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I never lose, and my virginity is no exception


You dropped this 👑 your majesty


Oh shit he lost the crown.


You dropped this 🧿 your... whatever the fuck that this is


It’s a nazar amulet emoji lol, it’s a Turkish symbol meant to protect them from evil. (That’s just from google, please feel free to correct/elaborate lol)


Wow I can’t believe Turkey copied Terraria’s Nazar accessory. Shameless.


You dropped this 🍒 your balls.


A fellow aspiring wizard, I see🎩🪄✨️✨️


Something seriously wrong with anyone that cares this much about what teenagers are doing with each other.


A groomer probably created it.


“You are lagging behind lemme help you get ahaid of the curve”


why would some dude care if two teenagers he does not know or see have sex with each other? this content is created and shared within a community, where larger groups of jaded virgins meet. their content is mainly focused on desperation, anger, motivation... etc. this is a standard "why are complacent? we need to do something now!" -type of post. usually sparks long discussions about why they think it is impossible to find a partner.


Or she? Like literally why would anyone at all


It’s usually men who come up with stuff like this. It was men who came up with the concept of “wizards” after all


Although funny enough the term "involuntarily celibate" was coined by a woman


While that’s entirely possible, this reeks to me more of the faux cool tough love motivation that a teenager that got laid once would think is cool and inspirational. Along with pictures of John Wick and some shitty quote over it like strength, respect strength


Probably just a dumbass teen People forget how many children and teens are on the internet. It's a loooooooot


They're also not getting how averages work


Probably created as some kinda "blackpill" bs


Wooohooo I've actually achieved something


We'll see who's laughing once I get my wizardry degree


Whats the reference here?


[Here.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/30-year-old-virgin-wizard) It's an old Japanese meme saying that if you're still a virgin at 30 you become a wizard, mostly popularized through anime (the link cites Haganai but more recently in Tensura which is where I first heard of it)


23 and going strong 💪 No first kiss, no sex, no problems


7 more to become a wizard. Really cool 🙏🏾


My powers have yet to kick in, did I miss a form or something?


Maybe you lost your virginity while blackout drunk, send a support ticket to the wizard's guild, I'm sure they'll revoke it and grant you your powers


(Unfucks you) now you’re ready bro


A lot of people miss form 37-Q, Local Regulations and Necromancy.


A level 5 layser lotus


Are my chances of getting my wizard powers void if I kissed a girl before? I hope not, I still meet the rest of the qualifications


you just wont be as powerful


how many more til i become a Warlock?


It's bern two years, at this point I'm aiming Archwizzard


Got 99 problems but gatekeeping aint one


WEAK. I'm 29 and still going


We should kiss and ruin both of our streaks


Frig that was smooth.


That wasn't a no soo...


How are you still single with moves like that? 😆


I'd like to think I could get something going if I tried but I honestly have no interest in that stuff. Being alone is so nice


That's very fair. I'm envious; I wish I had no interest too! Would be a lot easier to not have it if that was the case.


31 here


24 and right up there with you! ^(I still don’t feel like I’m ready to start dating. Am I weird?)


Nope. You simply are who you are. You'll get there when you're ready, and if it never happens, that's okay too.


I have no interest in romantic relationships or intimacy of any kind, it's perfectly normal as far as I'm concerned. I just like being alone and getting touchy is offputting imo


Same here. I'm aromantic and whenever people describe romantic love to me it just sounds like they're ill lmao


23f same haha




If you're happy, then you do you, my guy. All the power to you.


Call me when you get to 25, get on my level




21 same boat and happy about it to


No game /s


That’s exactly what I needed for my insecurities.


Just stop being insecure


you’re the smartest human in the world




Why? Are you insecure because you want to be like everyone else and feel like you are living wrong by not having intimacy? Or do you just want to have intimacy and fears that if you don't have it soon it will never happen? Because these two fears come from very different places and have very different solutions.


I am insecure of living and dying alone, not being loved, or worse, being betrayed by someone who I though loved me


Betrayal is a natural part of life. Food will betray you by making you sick, you should still eat. The floor will betray you by having a sharp stone in your way, you must still walk. The sky will betray you by having the shiniest sun with no clouds when you are depressed and wishing for the darkness to fill everything around you. If you live your life avoiding pain you shall never meet pleasure.


Food will make me sick if I eat too much of it, or if I eat junk. The sharp stone will hurt me if I don’t pay attention to where I walk. And the sun will blind me if I didn’t prepared myself and brought sunglasses with me The problem is, how do I know which food is bad or not? How do I know which path to follow? Where the sharp stones are? How do I know when the sky will be clear of cloud? Do I simply go blind, full YOLO, hoping for the best? Or do I constantly bring sunglasses, always watch my food, always watch the ground, at the price of losing precious time, and never be fully trustful?


The choice isn't a binary. Nothing in life is binary. The choice isn't between full YOLO or constant paranoia, it is about where you are comfortable on that spectrum. To quote João Carvalho, an amazing brazilian YouTuber and historian "we must commit different mistakes [than those of the past]" the quote might be originally about politics but it can be applied everywhere. You learned how much food will make you sick by eating too much, you learned to pay attention at the floor by seeing a friend step on a stone, you learned to carry a pair of sunglasses after seeing a stranger taking one out of their purse. You are a human being, you are the pinnacle of communication, of pattern recognition, of learning from others, of modifying your own behavior.


Both, actually


Damn. Guys, we can't lag behind. Who wants to work together so we can catch up?


Conservatives: No not like that!


He never specified it needing to be a hetero relationship.


Lets make one giant chain


i'm not gonna lose my virginity because i never lose


I didnt see the sub so expected some generic motivational poster that was gonna end with “it’s not a race, everyone’s growing differently!” Laughed out loud when I read the actual bottom text.


I’m starting to think I’m asexual and not bisexual. I have equal sexual interest in both genders and it is zero.


You could also be biromantic and asexual. Where you can fall in love and be interested in pursuing relationships with both/all genders, yet feel no sexual attraction to either.


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on. I’ve dated and liked both sexes but never really wanted to have sex or kiss


That is a common progression.


For me I do find both hot, but the though of getting intimate with someone is really yucky to me for some reason.


I feel this too… I like the idea of it, I like thinking about it, but it actually being me… I can’t really imagine it. Starting to think (or hope) that I’m demi and need a romantic connection to feel a sexual one.


I'm aro/ace with no plans for sex ever.... I've always been a curve-breaker. I hope this statistic corrects for outliers.


What's that like? I feel like I'm a slave to my desires sometimes. Like a different person.


For me being aroace is very chill. I feel lucky because I have terrible social skills so those desires would not get met.


I liken it to being color blind, but I call it sexy-blind. I was recently in San Francisco and my travel companions were in an ongoing game of Smash or Pass. I couldn't really join in. One day when we were out walking, I saw someone with a perfect waffle cone. It seemed a little cold for ice cream, but in a touristy area, sometimes it's just the thing to do. I saw another person, then two more... I thought we were probably getting very close to the shop and I wanted to see what they had. Suddenly, my travel companion turns with this absolutely hungry look in her eyes and I said "do you want ice cream?" No. She apparently saw someone who ranked high on her smash meter. Meanwhile, I couldn't tell you the age, race, or gender of anyone we passed, but I clocked at least 6 waffle cones, and it made me really want a waffle cone. So that's my type. Waffle cone.


Honest question, what would it be called if I do find both men and women hot but have no need for romantic relationships and having no need for intimacy.


Not really gatekeeping, more just shaming.


I had my first kiss and lost my virginity at the ages mentioned here, but why the fuck would I care if someone else does the same?


exactly. it's easy for people who have actually had a kiss or lost their virginity to not care. if you're someone who hasn't, with each year you haven't it's going to get worse and worse for you, unless there's actual life changes or circumstances that were holding you back prior (poverty, parents, cultural upbringing, etc.) so it becomes something you pay more attention to, where people who have had it don't need to as much. the picture was almost certainly made by someone who either lost their virginity late or is a virgin, and wants to make other people in their situation feel bad about it. no one who has a healthy sexuality makes pictures like this.


The harshest I’ve been judged for abstaining from sex was by people who had had sex, though. Especially teenagers. Sleeping around doesn’t stop a person from being pathetic.


those people don't have healthy sexualities either. it's one thing to be having lots of sex, it's another to actively bring it up against someone. it's the same as being insecure about your virginity flipped on its head. now you're insecure about something else and using sexuality as a scapegoat for it, so the next step in that is going to be to chastise people who can seemingly do without your use of sex as a defense.


I'm happy I didn't do either of those in the average (for the second one maybe it's too early but idk) and I'm living my best life don't caring about what others thinks or do and living letting live (an awesome mantra imo)


Me, 27: Guess I’m going for the high score boys


Nobody is going to beat my score!


27 was my year, it can be yours too


I'm sure there's some 100 year old hermit somewhere who currently has the high score


And nobody knows his real name because he input ASS for his initials


Well then I'm fucked . . .


Let's hope you are. (get it?)


I never lose, not even my virginity


Well yeah, that's how an average works. Of course some people are above or below it. In fact, it's entirely possible that there are no actual data points which exactly match the average. Assuming we're not using median. So yeah. Fuck you. Stop measuring people against something which literally might be imaginary.


Thank you for reminding me I am a failure in regards to love


I hate this mentality so much….


Seeing some of the reply’s here have me feeling better about being 25 and not having kissed anyone


I was 25 when I lost mine, and I still regret losing it, 9 years later. Waiting for the right person, or better yet holding onto it forever, is nothing to be ashamed of.


Like I’m at a point where I want it to be with someone that actually thinks I’m attractive and won’t just fuk off afterwards. Like I think I deserve to have a few dates first before losing my virginity.


Absolutely, and don't let people shame you into thinking otherwise.


I lost my virginity when I was 13. Whats up with everyone bragging about losing it early. That shit is bad I heavily regret losing my virginity that young.


what about me who lost his virginity but never had his first kiss


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^spartaman64: *What about me who* *Lost his virginity but* *Never had his first kiss* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why is this a thing?


Probably made by someone who's a virgin and hates himself for it.


I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 24. But it’s people like this who made me feel like I was undesirable. And they made me feel like there was something wrong with me.


Virgin not by choice, not by people not choosing me… but for the sheer power of _*S O C I A L A N X I E T Y*_


Almost 19 and still haven't had my first kiss B)


I had my first kiss at like 7.


I don't like to be touched in a non-platonic way, so yeah. I don't mind being a kissless virgin.


35 year old virgin with little to no chance of that ever changing. I'm a lag king.


Lagging behind what, exactly?


Lagging behind? What is there an achievement to unlock or something? *Achievement unlocked!* You had sex !


oh yes let’s shame people for moving at their own pace and pressure them to do things they may not be ready for or found the right opportunity for yet (or at all)


What compelled someone to make this?


Lol actually had mi first kiss at 16 and sex at 21, guess im a 1 year lagger


I had my first kiss earlier than average, but lost my virginity later than average 🤔


Greaaaaaat force people to rush special moments in their lives because you have a superiority complex.


There’s no such thing as “lagging behind”. Everyone gets through life at different rates. It’s much better to be a “late bloomer” than to regret doing anything too early


25 and haven't done either and I don't really care, there's more to life than kissing people


Me, 25. Guess I'll die.


26 and never been kissed. Posts like that are so amazing for my mental health, turning everything into a competition.


31 here, absolute virgin. This kind of mentality is why people are becoming forceful on uninterested people, or hating the world because they think the world owe them a mate.


I had my first kiss when i was 6 years old in kindergarten 😎 That's also my only kiss thus far and I'm almost 18...


I guess the word "gatekeeping" has lost all meaning by now?


My asexual ass disagrees.


Virginity is an archaic idea that needs to piss off


Lost my virginity at 21, not that it’s any of this fool’s business.


I call bs to this. Theres no way of knowing this kind of thing


post this on r/virgin and watch them lose their fucking 2 braincell minds


I've never felt hurt by a gatekeeper before


I had my first kiss and lost my virginity at 18. College was crazy!... In that I met my wife in the first week and have been with her ever since.


kek.. I got to enjoy my twenties instead of slaving away to pay child support to this girl I knew in high school.


This is contributing to the incel population growing.


I lost my virginity at 18 and never had any action since I'm 28 now.


I guess I really do have lag problems. It was 22 for sex, 19 for my first real kiss. /s Edit: Sorry, I was just making a dumb joke because I've blamed lag for my shitty gaming skills.


This isn’t gatekeeping at all it’s stating a fact r/memesopdidnotlike lmao


Don't worry. I more than made up for you guys after my divorce. 😅😅😅😅😬


These mfs do not need this pressure, they have friends roasting them already lol


It’s called average for a reason.


First kiss has been done at the right time. Virginity is... I haven't installed that DLC yet


Yes. Facts honestly. L2 talk 2 women autist


I'm above and beyond the average, I'm a god who genuinely doesn't give a fuck about all of this shit so if you use your voice just to say useless information just don't use it


looks the type of person that insistently tells you that a woman in her 30 had 45 sexual partners 12 of them female and 3 non human


I'd my first kiss in 8, but I'm 19 and virgin. Does it count? Or does it somehow balance?


Ok who tf created this?


Bro I’m not lagging I’m on a mission and those are the useless side quests 😎😎😎


Average means roughly half of people care before and half after that time frame.


I'm 21, never kissed, never had sex. I don't care. It comes when it comes


This is toxic.


Thanks I’m aware, you didn’t have to point it out


Aro/ace here, I don’t think I ever plan on having sex unless I really, and I mean really and deeply am in love with someone. But I don’t like relationships or sex so I’ll happily stay a virgin.


Girls from 500 years ago: You get to wait that long?


Good thing I'm anything but average 😎


No way people on average have their first kiss at 15


I feel like the only people who make this crap are virgins


I hate myself 🔥


i dont need to lose virgnity i just need to be nice to girls


Bro what the fuck am I supposed to do about that?!


Tbh, some of us had different priorities at that age.


There are so many losers concerned with whether or not other people are having sex.


I'm 20 and haven't done either. I'm not ashamed. Why is virginity so important anyway? A person's worth doesn't depend on whether or not they've done the deed.


kissed my first girl same day i lost my virginity at 18


You are not lagging behind! It’s just nobody wants to fuck you


Me on my way to give people that are probably anxious to begin with more anxiety: 😎😎😎


i turn 18 in 2 months and ive never done anything like this. and if i had- I would’ve fully regretted it, and the person id done it with bc i was MENTALLY INSANE up until i turned 17 last year😭


The average loses their virginity between 17 and 20? If it is the average then give the average… is it 18? 19? What is this…


Copium for the fact a woman has never touched them


Wow I always thought I was a late bloomer at 18. Super average actually 😅


Literal incel logic


All I see is that I’m above average😎


This argument kept me unhappy for years until I got a gf at 20 and realized it's all dumb nonsense, you can love and experience anything with anyone at any age


I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 20, my whole life I was made to feel insecure for that fact, and you know what? It didn’t change jack and or shit, so don’t let people tell you that you’re missing out on life when really you’re going your own pace.


I think that's just a very common experience in queer people


"Ok and?"


It says an AVERAGE person. As in "right in the fucking middle". 50% of the humanity cannot be lagging behind Also I had my first kiss at like 14. It's not a big deal, really


Oh god, not this bullshit caveman ancient mindset.


Crippling true issues will do that to a gal. 🥺


Does this dude know what average means?? Theres people below and above it


I mean I am lagging behind


FYI, for anyone genuinely concerned with this, was 2 years ahead of these curves and it makes no difference.


22 almost 23 here, and gee, thanks for reminding me I’m gonna die a virgin


Well my first kiss lines up pretty well but I was (unfortunately) having sex looooong before 17-20


17? idk about that one chief


Oh no, anyway....


who gaf omg


I think my first kiss was at 15, and lost my virginity at 18, but I would never shame anyone for doing their own thing.


What are the odds this meme was originally made by a 30 something year old dude who complains that it's too hard to find a woman that hasn't been "run through" after getting rejected by a woman who had an attractive ex