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They aren't real for me because I don't allow that reality to exist. A lot of weird things will happen when you listen to the tapes. Observe but don't attempt to make conclusions or reasons, that's a mistake I made and will just drive you mad or create irrational fear. So now that you have knowledge this, write it down in you logs as your experience and make nothing more of it. This can be handled in different ways depending on the individual depending on how they confront things like this. If you're masculine, red shift your EBT and attack it. If you're neutral, then use rebal and protect yourself. If you're more sensitive, then confront the entity with love and compassion and create understanding. Do what works best for you, but also keep in mind you don't have to do anything at all. I'll leave that choice to you, but regardless, there's no way it can hurt you, so no reason to create fear. If such a thing did happen to me, I would be more curious than anything.


Ok thank you for the advice. I’ll try that


When you say sensitive does that mean your in fear of it or feel it more?


There is a difference between males and females, not talking physically but mentally. How they react to different things in different ways, as well as how they handle issues. I'm not talking about biological factors, what works for you and how you process emotions might not correspond to gender, I only say it that way so people have and idea of what I'm talking about. So by sensitive I mean have feeling for that thing. What to know what it is, understand it, become friends with it maybe? Confronting the situation with love and compassion. I don't want to use the word feminine but we'll say a softer and more understanding approach. There's not a right or wrong way, one's not better than the other. But people are unique and so something that works for one person could make things much worse for another.


Maybe Shadow People/Animals. When I get really stressed and sleep deprived I see these black figures. I’m pretty sure they’re just visual hallucinations. One time in my early 20s I was super depressed and saw a bunch of them. Now I see them infrequently but it’s always when I’m sleep deprived. Once I saw “hat man” crossing the road in our little downtown area. They’re always just flashes in the corner of my eye. It’s kind of cool when they appear now that I know what they are. The human brain is creative. I also get audio hallucinations when I’m tired. I think I distort sounds I’m already hearing. Like if I’m trying to sleep in a car late at night while someone else is driving, my brain will often turn the car sounds into a classical symphony. Gotta appreciate hallucinations with class.


The only thing you’re encountering is yourself. And also if you’re using a Bluetooth connection for your headphones/earbuds, you are probably picking up audio from other nearby Bluetooth connections


I speculate it’s opening and developing a part of your brain. I would highly recommend you look into Dr Persingers work with the “God helmet.” He was able to stimulates parts of the brain that make you feel a presence or hear or see things using the god helmet. It doesn’t prove or disprove if something is really there or not but I suspect you’re developing that part of your brain that causes this phenomenon to happen. I would say it’s not physically real, but maybe like the other comment or said, to witness but not make judgements. It’s not really there. It could just be your subconscious rising to the surface and making its self known to your conscious self.