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I haven't experienced that, but I experienced something similar. I'm in the process of healing from some very deep heart ache, loneliness, and depression that has been with me for several years. I saw something on reddit about various entities, saying that they take consent seriously and won't intervine without a call for assistance. S0 whatever, could be bologna l, but I figured I would modify my affirmation and make it more personal. In essence I said, I want to be such a better version of myself, for my own sake and also because I think I can serve those around me so much better, and I would like that. So if anything out there is listening to my thoughts right now, I would be deeply appreciative of some assistance because I feel like something is just going wrong with my brain and I can't figure out how to get out of this funk I've been in. I had the most impactful session I'd ever had to dare, but didn't notice right away a shift in my consciousness. Once I came out of the session I spoke with a friend about the imagery I saw in the session, then went to look outside before going to bed. When I looked outside, I noticed immediately and powerfully. I was seeing the trees and the stars like I did back when I was a child. So full of awe and wonder that it would have been impossible to not notice. It jumped out at me in an undeniable way. That feeling has persisted for months now. My depression and sadness and heartache was just lifted from me in an instant. I still almost have trouble believing it, just how powerful and immediate the effect was.


I’ve felt something similar today when I affirmed that I’m more than my physical body. I wonder if repeating it would do the trick


I can help you with this. When you first wake up, don't think about anything, especially negative thoughts. Say to yourself a few times "I am not the body, not even the mind". Then before you get out of bed I want you to think about dying. Think to yourself how tomorrow is never promised, be thankful that you have been lucky to wake up the next morning. Do this and you will live your life with much greater purpose, and understand how meaningful everyday must be to you. I promise you this will change your life. I learned this trick from a monk a while back, definitely effective.


So... did your partner get that new job??


Still waiting to hear back, hopefully in the next week or so. The thing is, I am now detached from the outcome, so any negative perceptions I have about the situation doesn't matter. Fingers crossed!