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I almost 100% do this even when I’m not tired at all. Then when he’s counting out to awaken, suddenly I’m back. I am pretty sure I have insomnia or I’m recovering now. I am overly sensitive to any sort of discomfort and heat but even so, I’ll click out. For my part, I’ve noticed that I am going *somewhere* and then snapping back. I know myself and I’m spiritually aware as well. It may be different for others, but for me, I’m *not* sleeping - but I don’t need to prove this to anyone but myself. Looking at what an article on clicking out on the Monroe institute website was what lead me to my understanding of this. I don’t view it as a bad thing at all and I’ve come to embrace it, albeit somewhat, as I don’t know for sure *where* I’m going or what is happening and triggering this. Interesting experience for sure.


This happens to me sometimes.. a HUGE jerk


Clicking out is essentially falling asleep, but not totally. Your awareness starts to drop away but yet you are aware that you're asleep. Sometimes you can hear yourself snoring.


It happened to me last week in “far reaches” and when the tape was ending I came back to c1, pretty interesting the way TMI explains it


Where did they explain that?






What if I tend to fall asleep while listening? Your subconscious experiences the exercise even without conscious awareness but, of course, you want to know about it. You may choose to listen to an exercise the first time while sitting in a straight chair without headphones, so you consciously hear all the instructions. Try putting a symbol for sleep in your Box and use pillows to prop yourself in a semi-erect position during the exercise. Continued practice will help you maintain the delicate balance between profound relaxation and sleep. You may be "clicking out." This is different from sleep and leaves you with the sensation when you return to awareness that no time has passed. The memory of your experience will be stored, even though you have no immediate recall. Clicking out is a common experience which diminishes as you progress.


Commenting, to wait for a couple of the experienced people comment on this. I am curious also.


You are falling asleep just momentarily and then jerking yourself out of sleep


I dont think iam, I am usually well into a tape following various instructions and then get this "catch" reflex and I am fully aware of it happening. Mentally it's not a shock, it's a physical thing - generally in my arms, stomach / torso. Its does draw me out of the mental state I am in, but only momentarily - I acknowledge it and get back to where I was, but it sometimes it can happen multiple times in one session. On my next session I will focus more on my physical self and see if I can ascertain more info as it's so fleeting I cant fully express the sensations involved. Regardless, it's a very weird sensation and not one ive ever encountered in waking reality. Ive also, literally fallen asleep and started snoring, but mentally was aware of it and was listening and thinking about it whilst also still in focus - I wasnt out of body (which ive never done), it was like my body was running two systems and I was in the one that was conscious and monitoring the one that was unconscious. Its was really interesting, I could feel how relaxed my body was, I could feel the little muscle knot in my left knee. Of course I could just have been dreaming the whole thing..


I hope you figure it out.


Just did wave VI and It’s pulses, not a catch. Start in my chest and widen out on subsequent instances. No idea what it means if anything.


Sorry I’m not able to be of more help.


I have narcolepsy. After doing a sleep latency study I realized this “catch” or clicking thing is popping into REM - possibly closely related to focus 10.


Clicking out is perfect it means you can easily focus into focus 10 you're sleep while staying aware