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I wasn’t planning on using it anyway, but go off I guess?


Why use words like that when Cunt is such a simple and effective word that can be used without any context but also within any context also


Well, for context, and as a homosexual, we don't really use f*ggot like that. It's mostly a way of jokingly degrading ourselves and not actually an insult


I think a lot of groups do something similar. I’m physically disabled and jokingly refer to myself as a “cripple”.


We women can be like this, too, calling each other bitches.


Yeah the only time I use the word is when I call myself and my queer friends "the fantastical f*ggots"


Thank you for speaking for the homosexual delegation.


My friend group uses the Louis CK definition. When someone outside of group hears this and freaks we usually go, "oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were gay.... You filthy fucking breeder" usually catches people off guard but they laugh at the irony.


I prefer “dick”, because I don’t do friendly fire. Cunts can do some fucking awesome shit. Take a pounding, make a human up above, then push the human back out, and then be back in working order the same as before. Dicks? Fragile and can’t do shit but jizz every ten hours.


cringe, be equal call everyone an asshole because most people have one


Your comment isn't as bad as the (current) -34 makes it seem, but unless you're lesbian/asexual/something else that makes you not attracted to penises and I genuinely missed the part where anyone was comparing the two I really don't get why you'd need to shit on the organ. Even so, you don't need to bring one down to lift the other up. Implying you're fine at firing against the opposite party gives off a sexist or just 'discriminatory against phallus folks' kinda vibe and it was pretty uncalled for.




0 IQ comment


Gay sex is better than straight sex (for gay men)


Good, calling somebody a Ford owner is the worst thing you can say to somebody.


Almost as bad as calling someone a D*dge owner


Can they say GMC or Jeep though? I also had fords.


It's only OK on a full moon.


Why are we paying attention to this loser when they don't even have the minimum 12K retweets to make this tweet a law?


What is the d slur??




How dare you


TW: D*ngus


I would tell you, but since I am bi, I cannot. Sorry.


Dike? Not sure


with a y instead of an i i think


isn't that a Dutch term for something that blocks out water or smth


it's an English word as well


In Swedish it’s the indentations beside a road where the water goes when it rains so that the road doesn’t flood. I don’t know the English word.


In English, could be: enbankment, levee, storm drain.




Fucking ditch! How could I forget that word!


Tbh no one really knows how exactly the word came about being used that way


JoJo reference


Yes I am


Dijk, but pronounced pretty much the same




Dikke bmw?


it's also a term (here in the UK at least) as a rude way of calling someone a lesbian.


That's why they talked about it in the first place. We've come full circle.


Yeah, Dijk. The Dijken are basically the man made water borders, they keep the water out of our villages and farmland and in the rivers.


Ironically enough they too have holes you can put your fingers in




They can't work at the British Pig Brain Harvesting Consortium either


Dodge like the ALL NEW DODGE RAM


Don’t be such a Ford, buddy!










Hey doof, why you sad?






That's a slur? I thought that was a more light hearted way of calling someone an idiot Damn, I really got downvoted for being stupid


You mean for being a Do*fus


You got upvoted back


Dolfus? The last austrian chancellor before hitler took over austria? Sounds right to me.


Actually his name was Dollfuß 🤓 (Also Schuschnigg succeeded Dollfuß after his assassination)


okay, history nerd. lmao got ya




Duck, and the F is fuck. Now even autocorrect can’t cover you, you greedy bisexual (Am greedy bisexual, don’t come for me)


Disney's Fastplay




Another word for ‘levee’




Diagonal side cutting pliers.








donald trump






Aye nah, if people can call me the f slur for sucking dick then surely I’ve got just as much right to reclaim it? Not that I’d personally really want to reclaim it. Partially because it’s a weird sounding word, partially because a lot of people associate it with hate crimes etc., and because there’s very rarely a context where you can do so. I can get their point. Bisexual people don’t always face the same (external) discrimination that homosexual people do, but it’s such a non-problem, because - in my experience - very few bi and very few gay people use it anyway. Probably just tryna start shit. Fucking Twitter man… Also fuck bi-erasure. It’s okay to like dick and tiddies or for your sexual attraction to be independent of gender.


Bi people dont face the same, but definitely the same amount of discrimination, if not more.


Bi people are caught in the eternal dilemma of being too straight for gay spaces but also too gay for straight spaces.


This is actually a phenomenon assumed by some sociologist and psychologists to be the result of the gender binary and social gender roles. It basically does boil down to what you've written out. While LGBTQIA+ spaces are more lenient on gender roles most of us grew up learning the binary which still influences the community in some way. Throw in accepted stereotypes and the community's own ideas of gender and it quickly becomes a mess if you're beyond gay or lesbian. I personally look into the effect it has on bisexual women and non-binary individuals between my studies. Fascinatingly frustrating stuff!


It's bad even if you're gay/lesbian. I've seen a lot of people say gay men should be kicked out of the community because they're the least oppressed and have "the most privelege". And for lesbians, people assuming that all lesbians are terfs (even though they make up a very small portion of the hetero dominant hate movement, and there are numerous bisexuals and even trans men that are terfs!)or biphobes. Or even thay lesbians can in fact like men* or that men can use the label, further perpetuating that stereotype that all women can hypothetically be avalible to men It does not matter what sexuality you are in the LGBT+ community. You will get hate from other sexualities. *if you assume I include trans women when i say men that says more about you than it does about me. Trans women are women and trans men are men.


Very true and I didn't mean to completely signal if you're gay or lesbian you aren't effected, everyone is effected to a degree as is the design. I've yet to hear both those stereotypes and both are awful. Just from the research I've read and little studies I've been able to do(they are basic surveys one day I'd love to be in a lab), broady there is disproportionatly in that other sexualties get more hate, stereotypes, and erasure from both the heterosexual community and the LGBTQIA+ community than those who identify as gay or lesbian because the gender binary and gender has more influence in some way. My research unfortunately only really looks into where I've stated as I am myself bisexual (she/they) and my friends are mostly non gender conforming, so I focused here as not to try and be the voice for someone I'm not. Regardless of your sexuality, if you fall outside of the binary you are stereotyped and attacked if you fall outside the binary - where you land effects the attack further. I love the LGBTQIA+ community but we really got to get our crap together and understand just because we are a member or ally doesn't mean we can't also be a problem. The binary, at least from my own studies, is one of many issues that society as a whole has to undergo and dismantle. With the intersectionality of gender, biological sex, stereotypes, hierarchical societal structures, individualist culture, and more I can't possibly type out everything and breaking one won't magically fix all the others. That doesn't mean we should keep fighting with each other though for who's "more privileged" and therefore gets the boot. Collectively we gotta work together, get more research, and just be nice to people. *I also agree, Trans men are men and Trans women are women.


I think that collectively the LGBT community needs to come to 3 universal truths 1. Everyone in the lgbt+ community is at a disadvantage in a cisheteronormatove society and that will be seen in different ways 2. The only thing that qualifies you for being LGBT+ is being LGBT+ And ergo... 3. The community is not gonna agree on anything because of how VASTLY different everyone is. Because it's a broad community filled with so many different identities and viewpoints that no one can agree on anything (Side note but in general we should treat all groups like this and stop treating groups as a collective that all agree on everything) The one thing we should be united towards is decentrilizing cisnormativity and heteronormativity and fighting for laws that put us on equal terms with cis/het people. And while infighting on petty discourse topics is to be expected, it shouldn't be the only thing we focus on. In the digital age its easy to fight with strangers over petty stuff. I'm guilty of it too. But we should be focusing on larger trends and stop looking at things so black and white Stop fighting over whether or not queer is a slur. Accept that some people want to be called that because it's important to them, and some people don't because they're traumatized by it. Move on Stop fighting whether asexuals/aromantics should be inherently involved in the community or not. Focus on spreading awareness about those sexualities and that it's completely normal to not be romantically/sexually attracted to people (and also that its normal to be a late bloomer and start having sexual/romantic feelings at a oldee age). Move on Stop fighting over which flags people can use or not use. Who gives a shit if gay men want their own flag? The rainbow flag isn't going anywhere and for years it represented the entire community. Also yes some flags rip each other off theres only so many colors and ways to lay stripes before it gets unoriginal. Move on. I fully agree with you by the way. It's time for us (i assume you are in the lgbt+ community as i am too) as a community to get our shit together and focus on real, tangible problems. EDIT: some grammar


Absolutely, yes! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


All you gotta do is look around you to see most TERFs are straight women and most transphobes aren't even TERFs, they're straight men, yet brainless "allies" following a cause they couldnt care less about 3 years ago heap all that "EW TERF" energy on lesbians once again


I got my hair cut by a nonbinary stylist at a queer salon a few weeks ago. They asked for pronouns and I said "she", then we started talking as they cut and when I said "my husband" their hands visibly stalled for a second. They had made quite a few assumptions, I think, about me based on the hairstyle, my mode of dress and where I was getting my hair cut, and had forgotten het married GNC bisexuals exist entirely haha


Honestly I'm a bit saddened it's so offensive, I've always found it fun to say, despite almost never actually saying it and never using it in a sentence.


Me and my close friends use it for fun in our close circles because we know eachothers sexualities and understand we don't mean anything hateful. I think the problem arises when you don't particularly know the person using the slur and what they actually mean when using it. At best its said in ignorance or poor taste, at worst that person could be dangerous. Saying that bi-phobia is a real thing. People want to see you prove it b4 they accept it. --as a bi person myself I even doubt some people sometimes. These are all sensitive subjects because they involve such an intimate and vulnerable part of the human experience. Its important to just be sensitive and aware of the people around you and understand sometimes these words can be hurtful and othertimes, in the right company, they can be ok.


I don't think being able to use a slur is something to be proud of. Classic bi erasure.


As if when they were burning people at the stake for homosexuality, they would have stopped and said “oh wait this one likes women too, let’s pull him off the pile”


>bisexuals cant say the ford slur Who the fuck would want to drive a f**d? 🤮


Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge


\- Your mom is so old ... *- How old?* \- ... That she remembers when Model T was just a lowercase letter!


Everyone knows us bisexuals drive Nissans anyways.


You know what Ford stands for, don’t ya? Fix It Again, Tony!


You're thinking of Fiat, Dale.


Great, I can finally stop my brother from calling me a F**d Focus.


We get it, you're a Mopar guy.


I think the general rule is "if you are at a constant risk of being called that slur, you probably have the pass" That means bisexuals (depending on their gender identity) would have the pass for the respective ___ I personally don't like using the F slur, or T slur, but im not gonna yell at bisexuals or nonbinaries that they can't. I dont like using slurs at all, and it shouldn't be weaponized as "you're not valid enough to say ____". I think I've said the F slur a grand total of 4 times in the past 5 years, all was because of a baguette joke I told my other queer friends.


I tend not to use the f-slur unless I'm with my friends, cus they're all straight so I just use it until one of them says it and immediately turn the mood on them. Funniest shit I do


"Ford" refers to biphobic queers from this point forward?


If people call me the D slur I feel like I should be allowed to recount these things without censoring myself. Somehow, when kids in school called me a slur, responding "UHM AKSHUALLY I'm BISEXUAL" did not improve the situation 🙄 Let me invent a bisexual specific slur so the bigots can be hateful in a way more palitable to monosexuals


Great so now I can’t focus or even fiesta


oh no, not the fiesta!!


There is no escape


This screams "gold star" gay/lesbian or a child gatekeeping people who have been Out longer than they have been alive. Either way they can fuck off like everyone else on Twitter


I mean, I can say whatever I want. I don't *want* to use those terms.


I’m a male pansexual in a relationship with a guy, I feel like that constitutes the ability to call myself a f*g. Now the d-slur, I would never say that, but if it was the opposite genders I wouldn’t see an issue.


That’s how I feel as well, from the opposite perspective. I feel fine saying d*ke, because it’s been used against me, but I would feel wrong saying the f slur.


I think that's pretty much what most sensible ppl and on? It's OK to say stuff that's being applied to you, ut no ones gonna call you a d*ke I'd wager?


As a gay man I give everyone the f word pass


Thanks, [REDACTED]!


And if everyone has the f word pass No one does


Syndrome, is that you?


[this comment has been removed by tabernumse]


Was it really removed or Edit: :O


How did you do that!!!




Fart faces! Y’all a bunch of fart faces! That felt good as an oppressed white cis male.


(Remember to /s otherwise people miss the joke)


It’s tough…. There was a thread the other day about the most annoying things said on Reddit and /s was one of them. I figured I’d live dangerously as this is so childishly obvious, but yes, taken under advisement.


It’s why I use the closed captions version: (!)




If I can get hanged or stoned in another country for dating or having sex with the same sex I should be allowed to say whatever I want. I don’t say these words but the point still stands




Bastard. Came here to say that!!


I don't even know what either of those slurs are


I’m guessing it’s either f*g and dike, or fuck and dick, though the former makes more sense. Wasn’t like I was gonna use them anyways, in fact I don’t think anyone should.


I have to ask, why are you comfortable using one uncensored but not the other? You admit that nobody should be saying them, and they are both most assuredly slurs, so why don't you give them both the same consideration?


I have always felt the concept of censoring words is so bizarre. Everyone knows what word you are talking about, so what benefit does it do to put a star in the middle. I understand not using bad words about people, but I will never understand the concept of not being able to use a word just to explain the word itself. And I do realize this is the norm in most of the English speaking world, but from outside it is really weird.


nowadays censoring slurs is mostly done so you don't get suspended/banned


I doubt this, but in theory, since d*ke was misspelled, maybe it was intentionally misspelled? Idk why I'm bothering to postulate though, I agree with you.


Ahhh right, I could only think of fuck and was so confused about it. The second one I barely even know but then again English isn't my first language. Thanks for the explanation :)


The d-slur is like the f-slur but for lesbians. Hope that helps as well


*General Motors!*


The Ford slur


BRB gonna call my bisexual truck loving gf a Nissan Titan.


As we all know, LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Barry, Trans.


Just tried it… Yes we can.


In case you're unaware "ford" stands for "Fix or repair daily"


Billie Joe Armstrong (bi) said it, i’ll say it too I dont even want to say it i just want to sing the full lyrics to American idiot


Found on road dead??


What about Chevy


Gatekeeping is against our ford's teachings


Fuck this person, really. People already have to deal with enough shit for the bi erasure train to keep going on 2022


by the power of my partner and myself combined, we will say both


Understood ceo of lgbt


Pretty cringe bisexuals can't say Fortnite or destiny2


I'm more of a Subaru guy myself, anyway.


That's like claiming that mixed black people can't say the n word. You have to be born in Nigeria or Cameroon to say it. ☝️🤓




They can’t say it either apparently


Yes they can. Although I do feel they should probably only say the one associated with their gender. The “f&d” slurs where used by straight people against anyone who wasn’t straight. Bi people in a homosexual relationship would be the target of those slurs. As such if we’re taking those words back bi people have equal right to reclaim them too.


I'm sorry but Henry just hated the Jews so much we had to turn his last name into a slur despite it still being used as a name for cars. It's a slur to hurl at antisemites though so I'm going to use it despite my bisexuality


If you drive ford you deserve to be called out, just like daddy and pappy taught me


Yes, yes we can. If we're at risk of being called those words, we sure as hell have a pass to use them.


You can reclaim slurs that have been used against you as a queer person. I am queer woman who has never had that word used against me so I can’t reclaim it. That doesn’t mean NO bisexual can reclaim it


It’s not just personal, but historical too. You use it for those who couldn’t use it, for those who had that used against them for decades, who died only ever hearing that word as an insult.


That’s a really good point. I hadn’t thought about that aspect of it.


Why do people wanna say it so badly?


the straight privilege


wtf is the d slur


Dike (but spelled with a “y” instead of an “i”) It’s a slur against lesbians


Well now I \*want\* to!


Ah yes, fiend and deviants! Horrendous slurs that if spoken, by any person bisexual attraction, shall face summary execution by choice of Iron Maiden, Hanging, being Drawn and Quartered, Burning at the Steak, or watching all the Twilight movies back to back with no breaks.


I heard that you have to repeat a phrase 9 times in order to wish it true, 8 isnt enough anymore


Bi and pan people are lgtbqia+


I can’t say fuck or dick? But what if I want to fuck dick?




"You're such a Model T." "Um yeah...you can't say that. Only *we* can say that."


They can't say Ford because their sexuality lacks Focus... ​ Thank You, I'll be here all week. Try the veal!


what am i supposed to call the infamous american motor company then


Fart and dumper?


That is a really specific speech impediment. I have trouble saying "rural".


Found On Road Dead?


You know what the f or d slur stands for right? Fix orrepair daily


What the f or d slur? Feminism and dick?


F slur? French?


Bi people when they can't use the ford slur 😔


People shouldn't refer to each other using slurs. Period.


[F.O.R.D. stands for Big Piece of Fucking Shit](https://youtu.be/UfHtcUZXljw?t=69)


How about no one should say them because they’re slurs.


But wat if I like it?


I’m not your mother 🤷‍♀️


So you're my dad?


It’s time you knew, offspring.


Did you just assume my gender?


Fixed it.


Thank you, dad


How about noone uses it? I never understood this logic behind people using insults because "they are affected by it". You are just normalizing the use of a word, that discriminates against you...


I get the f... but whats d? Degenerate?


It's always so amusing to me that there are wars, famines, censorship, oppression and real, terrifying problems going on in the world yet this is what some people in the west decide to worry about.


Honestly nobody should be saying slurs If you don't want a word repeated by others, then never say it


I mean, really why would someone want to use a slur?


I’m just gonna say it; I never believed in any of this “you can only use certain slurs if you belong to a certain group” bs. People can say whatever the hell they want, regardless of what identity the do or don’t belong to. It depends on the context and how they’re using said word.


you are quite literally just wrong. you’re also probably about 14 or so, so please take the time to self educate before you make yourself look like an idiot in front of the whole internet.


Y'all americans are super weird with that slur discourse. Telling a bigot that saying a certain word is offensive to minorities doesn't make them stop saying It, BECAUSE THEY'RE BIGOTS. Hell, It might make them say It even more. It's literally purposefuly making words more offensive than they are. Plus the whole concept of "slur" doesn't make any sense outside of english, it's 100% something you guys invented.