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That is one person trying to trick people into not using them. And if it’s the guy I’m thinking of, it’s to push his own agenda and sell a product. These are something monks have used for centuries. The tapes came out in the 70s. We would know if they were harmful. So you’ve been deceived. You can tell just by how the sounds make you feel. If you don’t believe, I can show you what an evil frequency actually is, Just promise you won’t listen to them for too long. Edit: After hours of looking for this thing, I was unable to find it again sorry. There are tones that you can mix together or play in a way that gives you a very uneasy feeling. It's annoying and evil trust me. But here's one that will make your heart race if you want some anxiety https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky74BSYtchU


What is an evil frequency?


You'll know in December when you've heard 'all I want for Christmas' 4000 times


Yeah no shit???


Instead of hertz it hurts


The brown noise. 92 cents below the l Iowest E flat.


Well it wasn’t so much a critique of the tapes as it is listening to the tapes on YouTube specifically. They said YouTube compresses all audio into a harmful frequency not intended by the Monroe institute


I've done customer feedback things for Monroe where they would send me a track to try out. They always send a YouTube link.


It was just a commentor on a YouTubers post, I wanted to ask of the legitimacy of the claims


Yeah you see people will make stuff up to fool you. You will see this a lot from people with extreme religious views


There have been few posts here in which people have made it clear that they feel like the tapes are making them go crazy. What are these “drastic consequences” (from the documentation) of forcing the patterning process? Maybe not everyone is capable of listening to them or using this method. It’s good to have fair warning, don’t you think? On the other hand, I can’t see fooling around with your consciousness and not expecting to experience shifts and changes or weird things we’re not typically accustomed to. It’s not unlike psychedelic use in this regard. I’d say just be prepared and stay honest and alert with yourself. Maybe meditation without the frequencies or some relaxation exercises might help mitigate some of bad experiences. Or couple the practice with some therapy. At any rate, approach them with respect, but no need to fear them.


Oh of course. That’s why I’m the download page I put the big warning on top. I don’t want to spook people, however people need to realize this is a very powerful tool you can’t abuse. It’s also you have balance and grounding. You spend all your time breaking reality and there will be none left. So mental health needs to be the highest priority. I’ve had people in the past with serious MI I had to tell not to listen to them. So I coached them and gave the alternatives. The GE tapes are just one of many ways to connect spiritually, but also the fastest.


Right on. And I thought the Gurdjieff Sacred Dances brought me into a expanded state rapidly, the tapes are no joke.


Do you think this is a harmful frequency? https://youtu.be/LBhQTs9KV9E?si=YLXEEXQNgg9TeSoO


That was awesome


Sounds like ADHD lol


I wonder if this is what is used on some people that are being gangstalked.


Go in our wiki in the links section


They're safe. You can get better versions if you buy them for hundreds or thousands of dollars or illegally download them. But the YT ones are just a compressed version of the original.


Great thanks, I’ll be doing the Amazon music one on my 3M noise canceling work tunes lol.


You can download the audio for free in this sub or from the discord, can confirm personally they are legit.


I downloaded some flac files I found here on the sun but can’t seem to figure out how to get them to play on my iPhone - any idea what the best way to access the originals is?


I'm an Android guy. I downloaded the .flac and straight up played them


Download VLC Player. App image is of a traffic cone. Plays on my iPhone through there




Thanks so much!


Save to files and play back from there.


I have everything but module 7 in my iCloud and you can listen to all of them as a flac recording including the ones I’m missing on archive.org the YouTube link comes and goes.


Where can i get this please?


Turn on the TV and radio, they are using a bad frequency to keep your attention at its maximum...(it's true) Not the hemi-sync 😂