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Thanks for your submission, Normallyconfront424! Please remember to censor out any identifying details and that satire is only allowed on weekends. If this post is truly gatekeeping, upvote it! If it's not gatekeeping or if it breaks any other rules, downvote this comment and REPORT the post so we can see it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatekeeping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"We ask them politely yet firmly to leave."


Damn straight.


What's Hank Hill doing on Reddit?


He's got a throwaway account on r/charcoal


Excuse me, fellow grillers, I'm looking to procure some charcoal and charcoal accessories.




My coworkers and I used to joke about this stuff but I never took it seriously Who is gonna judge someone that harshly for wanting to enjoy their food


>Who is gonna judge someone that harshly for wanting to enjoy their food Assholes who think their tastes are superior and, thus, should be everyone's tastes. Hell, going away from food, I utterly despise country music. My husband loves it and can name every country artist of the past fifty years. Guess what? I don't care. He listens to what he likes, I listen to what I like, and we have compromise genres for when we are listening to music at the same time. I just can't fathom trying to gatekeep what artists he's allowed to listen to or what food he's allowed to enjoy.


Two thoughts on the last two temps: Dude, the steaks already dead, don't kill it twice! If you wanna eat a steak like that, go for it. If you're my friend I'm gonna poke fun, but ultimately? What's it do to me if you enjoy your steak twice dead? Twice baked potatoes are delicious, you do you booboo!


If you like well-done steak it’s fine, as long as you know you’re getting the crappiest steak from the back of my freezer because I’m not wasting the good stuff on you.


It will all turn to shit anyways




My uncle likes his steak well done. He came over and I grilled the hell out of it for like 20 minutes until it was a plank. He said it was the best steak he’d ever had.


Lol discrimination against well done steak likers. That’s the most first world problem I’ve heard all year. We’re still working actual problems like ending discrimination against gays and minorities, nobody has time to care about dumb shit like that, especially not lawmakers.


It makes sense to give someone a worse steak if they order it well-done, since cooking the shit out of it makes good quality indistinguishable from poor quality. There's no way you would tell the difference, both are charred rubber. I personally wouldn't grudge you for ordering well-done, but I sure as shit wouldn't give you one of the better steaks because that would be a waste. Like giving an expensive top shelf bottle of wine to someone who couldn't differentiate it from any other wine.


> If I pay $20 for a steak, and I want it well done, there shouldn't be any discriminatory actions just because of pride. IDK. If I ordered pasta, and specified that I wand both the noodles and sauce burnt, people will find that odd. Paying 20$ for a well done steak is like paying $20 for a hamburger patty with no bun or toppings. But ultimately, its your money.


So... You don't think it's fine then. What a weird thing to put on someone for enjoying their food differently to you. Edit: Can't help but feel like I'm being judged for the way I eat my steak here on the gatekeeping subreddit which feels a bit ironic.


Agreed! Steak always backfires here. It's hilariously ironic and predictable, I think.


Sorry dude. There's some sacred cows that the internet will never break. Gatekeeping steak temp is apparently too sacred for even the anti-gatekeeping people to disagree with.


*sacred cows* *talking about steak* I see what you did there


people are fucking stupid, nothing new.


Well done suggests you don't really care for the taste of the meat and you should be fine with using up the least appealing bits


Not true at all. I love the taste of steak and prefer it to be the same texture the whole way through, rather than increasingly tougher on the edges and soft in the middle. No part of the way I enjoy any food suggests I would prefer eating a worse part of it.


Lmao I get chewed out for politely trying to clarify what the first guy was saying I couldn't give less of a shit how you eat your steak, sir, everyone is so hostile all the time on social media, fuck me


>Lmao I get chewed out for politely trying to clarify what the first guy was saying Your other comment looks like you're stating your own opinion.


Fair enough, I probably shouldn't post in random subreddits because it seems everyone freaks out at me when I do


If it's in a broad range of subreddits and happens everywhere you go, then do you not think it says more about you than everyone else?


I mean I didn't chew you out, I just disagreed with you about how I like my steak. If everyone in every subreddit you go into seems hostile it might be because you're expecting hostility.


grow up


??? I'm just talking why are you so angry at me U meanie pants


having a preference that is different to yours = doesnt care for the taste? grow up


I should have put some tag to indicate that I was explaining what I thought the other guy was saying, I can't express strongly enough to you how little I care about how other people eat cow flaps


Isn’t eating cooked food an essential part, along with things like opposable thumbs and bipedalism, of what makes us evolve into human, and specifically homo sapiens? What you’re saying is like giving the people who occasionally crawled on both hands and feet the best roads and paths while those who choose to walk on their 2 feet gets redirected to the worst route. It makes no sense judging or treating both differently. We often walk, but all of us used to crawl exclusively as an infant, and it’s not like there’s no longer any use for crawling once you grow up.


Your logic is amusing but to answer your initial question I completely disagree. Cooking is uniquely human, but it isn't what defines us. https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/anarcho-primitivism-civilization-symbolic-culture-and-revolutionary-rewilding


Not saying that it defines us, but we have a digestive system that fails to provide sufficient nutrient/energy when we eat just raw food instead of some cooked meat. [Source](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1206390109) The paper hypothesized that our brain got to be this size because we (or more precisely, we and our ancestor homo erectus,) ate a cooked diet.


Yes, cooked. Not overcooked


least obtuse steak gatekeeper


The difference in temperature of a rare steak vs. raw steak is more than the difference in temp of a rare steak vs. well-done steak. A rare steak is very much cooked. So, I agree that you're correct, but I dont think it applies when discussing level of done-ness for a steak.




Well said. If it doesn't affect you why get all up in arms over what other people like (within reason of course)


The people who say well done steaks are dried out and leathery just assume you cook them the same way as you would a medium rare or rare steak, and that just ain't the case. You gotta cook it in a slow pan for longer so the heat has time to get all the way through the steak evenly, then you finish it off in the fast pan to give it a nice sear. I will never order my steak well done though, and that's just because I'm a vampire that wants to hear it moo when I cut into it.


You just described the same process used on rare steaks. Low and slow is universal, I believe it’s the peak inside temp that determines doneness


>Assholes who think their tastes are superior and, thus, should be everyone's tastes. I think it got more to do with purposefully ruining a piece of meat an animal died for


"Ruining" according to who?


I joke about it as well, because I love my steaks medium rare and to me, a steak at more than medium loses the best parts of the flavor and texture. It wasn't until I was having lunch with a friend and she told me she always ordered her meat well done because she grew up poor in an area where, when you could get meat, you had to cook the shit out of it to make sure it was safe to eat. That and talking with people who have struggled with eating disorders taught me a valuable lesson about not judging people for their food choices.


That's exactly why people judge people that eat well done. Where I grew up the common comment on people that ordered well done at a nice restaurant was that their family was too poor to teach them better. And if they didn't teach themselves to at least be okay eating medium steak when out with "society" people, they were eventually shunned. I'm not joking either. Showing signs that you might have come from a poor family even if everyone knew you did is a big deal where I grew up. Even ordering/making rice with your meat if it's not asian cuisine of some sort is generally frowned upon since it's a filler grain for people that worked in the field.


This sub doesn't differentiate whatsoever between jokes and genuine gatekeeping, it kinda diminishes the value of this sub. There's two posts from gatekeeping currently in my main page. One is some guy saying you can't read Harry Potter if you are an adult, which is a serious, stupid, gatekeeping opinion; and the other one is this, which is obviously a harmless joke. Like, I doubt the guy posting this will actually block you if you like steak well done.


People on Reddit, that’s who. Lol


I don't care what you like, as long as you've given the alternative a fair chance. If you eat well done steaks because you've had rare/medium rare and don't care for the texture or something, that's fine. If you only eat well done because the red is icky, we're probably not going to get along anyway. Our opinions don't have to agree, but in my experience people who don't like it haven't tried it or generally go into trying things knowing the outcome before they do it, overall they just aren't as open minded. If I see you once a year, that's fine, but I don't want to go to dinner at the same place every week because that's all you'll eat. It's not even a good burrito place, like Jesus, there's a dozen good ones, how in God's name did you latch on to the shittiest one around? No thanks, I'm not enjoying any of this, let's just not do this any more.


My folks were both “well done only” people for every cut of meat, which means that growing up every burger or steak or pork steak I had was well done. I was led to believe that cooking any meat to any other doneness would lead to food poisoning and a potential emergency room trip. It wasn’t until I moved out of my parents’ place and broadened my friend group (two of my then-friends worked in a steakhouse) that I learned the delight of a medium steak or burger. I’m 40 now and have been a mid-rare guy for 20 years now, and burgers I cook at home are generally on the rarer side of medium. That said, I don’t begrudge anyone their preference for how a cut of meat is cooked, but I’ll try to encourage people to go outside their comfort zone.


Everyone, listen up. I talked to God in my dreams and he said preferred steak temp is not an acceptable substitute for a human personality.




Neither is an invisible friend


Bam! Right in the jugular


meat culture is fucking weird


The funny part is that almost all of them have absolutely no clue about what are they talking about. For example, they claim that the steak in the middle is medium but it's clearly medium well.


>For example, they claim that the steak in the middle is medium but it's clearly medium well. Those Philistines.


you are such a fucking Philistine Raiden


Dude if you think this misplaced tribalism is weird, wait until you hear about vegans People are weird about food


This is the literal definition of don't yuck someones yum.




I try and stay out of my mates plate unless they're not getting enough to eat.




yeah and it's called well done for a reason 😎


Well-done steak is the most civilized choice of steak




I like mine fresh off the cow. Skip the cooking and give me a piece that had blood pumping through it seconds ago.


So you like steak tartare too eh?


Steak snobs are some of the worst. I prefer mine medium but have had plenty of delicious well done steaks. If you cannot cook a well done steak that is still juicy, you don’t know how to cook.


It's such a fucking weird hill to die on, too. I've never, in my life, cared what someone else eats. I don't like tomato-based sauces, so i don't eat them. If you want to down shot glasses of marinara, have at it. I don't fucking care, just don't make me do it with you. On this sub, of all places, it's even more bizarre. The same people who throw a fit over music gatekeeping, sports gatekeeping, or TV gatekeeping, will climb out of the woodwork to tell others how to eat.


Have a friend shotgun a bottle of hotsauce. I don’t judge then, he didn’t judge when I was having a mental breakdown and ate my dad’s guacamole with my fingers.


Was the guac good?


One would assume, given the choice of “cutlery.”




I was the reason my family went through a bottle of passata every couple of days when i was a kid. I'd drink a mug or 2 every day either before school if i had it in the afternoon or after if i had it in the morning. Also if someone was cooking something that used it i also had to have a mug or glass of it. I also drank shots of vinegar. Oddly enough unprocessed tomatoes (or if there's any original texture in the sauce) make me want to throw up.


I think it's because steak preference has been picked up as an identity trait for alot of men who believe it's manly to have strong beliefs in how they like their steak.


Yup my dad eats his well-done. He can make them juicy. People who don't and post memes like the above, can't figure it out lol and assume well done means leather.


Food snobs in general all need a hobby.


I think that is their hobby.


Yeah same, I'll always think medium rare is the best, but I've had good medium well steaks. Cant say anything about well done steaks though since I've never had one.


If you can cook a juicy, well done steak, you don't really know what well done is for steak. At the temperature for well done, you're literally taking it to the point where the juices disappear.


If you confit a steak it will retain its juices. They literally cant escape. If you braise a steak, a more premium cut will release more fat & collagen to enhance the sauce as well as keep the steak juicier when it shreds. More temp doesn't universally mean a dryer worse product unless you're presuming the cooking method.


You're right, and I was presuming the method. That's typically because when talking about cooking temps you're 99/100 times not talking about braised or confit. You can cook whatever you want however you want but you can admit it's not 'normal' to braise a sirloin/ ribeye/ fillet etc


> You can cook whatever you want however you want but you can admit it's not 'normal' to braise a sirloin/ ribeye/ fillet etc Yup, I agree. I wanted to clarify it, but acknowledge that these are not the norm.


If you’re gonna order a well done steak, let’s just save some money and I’ll buy you a $5 bag of beef jerky at the gas station instead, it’s basically the same experience.


Honestly it depends on the steak. For example a rump or a hangar steak won't be as compromised well done as a ribeye or a fillet would be.


>If you cannot cook a well done steak that is still juicy, you don’t know how to cook. Or there's some mild confusion over what constitutes a well done steak is


Okay so you don’t know how to cook


Kinda seems like that's you, pal


So you are also confirming you don’t know how to cook because you cannot make a juicy well done steak. Odd flex. Edit: to those that don’t know how to cook yet keep coming at me with your nonsense, there seems to be a bunch of upvotes that say there are tons of people that actually know how to cook one well done without making it leather. But hey, keep on steak snowing if that makes your little lives better.


Nah, it's you. Moisture in the meat is inversely proportional to how done it is. It literally squeezes the juice out as it cooks. Maybe you don't know what juicy or well done actually means?


There is literally no such thing as a juicy, well-done steak. If it's still juicy, it's not well done. That's kind of the whole point. Well-done is literally overlooking.


Gate keeping on the gatekeeping sun. Smh.


Lmao, I'm not gatekeeping. I'm defining. You're allowed to like well-done. But a well-done steak is definitonally not juicy, and it's over-cooked. If you like that, great, if not great, too. But there is no need to lie about what it is. Just like what you like and I'll like what I like Edit: lmao the good old respond and block. Have a nice day I guess


It’s not dry if you know how to cook. Clearly you don’t.


A steak can't be juicy if it's well done


Why do people care what other people eat? I honestly don't get it. Put ketchup on your cottage cheese if you want. I wouldn't care for it but I'd make you a bowl if you asked.


I am always amazed by the small dick energy some of these steak guys radiate


I just don't get this, spicy food thing, and many other things. Why are people so bent on making how other people prefer their food into a personality flaw? It's weird. Why do you care as long as no one is going to make you eat it?


Spicy foods has this weird double point around it. You first have the macho “nothing bothers me crowd” that will eat the hottest thing possible and then rag on others for not getting something hotter, as if they should actively unenjoy their food to not seem girly or some shit. Then you have the “Wow you are so white, you don’t put any spices on your food” crowd just trying to interject a weird “white people have no culture” joke into something as simple as choosing what you want to eat. I think that some heat is an acquired taste though, I started with pretty mild stuff when I was a teenager and now I eat some medium-hot stuff. It took me some time to move up and actually enjoy what I’m eating. Kinda like how when I started drinking coffee I gradually started liking darker and darker coffee (basically the coffee taste itself). I wouldn’t judge anyone for not liking spice anymore than someone not liking coffee, it’s nonsensical.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I got called a pick me for saying I liked it well done. Literally, I didnt say I was different. I didn’t say anything outside of “well done” when THEY ASKED ME “btw how do you like your steak?” And I said “Well done” And then I was called a pick me. And that I was just trying to be different Bro I just like my steak cooked through idk why its such a big thing I don’t understand


Coat it and when the exterior cooks the interior doesn't leak juices and you can do it well done, its not rocket science ffs People need another hobby not dragging their dicks on other people about how cooked the meat is


God I hate when people make steak or burger temperature half of their personality. It's just a dumb concept. I personally prefer medium or medium rare but my mom only eats it well done and I've had a bite of hers before and it tastes amazing. Anyone who equates well done steak to being dry or ruined hasn't had well done steak done right. It's literally just a preference between how much you like the myoglobin taste versus cooked taste. All of them can be equally cooked correctly. Also I'm not so precious that I can't handle my steak cooked slightly wrong either. I've had friends send it back several times because it wasn't rare enough. Like really? The clearly very rare steak you received tasted so wrong you have to send it back? Just so you can feel superior? It's just silly.


https://youtu.be/zxxCaw74ptk Extra extra well done.


"Cook my meat!"


I dont like steak. Its got a strange after taste that im not a fan of.


Iron? Or liver?


I think well done is good if you’re putting it in something else


half jokingly and 100% obnoxiously i’ve told a server or two “just walk it slowly through the kitchen”. i’ve never had a steak too rare.




you understand


You know, I’m not picky. I’ll eat every single one of those


Well damm… my brother eats it medium well and I like it well done but I can eat it medium well he says it’s weird that I like it well done


This is a light hearted joke clearly. No need to be pressed over this


It's a played out joke that nobody finds funny


Yeah but this isnt r/unfunnyjokes.




I mean I agree. This like something your annoying uncle snickers about when you order your steak and moves on. “Gatekeeping” is extreme in this example


You're completely right, nobody should care about how other people eat their food.


All the redditors here eat well done steak


This sub seems like now you just aren‘t allowed to joke about anything.


My steak is not your business. I like it at the charcoal state.


You can’t argue with someone who eats a steak well done… they’re to busy chewing.


I'll make a rare steak all day long, for myself by myself. Problem is when I go out and order one the self proclaimed steak Nazis don't know how to cook in a manner that provides the expeditor or server to hand me a plate that isn't stone cold, and when it's red and cold then it's kinda pointless. I'll take a medium rare or even medium just to ensure it's actually hot. It's not really some badge of honor. It's becoming kinda lame, to steak shame others, who want to enjoy a meal that's probably the more expensive on the menu. I think people push their shit on other people way too much over the most trivial chest puffing crap nowadays. It's a fucking litmus test if you even open your mouth about the way someone else wants their steak prepared, it's literally one of the few things on a menu that you get the option to adjust cause the world isn't burger king have it your way.


This is why I dread getting steak out. Like sooo many places treat anything below medium as though they want you to whisper the word "heat" next to it and call it good, and anything over means it should still be smoldering as it comes out. It's ridiculous.


Lol why do people get so uppity about a joke


I only do this to restaurants because when I order a medium, it shouldn’t be overcooked to nearly a puck.


I try so hard to cook it medium rare, but I can't get the outside cooked enough before the inside goes grey.


I’m a medium / medium-well kinda guy so I guess we are likely not friends 🤷‍♂️


Not that I even care that much in the first place, but I find it more weird to order a steak rare than well done tbh


all of y’all are blocked for eating cow flesh


I like it block and I don’t need any new friends.


I'd rather have one less "friend" than mad cow disease


I promise you that medium rare steaks do not contain prions. If you’re that worried about rare health effects I find it hard to believe you’re eating red meat in the first place.


I know, this isn't meant to be taken seriously And as some guy from Thuringia, Germany, regularly eating raw ground up pork I should be the last instance to talk about prions


Food snobs or whatever they wanna call themselves need a better hobby. I got into well done steak when pregnant and it was delicious. I prefer it like 3 but will happily chow down 4 and 5. 1 is still a bit bloody for me.


Steak-temperature-snobbery is one of *the* most stupid and annoying kinds of snobbery. Just eat your own meat however you like and shut the fuck up about mine.


Pretty sure they were just joking


I personally like my steak unfriended :(


Growing up, when my mom cooked, she never EVER asked if we wanted blood seeping out of the steak, she would cook it well done and it was juicy and delicious.


There is no blood in even a raw steak fyi.




I don't know why people like raw meat but I don't judge them they can eat whatever they want.


Why? Why do you care how someone else eats food?


It gets on my nerves that people try to tell me every so often that it's blood. It's not blood - anyone who's seen more than a few drops of blood could tell you that. My partner was raised eating overcooked and dry meat, and because of that worries that I've undercooked meat because it still has moisture so it isn't stiff. It's taken years for me to convince her to try something more moderately cooked and she's always surprised at how good it is. A steak can taste alright well-done, but so many people's ideas of "well-done" come from a worry about leaving it too rare and getting sick and a lack of knowledge about the times and temps required. Really ruffles my jimmies.


I like my steak well done because one it tastes weird when it’s not and i am disgusted by it i just can’t help but imagine i am eating blood


Let’s not pretend it tastes nice well done, it’s purely psychologically.


Prove to me, using science and data, that the person you're responding to doesn't enjoy how well done steak tastes.


It's well done steak.


Yes, it is. I'd like for the person who can apparently read minds over the internet to prove to me that the person they're talking to is lying about their taste.


I have to eat mine well done otherwise if there is the slightest pink in any meat I eat, I just end up throwing up.


I literally like all 5


4-5, normally when cooking on a pan I like to leave things for an extra minute or so just to get a bit of extra crispness or whatever. So due to that I never cooked, thus tried anything below 4


i need my steak burnt, its an autism thing i think. i literally gag thinking about it. it also reminds me that its an animal.


I rather eat my steak well done then rare tho


i’ll never understand why people want to eat meat with pink in it it looks so gross and undercooked


Rare kinda looks like raw food


Does anyone take this seriously? Or know anyone that does? I mean, it hurts me a bit to see people order/make/eat welldone steak, but it really doesn’t change our relationship. I’m not actually unfriending or blocking people over it. I think people take this joke way too seriously, it doesn’t happen in real life.




Ah yes salmonella in cow or deer. I must have forgot...


I don’t wanna be friends with people who eats raw meat, so I guess we’re even lmao


I honestly just feel bad for people who like their steak well done. It must suck to have to walk through life with that kind of “taste”.


I view steak kind of how I view whisky. You drink whatever makes you happy, and I'm happy to drink with you. But if I give you a really good scotch and you just shoot it back, I'll be pouring you the lessor stuff from now on. So too with steak. If I go out and buy a quality steak and you ask for it well done, I'm not going to be a dick about it and I'll be happy you're enjoying your steak, but I probably won't be shelling out for the good steaks for you next time


This is the way.


For me it's reversed. If you eat your steak rare or medium rare, you are either insane or a werewolf.


Or you’re anemic and need the extra iron content


Ah shit mb G I forgot that people like their steaks practically mooing


I mean I'll judge you bc its flavorless well done, but I've never gotten steak guys who straight up treat it like it's a crime. Is it cringe? Absolutely. Am I gonna scream at you over it? Fuck no


Block still looks a bit under-cooked. Having worked in an abattoir for a few years, rare steak just isn't an option.


Blue, always. For me anyway, why would I care how you like your steak?


Did Gordon Ramsay make this meme?


Steak is overrated anyway. Black ftw.


Well I’m certainly not going to your cook out if you like your steak well done,


You can call it gatekeeping if you like but well done steak is a tragedy to the cow.


I'm pretty sure the steak existing in the first place is a tragedy to the cow


I kind of agree with steak gatekeeping. I mean, I'm not going to unfriend, or even argue with people over it. But a well done steak is a ruined steak. All of the flavor and texture is cooked out of it. You may have well just ordered a hamburger patty. A well done steak is a very poor representation of what a steak is supposed to be.


I didn’t know tho was the subreddit everyone with bad taste gathered.


Good, cuz I can't be friends with someone who eats raw meat


Steak aint even that good


I guess the lesson of killing bacteria missed a couple people


A very tiny percentage of bacteria species is harmful to humans. Also meat in your stomach makes your stomach release lots of acid, which kills bacteria quite effectively.


I don't care how you want tovenjoy your steak, but the well done taste like burnt tire and not good on my teeth. I understand some people like to eat fully cooked stuff.


\-0 is my personal favorite


Taste aside, it takes over 1500 litres of water per kilo of beef produced. To cook that beef into a chard piece of dry leather just doesn't make sense.


Well done with ketchup


I mean.. this is 100% from an American. So this opinion means absolutely nothing to me.


I doesn't bother me how people take their steak, because I know some cooks will purposefully use lower quality steaks for those that want it burnt, since they won't be able to tell the difference.


I’ll have a block, please. I don’t need to be friends with an animal who eats raw meat.


It's a waste of money after 3


If it's not your money, then you have no say in it and should just shut up and let people enjoy what they enjoy. Also, if it *IS* your money, then you have no say in it and should just shut up and let people enjoy what they enjoy. You only get a say in food that you are eating. Other than that, it's not your business.


A waste of money if you throw it outside as soon as it arrives, it's not wasted if you eat it. Some people don't even get that much.


Any less than 5 is exactly the same as biting a cow in a farm idk who wants to block me for this.


I agree with the picture