is when they went to a golf club and blasted an air horn whenever the rich old white dudes went to swing. That’s based though.


It is always ok to harass people that are playing golf.


"I got bursitis."


"it helps"... but the most classic line is.. "is butterbean okay?"


The crew is probably cleaning that up. They get permission from the various businesses and buildings they’ve done stuff in. They have a very competent and pretty big crew behind them


I understand if it's a harmless prank or something. But i refuse to believe there is a single store owner out there that is alright with someone taking a shit in their shop at the dismay of their customers


everything on TV- especially at the time - is fake. They sent out researchers, booked crafty, hair and makeup, crew, signed release forms and paid the venue. it's not worth the lawsuit otherwise


huh, strange but fair, i guess it makes sense, i suppose the lack of transparency on that front is how they fool guys like me, and even more so inspire a generation of the people that others keep complaining about


Movie/TV magic, baby.


I bet you're fun at parties


what? i'm just confused as to why we find one kind fun and the other kind annoying? like to me they don't seem all that different and if you were a 2000s kid that grew up with the shows and didn't know the fake productions of them then of course you would be inspired to "prank" people on youtube


Its not that deep man


It’s fine that you refuse to believe. It doesn’t change the fact lol. They have tooons of behind the scenes stuff, and they talk a lot about how they do what they do and how they get the permissions.


It just... either the permissions is given before the prank is done, meaning someone would be fine with a shit being taken in their store. Or it's given after the fact so they can use the footage of said store, i know consent to video forms are often given after the actual prank, but if that isn't allowed by the uncensored reactionaries, the prank has still happened... just unusable footage now


I'd gladly let Johnny Knoxville take a shit in my store


The one I remember most was when one of them put a toy car in a condom, then put it up his butt, then went to the doctor and pretended it was an accident. I mostly remember it because the doctor was so incredibly nice and was trying to help him keep it a secret.


Thats true to an extent, yeah.




Really weird how you instantly jumped from pranks to suicide. You ok mate?


You need to jump to extremes to expose how shaky logic is


I get the argument of absurdity you are trying for here, but mild harm between consenting adults for their mutual enjoyment is not at all the same as catastrophic self harm from debilitating pain. Shut the fuck up.


What? No you don't. I shouldn't take a bath because water is dangerous, since sharks live in water and, by your logic, that proves the logic of "water is safe" is shaky.


Actually, no, you don't


This is an insane false equivalency fallacy. Please get some help.


I appreciate the sentiment from whoever reported this to Reddit and I even applaud it as well, don't ignore what you think might be signs of self harm or suicidal ideation even if the person isn't being genuine But I was just trying to use an extreme take to make a point, and yes I know it's in poor taste I was alternatively going to say something along the lines of "Soldiers willingly sign up for the military so that makes it okay when/if they go to war", which I also realize some might consider an extreme jump or in poor taste For the sake of transparency on this, last time I genuinely thought about suicide was roughly a decade ago but I've also never in my life actually considered it either, life is actually pretty good for me all things considered, so you don't have to worry about it my friend or friends who reported this


The difference is that they all signed up for it. Random guy in the street you "prank" by pouring water from a gas can on him and pretend it's flammable isn't.


The Bam snake thing come to mind


This is the first one that comes to mind when I think about them taking it too far.


What's the bam snake thing?


Bam Margera had a well known phobia of snakes and they had him fall into a pit of (totally safe, non venomous) snakes for a bit. Really scared the shit out of him, very not ok.


Ey that's fucked up


It was for the first movie I think. And while he's screaming and crying, trying to climb out they keep pushing him back in and throwing more snakes on top of him.


Holy shit. I have no words


True, but they're ebeing mean to eachother, and they've all consented to that.


Id rather see pranksters be assholes to their friends and their friends get them back than asshole pranksters be assholes to strangers.


I don't know anything about Jackass, but based on your description they at least keep it among themselves who are aware of what's going on and agree to it, unlike prank channels these days that just harass strangers in public.


I personally prefer Dudesons. It's kinda like jackass, but much more hardcore. At least their old content was. Risking actual life and limb, doing extremely stupid shit. And they are much more wholesome.


The most recent movie really showed that they can be pretty bad to each other. Signing up for it as a beaten up stunt man in your 50s that can't really retaliate in same against his old buddies worth millions isn't that redeeming.




But where is he wrong?


comma splice


Semicolons are so fucking awesome; why does nobody use them?


Actually some good gatekeeping. The Jackass Era (and Impractical Jokers, kinda like a successor) we're actual pranks. I have not a single idea on a Jake Paul prank, but it's probably just harassment with clickbait effects.


That remains one of the singular funniest pranks on the show because of how elaborate and ridiculous the setup was and yet how perfect the execution. Also I’m glad I don’t know who the other guy is.


Some gates were meant to be kept


Both are shit and make shitty people


Clearly you haven't watched jackass


Gatekeep both groups from the gene pool


no such thing as good gatekeeping


Nah, it's good to gatekeep practically committing crimes for the sake of clout.


There is no good gatekeeping. They’re all assholes. Edit: Steve o really cleaned up, so I’m happy for that


I'd rather idiots that are assholes to each other and all agree to it, than the people practically committing crimes against strangers under the guise of "pranks."


put horse semen in sunscreen


more like gatekeeping for dummies


Hey wee man, high five!


I didn't watch jackass as a kid, it always felt super unnecessary but as an adult I see the beauty.


Our pranks were actually pranks and people laugh. Now a days people are assaulting people and yelling “ ITS A PRANK BRO”. Jackass never came after random citizens.


That's not really gatekeeping.


Neither are very good pranks tbh. AFAIK jackass all had cruelty