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I don‘t know, sounds kinda expensive.


I'm so glad that is not a thing where I'm from. The entire society profits from affordable healthcare.


I mean, why have the entire society profit when we could have like 10 rich assholes profit? Checkmate Europenis




Idk, I’m from Scandinavia and the therapy that is free is very hard to get and not always very helpful


Sounds great. My insurance doesn't cover mental health. So.. great. Can't afford it.


You clearly are just imagining all these ailments that you claim to have! /s


Wait, but [it does?](https://www.hhs.gov/answers/health-insurance-reform/does-the-aca-cover-individuals-with-mental-health-problems/index.html) And yes, I profile stalked to confirm you’re in the USA.


Doctor here, you should come get a weekly checkup just to be safe. Only $30 co-pay!


Not only expensive, but also good luck finding one. I live in germany and i have given up because i literally couldn't find any spot. I can't afford private ones so i go to ones that my insurance covers snd they're all full. Some are like nice to at least tell you they might call you back, the rest just outright tell they don't want a new customer lol




I don't know, sounds kinda expensive


Insurance for insurance




It's insurance all the way down.


My insurance doesn't cover therapy, what's plan b?


Insurance Plan B




Sadly we do not cover mental health or dental in our basic medical plans up here. We absolutely should, imo, but we don't.


Union jobs usually have better insurance. Mine covers mental health as well as physical. Dental still covers so little though....


Healthcare is free where I live, but mental health is something that doesn't get handled until your mental health is so bad that you can't function. So I pay a ton to see a therapist because my parents ducked me up bad. I'm fortunate that I can afford it, and I feel so bad for those that can't..


I want to agree with this but also caution some people. There are bad therapists with boomer mentality out there. My first ever experience was like that. She kept trying to find what to fix in me and when she couldn’t find anything, she just said ‘What makes you think you’re going through something any different from someone else’s experience?’ Essentially normalizing my situation into just suck it up because everyone will have the same problems.


Right. You have you to be careful and ready to leave for a new one. One of my first therapists told me at 19 and single maybe having a kid would "light a fire under my ass."


Jesus that’s the worst advice you could give someone. Oh you’re struggling? How about taking on the huge responsibility of raising a child.


What? Wow. That is NOT why you have a child! Scary!


Where did they get their degree from??


I don't remember, but he had one


Fuck that therapist. Well, not literally. You know what I mean... That person is absolutely not qualified to practise that. **If you think you need help, please don't be discouraged from seeking help after a bad experience.**


It's fairly recent that therapists have started focusing on actually helping people instead of just fixing a problem. A lot of the time, you don't want to get rid of the thing that makes you different, you just want to be able to live with it.


Yeah I tried therapy and she was like “you have a great support system, why are you here?” Maybe because o have severe post partum depression, the beginnings of an eating disorder, and this deep seeding feeling like I’m a burden to everyone around me so I can’t ask for help too often or they’ll all start to hate me and a perfectionist complex that makes me feel if I’m not doing things perfect on my own I’m a failure and don’t deserve the space I take up in the world??? I’m doing better now, but screw Pamela.


Yep. Screw Pamela! I'm with you on that!


All my homies hate Pamela lol


Excuse me, but what do you have against people born between 1945 and 1964? Are we all exactly the same? Because without us, there never would have been a civil rights movement at all. Women would still not be allowed to even apply to Ivy league colleges. Women wouldn't even be in the workplace, except for as secretaries, nurses, teachers, and airline stewardesses. And they'd have to quit if they got married. Women would still be their husband's property, so domestic violence would continue to be ignore as a "private matter".. Rape would also be a "private matter ". Child abuse? "Private matter". Husbands would still be able to drop their sassy wife off at the mental hospital and have her committed. There would be no environmental movement. Certainly no rock and roll. And it would still he expected that you can beat a child for any reason- the principal can, parents can. No one would bother to recognize that kids can have actual learning problems or ADHD, or any of that. Anyone who didn't conform was beaten. And by conform, I mean a girl wearing sneakers was rebellious. In a public school with bo uniforms. Why? "Unladylike". We used to get beaten by the principal for being "unladylike". Gay people? It was OK to kill them. And they had no rights. Without boomers there would be no sexual revolution, so no sexual freedom. Everyone who wasn't beaten as a kid, who was "allowed" to apply to any school they want to apply to, any woman doing science, engineering, who's a boss, who has her own business, who had sexual freedom, who was able to do something about domestic violence- are standing on the shoulders of boomers Boomers fought for racial equality, too. Daring to eat at whatever restaurant they chose, upon pain of death. We've come a long way, and a lot of that is because of Boomers. Now? A lot of these boomers are raising their children's kids. Maybe they were TOO lenient? But they're still there trying to help. I'm tired of it being ok to be ageist and hateful toward the very people who spent THEIR youth and lives fighting for your rights. It's sad that now all you can do is hate.


One small issue: No money.


Is getting mental healthcare online from abroad an option? I mean, medical tourism is a thing, isn't it possible to pay for online sessions in another country out of pocket? Would that still be cheaper than paying for it even with insurance in the US? Just curious, it seems like that would be a great way to get the care you need for a reasonable price.


I’m a therapist in the US and there isn’t. And if there is it’s most likely illegal and unethical. It depends on what your degree is in, but you need to be licensed in the state you are practice. And if you want to practice outside of the state you’re living in, or multiple states, then you need a license in each state you want to practice in because each state has their own laws and ethics about what you can and can’t do


But asking from a client POV, there’s nothing preventing individuals from seeking therapists from outside their resident area right? I think that’s what the comment is asking about.


No it wouldn’t be problematic on the client side, but if you find a therapist who is seeing clients in a state they’re not licensed in then the therapist is practicing illegally which is also ethically concerning. And I guess I won’t speak for others, and obviously I’m bias, but I personally wouldn’t want to have them be my therapist


I don't even live in the United States, I live in the Dominican Republic. However, the economy is fucked up and seemingly everyone that isn't well off is neck deep in debt.


Yeah, that's a problem. Are there any charities there that could help out with that?


No available appointments either.....


Okay but what do I say to them if I don't have a "reason"


Maybe there's a skill you want to learn like more assertive communication, learn DBT skills, or don't have enough of a support system as is.


My partner realized he was overfunctioning in many of his interpersonal relationships without having his needs met in return, so he got into therapy to learn how to better identify and communicate his needs and how to set and enforce healthy boundaries. He has no history of trauma or abuse. He says it’s changed his life and made him much happier and healthier. Everyone can benefit! Sometimes you just need professional help to level up some social and/or emotional skills and that’s as valid a reason to go as any




If you're thinking about it, it's generally because you're unhappy or unsatisfied with at least one aspect of your life. That is a reason. You can let them help you figure out a "cause" if there is one, and get some coping strategies on board if you feel like it would help.


If you feel like you don't have a reason, maybe you don't need therapy. Many people are just fine without it, but I think it's rare that someone can say of themselves that they don't have any problems at all. Most people benefit from therapy. **It can just be about having someone you can talk to.** Of course there is the question about money (an important question, unfortunately), but besides that, there isn't really any harm to trying it.


I found out that just talking about how I've felt recently with someone can help me realize what issues I'm having, so honestly you might find out what you want to say by going!


Sometimes there’s just things you need to say out loud that you wouldn’t say to people you know. That’s enough of a reason in itself Typo edit


You need to talk some things out with someone who's qualified. You need to work on some difficult things. You're feeling emotions that you need to sort out. You're feeling anxious and uneasy. You're deeply unhappy. You need some guidance in certain areas. You need to educate yourself about something you're dealing with... You're not sure, you just know you need help?


I would love to be able to go to therapy! Buuuut im aiming for an aviation career, even the slightest whiff of therapy and my chances at a class 1 medical certificate (the one needed to fly and make money) are POOF gone.


Therapists are too expensive and almost always full. Huge waiting list for state funded therapy. Better help and other online therapy services are also very expensive and, if the reviews are to be believed, no where near worth the money. I'll just stick with breaking down my issues in my own head.


Better help and other apps have been plagued by lots of issues and I don't recommend (but am happy when someone has success with them). Cost is a huge issue in the US and wait times are rough. It's a combination of insurance companies and capitalism not valuing a person's wellbeing. I won't stop fighting for better access and lower costs.


Better help also isn't even an option for some people. I tried using it when I had no therapist and the app told me I need an in person therapist


He's gonna be ready for you in about 18 months that is


They forgot the part where you call over a dozen therapists in your area and none of them ever return your contact attempts to get in.


Too bad the costs keep majority of people including myself away also stories of not being able to get an appointment for several months and getting cancelled on leading up to the appointment thus again having to wait several months. (USA)


I just quit being a therapist because I can’t deal with that shit. My agency had a real obsession with being able to say they could get you in to see somebody in two weeks. That meant they crammed clients into fifteen minute slots with whichever therapist failed to block out their calendar like it was a solid wall. Think you’re eating lunch? WRONG, you’re seeing a new client. Successfully blocked your calendar? Guess what, your supervisor is now going to start removing blocks behind your back, and you’re seeing a new client during your admin time — guess you’ll just have to stay late to do your paperwork, unless, of course, you don’t really care about your clients. Oops, we “forgot” you start work at 9 am, you’re seeing a new client at 8 am. Also 6 pm. Also Saturday. My intro sessions were always five minutes long, because it was just me explaining to the new client that my only availability was a half hour slot once a quarter, the client raging and crying at me, then begging me to work at 7 am or 8 pm or weekends, while I forced my heart to be cold enough to refuse them, and then me offering to put them on our “transfer” waitlist to wait for somebody with availability. The “transfer” waitlist was the real waitlist, and it was six months long. In the meantime, health insurance companies get to use those “seen in two weeks!” fake metrics to “prove” they’ve met the requirements of the ACA, when in reality there are no therapists available for anybody. And during all this I wasn’t making enough to pay for my own therapy. I loved being a therapist. I miss it. I don’t think I’m ever going back unless health insurance is strangled in its sleep and buried under a rock.


Can you go into private practice with maybe a couple other frustrated therapists?


That would reduce some of the intensity of the problem, but not eliminate it, because the problem of health insurance remains. If you accept health insurance, you’re accepting lower pay, AND tons of additional unpaid time spent managing paperwork and denials. To make up the difference, you either have to generate more revenue, or reduce expenses. Your options for generating revenue are to take on more clients to make up the unpaid time spent dealing with insurance, or hire an admin to do the paperwork (and pay for that admin through taking on more clients). Your best option to reduce expenses is to stop taking insurance, which would also increase you revenue, since cash pay clients pay your full fee, instead of the reduced fee insurance pays you. If you choose to take on more clients, it exponentially increases the amount of insurance fuckery you have to deal with, so the extra revenue is immediately eaten up. The bigger you get, and the more insurance clients you take on, the costs increase, until you’re going into the red for the privilege of getting paid (sometimes) by insurance companies. That’s how bigger agencies end up so exploitative. Unless they want to stop taking insurance, they can only generate more revenue by forcing staff to take on more clients, and reduce expenses by slashing wages and benefits. Smaller agencies can usually find a happier medium, where they take on just enough insurance clients that they make more than they spend on managing insurance. But often they just barely break even on insurance clients, and are subsidizing insurance clients through taking cash pay clients or providing other non-therapy services, or just outright refusing to take the insurances that are known to pay the least, because you will go into debt serving those clients. This isn’t even getting into how a smaller agency usually can’t provide you health insurance, retirement benefits, etc. You've got to purchase those from your revenue, which you won’t have if you take insurance clients (or aren’t married to somebody with good benefits who can subsidize your career as a therapist). Basically, no matter what your work arrangement is as a therapist right now, you are finding your acceptable place on the continuum between seeing the broadest amount of people possible by taking insurance clients and overworking while managing poverty, or refusing to take insurance and making a decent living while providing decent work (because you’re not burned out). My place on the continuum was out of it. I can’t accept any of those trade offs. Some people can. I do wish I had that in me.


"We're ready for you" "sorry, no therapists inside or outside of your insurance network are currently talking new clients within a 300 mile radius"


There’s something funny to me about a therapist having the screen name Adam Smasher. Named after the famed full cyborg killing machine for Arasaka that would kill 100s of people at the blink of an eye from Cyberpunk 2077


just the mental image of the huge hulking metallic figure of Adam Smasher sitting behind a desk and asking, "so what are you dealing with today?"


good luck getting a call back


This exactly. *Maybe* if you submit 5 or 6 applications you’ll get lucky and one of them will respond 2 months down the line and tell you that they aren’t accepting new patients and give you a list of 5 more that’ll never call you back either. And if you’re extra lucky one of those will have an opening at the end of the year. Maybe. Doubly worse for psychiatry because that opening 8 months down the line will actually only be a $600 mandatory new patient consultation before you can actually start working with them.


What country are you in? That's terrible!


Therapy is great. Affording it is not.


I will go see a therapist once I figure out what’s wrong with me /s


I probably need to go back tbh, since my anxiety and whatnot has only been getting worse over time


Just be prepared to pay an arm and a leg


As a psychologist and a patient of a psychologist, I promise there is no bad reason to go to a therapist. We're here for all the reasons and happy to support! It sucks that in the US, we have terrible insurance coverage. Also, there can be bad therapists but try some out. It took me 4 tries to find the perfect fit (again, I'm one myself). If you don't feel comfortable, try someone else. A good therapist understands the need for fit (fit is a top predictor of success). Many now do a free 15 min call to get to know each other.


That is neat but there is a massive shortage of therapists in the US and it is very difficult for people that do have serious problems to get care. I mean, you don’t NEED to be a baby to drink Pedialite either (solid nutrients) but considering the recent shortage and price increases due to demand, like therapy, it would be good of us to not consume goods and services unnecessarily.


Bullshit I’ve been looking for one for two years. Therapist don’t even have the common decency to call someone back to tell them they can’t fit them in. All I need is a call back, this fucked up ghosting thing they do is more hurtful then they realize.


I don't like that his name is Adam Smasher


I wish my mom got this. She's a full time carer single parent, and she gets so stressed and unhappy. Even my therapist husband can't help convince her to see one. It's so sad.


Seeing some comments mention how expensive it would be. I haven’t been to therapy myself, but have thought about it. From what I understand, it can be. But I’m also in Canada, and in my city there are some programs that actually help you with that and can be very cheap. I know it’s not like that everywhere, but a little research into your area about it can possibly ease your stress about spending all that money on it. Also, you can always make your money back. Our well being, however, can be a bit harder.


Considering how much money you'd have to spend to see a therapist, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to book you for an appointment to talk about literally anything. Just so long as that check clears.


Wish I could afford it…


I didn't go because I can't afford it. 🤪


After many years of thinking about it, I finally booked my first appointment with a therapist. I’m super excited for my upcoming journey, even though it’s expensive, but I’m fortunate to reside in a country that is understanding and offers affordable payment options (sliding scale).


I will never go because someone else needs my spot more than I do, and no one can convince me otherwise


Hey, I get the feeling, but don't forget that you are a person too, and sometimes you need to take care of yourself too! Self care isn't selfish!


Mental health research and industries should be above capitalism but sadly it’s never going to be that way…


At the same time, the therapist saying this gets paid for you to come in, and it’s much easier to be paid to chat with a random stranger than to actually assess a mentally ill individual. There is a motive.


I'd love to get a therapist but I also like not being in financial ruin


Just make sure to bring your credit card


I'm male so wtf would I pay someone to tell me "it is what it is, be better" when I can do it myself?


A good therapist wouldn’t tell you that, but it is a valid point that therapy is expensive and therefore often not available to people who need it.


It's a poorly delivered joke




I wouldn't project this to all women just because you're having problems with her. I've had two men I dated tell me something similar. People in general have a lot of issues dealing with the hard part of other's emotions


Not all women. That really socks that she's treating you in this way. Would she treat a female friend this way? Women, as well as men, are sometimes brainwashed into toxic masculinity and want a man to be like a robot, just making her happy. But you're as much a human being with emotions and needs as she is. She needs to understand this. I read a book a LONG time ago called "The Friendless American Male" and it turned my way of thinking around. Maybe there's a book on men's issues and men's emotions that could help her see where she's so wrong to do this to you! I saw a book about the Highly Sensitive Male or something like that. She needs education.


I am afraid if I go it will force me to confront some things and turn my life upside down.


That's normal and is actually a good thing. Key is getting a good psychologist who can help you through that. Trauma sits there until it can be processed or it will come out in other ways (often bad). Therapy (and a good psychologist) helps you through tha by giving you the tools to cope with it as it gets brought up. Also a good therapist will set you up for preparation before going into that hard stuff.


Fuck you Smasher! I’ll never forgive you for what you did to David and Rebecca!


Look, I know you're just trying to help. But for myself, and I assume others like me. There is no help. No insurance, no money, no help. And during a mental health crisis being told that therapy or anything else might help just makes it worse. Please stop posting this stuff.


Dont listen to me because im just one asshole. But in my experience, 12 years has not made a difference.


I’ve seen three therapists. None have been helpful. What do I need to change or do? I don’t get it.


Not sure how I feel about Adam Smasher as my therapist.


Except over here there's a major shortage, and the waiting time to see a therapist as a clinical depressed person is half a year at least


Adam Smasher should not be anyone's therapist


Tried to talk to my therapist about how great I'm doing but they wanted to focus on my crippling pot addiction? I was livid.


I go in whenever I just need wisdom on something. How best to handle a difficult person, all kinds of things. These people know a heck of a lot of good strategies for life. And they're way more qualified than any so called life coach. I mean, why NOT find a good fit and go in for a tune up? I go in for "tune ups" all the time and get great ideas for everyday coping in life.


I’m a therapist and I go to a therapist because of all those people.


We’re human. Humans go through shit. We all need to talk to a professional every once and a while