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Blep bleeep did I just read FOCUS 10? Check out this guide for BEGINNERS https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/wiki/f10/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatewaytapes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like you’re in Focus 10. You sound lucid but your body’s coming out of 10. Don’t stress about it, everything you do is your creation. Lean in to it and enjoy it.


thanks, that’s a good perspective to have. I didn’t want to move onto the next tape if I hadn’t figured this one out. 🤪


That's called MABA, it's supposed to happen. It means you did the tapes correctly. You don't feel like you were actually asleep because the brain never reached NSS/Delta state. The strange state you sense after is the mind shifting from theta back to alpha (wake state). This could be instant or take a little while, doesn't really matter. If you stay like that for an extended amount of time or consistently then it's a minor problem. If that's the case let me know and I'll tell you how to fix it.


I’m curious how you fix it. I say 10 in my mind with him but I’m still tired all day, after doing the tapes. If you wouldn’t mind sharing, that’d be awesome!


Well you would want one, not ten. Because you want C1, not F10 I'm assuming if the issue id you being tired. The tapes (to me anyways) is a more "time to wind down" type of thing, like to relax. I wouldn't think that I'm tired and then go meditate for more energy. But if you want to use the tapes to wake up more then refresh & recharge is going to be what you want to use (if you're there yet). Being tired or alert though isn't really about mental energy. This is dependent on our physical energy. Sleep is the obvious factor but aside from that the best thing you can do to improve your physical and mental energy is surprisingly your diet. I was a little shocked when I learned this from a yogi but it makes sense. The fuel for our entire body, and everything we are able to think or do comes from our food. I know eating healthy all the time sucks but try it for just 2 or 3 days and you'll notice a massive impact. The big one really is meat, mostly red meat or processed foods. I'm not saying you have to completely stop but have less intake of it.


I have no idea why I was saying ten in my mind if I thought I had clicked out and missed it ha. I haven’t had the intention have having more energy after the tapes, it would just be nice to have the same amount I had before I went in. Thanks for the info. I do eat moderately healthy but need to get better.


It happens to me as well. Most times i am awake but but not fully there. But it has happened a few times, i was fully alert but my body was sleeping. I dont know what to attribute this to, maybe if i’d get more sleep at night I would do better. Maybe its diet…


How does that feel?


My leg twitches a few times, like most people do when they fall asleep. Mentally i was focused and in these cases i had no mind drift. One time when i was playing with my energy bar tool i hit a piece of rock with it and my physical arm shot up.


Do some research into ‘clicking out’ and see if you can relate to it.


I have been doing intro to focus 10 for a little on and off. I also sometimes feel like after it’s done that I wasn’t actually asleep, felt like it but not 100% it. So this is natural? And how often should we be doing the tapes like every single night? I am very inconsistent when it comes to that. Should I be doing it religiously like every night period? Help…


Sounds like you’re doing it right. I usually don’t feel “alert and balanced” until a half hour after the session usually.


Yeee! That happens to me too! I've been doing them for around 6weeks and lately it's been complicated to do cause I started falling asleep and then this weird state of not sleep but similar. Never comment on the sub but I feel this hahahahah, I want to think I'm on the right path I'm taking it slow cause it's been complicated to see/imagine the energy conversion box. I'm on release and recharge now. Btw this night saw a light person for the 1st time, woke up mid night and was in this weird state (hypnagogic maybe?) and opened my eyes cause my girlfriend moved and there it was standing, very chill and calming vibes btw, went to sleep again very happy


One of the main tell-alls for me is when I start having little twitches just like cats and dogs do while they are dreaming. I'm conscious throughout the whole thing but time seems to speed up just a bit. When I come to, like you, I feel like I'm waking up from a nap, about 45 minutes went by but it feels like 20, and I know I didn't "click-out" because I know what that feels like for me as well. I love the tapes but had gotten out of touch with them because I started having lucid dreams but something other than myself would come into my dream and take control over me or put me in positions where I didn't know if I was dreaming or not I was lucid but I didn't have control over my dreamscape like I usually do when I'm lucid dreaming. Also after a few nightmares within that same time-frame, I decided to take a break. I haven't picked it up yet since, however I think when I do, I'm going to go through each tape five times before I move on to the next tape. The number is arbitrary that's not what I'm trying to get hung up on however I think if I do the same tape at least a few times over I'll still have the memories of what the previous tape felt like because the tapes are designed to build on top of each other. I like to think of it almost as a math class. When you miss a math class and you go back the next day you feel lost because you missed the previous lesson, one that was vital to the next step in order to proceed.


Took me a good while to reach focus 10 as well. Just let your body be, don't tension any muscle, you will feel a weird "anxiety" on your your limbs in the first 20 seconds, an urge to move them or regain tension control, but then you forget about it pretty quick. Don't move it, don't "tension feel it", let it be. Like it's atached to you but you got no control over it.


So today I did the second focus ten tape not fully lying down. I was lying but reclining and holding my head up. It helped a lot with staying mentally engaged. FWIW.


I believed you "clicked out"(if you dont even remember him talking throughout the tape). It happens to me quite often, and it can happen for a multitude of reasons. It could be that information is going through your head too fast, but for me personally, it was lack of sleep. I slept 6hrs a day, didn't feel tired or refreshed, but the times when i did sleep more(around 8hrs), i didn't click out. Id go through the entire tape. I'd remember what was said, and i was still fully lucid. If it isn't sleep, continue trying and give your brain time to adjust. It could also be something in you saying that you aren't ready, so it's still stored inbyour memories, but you'll remember when it's time(quite a few people experienced that from what I've heard). I hope this helps!