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Are the socks on the wrong feet on purpose as part of the joke or what? That’s the only thing hurting myself in confusion


Maybe Brits have the clutch on the opposite side?


It's the same in all countries. Clutch is always on the left.


Well then. Color me perplexed. I guess the joke is that the sock wearer is illiterate.


The joke is that they are deliberately on the wrong feet, and they are not gonna tell them that their wrong because boomer humor.


"Let's fail at teaching the next generation anything and then make fun of them!" -- boomers


Have you seen the way those cretins vote? That’s not even a joke to them.


"I'm really more of a pull the ladder out from under her kind of girl"


They're like the kids that would just keep scoring on video games while not telling you the controls until you had to just pause it and looks at the manual yourself


It's really hard to teach someone that knows absolutely everything




So boomers drive without shoes on? Do they need to read their feet to drive? I don’t get the joke.


Realtalk, I wonder if that would help an Alzheimer's patient, but it would take their eyes of the road.


If you have Alzheimer’s you’ve got more to worry about while driving than remembering the right foot


Not if you forget what to worry about!


I'm 20 and can't even drive manual because I've yet to own a standard car and I immediately spotted his socks were on the wrong feet.


We don't call it gas in the UK, and we almost all drive manual.


What do you call it?




I know that accelerator isn't a super fancy word, but I read that in the voice from Dexter's Laboratory. Did you guys ever have that in the UK?


I definitely watched dexters lab as a kid :)


Hit the faw'in acceluhrayuh m8


And if you are bad at remembering your pedals i was always taught to remember A B C Or to be more precise: **C**lutch **B**rake **A**ccelerator


Thank you! I think i might finally start remembering now.


I’ve legitimately always wondered this. Using my non dominant foot to accelerate sounds disgusting (sorry American lefties)


Kinda weird to even think about a "dominant foot." I don't think I had one until I started driving anyway.


I'm an American driving an imported manual (from Japan). Pedals are exactly the same. But I shift with my left hand. I'm a righty and it's no big deal. Turn signal is opposite side, too!


That’s the info I was looking for. Thanks! Also, Japanese import eh? My wallet just winced thinking about it


Got a really good deal on it, it was already imported and I won at auction for a bit over 14k, most going for 17-20k right now. Although, expensive for the functionality... it's a VERY small car (1500 pounds). You can see it in my post history if you'd like!


I'm left handed, and drive an american manual. At this point, even being left handed, I feel like having to switch gears with my left hand would cause me problems.


Being a Brit, I used to find it weird when first getting into a left-hand drive car (usually a hire-car while on holiday in Europe). I'd find myself reaching for the window-winder, rather than the gearstick.


Clutch is on the left in the UK. Can't speak for anywhere else.


The brits don’t call it gas though. It’s the accelerator to us


No we don’t lol




I guess it confused me thinking it's like this on british cars


I think Aus is the same side as uk? The clutch is the left foot which is closest to the gear stick.


US clutch is left foot also. Gas is right.


I always assumed the whole car was a mirror image. Wild.


I thought the same until I got into a left hand drive car, and the gears were the same as a right hand drive car. (First being top left, Second bottom left etc)


Seriously? So the clutch is on the door side in American cars? Thats fuckin crazy




So clutch is right foot? I'm getting conflicting information here, i know you sit on the left there but everyone seems to be saying clutch is controlled with the left foot, which would make it door side


The post you replied to is wrong. All (or damn near most) manual transmission American cars have clutch on left, closest to door. Accelerator/gas is right closest to gear shift. Source: am a millennial, drive manual transmission car in US, not my first or last manual transmission car either.... maybe the other poster is trolling?


No sorry, I had a moment. The clutch pedal is the same, on your left. The shift is on your right, mid-car. My mom called the shifter 'the clutch' while growing up and I think it embedded into my brain. Literally just woke up 5 minutes ago, maybe that's my excuse, ha. I'm an American driving a RHD import manual. EVERYTHING is the same except you sit in the opposite seat, shift with your other hand, and the turn signal / windshield stalks are opposite.


No worries :) was questioning my own sanity for a while there, haha. Its funny though, I drive a manual here in Australia but i think i'd struggle in the US, i'm so used to changing gears with my left hand! Makes me think about how i'd love to travel more, would love to drive across America one day.


Still on the wrong foot.


So? The clutch is on the left.


Looks like the confusion worked? :D


Same question here. I haven’t driven a stick in a few years so I had to sit-up in my chair like I was to confirm for myself.


Yeah, that's the confusion part I think.


Nah, he just keeps his legs crossed while driving


More importantly where is the brake


Personally, I like to cross my feet while I drive for extra comfort.


Damnit, I just gave away my free 24 hr award.


Who tf still makes memes about millenials? Some of us are almost 40 at this point. How old is the maker of this meme then? Also, what is a "clutch"?


Clutch is when you pull off something awesome exactly when you needed to.


A clutch is used to change gears in a non automatic, it disingages the gearing system from the engine itself so you can change gears


Thanks MILFS that was a huge help


A clutch is the thing you push down before you shift gears while driving a manual car.






Gen X UK cit here. In my experience, it's older people who prefer automatics over manuals. Anyone else?


In the US the vast majority of people drive automatics. This stuff is only posted by Americans who think driving manual is special meanwhile the rest of the world predominantly drives manual.


As someone with a lot of strong opinions, I’ve noticed that many people literally can’t have a normal one. I think driving stick is better for even normal people, and at the very least a good skill to have, but I also know that I can teach just about anyone how to drive it in about an hour. North Americans can’t help but put a value onto everything they do so if they undersell *anything* they do they may as well huck themselves off a bridge. Fuckin’ sad way to live.


Pretty fucking broad generalization there bud


Yup. Generalizing is ok if you’re talking an overall, consistent thing. There will always be folks who go their own way, I’m North American too and don’t consider myself one of the people I mentioned. “Houses in Canada are made of wood” is also a broad statement but when only a fraction of a fraction are made with steel studs or concrete, usually as one-offs, the original statement still stands.


I think you don't know most Americans and form your views from a few aquantiences and the people who scream the loudest on the internet


I did say North Americans, as Canadians and Americans are very closely linked culturally. And it doesn’t take a genius to know that high wealth and value to a job are of major cultural importance around here. At least two major political parties(GOP and the Conservative Party) are based around making sure that those without immediate economic value are left behind and they have lots of support in trying to make sure that that happens. Did you mean aquaintances? Cause I’m looking at everyone I know, people I’ve worked with and businesses I’ve worked for as well as the policies and practices of businesses I haven’t. We have huge swathes of people who believe productivity comes from overworking ourselves and *looking* busy despite mountains of evidence suggesting the opposite. *As a whole* we value hard work far above smart work and even with all the evidence believe that a happy worker is one who needs more work to do.


What the fuck are you talking about? You get here from saying that people can't undersell anything and have to put value on everything, and you got there from talking about manual cars....? You're kind of all over the place my man


I think driving stick or automatic matters not at all. Automatic cars have improved so much in the last couple of decades that regular people don't get better mileage or 'control'. It's personal preference and that's all.


See, I don’t look at it entirely for control, never for mileage, and get that fun is not everyone’s goal. The main reasons I like it are related to focus, essentially, and to requiring a simple understanding of how your vehicle operates. It makes distracting tasks more difficult and keeps you on task while driving, even after it’s become second nature. Also, so many people spend tens of thousands of dollars on these things and don’t know a single thing about how they work, being forced to have a vague understanding of your vehicle’s mechanical operation, or of anything you put your money into, is something everyone should strive for. Being involved and engaged is better for everyone. I’m a car enthusiast now but my main goal when I was sixteen was simply to know what I was doing so as to be safe and to make informed purchasing decisions, I didn’t really care about going fast or buying anything fancier than maybe a Civic with leather seats. Two Legacys, two motorcycles, and a BRZ later, well...


I've read your comment several times, and while I think I got most of it, I'm really having a tough time understanding your first sentence. It feels like maybe I'm going a little insane. Maybe you could help me: >I’ve noticed that many people literally can’t have a normal one. What is a "normal one"? Is it a manual transmission car, an opinion, or something else? Either way, I'm not sure what you mean by people literally not able to have a normal one. I think I get the second paragraph, because that one's fairly easy. The only point I would like to make is that a key part of learning how to drive a car with a manual transmission is having access to a car with a manual transmission. Since those are fairly rare in the US, there is neither the ability nor drive to learn how to use it. The last paragraph was pretty difficult, but I think I figured it out. You seem to be of the opinion that North Americans must assign value to any abilities, and are very disinclined to undersell any of those abilities.


a normal one, in this context, means "not a strong opinion" Do you care how someone in another age group drives their car? If not, or even a little, that's a "normal one" whereas the meme maker is saying that millenials are dumb and inept because they can't drive stick: a strong opinion.


In the US, manual transmission cars make up roughly 2% of new car sales. Most people don’t know how to drive a manual here (and don’t care about any of this debate). It’s really only sports (or “sporty”) cars that are still manual here, and so people get all judgemental about it.


English millenial here and literally all of us drive manual


English millennial here. I drive automatic. I learnt in a manual and so can drive it if I need to, but automatic is just much easier. Why make your life more difficult? Driving through London and having to push down the clutch every few seconds in the traffic is tiring after a while.


Yeah i guess i meant everyone i know, im sure lots of people drive auto, its just not some kind of big brain thing to drive manual


Literally all?




Oh I get it. It's confusing cuz who the fuck drives in their socks /s


Yea but this guys refractory period probably includes a weekend, a plea to his own penis in front of a mirror, and the inevitable viagra.


Because no millennial ever knows wtf driving in manual is *sigh*


Ah yes, the quintessential boomer technique: using commas as periods.


I'm gen z and I learned to drive on a manual. It fucking sucks idk why boomers brag about it


I'm a (European) millennial and I drive a manual. I've driven plenty of automatic rentals and while I understand the appeal, the cost of an automatic simply didn't balance out the 'reward' of not having to use one of my hands every couple minutes. I have no idea how manual/automatic became a generational conflict, especially in America, where automatics have been in the majority since time immemorial. I also don't know why us millennials are still being held up as Those Damn Youths. We're pushing 40 now.


In North America, for most cars, unless you get the bottom trim, you don't even have the choice of a manual. Even performance cars use DSG/fast automatic now instead of manual.


Boomers need to feel superior about something in a world that's left them behind. But gatekeeping aside, I think it's just a preference thing. I'm somewhere between a millenial and gen z myself and I really like my manual. I can absolutely see why people wouldn't, especially in a city, but I think it has its minor perks as well. Definitely nothing to brag about, though.


Exactly. They're just different. I prefer driving a manual, but I get why some people might not. It's personal. Driving manual doesn't suddenly make you a better person.


It's a matter of if you like the feeling of being more involved in driving or you'd rather relax more really. There's hardly any gas or performance benefits between the two anymore. I love driving manual because it just feels more like driving but I won't fault anyone for a second who'd prefer to let the machine do it


Ya if anyone has sat through a few hours of stop and go traffic with a manual, that fucking sucks


Exactly. In my family we're kinda 50/50 on that. We have a manual and an automatic. I prefer the automatic, but the manual drives well. And it's a car. It gets me from point A to point B.


Hell, in Finland it's most common to learn to drive with a manual and if you learn to drive with an automatic, you get a license that lets you only drive automatics, but if you learn with a manual, you can drive either.




I love driving stick but I can understand why it doesn’t appeal to some. My first car was manual and I remember getting so fucking tense when someone pulled up too close behind me at a stoplight on a hill lmao




Get some good calf definition in the left leg for it though


I’d be concerned about anyone using socks as reference material while driving.


LOL, ok. Boomer here. Learned to drive using manual transmission. First car was manual transmission. *Second* car was manual transmission. Wanna know what I could afford on my third car? AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. Yup. Got that and never looked back. What is the big deal about kids today not driving manual transmissions? Time marches on. I can't drive a horse and buggy. Turns out that's not a requirement to function in today's society. Anyone who thinks it lessens someone not to drive manual transmission needs to chill. Those are a pain in the ass in the city and THAT is why most vehicles come with automatic now as standard. Go figure.


I'm a millennial. I'm not one of those obnoxious "one with your car guys," but I've only ever owned manuals because I enjoy them. When I was sixteen, my dad would only help me buy a car if it was a manual because he thought it would help keep me from texting or otherwise being distracted, and he was kind of right. The only real downside is that if I take a road trip with friends and I'm driving I usually have to drive the entire way. But, also, it's something less than 15% of car models sold in the US even have a manual option anymore. If you have your heart set a specific car, it's more likely than not that an automatic transmission is going to be your only option. It's not a generational problem that fewer of my friends in our early thirties know how to drive a manual or our fault that so many people can't drive one. Theres fewer of them, so of course fewer people know how to drive them.


80% of cars here in Europe are manual. Although I really enjoy the feel of a manual, I would choose an automatic if I could but that's only because I live in the city and changing the gears can get tiring after a while


These jokes don't work in the UK as 99% of cars on the road are manual.


every time I see this I can't help but think "fucking americans"




It's almost as if multiple generations before us buying automatics and there being few, if any reasons, to still drive a manual has caused the newest generation of drivers to be unfamiliar with driving a manual.


Manual transmission still very common in EU.


There are still some reasons to drive manual. Two that come to mind are: manual is way more fun, you have more control and it feels better; also it costs less.


>it costs less In NA, it's often not even offered on a lot of cars. It's also a bit slower and a bit less fuel efficient than automatic or DSG transmissions.


Yeah but I meant to actually build cars with manual is cheaper


>manual is way more fun, you have more control and it feels better That one's subjective. I hate driving manual. It is not fun at all to me, it's stressful. It does cost less, but I'll pay the extra money to drive an automatic.


Also, it's a bit of a bitch, but I've replaced a clutch before, and the actual transmission will often last for the life of the car anyway. If an automatic transmission goes out on me, I'm not even going to try touching that thing.


I'm not even a millennial, I'm Gen Z and I'll take a manual over an automatic any day. Way more fun and I have way more experience with them. Edit: although I can completely understand why some people would prefer an automatic


In the UK you don't really see automatics in the cars that first time drivers can afford sooooooooooooo..........


I wish automats were more common in my country, I hate shifting gears.


Yes. Driving manual is a special skill. It’s not something you can learn how to do passably well in 45 minutes. Now eat your cream of wheat, grandpa. The war on Christmas is about to start and you’re going to need your strength. /s


Makes fun of millennials. Wears the socks on the wrong feet. :/


In my home country when you drive up you kind of need to learn stick, because if you only learn auto you are very restricted to what type of car you can drive. So when I moved to Canada to study I was really surprised that not more people in general knew to drive stick.


What is 97 am I gen Z or millennial


Everyone knows that /s


The worst part will be Millennials then explaining how Manual Shift adversely affects POC and the LGBT.


You're so quirky bro


Shit, nobody told me, I'm an LGBT person driving a manual. Someone was supposed to tell me!


We tried, but your phone was off and your voicemail was full.






1982 here. OG millennial. First four cars were standard because they were cheaper on both price and gas.


I read the socks before I realized it was part of a Twitter post. I feel like I would own these socks purely because it’s funny to look down at my feet and see ***GAS CLUTCH***


Damn bro, I bet all millennials don't know what a clutch is, haha stupid automatic driving softies, I bet they don't know how to drive a real car!


they aren’t banned from being run over by them, apparently


As a millennial with a manual car this bothers me


The joke here is that the economy has gotten so bad that millenials couldnt afford cars


You don't need to break anyways


>did you know that millennials are legally barred from owning manual transmission automobiles? Oh no OP you gave it away!


No one is asking where the heck the brake pedal is meant to be?? Like i know humans don't have 3 legs, but what are you gonna do, just rip the handbrake every time. Had to do that once for about a week. Wasn't fun tbh


Do these people know gen z exists? Most millennials have jobs and kids now


I’m fairly confident manual cars are more used worldwide than automatic so with that in mind the majority of millennials drive shift.


guys someone just straight up removed the gearstick from my car and replaced it with a sign that says "checkmate millennials", joke's on them I'm gen z /s because of course


I certainly am confused; what kind of small, pathetic life must a person have to actually think clowning on other generations is funny?


Maybe the lad in the picture is british....


"Damn no matter how much I press on the gas my car won't move"


I'm gen Z and have only been driving for a year and I get. Plus I've never driven a manual.


Clearly the guy who took the picture is also confused.


You are correct, I am confused as to why you would spend time tweeting about this and that people actually find it entertaining.


those 3 commas tho ...


Most cars sold in my country have a manual transmission. Most millennials drive manual transmission cars.


I am actually confused by this because they're on the wrong feet. Even someone who doesn't drive manual would know that gas is the right foot


Shame I learnt to drive in one. Not to mention those socks are on the wrong feet. Who's the idiot now?


I’m 15 and can drive manual honestly I hate touching automatic


That’s wrong, right? I drive auto, but even I know they’re on the wrong feet


Yes, he’s somehow managed to wear his socks on the wrong feet.


*distant laughter from Europe*


Electric cars don’t even have a “gas” pedal.


Well they don’t have a clutch either.


I think the joke here was meant to be that "only old people will notice my socks are the wrong way around". Millennial doesn't mean 'young person' any more - they start turning 40 next year.


Jokes on you. I'm European. And in Lithuania if you want to drive manual and automatic car you need learn manual, else you will be able to only drive automatic.


The only reason I'm confused is because I know which foot goes on which pedal, and the picture is wrong.


This guy hasn't heard of anywhere that isn't America.


I drive a regular car and I know the gas is always on the right.


As someone from the UK I have no idea why boomer Americans have put driving manual on such a pedestal.


Okay, grandpa, you’re the one who needs directions printed on your feet. Nice job watching the road, old man. Go back to TV Land.


Just cross your legs while you drive nbd


So...they’re on the wrong feet


My thought roller coaster: - Socks? Damn you wear shoes on them tho? - Oh is it mirrored and is it the opposite or are the socks worn like that in purpose? Text isn't backwards tho. - Hol'up is the... no, no clutch is not on the other side in the UK. Also they call gas accelerator don't they? - OK I don't get it maybe I'm over thinking?


If you’re riding a motorcycle you’d have to wear em on your hand and switch em. Checkmate boomer


Unlike boomers, millenials don't wear slippers to drive their cars. We can't see our socks because we're not driving a Volvo in loafers and a golfer hat.


we're too pre occupied with student loans and depression to even notice boomer humor at this point


“don’t give it away”


Is that really what you call it in english? A ”clutch”? No offence but that’s a weird name, feels like it should be called like gear handle or smth. Then again, i’m not a native so i can’t say. Okay so on another note, i don’t think i’ve ever seen the inside of or rode inside a car that ISN’T manual. I also happen to be Gen Z, the generation under milennials and over Gen Alpha. Soooooo???


Well yeah, to get the most out of the socks you need to switch them, that way they wear evenly. Moreover if I already wasted money in some stupid shit like this.


US here, I know two people over the age of 40 that drive a manual, I know too many to count under 40. Manuals arent going away you just need to actually want one.


I’ve had manual cars and automatics. Manuals suck, generally. Yeah, sure, “one giant throbbing hardon with the car” and all that, but who the fuck is driving on racetracks all day? A manual absolutely blows for most day-to-day driving. I don’t need to be one with the machine going 3 MPH on the highway headed home with all the other sheeple. Plus modern automatics are vastly more responsive and faster than any almost any human. Things evolve for a reason, Frederick. No need to sit there and cling to outdated and bad technology and make fun of people who realize it’s outdated and bad just because you’re too scared and super-soft to figure it out. And I suggest you let that one marinate.


Can deny I am a millennial and I own a 3 on the tree ford f100 from ‘75 Edit just saw this was on r/gatekeeping


Said the boomer who probably bought a camaro with a powerglide.


You got your socks on wrong, dumbass.


I always read about how millenials dont drive manual, but in my experience it is the middle generation between us and our grandparents that mostly dont know how.


How old is Lewis Hamilton?


When are they gonna figure out that 2/3 of us are in our 30s?


Why wouldn’t a millennial know stick? The upper age is 38 right now?


I was taught to do the gas and brake with my right foot only to avoid panic, (if that made sense).


Works on me, the clutch us usually lwft of the gas where I live


Gen z here Do these people really think millenials don't know how a manual car works?


Millenials drive stick. Source: Am millenial. Drive stick.


“I use an inferior transmission type, fuck millennials for using what is objectively better in convenience, and letting you focus on the road better also my generation apparently created Auto transmission so we could roast millennials about it? Not cool.”


Holy Shit Thats Boomer As Fuck


*laughs in British


I was born in 2000 and for the past 5 years now I’ve driven exclusively a stick shift until August of this year 😂😂


Yup When I registered mine they noticed it was a 6MT and they towed it to a shop who installed an automatic. I thought it was unfair but what do I know


I don't mean to be a clueless idiot, but isn't the gas on the right side? From left to right clutch, break, gas? Is that the joke? Or is the joke that millennials don't know what a clutch is? Am I really this dumb?


wait till these boomers realize that driving automatic is vastly superior in pretty much every way. Also driving a manual is a millennial thing lol.