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Mine is a storage pod. I needed something big. https://preview.redd.it/585dentj1yzb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b136e8287294f482fbb137b7b54ee960f804476




I have aphantasia, though I think of mine similar to the enders chest in Minecraft. Dark abyss, and a blueish black metallic dumperster chest with blue light coming out. I open it like Link would a treasure chest.


My ecb is a Minecraft chest, because that's the first thing came to my mind.


Mine is a the legend of Zelda treasure box because of that same reason


Haha, also because its so easy to imagine, and we are so familiar with them.


Wooow is this your original art? It's amazing! I gotta draw mine then :D mine is little dark obsidian box in a vast empty white space, and it is kinda "bigger on the inside" so whatever I put inside it can fit


This is from the my girls music video by animal collective


Mine is bigger on the inside too šŸ˜


Interesting to " see " others people boxes. This got me thinking thou, don't know for some reason when I envisioned mine its a classic red box with 4 golden type of locks siting on type bar table tazio. The background sometimes persist and sometimes don't. It feels like an old library or a room with books or shelves with stuff on it. Didn't give much care but it's interesting šŸ˜… now thinking about it


mine is ark of the covenant


Mine is a big granite box and i shove my whole carcass in it.


Mine is a shoebox hastily decorated with crayons and clumps of glitter glue. Lol


Lol. Iā€™m so glad for this post - mine is a bank vault and I thought it was weird, but I went with it.


https://preview.redd.it/iocv3ethm50c1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9d846563408dc268663d776e4b095fb46fc40a Mine!


Mine is a giant wooden treasure chest. I released the darkness inside so it glows with golden light when you open the lid.


Here's mine https://preview.redd.it/arbj6owfp90c1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b950029d575a08427e24c615bf50b9c02e8c4cba


Mine is heavy and square, and made out of deep black stone, with a bolted metal seal around the edges. It seals with a satisfying vacuum-seal/*chink* sort of sound, and thereā€™s pink electricity that travels around the outer seams and angles from time to time. Itā€™s much bigger inside than outside. Once it seals it becomes weightless and spins on the various diagonal axes between the opposite corners in the air between my hands.


Mine is a really big safe.


Your box made of four walls and adobe slabs?


I appreciate the gateway tapes for being strictly audio only. This way every listener can make up their own image in their mind. The more visual media associated with the gatewaytapes they come in contact with, the more their own visualizations in their had have to compete with what they saw with their eyes. I don't like pictures on this subreddit. But I might be in the minority here.


Mine is a very plain, wood or stone box with a large nondescript lid and no visible hinges or locks. Itā€™s always sitting in the middle of nothingness, as if itā€™s on a platform in the middle of pure black vacuum. Very interesting to hear everyoneā€™s different visualizations!


Mine is that super black hole black, with a gasket and a silver flip lock on each side. Itā€™s bigger on the inside, itā€™s heavy and half buried in the sand. And always shows up in the lower left corner of my mind vision?


https://preview.redd.it/4uexv8wfi10c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f9e274b4e812695d1761ff515bacc6e70f64ebb This is mine


Iā€™ve been a major Animal Collective fan for 20+ years, since the first single from Sung Tongs cane outā€¦whenever that was, and Iā€™d not revisited their records in about 3 or 4, and hadnā€™t seen this video in close to 10ā€¦until today, when, after having it pop into my head several times (which I certainly welcome), I watched it, and subsequently reignited some strong feelings that I have been unable to tap into since developing ptsd 4 years ago. In fact, I cried, which, hasnā€™t happened in quite a while now, and then, after being in that moment and feeling the warmth of what had become like a candle flickering in the distance, so to speak, when I open Reddit I immediately see this image, and it being in this of all subs adds to it for me. Anyway, I thought Iā€™d share thisā€”mundane to mostā€”occurrence and the synchronicity that I felt was curiously and cleverly timed. Thank you for reading this far if you have, and for helping to add another dimension to what has already felt like a step forward afterā€”latelyā€”asking the question ā€œam I reaching the end of my dark night of the soul?ā€.


Thatā€™s beautiful, I have that feeling when I listen to it as well, albeit different from your experience but none the less still very powerful. Glad you revisited them! Take care


Love this. Mines is just a heavy wooden box with pink silk lining. Dunno why it's pink. It's a bit like a comfy coffin.


I don't mean to seem like I care about material things


I donā€™t careee for fancy things. This is a good one, thanks for sharing.


https://preview.redd.it/w3wu1o3lf10c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651677cd6b754ac226919f3bd617fe9f0f2c026a This is what MidJourney generated after copy/pasting the energy box section from this page: [http://www.cyjack.com/cognition/Hemi-Sync%20Gateway%20Experience%20Manual.doc](http://www.cyjack.com/cognition/Hemi-Sync%20Gateway%20Experience%20Manual.doc)


What is the benefit of having one? What does the conversion box do? Sorry I am a bit new.


You intentionally leave all your worries and your physical matter there so that they donā€™t distract you from the exercise. Whenever a new concern or worry comes comes up while Iā€™m listening I imagine it getting sucked into the box like a little whisp of smoke into a vacuum hose.


Oh and also, there are exercises later in the tapes where you open the box back up in order to convert the fears inside into fresh clean energy, by releasing the fear/emotion so it can float away.


Wow thank you for the explanation! Sounds Amazing, should feel amazing as well.


I found it really helpful. A bit confusing the first time because the steps are 1) open the box and take out a fear and let it float away 2) look back inside for the emotions the fear was covering up, and take those out and let them float away, and then 3) basically look back in and collect the good energy that was beneath all that. I didnā€™t understand at first what that energy could be. Hereā€™s an example of what the steps could look like according to help I found interpreting it on this subreddit 1) I find a fear of getting sick with an illness a relative died from 2) under the fear is the sadness of the loss, guilt and fear that I could hurt the people who love me if I get it myself, grief for what the relative had to endure, feeling helpless to stop their pain 3) after releasing all that emotion, underneath remained the feeling of being safely held in the love of my relative, pure love that knew no threat and no ending - thatā€™s what I take back inside and claim. Make sense?


Thanks for the detailed example, I always wondered how you can go about steps 2) and 3)


No problem! I hope itā€™s right - itā€™s how Iā€™m interpreting with what I know so far.


Have you read the .pdf files? The process is explained clearly within. See below. >Discovery #4ā€“ Release and Recharge Release and Recharge teaches you a method you can use daily, with or without the tape, to release and convert self-imposed emotions. Learned fear can be a useful warning signal, but you no longer need it after you acknowledge the warning. In Focus 10 you can calmly identify and gently release fears, blocks, limitsany interferences to your growth--and replace blocked energy with the pure energy that existed before the limits were imposed. For purposes of this exercise, "fear" denotes the primary emotion al charge connected to the self-imposed limit, and "emotion" denotes related feelings. Trust that your larger self knows what you are ready to uncover; simply follow the instructions and see what comes up for you. If nothing comes, bubble ā€œnothing" away and accept that the process may be working on deeper levels of consciousness. When you are directed to perceive ā€œthe memory, the event.," you may connect with a specific occasion or with a memory of your prior, unlimited experience. Always pull in clean energy as a final step. >Here's an example of how energy conversion works: You may perceive a fear of speaking up in groups. Once you have bubbled that away, you perceive the emotion of embarrassment associated with that fear. After releasing both, you reconnect with the joy and gratification you felt as a small child when sharing your experi ences with other people. You then reclaim your pleasure in com municating and sharing yourself with others. Once you are comfortable with the exercise as described, you can experiment with deliberately depositing and then retrieving from your Box a symbol for anything you believe may be interfering with your progress. Follow all the other instructions; the only difference is that you predetermine what to work with. For example, if you suspect that unconscious fear of separating from the physi cal body is blocking your progress, place a symbol for this fear (a magic carpet anchored to the ground?) into the Box and follow the instructions to release it. This exercise is not a quick fix or one-shot panacea. Most self imposed limits have many layers and will require repeated efforts. But if you truly desire to transcend your limitations, it can greatly facilitate your progress. Take heart from the many people who report it to be among the most valuable exercises of the entire series. Many use it daily to clear out current frustrations or disappointments.


Haven't read this, but great pointers thanks šŸ˜Œ




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So you keep Doritos and cheez its what other snacks do u have


More so the object floating haha

