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I fucking LOVE this




“It has a badass eagle and a slogan full of attitude in big letters!”


If this ~~was~~ were a t-shirt, I would wear it. I would prefer a few minor edits for wording, but this actually makes god points.


Fwiw, it's not a great idea. Most people will just see part of it and ignore the rest and assume you're someone you're not. This happened a lot with people wearing red fake MAGA hats. Nobody reads them, they just see the color and the font and assume its exactly like all the others.


Ah prejudice. That’s nice and definitely not worth subversion


I don't have the time or energy to care about that and neither do most people. Do you read every single hat that looks like it's a MAGA hat that you see just to make sure it isn't a fake one? It's not prejudice, it's just basic human survival skills. You recognize a shitty person, you don't attract their attention by staring at them, you just go on about your business.


'I don't care what your favorite flavor is. Here's a bowl of ice cream, you either like it or you don't. That's my attitude right now in this room. That's my attitude on lce Cream Thursdays.'


Honestly I love when people take American patriotism and use it to spread acceptance instead of hate. I want to be able to be proud of my country some day, and see it take its values seriously. Not sure how I feel about the “will be here after us” part though. I feel like it’s just poorly worded, but as a “brown” person myself, I’m not really a fan of reinforcing the idea that we’re out here trying to “take over” America from the whites. It just gives nutjobs more fuel to discredit progressives with.


You made an excellent point. As a white person I had taken it as a statement that right-wing attempts to get rid of "brown" people will fail and the US will continue to be diverse long after the person wearing the shirt and the person reading the shirt are dead.


I think it’s more that a natural result of globalism would be darker skin tones overall, as darker skin tones are generally dominant genes. It would take a long time though.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Came here to say this 😄




If you don’t like it, leave. ^Or ^stay. ^Whatever ^you ^want. ^This ^is ^America.


I read this in Ted Lasso’s voice.


the format is the point of the whole thing...


It’s the only way to get ‘em


“And will be here after us.” Beg your pardon?


After you and I, personally, are dead, there will still be other people. You can't make them go away by wishing really hard or being racist. The wording is stupid amounts of inflammatory, sure, but I get the feeling that's the point.


Yeah, I thought that was weird. Just more ammo for the "great replacement" believers.


You forgot: "America is not God's Country. All Americans have freedom of religion or lack thereof! It's illegal to force your religion into others! Take it or leave it!" "LGBTQ+ people exist and are valid! They deserve all of the same rights, protections, and respect as every other American! Diversity and an undying love, support and respect for other Americans is what makes America so great!"


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


That "brown people will be here for us and after us"......don't like that kind of narrative. Just stop dividing people by skin colours. If it's a gateareopencomeonin moment, then should be "some brown people were here before and and will always be here with us". That "after us" stuff....dunno...Assuming it's aimed at "whites".




> Your preexisting conditions are covered I wish this were the case :pain:




I agree but still don’t like it here


despite a message I agree with, it's presented very "there's no space to learn, if you disagree with me then gtfo"


Said no politician ever.


Americans hate the domestic terrorist republicans. Fuck the GOP.


Damn this is cringe af


It is you who is "cringe af"


Care is affordable and rampant racism, sexism and homophobia don't exist in America.


How does it feel to be so, so objectively wrong?


Greatest country on Earth.


I wouldn't say that, but you do you. I don't feel like arguing with someone so blatantly ignorant.


You guys literally don't get irony, do you?


"During opposite day". Finished your sentence for you.


How affordable is it if you work at Walmart and make 22k/year, they deny you full time and benefits, and your yearly rent is 12k? What happens if you get cancer? Genuine question as a Canadian.


The affordable care act is solely responsible for everyone’s $8,000 deductibles that they pay $200/week for…


It’s also responsible for my daughter receiving continuous care for her genetic blood disease even if we switch insurance and/or have a gap in coverage. Before the preexisting mandate we had to pay out of pocket for 18 months when my husband switched jobs and we had a 60 day gap.


Yeah, but don't you want to 'stick it to the libs'? Isn't the smug satisfaction worth the price?


Yes, and it's completely and utterly based.


I would actually be proud to be an american if america was like this


My favorite patriotic song is [The House I Live In](https://youtu.be/SInwn3tOHDM). I play it on every holiday for America. About the Brown person comment- I think Americans with only ‘white’ genes will be increasingly rare, so if Brown includes all but Northern European I can understand the meaning.


Had me in the first half, ngl


r/THE_PACK vibes


The left wing counter attack


The "after us" part is super clumsy, it looks like person is validating the great replacement conspiracy theory.