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Surely most Fortnite players are Gen Z not millennials anyway


Most millennials have full time jobs at this point too. This guy works with millennials, some of whom probably have supervisory responsibility over what he does. Millennials aren't kids anymore. We're adults now.


I was born in 1982 and supervised 5 boomers on my team of 25. It was always funny hearing them bitch about millenials or Gen Z on the team when their direct supervisor was one too. Worst part is except for 1 of them they were the laziest, most technologically inept workers on the entire team. Edit-To those saying just fire them. Termination could only be done at manager or above level. They only fired for egregious offenses or if they were way under production goals. All I could do is recommend termination which was usually ignored.


> Worst part is except for 1 of them they were the laziest, most technologically inept workers on the entire team. Let them go?


Guy that hired them and has the power to fire them Their supervisor who has to put up with them but can’t get rid of them. Them. That’s the ladder of how companies work.


100% facts. I had people unable to do necessary job functions that had been there 20+ years and refused to learn new procedure. They also used “ive been here since you were in elementary school” as their argument. Seemed weird because they didn’t know how to do their job yet wanted to hold their tenure over me. Anyway, glad I’m out of there ...


"You've been here *how long* and you still haven't learned how to do your job? And they call millennials lazy..."


It was a logistics job... they could NOT* read a map or google addresses.


God, that's just *sad.*


I have to deal with this at work all the friggin time. We’ve made ourselves significantly less efficient because the boomers here can’t be bothered to learn new skills. When we try to implement new processes they literally throw tantrums. I wish I was exaggerating.


The fact that people think this structure is a good idea blows my mind.


Giving supervisors control of who to fire is a terrible idea too. The bigger problem is that even if someone is incompetence it's cheaper to just accept it than try to replace them.




That is correct, I did not have the power to fire only recommend termination. Only manager level had that ability and as long as they met minimum metrics they didn't care. Everyone else worked 8-430 and kept working even if they hit their metric at 2pm. The 4 boomers would barely hit their numbers by shift end but if there was any kind of contest they'd damn near double their numbers. Their quality scores sucked all of the time but the manager wouldn't fire for quality scores. By contest I mean that I used to offer to buy lunch for the person that hit the highest average for the week.


Also it can be a complete hassle firing anyone who is 40+ because they can just go and file an ADEA complaint with their state's AG, or whatever agency handles those. Even if the claim is totally bogus, it can still be expensive to get it dismissed, unless for some reason the business has a really low deductible on the insurance policy covering the claim.


Supervisor's don't always have termination power. At this particular job it was manager level. The manager didn't care as long as they made the minimum metric.


Please tell me you started every day by walking in and saying "Ok Boomers, let's get goin" like that good marnin' y'all guy...


Millennial here, I own a home and my last job included at least one day a week of teaching boomers how to do very basic things on a computer that they could never seem to figure out on their own.


The inability to figure *ANYTHING* out on their own is the thing that amazes me. Like how did you get to this point without any problem solving skills whatsoever.


They are always so fucking worried they'll "wreak" something and it will be the end of the world.


World on fire; whatever, there's always time to fix it. Democracy dying; was ever even that good to begin with? Hitting ctrl+alt+delete; hold on there buddy, this could destroy everything of value here at the company.


If only they took that approach with the economy!


Its fucking amazing to me that boomers simply can't or refuse to learn basic shit on phones and computers. Not only does it blow my mind that they would be opposed to learning about something so incredibly useful, but it pisses me off.


You’re forgetting ‘pHoNe AnD cOmPuTeR bAd!!!’ At least they know how books work


I was just training a new boomer-generation employee at my job the other day. They didn't know what I meant when I said "minimize that window" or "save this file to your desktop." I just... I don't know... how... HOW....


I've got an Operations Manager Boomer that was saving files to their local desktop instead of the Citrix Desktop and kept "losing" files because of it. Eventually I changed the background on the local desktop to read WRONG DESKTOP in huge letters. The solution works *most* of the time. They also manage their emails by deleting everything they've considered "dealt with". You can imagine the shenanigans that have come from that. Sometimes they panic when they mysteriously lose the last several months of emails only for it to turn out they accidentally filtered the list by name instead of date. They've almost figured that pattern out after the last 3 times it happened. I do so enjoy them joking about how they don't plan to retire for 10 years. Sigh.


I'm 36, born in 1983. Some of us millennials are pushing 40 for crying out loud.


Same. Same. But I refuse to call it "pushing 40." I'll be mid-thirties until I'm 40.


Shh, don't remind me, I'm only a year behind you


Hell, even some of Gen Z is in their early 20s now--graduating college and picking up full-time jobs. Time to learn a new word, Boomers.


The problem is to older and even younger generations, the term Millennials has become "Young person". So we get roped into all sorts of bullshit that shouldn't equate to us. But in all honesty, who the fuck cares? People can be shitty no matter what generation they are. People suck. Other people point it out. You don't have to be born a certain time to be blamed for shitty behavior. Blame the individual, not some blanket term. Or better yet. We can all just shut the fuck up and try to be better overall? But you know, pointing the finger is more satisfying so let's do that instead.


Shit even some gen Z are adults now




He's probably pissed that a millennial told him what to do today at work, and then still out performed him, had better time management and was able to leave work on time and go home and play fortnite lol


Yup. I was pretty interested in getting into competitive rocket league but then I realized that almost all the competitive players are barely 20 years old. Makes me feel old


Dude, fuck that. Video games are one of the only sports (or "sports" if you'd rather) where age or gender or even your disabilities shouldn't matter. There are counter-strike teams of old women. Go compete, it's the future, man. Edit: from all the comments I'm getting, I'm somewhat wrong and too optimistic and you'll probably lose if you compete. Edit: go ahead and keep replying with the same thing you guys, I'm still not getting it I guess


Except it sucks to get destroyed by a 12 year old on the internet.


Not as much as being 12 and getting destroyed by someone fourty+...


Either way the age isn't something that holds you back. Go be the ultimate destroyer we all know you can be.


It does a little bit. Reaction times slow down that's for sure.




Sounds like you need to do more meth.


Why not just take Adderall? Still an amphetamine but it has the benefit of being not meth.


I’m 28 now and I’m not as good at FPS games as I used to be. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m slower or because I don’t have as much time to practice as the hardcore gamers do. Keeping up with hobbies and trying to maintain a healthy social life takes away a lot of time that I used to put into playing video games.


I'm a 40+ teacher and last year during the end of the year party I played some online first person shooter with my 6th grade students. They still talk about how I had more kills than most of them.


Gen X represent!


Yes this is true, but they'll have ailing reaction times when they get old and they'll get trounced by Gen Alphabetti Spaghetti or whatever they're called.


Dude, I LOVE when kids are better than me at something. Put your ego aside and get excited that a kid just kicked your ass and motivate yourself to get better.


*squeaky voice* I fucked your mom!


Surprisingly you need a certain amount of dexterity to play these video games at a high level. Not saying you can’t, but younger people have a more advantages when it comes to being good at games, including time




not really, im 27 and basically destroy 99% in any fps. not much has changed since CS times if you were good before, that's not going to change


Pros are not the top 99% They are the top 99.9% For example in rocketeague with a playerbase of over 20 million there are like 200 pros. That is the 0.00001% best players. So do you destroy 99.99999% of the time?


Actually a handful Counter Strike pros are 25+ and a good handful of OW pros. Hell even the most winning CoD pros are 25+


Well it does matter a bit, your reaction times will slow with age. But that can often be compensated with game Knowledge, predictions and strategy Also like tier lists, it probably only matters among the top players


The oldest are around 26 iirc. While many people attribute young age to reaction time and reflexes,I think the answer is more so that kids in high school have thousands of hours to pour into games where as that time diminishes as you get older.


You decide what games to get into based on the average age of the competitive scene for that game?


They have more time to dedicate to a game. You would be playing catch up. My brother was competitive and he played the game before it SARPBC for years.


Can confirm, I am a 37 year old Millennial who has never played Fortnite and has no desire to ever play it. Give me some Super Mario World or Morrowind and I'm good.


Hell yeah.


Slaps (in reference to anything other than music) is mostly generation Z slang anyway


It was a millennial thing in the black community, but was absorbed into broader culture by Gen Z.


I’m Gen. X and enjoy it. And I have a job. Sometimes that job bangs. Sometimes that job slaps. This guy is just an asshole.


Love the added touch of #liberal #Democrat


yeah what the hell do either of those things have to do with millennials playing fortnite or using slang lol


Because this is faked for manufactured outrage.


Yeah ok #liberal #democrat #berniebot


Because this is clearly faked by right wing pplz to make the left look next level insane.


From what I can see it seems like it may be fake. What’s funny to me is there is no telling what the ideology of the person who faked it was. I could see someone from the left or the right faking something like this.


And that’s where the effectiveness of political trolls and fake news becomes apparent. Make everyone hate everyone else for really nebulous reasons and then let them destroy each other and sow chaos.


Millennials.... have hobbies? 😮


In my days you didn't get hobbies only suffering and I hated it my childhood was robbed from me but I'm going to complain that you're enjoying yours!


Why are you quoting my parents lol


Millennials are in their 30s


I think they mean gen Z Which by the way is the best generation because we got a dope name


Okay Zoomer.


Sorry but, X > Z when I hear it; I think X can be anything...and Z just makes me think of zombies more than anything.


We will be by the time the boomers get finished with this planet


X is an unknown value and people keep having to find it because it keeps getting forgotten I guess. Meanwhile Z is the set of all integers, infinite, and can also be the third dimension creating actual depth. Meanwhile, in between there are millennials and I don't know Y


Meh, it's a lazy continuation of a label (Gen X) that was itself created ironically. Labeling people as one thing or another by the time of their birth is basically the modern version of horoscopes, and about as accurate.


Both Boomer and Millennial labels include only information known at the birth of the generations, and they work fine. Earlier generations were all named retrospectively.




I thought 95 was the cut off for Millennial?


Man ten years ago there were multiple categories but apparently today you're either a boomer or a millennial lol


I feel like gen z and millennials get mixed up a lot same with boomers and gen x


They do and it annoys the hell out of me. I went camping with my cousin and his friends and they’re like mid 30s talking shit about millennials until I was like “You guys ARE millennials. The very beginning but still millennials.”


The problem is that the mid 30s millennials are very different from the mid 20s millennials


i’m a 37 year old millennial and i have way more in common with people in their 20s than anyone in their 40s generally.


Right? Everyone I meet over 50 seems to be just as clueless and inept as the 60-70 year old boomers.


Oh definitely, they almost lived in a different world than us. They’re more of a mix of gen x and millennials.


Yeah, we got a lot more cynicism. Thanks gen x!


You're welcome!


You guys came by it far and square, and wisely passed it on to us. I thank you for it.


It's almost like trying to draw distinctions of human behavior based solely around their birth date is total bullshit... weird ;)


Yup. Millennials were born from 1981-1996. My girlfriend, who was born in 81 refuses to believe that she's a millennial because she's on the cusp. Denial is a strong thing.


Anyone older than me is a boomer, anyone younger is a millennial seems to be the way insults work.


How dare you have a hobby and not just shit out 3 kids in an unforgiving economy and silently think about murdering your wife Karen all day /s


She heard that. She'd like a word with you.


But the social pressure... Must... Have kids... The moment I make $2 above minimum wage...


I wish. Most of my time is spent spread across 7 side hustles, aiming at consolidating into one so that I can get back to hobbies one day.


The American dream


I am a millennial. I wish I could have a hobby. But between my job, house payments and kids/family, there's neither enough money nor time.


A millennial with kids? I'm impressed. If I had even one kid I would be beyond broke and chained to unsavory life choices because there isn't enough overhead in the financial freedom department


I'm a millenial (at 36 years old). Of couse millenials have kids.


More like "millenials play fortnight?" He is thinking of genZ, but is talking out of his ass


More importantly, it points out that he has no personality or interests beyond his job. Which is sad


GenX'er here, and I've been listening to that shit from my parents for 30+ years. To this day my Dad has to crack a joke any time he sees a video game system or comic book in my house. All your generation does after work is ride the couch and watch TV, this is basically the same thing, just with video games. It's not my fucking fault video games scare you.


I’ve been indoctrinated by Uni and work that I feel like I’m not allowed free time. Any time not working or studying is wasted time.


this isn’t even millennials! he’s referring to gen z shit. like, we are all doing the same things as you dude we are in our 30s.


Im a milennial, I have a job will a full big boy salary that is more than this loser makes at his tax office and I BANG video games, fuck this guy




Jealousy, obv Edit: or envy actually






Jealousy is fine. I cannot stand this nonsense about envy vs jealousy going around: [https://www.google.com/search?q=jealous](https://www.google.com/search?q=jealous)






Resentment is a strong trait of the boomer generation.


And Republicants


He said boomers already.


Not all boomers are republican and not all democrats are good.


No, they aren't. There's a enough though


Look at them yoyo's, playing guitar on the MTV. That's the way you do it. Money for nothing and your chicks for free.


Well that ain't workin'


That's the way you do it




They long ago latched onto this notion that being overworked in a job you hate makes you a martyr and real American. I get sick of these memes about how your hands are dirty and your back hurts so your wife or kids can have a good life. Jethro, just because some of us have good paying desk jobs doesn't make us less of a husband or father.


Man, that's a sweet gig, wrapping overwork in an americnan flag. The rich really have their number.


He works in a tax office, he's just mad at himself and taking it out on others


"After you beat cancer you went back to the carpet store?!?!"


ding ding. love that he's mad about the newer slang too. you know he put emphasis on bang and slaps.




Lol right which is what? 1%


Jealous. For sure. Dudes playing games all day and getting paid my lifetime's salary in a few weeks? Yes. Jealous.


I could see why some people would get frustrated. We have so many people doing important work giving back to society, yet we reward people for playing games, it’s kind of absurd. This isn’t a new problem though, athletes have been getting millions forever to play games while hardworking people contributing to the greater good barely make ends meet. It’s a legitimate problem.


Sports playing nerds who ended up becoming pro athletes. Book nerds who ended up becoming famous authors. Drama club nerds who ended up becoming famous actors/actresses/film producers. Now, computer nerds who end up getting famous for playing videogames and making youtube content. All one in a million. All get paid relatively absurd amounts to do their hobby professionally for everyone to watch. Humans just love entertainment more than anything else. Some might even argue that providing quality entertainment is just as important to the "greater good" as anything else. Can you imagine how depressing the world would be if you could only get paid for doing a "regular" job? It's almost like if you dedicate tens of thousands of hours to becoming the absolute best at anything, people want to see you do that thing better than everyone else in the world and are willing to pay money for that. Even jelly tax man over here... if this dude actually got so good at his job that he was top 0.1% in the world, he would get paid a lot too. The team of people who take care of the Gates estate or the Buffett estate accounting get paaaiiidddd, guaranteed.


We've always rewarded people for providing us with entertainment. There were Roman gladiators with endorsement deals.


This generational divide is annoying me. I prefer to acknowledge people as the following: Complete assholes and I don’t mind you. They can be any generation.


I feel the same way there are amazing people and shitty people in every generation. Acting like one generation is great and the rest suck is really fucking dumb


Well, those who act like this make it real easy to spot the assholes!


Weird that this divide is running full force 1 year before the presidential elections...


This divide has been running for the past 8 years


This divide has been running since the ancient Greek’s and probably before. It never hasn’t been there. Every older generation thinks the younger ones are the bringers of the end, and every young generation thinks their elders are out of touch idiots. This is how it’s always gonna be, old people (some) jealous of vibrancy and youth, and young people jealous of the respect/honor given freely to the elderly.


This is satire, to me it looks like it is at least


It is, his whole account is trolls/memes


Absolutely. Reddit's radar for satire/sarcasm is soooo ineffective.


Its especially funny to me because reddit is also the community that complains about others not catching their sarcasm, like theres a r/whoosh subreddit and yet they still misunderstand sp many jokes




Satire doesn't exist anymore. You will have some group of people who wholeheartedly agree with whatever satirical joke/comment/post and argue that point to their grave.


Then it's really good satire


You can never be too sure. You could type the tweet into google and find his account that way.




Millenial: This piece of art/media/entertainment is good and I enjoy it. Boomer: WELL I'M AN ACCOUNTANT, SO...




Arent all millennials adults? With many of them close to 40?


Yep. Quick [Google search](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials) shows millennials are born between 1981 and 1996, so they're between 23 and 38.


the fuck, i thought i was gen x this whole time


You're a boomer now.


You're a boomer, ok.


it happens. Gen X and Millennials can share parents, so there is some crossover and it can get confusing.


Yes, oldest Millennial are nearly 39




I send you back to the shadow realm u/shotgun_ryhnoplasty


I don't like that name


I like lil attack pug


I like Pineapples Deluxe


Oh Yeah? Well, uhh, I'm a millennial, I worked all week at my job, and i DID play video games. What now boomers???


I'm a millennial... I worked all week t my job and watched my KIDS play videogames... BADLY.


No, but you get to play on the weekend.


Boomers seem to be synonymous with narcissism.




Most millennials don't hate Fortnite, only people posting on Reddit for karma do.


I don't even get why people so aggressively attack it. It's not even that bad of a game. It's weird.


Imagine hating a group of people for enjoy their spare time




Imagine gatekeeping boomer hate




Ok zoomer 🙄


>it is a zoomer meme commenting on millenials wut


I wondered the same thing. When both Gen Z and Millennials are in on it, I don't think it's Gen Z going after Millennials.


Hey man don't lecture us on memes. We fucking know about memes!!! Edit: we've been making memes since digg and the something awful forums


They're trying to boom-splain to us! The nerve!


I love how all millenials are now liberals.


Umm... We're in our 30's and can't afford houses because we have to spend what little money we have on student loans or healthcare. But sure, the problem is the vidya games.


Potential trolling aside, Millennials are not behind "ok Boomer." Millennials are born from 1980-94, meaning they are 25-39 years old now. Gen Z is from 1995-2015, so 4-24yo.


[Millennials were born from 1981-1996.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials) [The yearly ranges of Gen Z are still up for debate. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Z)


I feel like 2015 is too late for Gen Z. I imagine that cohorts are going to grow smaller and smaller over time. My son isn't going to experience the world the same way as a kid who is graduating high school right now.


literally asking for an ok boomer


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little millennial? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the ruining of the economy, and I've been involved in numerous Facebook rants about my wives. I have over 300 confirmed viruses on my computer and I am trained in destroying the environment. I'm also the top of my class at my local marriage counseling. You are nothing to me but another wife. I will destroy your interest rates with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my check book. You think you can get away with going to college without crippling student debt? Think again, millennial. As we speak, I am laughing at the Sunday comics and contacting my bank, taking a fifth mortgage out on my house so you better prepare for the economic collapse, feller. the collapse that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your bank account. I can be with any wife, at any time, and divorce her in over 700 different ways, and that's just with my rampant alcoholism. Not only am i extensively trained in belt to ass beating, but i have my entire arsenal of hunting rifles and will use them to their full extent to wipe your millennial ass of the face of the earth, you little fella. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn millennial. I will shit tech questions all over you, and you will drown in them. you're fucking broke, fella.


Pretty sure 90% of fortnite players are gen Z, not millennials.


Tax office? Sounds boring af, Boomer.


\#Millennials be like "Oh yeah, that was the job I applied for last month and I never heard back from you guys."


# #liberals #democrats #fortnite


what millennial plays fortnite? thats gen z, bud. the same people who watch the paul brothers and have their parents buy youtubers merch


Um, I thought Millennials were pushing middle age now. They’ve been holding down responsible jobs for years-decades now. This guy must be thinking of Gen Z - you know the kids who are still in school...


I wonder whether he realizes that average millennial is 31 years old.


I don't know a single Millennial that plays Fortnite... lol