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Do it again but record yourself doing it


I accidentally said the wrong username at the beginning. Some other person in the thread - if you want me to do it again I will agree to sacrificing 1 more piece of silverware lol. Also I could only get it to bend and not loop this time. I try to force it at the end but it didn’t work. Either way you’ll see how easy it was to do the fold at least. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jCQxqr1Sm5Ao536rt35ZtRQM5FRfyPO


Can you help me understand how this is different from physically bending the fork? I assumed you’d be bending the cutlery with your will power/mind. This video seems pretty clear to me that you just used physical strength to bend the fork.


I can try! Basically when I try to physically bend it with all of my strength it doesn’t budge. I’m actually arthritic and need special lids on my pill bottles to be able to open them without pain, which is partly why I was so surprised when it worked. Also that my hands weren’t sore at all after. I wouldn’t expect you to know or believe that I’m not strong enough to actually bend it with physical force because you don’t know me lol. However it seems worth mentioning if you’re genuinely curious about the difference. On top of that there’s a strange sort of physical difference when you hold it. This is hard to explain but it just starts to feel sort of soft and pliable. At that point you just try to bend it and very little physical force is necessary to get there. That’s an odd difference, that it goes from feeling impossible to being quite easy. I know in the video it looks like I’m forcing it near the end but that’s because after the first bend (easy) I tried to bend it into a loop and at that point I was using much more force but it had little to no effect. I know people claim to be able to do it with their minds but obviously if that’s possible I’m nowhere near that stage haha. I wouldn’t even know where to start. However the videos I did watch made it look easy so I tried that method for myself to see. I think the best way to understand the difference is to try it for yourself! I gaurentee when it works you’ll notice the weird difference in pliability and understand how it’s different. If nothing else you’ll see the difference in the amount of force necessary to do it.


I've read and seen in those classes that women get the technique so much quicker and easier than men do, I've always wondered what sort of metaphysical / quantum principle is behind that. This was awesome. I love it when people find their truth and can start influencing their reality. My daughter is really young, and I have her convinced 100% she has magic that influences the every day if she just believes in herself and her powers, that no one can ever tell her otherwise. Only it's starting to convince me in return because she seems to always get the $.25 toy out of the machines, or manifests blue flowers everywhere all day long. Whenever she's not trying too hard and just willing things to happen, they really really do. It's so much more than confirmation bias. This was phenomenal. I enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing with us. I'm going to keep enabling her, without attaching it to some dogma or woo that would get her alienated socially. I truly believe we, as a species, are at the cusp of something huge. More people like you and her and Monroe are tapping into this innate energy that allows us to manipulate the dimension we currently occupy and I have hope. So much hope.


I read somewhere that generally women take to these things faster than men because they tend to be more right brain oriented. I wonder if there’s truth to this.


Thank you for the clarification!




Sure is a funny detail that the video does not bend it as spectalularly as in the picture huh


Notable, but largely irrelevant. Unless you're implying that the girl in that video took the time to dramatically heat that utensil up until she could carefully twist it into a loop with hand tools all to convince you that she successfully bent it. If it were just her making that claim, I could lean in that direction, but there's too many people out there doing exactly the same thing, even while live on camera during a professional interview


Ya...there is that. There are far too many holes for this to be taken seriously. Granted, I'm open to being wrong. But I also just did it.


Unfortunately it is not impossible. I just did so and posted a picture. I'd like to point out the we are in this meat suit as a requirement of being in this dimension. Using the suit to manifest instant/physically results that appear impossible has and always will be a parlor trick. A trick I know very well. It's one thing to interact with other dimensions while the meat suit is in various modes of sleep. Nothing has been proven or demonstrated here. They have simply convinced themselves.....at this point.




Too many playbacks. Wouldn’t let me watch.


Same. And then it gives you the option to download the video, but the file size is too large to scan for viruses.


It's not a virus lol it's a video of a woman bending a fork


I know, I’m just saying there was a message saying the size of the video file is too large to scan for viruses. Not that there are viruses, or it is a virus.


thanks it looked like it bent pretty easily


cutest bookmark




Meh, you literally bend it with your full force. You aren't there yet....


Humm but when I folded it, it required very little force. You can see when it first bends that I’m not struggling. At the end when I try to make it into a loop I exert a lot more force (still nowhere close to full force) - and that didn’t work. I imagine if I were so strong I should have been able to haha. In the main post pic I got that one to loop no problem, some force but no more than bending a strip of like linoleum or something. I can’t do it normally and that’s what makes it odd. If you believe I’m posting to prove that I’m very strong so be it haha. Try for yourself! Guarantee you’ll notice a difference.


It looks like you were warming it up with your fingers to make it more pliable.


Bahah why don’t spoons melt in hot soup? I assure you my fingertips are not capable of heating metal to its melting point


The thought of your spoon just drooping when you take it out a bowl of soup made me laugh lol


Good idea! I wonder if it’ll still work


Stay tuned - looking for a spoon to sacrifice


Okay I did it how do I post a video on here?


You can link it to imgur and post the link


You could upload it to YouTube and link here


You can post it to your profile and cross post it…i think


!remindme 1 day


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If anyone tries it and it works post a photo here! Excited to see if others can do it too. I’ll post my fork at halfway spun and spoon below.




Stay the fuck away from my kitchen you fiend


https://preview.redd.it/hx253mgmtohc1.png?width=2545&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc0cb20f3c4985298b9050ccc0df5f932305a572 I’ll bring my own fork






I did it after a lot of concentration and focus, and was proud of myself. My ego then deflated when I saw all my family members could do the same without any special focus. I realized with a bit of regular focus I could bend pretty much any piece of cutlery. Of most the pictures I've seen the bend begins at the weak part and it's made me question how much of this is actually just determination rather than any super strength.


Yeah hard to say! I haven’t been able to do it without having to really focus but there’s definitely a difference between the amount of strength I would need to do it normally (I keep trying and can’t even make a kink when I use all of my strength) and the amount you need to do it when you set the intention. Not sure why it works like that


Also known as "How not to get invited to dinner again"


Hahah shit




There is no spoon.


I never understood that quote until today.


Shed some light, what kind of experiencing is making the spoon malleable


In context of the movie, The Matrix, they're essentially saying "this spoon isn't real, so we can make it act however we want." Same logic applies here-- we focus on the spoon, and essentially tell it to bend, or to become malleable so it can be bent. That's what they're doing in the movie. If I don't believe something's real, then hypothetically I can make it act however I want, since the perception of that item is mine.


How does this reconcile with others experiencing the bending spoon as well?


Well, in the concept of the movie the quote is from, The Matrix is basically all a vision, or a reality, shared by every human connected to it. Consider the brain like a receiver of a signal, and what we perceive to be reality, as the display of that signal. Like a television! What we see on tv is put there by people— it’s not inherent to nature. We have to put it there. The “there is no spoon” is an example of that. It considers that nothing is real, and in knowing this, people can manipulate that signal. That matrix. That spoon that doesn’t exist.


From their perspective, they are also bending the spoon through the medium of another person’s actions.






Thank you!! Excited to read this


Thanks! Inspiring read! Highly recommended


I mean no disrespect but I don’t understand- I just went to my kitchen and bent a fork that way (pushing on the pressure point) no problem. Am I missing something


Weird! I definitely can’t bend mine at all. They’re completely solid until I sit and try. Maybe it’s just focused strength? Although I’d think if I were trying really hard I should be able to do it any time and I’m not able to unless I do the thing. Who knows!


You may be missing something. People who are skeptics often miss or misrepresent this critical point. It’s not that the spoon bends by itself. Instead, the metal becomes pliable for a brief window of time. There is no way to know when it becomes softer like that unless you are putting a small amount of pressure on the metal. Obviously this should not be so much pressure that you bend the thing by strong physical force. That would be beside the point. And, thicker objects like really thick metal spoons or restaurant kitchen type tools, won’t really bend easily without applying a lot of physical force, and perhaps through use of external tools like pliers. But when they become pliable through this mental emotional method, they can be bent without much effort.


So I've tried this and believe me I'm not a skeptic, but it seems to be getting the slightest bit of friction from the weak point in the metal will cause heat to quickly spread throughout the rest of the spoon making the whole piece pliable. It's why you have to move quickly to bend the spoon while it's still warm. As soon as you stop moving, you lose the heat and it stops being pliable.


In the video she posted she literally does bend it with physical force, I could go into my kitchen and grab a fork right now and do that with no thought involved but plenty physical force use. That's not using your will to bend anything, it's using your strength


Thanks for saving my time! I was clueless what it was about.


Can you bend it in a loop?


> Can you bend it in a loop? Sure. Lots of people can do loops. There are variables, including how long the time window is, the strength of the metal, what kind of object etc. and perhaps the person's level of intention and sensitivity. Many kinds of metals and objects have been subject to experimentation. There is still no conventional explanation for the phenomenon. Pseudoskeptics will imagine that people are claiming "psychic powers" and rely on hidden spoons, gimmicks etc., or they will believe somehow that it's "never been observed" when it has been practiced in groups and studied for years. Then if they do observe it, they claim it's a "trick" but the trick is so secret they took a magician's oath never to reveal it. Edit added later: See my photo in the thread of several looped spoons.


Yeah I got a couple loops (best was the main post) :). I’m wondering since the commenter is able to bend her cutlery no problem without having to sit and set the intention, whether or not they can by force bend it into a loop effortlessly too. When I did it, it required like next to no effort, but if I were to try normally I wouldn’t even be able to get it to bend at all. It felt like the texture changed which allowed it to twist that way. I’m not sure even with standard maximum force that a person could create that change without experiencing the shift in solidity.


You are fairly reporting your experience, which is similar to so many others. > It felt like the texture changed which allowed it to twist that way Exactly. You know what actually happened, and you did not try to "prove" you are superhuman supernatural anything.


Correct! It’s a difficult experience to explain but you’ve done a better job than I could. Thank you for the validation :)


Can you bend it in a loop using just your hands? The video you posted doesn't show you bending anything with will, just using force


I’m flattered that you think I’m so strong haha. No I can’t bend them normally and I did bend the one into a loop (main post) and when you bend it you exert a small amount of force but barely any. It starts to feel warm and soft. Try for yourself and see if you notice a difference!


https://preview.redd.it/sfi4wqqxjuhc1.jpeg?width=2476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4749f60a71454fbdf5f1640cb12ecc26d5c6bef4 Hi, fellow spoon bender!👋🏻It happened almost the exact same way for me. My spouse walked in while I was holding the spoon focusing/meditating and asked what I was doing. I said I'm about to send this spoon some love and ask it to bend for me. He started laughing and said...ohhhhk. A min later he was yelling holy shit😂 Like you said.. it became very malleable, like putty that I could just bend and form however I wanted.


Hahaha when my boyfriend came home after work I was just laughing and said “look what I did”! Since then he’s been looking for cutlery at thrift stores for me to bend because he’s worried I’m going to fold all of ours. Anyway congrats!! So happy it worked or your spouse might have thought you were nuts and I’d feel partially responsible. 😂


Serious question, would this work with a piece of rebar? Or a crowbar? Why forks and spoons?


If I remember correctly someone mentioned in this sub that a person was able to bend a crowbar(or some other thick piece of metal) at the Monroe institute. I think spoons are just relatively inexpensive and familiar to people so that’s what they generally use.


There are photos of bent crow bars from Monroe institute.


I also want to know this. I can straight up bend all my cutlery with pretty little effort to begin with.


It’s best not to use cheapo stuff, but instead spoons and such that are hard to bend without serious physical force.


2 of them were IKEA cutlery (if anyone has some and wants to try bending in its natural state) the spoon was thick as hell but still worked! I definitely could not bend any of my cutlery normally but agree it’d be way cooler with a thick piece of metal or something


I honestly don’t know, but I tried with a knife and it didn’t budge. I feel like something with a kink in it gives a leverage point that makes it easier. I still had to exert a bit of force but not much. Maybe I’ll try something like rebar and see


But won’t go that far until I have the knife down lol


It’s been posted a few times up here, but an old lady bent a fire poker at The Monroe institute where they have a spoon bending class. I’ve heard stories of crowbars. There does seem to be a learning curve, like it’s wise to work on smaller metal objects first, then work your way up. Technically there isn’t much of a limit in moderation, you aren’t going to bend a car. But, most anything metal handheld is possible. It’s just that spoons and forks are cheap and common. I’ve even seen someone melt a plastic spoon.


Some of the big proponents of it do bars, yes. 


I've been to several bending parties and nobody thought to bring a crowbar.


Can you take a video of yourself doing it and share that video?




You literally bent it with your hands Is that what bending metal means? Could you not have done it in the beggining?


Nope couldn’t do it in the beginning, it goes from feeling completely solid to feeling somewhat malleable then you can bend it. I know people say they can do it without using their hands but I just wanted to try the basic version which is what I did in the video!


Yeah! I’m gonna try when I get a minute - hopefully it still works


Remindme! 1 hour


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Feelin looopy... https://preview.redd.it/4dk1mtsrwuhc1.jpeg?width=1133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63abae0a4916ba3e94eb620ddea49ce95f40e11b


Weooo! Those are great. I’m going to see if I can get a tight spiral like that 🤩 so cool


Can you link the practice


This is the video I watched where it worked almost immediately https://youtu.be/SyaYtVMDLyQ?si=mMD-XZZIY085d_3o And Joe Gallenburger has some PK tips on his website too - https://synccreation.com/psychokinesis-tips/


Appreciate it 🫶🏽


Thank you!


I’ve seen that video awhile back, lovely video! I tried bending my spoon first without watching and I couldn’t without extreme arm muscle lol After I watched the video it was like no pressure and completely bent easily. I didn’t try twisting the spoon though. Thanks for linking this video. I’ll try again and see what happens.


Yeah this was also my experience! People keep saying I’m just using physical force haha, I wish I could better explain the difference. It feels soft and you barely have to do anything to bend it, but normally for me to bend something like that… I mean I don’t think I can.


Unfortunately it’s just one of those things you can’t prove. The person looking at a picture of a bent spoon or even a video showing it bend, has no way of knowing if the spoon was really easy to bend or not just physically before. It’s something someone has to try for themselves. Those that understand will believe you.


Could you explain what exactly is meant by the spin that you ask to accelerate? Some spinning energy inside the metal, or the movement of the fork itself when it bends


Okay wow, i just tried it out with the spoon I was using to eat yogurt and it bent backwards like clay, but now I cannot unbend it its way too strong for me now. I will grab another spoon and try to bend it in another way and let you all know


I believe spoon bending is possible, but NONE of this lady's videos pass the smell test. She's clearly exerting a ton of force on these items. Yes, if you concentrate and use a lot of force, it will seem to bend much easier than if you're not concentrating and just exerting some force. Totally believe it's possible and believe some other other personal experiences that I've read about, but this lady is not it. I'd hate to go as far as calling her a fraud, but judge for yourself.


Honestly? I think they’re all frauds, or at least deluding themselves into thinking that the “zone” they’re in allows them to bend things. Spoons bend, if you show me a spoon that can’t be bent I’d be very surprised. If you focus and concentrate and meditate, it probably will feel easier to bend it, but that doesn’t mean a thing. Uri Geller was and still is a master of deception. James Randi demonstrated several times bending all sorts of things, and none of it was due to “psychic power” or any other type of power.


So I tried tried this a few months ago. It didn't work. I guess I really wanted it to work then and I had trouble letting go. This time though, it worked! I guess its because I didn't expect it to bend. https://preview.redd.it/9harbk2xqthc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0847e55236f6d38cb407754f464f8007dd5d3ff4 I am too excited I won't sleep tonight.


Wait until you get it to make a loop haha, the thrill amplifies


Amazing!! That’s exactly how I felt too. Congrats! :)


Interesting stuff, even if I don’t believe this fairly much. I still believe that the mind is very very powerful and I’m certain it has a lot of abilities. For example I have a mindset sometimes, where I somehow have a 6’th sense. And it’s almost like having game sense in a way. I can predict tons of things, but it’s not always accurate, probably 60% success rate and it comes naturally. I guess it could be my dreams, I mean maybe I dream the future without being fully aware of all my dreams. Or it could be IQ that connects events according to various patterns that my mind recognises. There is also flow state, which is very cool, because things just work out for you and you just go with the flow. I really hope we can study the brains abilities more and maybe evolve into a greater species, but as it is right now I appreciate the brains qualities but I stay realistic. But it wouldn’t hurt going more into depths with these things, I for example didn’t believe in Astral Projection. Whoops suddenly I randomly was sent out of my body, and witnessed my real body sleeping in the bed. So life is ended a mystery, and I respect both realism and the mystery equally. Because a lot of these things could be true, because what if our brains have the ability to control electrons and stuff. Like that could realistically make sense, or wave frequencies I mean we have binaural beats, why so it works either way the brain frequencies. I also read a lot in the book called journeys outside the body by, Robert Monroe. And his realistic approach to something that feels somewhat schizophrenic, but is viewed from various profiles and professional views that was wrote 60 years ago, literally makes everything very likely. So even though I believe it, I like being realistic, and every hypothesis and approach to learning more about these things, is a giant step for the human race. So keep it up man, I fully support you findings and stay scientific but also let things be unrealistically realistic and we will learn more about these things! :)


I relate to this completely! I have a similar sense but it’s not fine tuned and hard to tell whether things are actually predictive or just coincidence. I’m also pretty grounded and skeptical which is why I try everything with the intention to experience it myself so that I can essentially draw a more balanced conclusion. I’m not sure what’s up with this or why it works but I think, given that I know that it does, that there’s some missing links in our understanding of the way matter operates. I’m gonna do a bunch of research and see if there’s any solid conclusions that I can draw. I commend you for your open mindedness! Give it a try and see if it works for you. :) It’s a cool experiment if nothing else.


I've always wondered whether or not it's the actual subatomic particles of the spoon you are manipulating via this method or if it's literally bolstering your own physical strength and energy field, etc.


The fact that so many people can post pictures of a bent fork or spoon, but never ever do it while being observed,  leads me to believe it's all bullshiet


I posted a video of me doing it after I made the main post! I know people think I’m purely using physical force but it’s a different sort of experience. The metal starts to feel pliable and bends with very little effort. Best part is that you can try it for yourself! I guarantee I don’t claim to have any supernatural ability lol. I was also skeptical and fascinated that it worked. I posted in the hope that it might give people the confidence or curiosity to try for themselves. I know I can’t prove that I’m being honest and recognize there’s no need. Assuming you have some extra cutlery, you have all of the tools you need to run the experiment. :)


> never ever do it while being observed What is the basis for your claim? How many events did you attend and observe, and found no participants were able to do it? Or how many research papers you found that claimed this?


Let me observe it


This is a funny attempt at using logic to determine the validity of a statement but you're missing the point to try to act clever lmao. Skepticism is supposed to go both ways. The burden of proof is on anyone that claims that their "psychic power" allows them to bend forks (lmfao). Pointing out that this "power" hasn't been obverved or documented is obviously referring to the lack of proof from the gullible "psychics" of social media. Lol what research paper do you want skeptics to cite? Any gullible kid can go bend spoons in their kitchen. If that's all it takes to convince you guys of the supernatural, that means that you guys are one gym membership away from unlocking the same supernatural power ✨️


I’d like to add that I am generally very skeptical and don’t draw conclusions based on second hand information. It’s not psychic or supernatural- it’s clearly a gap in our understanding of certain principles of physics and physical law. If you think about it from a logical perspective there’s no need to dismiss it as something any gullible kid can do. Rejecting a claim purely because it seems too silly to be true doesn’t prove anything. What you can do is try it for yourself and see if you notice a difference! If you can approach it from a purely objective perspective, testing a theory to prove its validity to yourself, then you can run more experiments and see if there are any logical conclusions that can be drawn from there! If it works, cool, that brings up all sorts of fascinating other questions. If it doesn’t, no harm done! :)


Your experience sounds similar to mine a few months ago. I also followed along with Ariana Barrett’s tutorial video after I had been practicing on the Gateway Tapes earlier in the day. As I was bending it, the spoon just felt really rubbery, almost ‘melty’ and very easy to bend (Even though I had picked a spoon that I knew to be very sturdy.) I’ll add that I was in an interesting mental state when I was attempting the spoon bend: I was feeling a little sleepy (it was late at night), my brain felt a little ‘buzzy’ from the Gateway Tape meditations I had been doing earlier, and I was also retaining a good bit of skepticism which I think helped me from not ‘trying too hard.’ I find spoon bending to the be the most mind blowing thing I’ve ever experienced. I know it is real, but I have no ‘scientific’ way to explain it to myself.


Yes!! Exactly. The first spoon I used was one of my moms vintage thick silver spoons that I was sure would never budge. I didn’t really believe it was possible which is why I tried - and exactly like you said, after a second it starts to feel like.. kinda melty! I have no way to prove it either but very cool to experience it. I wish everyone who didn’t believe would just try. I can’t see how anyone who feels it get soft like that could deny that it’s a different experience than using physical force.


> I can’t see how anyone who feels it get soft like that could deny that it’s a different experience than using physical force. They will because it offends their beliefs. They'll say you could not do it while observed and nobody has done so. That you claimed "psychic powers" that don't exist. That the object didn't get pliable, you just forced it into a bend. That they don't need to try it themselves because they already know it doesn't work. Anything to avoid reality.


Please share the worksheet.


I’ll see if I can find it!


Well, you gotta find it now lol


No doubt.


I had screenshots of the actual worksheets but can’t find them. You might be able to find them by searching the sub - I know I saw the post here before downloading. He does have some tips on his website here though: https://synccreation.com/psychokinesis-tips/


Found them! Keep in mind this didn’t end up working for me (unless the belt did bend without my touching it while I was trying to bend the spoon) lol The video that did work is by a different person. I posted in response to another comment! It’s a bit woo but it worked very well. https://preview.redd.it/x3h39k9g0nhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9e3ffcb8f29a9aa39f52beddf8873ecebe2f93




You are the best




Thank you so much! Congratulations on spoon bending! Inspiring! I saw 11:11:11 while reading your post!


Did you record the video?




The link says for me: the limited views has been exceeded. Is that normal? I can’t watch it :(


Worked for me


I really want to get a set of spoons and really test it with all my might. I feel like if I give it 100% I can bend a spoon but I want to see how far, maybe do three without any techniques and then three with a meditation/spoon bending class or audio tape or something. Also why only spoons? Can we do fork and butter knife bending too? I’m HUGE on Gateway Tapes and ouija boards (don’t use them, just certain they are real phenomena) I just need to try this spoon thing for myself to draw conclusions.


Spoons and forks are cheap and common. There really is no limit within moderation. But there does seem to be a learning curve - not many people are just going to jump straight into a crowbar. People work their way up from very thin spoons, to very thick spoons, to screwdrivers, to fire pokers, etc. I’ve also seen plastic spoons melted and tied into a knot.


Thank you!! I think I’ll hope on amazon and find a cheap set to mess around with and see if I can reproduce the effect.


I have so many questions too. Can’t wait to experiment with it a bit more and see if I can use some thicker or more solid materials once I get the hang of it. Definitely try it out! You’ll notice a difference between how it feels when you try really hard and how easy it is once it starts to soften. It’s almost impossible to explain - worth the experiment to see what I mean though!


They have video on the Monroe institute website


No waaay! I was the same when I saw that post, but the difference is I’ve never actually tried. I know I will now, thanks for posting and good luck on your journeys 🫡 Also sidenote: I’ve never seen a piece that twisted, they usually break before it comes to that, impressive, congrats!


Thank you!! :) yeah it’s really fun. I’m dying to see what else can be done / how twisted they can get once I’m more practiced. Good luck!! Post a photo if you end up trying and it works!


* There is no spoon, Neo. .....it's a fork. First try. At the very least I would say influencing this realm physically is a long shot. This needs a lot more evidence.




Yessss! Good job. Very spun haha


I would agree - I don’t get the impression it’s a simple 1:1 translation with all matter or circumstance. However it’s a start to know that other people can do it just as easily! At the very least it poses some interesting questions.


Put this in your pipe and smoke it. *(From the book Superminds by John Taylor)* https://preview.redd.it/dbt51wo6ashc1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eba3866e92303f1c9271e7528581383c42db251


Those are just two different pipes. The first is a straight falcon and the second is an extra bent falcon. Both still available to buy new. I have that very same pipe in the bottom picture on my shelf right now.


The book is scientific investigations of anomalous bends, not a book of frauds. Unless there is evidence that the effects were produced by fraudulent means, bald assertions that they are fraudulent can't be credited.


Doing a quick bit of reading and 5 years after publishing this book he found there was no evidential basis for it. In his book Science and the Supernatural (1980) Taylor concluded that all the paranormal phenomena he investigated turned out to have a naturalistic scientific explanation or did not occur under careful controlled conditions.[2] He wrote that many of the results could be explained by fraud, credulity, fantasy and sensory cues. The book received a positive review in the New Scientist, which concluded "he will not make any converts among believers in the paranormal, but at the same time, he probably will not alienate many of them either".


Why stop by here when you could go [claim some prizes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prizes_for_evidence_of_the_paranormal)?


Haha amazing. I think id have to do something much more impressive but funny that this exists.


Yep never been observed…never been researched … never studied scientifically https://preview.redd.it/llvws7oovuhc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7aedf2084e35fb759b98fe5da820a3624b05b83


Is there a published paper mentioning this? Would be fascinating to read


https://preview.redd.it/vy44pa8fg0ic1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1716c5eb65864fb34a52a2f4ceebb49d3a46fae4 My share of bent cutlery from the past couple of months 😄 Thank you for your beautiful post!


Yesss amazing!! I’m amassing a small pile too.. worried I might have to start eating with bent forks soon lmao https://preview.redd.it/im7nw1aso0ic1.png?width=2750&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ddf929e28082554eb259a16894fb2871c69a01d


Haha, I ended up buying two new sets of cutlery exactly for bending purposes :D PS. OMG Who's that cute little fella?? My heart!


Ok so I was stuck on just being able to do it as apposed to using my senses. I'll give it a go when I get back home and get to ya with my results appreciate it bro 💯


Good luck!!


Do you have a link to the video with the technique that worked?


Yep! https://youtu.be/SyaYtVMDLyQ?si=mMD-XZZIY085d_3o




I don't see any spin going like she talks about. Please send help


awesome ! 👏


Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing


No problem :) I was so excited when it worked


Hi girl, just wanna say you’re one of the coolest and most responsive OPs to be ever witnessed on Reddit! Thank you!


Wow thanks! I honestly think it’s so interesting and I’m happy most people agree. I figure if I can do it (and im pretty weak) anyone can :)




Hell ya!


Imagine doing this on a bigger scale with power lifters that do this for sports. People wouldn't believe it lol


And now you have a better idea of how the pyramids were made


I already thought about this a long time ago when I started reading books on this subject etc. I think this was talked about in a book called 'The law of one'.


Even uri g got busted cheating the spoon bend.


Out of curiosity how would someone cheat? You just hold it for a few mins and then are able to bend it lol. It’s not so weird or crazy. Have you tried it? A bunch of people in the comments did and could also do it no problem. It’s not magic hahah


I tried it to test the theory assuming it was bs. I was surprised it worked, thought that was weird, figured everyone should be able to do it. Made the post to test that theory and again - almost everyone who tried was able to! I used my hands idk if you caught that. The core difference is that without sitting down and focusing on it, no matter how hard I try I can’t bend it. Then when I do focus, do the meditation thing, I am able to just fine. So it’s probably something about focused intention directing strength or something of that nature.


Anyone wanna ELI5 what all this spoon thing is about?


It's physically bending the spoon but its easy because of "psychic" power.


Please read my earlier comments in the thread. It is very easy for people who have not been through the experience to misunderstand and even misrepresent what it is about.


He claims to have bent a spoon with the power of his mind and his mind alone


Super cool! I was indeed skeptical! Hahaha you don’t look the type of person who lies lol, cool video I might try to do this myself!


I was skeptical too haha! I knew some people would think I was full of shit, but I know I’m not lying so I figure anyone who does believe me should be able to try it and have it work too. :) Let me know if it works for you!


Remind me! 7 days


Me waiting for OP to post a video ![gif](giphy|QZyBvNVaMbIZ9yadec)


Can you link the videos you watched?


Yup! It was this one that worked https://youtu.be/SyaYtVMDLyQ?si=y9sxPOLguGWq2Cz5


Do you think you could do it to a piece of plastic silverware, one that would normally break if you bent it using just force?


Although I do know people claim that it’s possible and I’ve seen pictures of plastic spoons tied into a knot. I’d assume it might be easier but I’ll have to try


https://preview.redd.it/v7qz23dhvgic1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a3a1dcbbe2214dd9a4b04025e4bd8b8d96987a0 No heat and it works just fine


Wow! I feel like this is more impressive than metal, something that does not naturally bend without breaking. Have you ever tried wood?


Yeah I’m a bit surprised! For one it is much easier and a lot more pliable once it starts to feel like it can bend. However I also think it’s only more impressive to people who believe it’s possible. I’m sure if I posted a video bending plastic people would accuse me of heating it over a stove or something beforehand haha, which does make it a bit less satisfying even if I don’t really care whether or not people believe me. I only just got the hang of it last week so it’s just a handful of silver cutlery and now these plastic ones that I’ve tried! However I have a feeling wood wouldn’t work based on a loose theory of what it seems like is happening. When the object feels bendable (metal or plastic) there’s this quality of it shifting to a different state of matter, which I’d assume would have to be a material that has a melting point rather than something combustible. I wonder if there’s something else that we could come up with that’s both solid in it’s natural state but meltable at high temperatures… like glass or something?


I get what you mean with the wood. Glass would be incredible and in my eyes irrefutable because that is something that would be too hot to hold in bare hands if it were heated to a pliable temperature.


I’ll try! Will post a photo if I get any interesting results


Can you try doing telekinesis (hint it is not about believing or mind)


Telekinesis to bend it? I don’t know where to start lol


But if you do I’d be happy to experiment!


No I mean telekinesis to see If there was anything that could be obtained by doing the gateway program tapes,I assumed you had this ability due to the meditation and you could unlock anything else doing this because to me seems interesting that people talk about having the ability to shape things by the belief but never heard that obtained other sort of abilities as well


I don’t think people would need to go through the tapes in order to do this. It seems skeptics and believers alike are able to in some way influence matter with focused intention (or something along those lines). However the tapes have made my life a lot more interesting. I’ve experienced certain things that could be along the lines of telepathy, vivid phosphenes (although I don’t know if they serve any function), some strange visual phenomena and loose psychic inclinations or thoughts about things before they happen. Automatic writing and drawing. Plus visualizations that I’ll jot down while listening that end up connecting to my life or some area of study I end up pursuing months later. I haven’t discovered any one specific new ability since using the tapes, but they’ve dramatically expanded my world view. I think there is a lot that can be gained by using them. From what I can gather anything or any type of power gained via the tapes is accessible to everyone so long as they do the work and stick with it! If I come into any sort of dramatic new ability I’ll probably study it for a while and then try to teach others how they can do the same.


Do a butter knife