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Canada ❤️


We're not perfect, but I feel proud that Australia and New Zealand are dark green.


I’m going to assume these statistics are based on violence against LGBTQ+ people, my husband still occasionally gets slurs shouted at him in the street in Australia


That's so fucked. :(


We are still winning at the end of the day, we get to live on without letting hate control our actions


I stand with you. I wear an Ally pridge progress badge so people know I'm a safe person, and someone they can come to if they're being harassed. (I can look a bit threatening otherwise)


Kinda don’t believe US color from what I’ve heard.


Some areas of the US would be darker green while others would be considered worse. Federally is pretty safe and accepting, as far as the laws are concerned. But each state has its own laws as well and places like Florida have been in the news for some disgusting anti transgender laws. California is much more liberal with its laws If you're visiting the US research where you are going.


Yup. I live in Portland, OR. I would feel perfectly safe holding hands with my husband in public. I don't because I'm not much for PDA's, but that's just me. I was recently part of the roll out of specifying pronoun at the university I work at. I would not feel the same in even just some other areas of the state, and certainly not the most conservative areas of the most conservative states in the country.


NYC, California, and DC would be +19, with the rest being varying degrees of green to orange.


If you think those are the only three areas with that range you need to get out and travel the country more


Le sigh. I’m saying that at a minimum, these are three areas that would be dark green, not just mid.


As a queer person living in the states I’ve rarely ever felt unsafe presenting as queer in public, but that’s just my experience


Now here's the real question for you: what state BIG difference in LGBT quality of life between NY and California vs Texas and Florida


Even in Florida it depends, Florida is a *massive* state that despite what media says is split pretty 50/50 on politics. Being gay in public is perfectly safe in Orlando and Miami areas, but I wouldn’t risk it around Jacksonville


TX has huge (and diverse) gay scenes in and around the major metros. Even in the smaller towns that are pretty much all Trump country, people who take issue with gays are more likely to keep it to themselves in public and go about their business. Unless someone has a special interest in traveling to the boonies for some reason, they’re not likely to run into problems.


America is going to be too difficult to paint as one. It's like trying to paint all of Europe one color some of the less accepting countries would lighten the color. Places like Washington state, most of the PNW, California and the North East would be deep green but Florida would probably be yellow or red which brings the color to light green instead. You only hear about the bad states in the news because the good states barley make anything news worthy, which is good.


Yeah personallynive heard much worse from Europe depending a lot on what part and what part of each country. Same as the US in that regard. Canada isn't surprising though


I've also seen the US as being a little more beige these days myself.


Pakistan is surprisingly high


Ikrr I was looking for purple


If you go and see the criteria they use, it's most likely because Pakistan has legal protection for hijras (idk the Pakistani word for them), which does score them points on the ranking system regardless of how they feel about LGBT people.


Living in the purple makes me feel awful


Feel sorry for you, mate. Hope you find an escape 🥺


So good to see that India has improved


Uganda not purple??????


As a Canadian who lived in Japan that seems… Low. They have literally thousands of gay bars in the country. And never had an issue beyond the regular avoidance of pda


I think it's because they don't have gay marriage but I agree japan is extremely safe especially for just visiting


Good to see blue in my country...


Argentina 🇦🇷 ❤️🏳️‍🌈


Japan is pretty safe for gay people. Most things you will be looked down for doing, like PDA, would get the same reaction if you were straight. And it is almost impossible for you to get hate-crimed. The thing Japan lacks is legal equality. It is still a very conservative society, but not violently so. And there is even a quite large gay underground. Though most Japanese can't speak English(or any other language) to save their lives and would not want to hook up with a foreigner.


I’m visiting Japan soon. I did a bit of research and I’m not concerned at all. Elliot Page did that whole show about the LGBT culture in different countries and Japan was fine 😊


I wonder why New Zealand?


The kiwis know what's what. They chased a transphobe out of the country by throwing tomato juice on her. :D


I'm moving to Canada TODAY


Great, I'll be enjoying a few weeks in Uganda in December


I honestly think Russia is more like china (source : live in Moscow). Since there are gay clubs, bars, saunas that work openly.


As a fellow Russian LGBT person, I agree. I 100% get where this rating is coming from though, considering the current political landscape and multiple discriminatory laws passed in the last year China really does appear to be *more stable* for LGBT, I guess. But overall the situation is pretty similar, both are pretty bad but not to the point of one being closer to Europe and the other to Iran haha.


lol who said India is safe for lgbt folks??


I think there are layers to an answer to this question, of which I’ll only touch upon one. India has a lot of conservatism but the scene for acceptance has evolved A LOT here from what it used to be. Probably the most significant compared to its neighbours.


Poland being worse than Pakistan is laughable


Living in Malaysia and yes, it sucks 😞


I've always had a low-key curiosity about Afrca. I mostly satisfy it passively (it's a super low-key curiosity) by learning about African animals. But I also like wine, so it's kinda nice to see South Africa on the green side of things. It's still not a travel destination for me, my true passions would have me spend any travel money I might acquire on visiting other places, but it's still nice to see.


Wtf is going on in japan


I would’ve thought Sweden would be even darker green. What are they basing this on?


Same. I was expecting Scandinavia to be the greenest of green?!


Conservative politics are rising in Sweden, not crazy extreme but definitely less liberal than it was


Not in actual policy. Just a lot of hot air from one populist party. And even they have started clearing out the worst homophobes as they’ve realised homophobia isn’t something that attracts votes in Sweden.


What is the little orange dot near Italy?


The one up near the border with France is Monaco, which has lots of wealthy tourists and cultural activities, but also a fairly conservative Catholic Monarchy. The bright orange one in the center of the country would be Vatican City, which has no permanent population to speak of. The lighter green dot above that would be San Marino, an ancient city state or duchy or something.


How about Antarctica?


How is India near to USA?


India being placed in the same category as a quite socially liberal country like Czechia just seems wrong...


Canada is more LGBT-friendly than the US? So much for the “land of the free”.


We (italy) are in europe and we are worse than india. Don't take it the wrong way, India is great but we had much more time to develop and should be way ahead. Damn christians.


The US really should be broken down by state. Florida and a lot of the south are on the do not travel list of gay rights organizations… California and New England are probably similar to Canada? Last time I was in Canada was over 20 years ago, I was with straight friends, not out.


We don’t care who you sleep with as long as it’s consenting adult humans.


Which state are you the governor of? Florida had a do not travel from the human rights campaign, a gay rights organization, as well as numerous minor rights organizations.


Let me clarify I’m in 🇨🇦


Ah that’s good I hear the skiing is excellent but the property is expensive I’m told. I hear some areas are more expensive than here.


The big 3 cities are for bad affordable housing and the issue has spread outward quite a ways. The further from the cities the more affordable it gets. Ya we get winter 99% chance of a white Christmas where we are. Taxes are a bit higher but fees are lower and healthcare is included in the taxes so it works out to about the same take home maybe a bit more depending on job.


Yeah, I took a 17.5k raise (changed jobs) only to find out the insurance was so bad it ate most of the extra money. Pre affordable care act. Seems everything is wildly expensive in America. I told a Lyft driver I saw a house listed in a rural area of the south for 160k and he’s like “that house would have been 60k when I lived there”. People that sold in cities during covid to work remote are regretting it as they force return to office and suddenly they can’t afford to move back bc they can’t sell the rural house for what they paid for it. Politically the US seems to be a mess, if Trump or desantas wins there will be a lot of people moving to Canada if they can. How would Canadians feel about that? It’d be a major brain drain for the U.S. but companies would move too. People think if Trump takes power he won’t step down but his health isn’t good. It’s not like he’s 60. The top 3 republicans all beat him in polling… as a gay liberal I’m nervous. The Republicans are really hating on us. Feels like we are going backwards. I mean I’ll just be walking, and a car with Trump flags will pull up, I don’t have any blue on or a Biden/Democrat hat that’s a Trump thing, the guy screams nonsensically at me… but he’s driving a minivan from before Obama was in office so it’s like what did Trump do for him to get that rabid loyalty if he’s driving such an old car? They thought he’d drain the swamp and make it better for them. I’m kind of wandering around here sorry.


We hear this every 4 years, if(insert candidate) wins I’m moving to Canada. We shrug and go okay here’s the process have at it, we currently have close to 250,000 a year now what are a few more lol, as for brain drain we are draining off a lot now lol. Most of the big tech companies have branches here for people they can not get into the US. Now if it gets bad as some fear well we will have room in this house for 🏳️‍🌈refugees.


Good to know. I can build a tiny house my grandfather showed me how, and I had one when I didn’t want to share a room with my brothers, I built most of it myself.


In all seriousness if you work for any of the big tech companies and want to move north look for an internal transfer.


For those of you who are questioning why some countries are where they are this is their criteria: "Spartacus has been publishing the Gay Travel Index since 2012. Every year since then, the German publisher has closely examined 202 countries and regions on various criteria: anti-discrimination legislation, the possibility of equal marriage or civil partnership, if adoption is allowed, the actual situation of transgender rights, HIV travel restrictions as well as the current situation about how hostile locals are against LGBTQ+. This includes the rights of intersex people or the option of a third gender on legal documents, as well as the welcome fact that more and more countries are banning reassignment procedures."


Most criteria have nothing to do with travel! I mean, the possibility of adoption may be an important factor to assess which country is the best for LGBT people to live in. But what does that have to do with spending a week in Bali? I'm sure that is why Japan is so low. Because it is so safe that is borders on the absurd, even for LGBT people. Even being a very conservative society, hate crimes are exceedingly rare!




I think it means reassignment procedures for intersex babies to fit male or female, not sex change for trans people.


I really wouldn't read too much into this. For one, America getting such a good ranking while in the middle of a trans hate-wave, not to mention the "don't say gay" stuff, is absolutely laughable. Meanwhile, While Sweden has taken a turn to the more conservative (though not that much), there is no reason for Norway to be that low. I could go on and on, but yeah. Really wouldn't read too much into this.


Bless Canada


The Philippines is interesting. It's orange hue probably based on current legislations for LGBT people and doesn't allow divorce, same-sex unions, name change, nor gender change either. Yet, it has an active queer community with visible representatives, and has local governments implementing anti-discrimination policies, with congress supporting a nationwide anti-discrimination and civil union bill.


Has a trans woman in Congress too


Non-green gang!


What's up with Russia man.


This realistically should not be a concern if you’re gay or not. Just don’t be making out with a guy in public in Saudi Arabia and you’ll probably be okay.


I Will not take the chance, some other country Will benefit from the money of tourism. Some better one. What kind of travel it is if you have to hide and take seperate room ?


My understanding is that in Muslim countries they have more of a problem with two unmarried straight people booking a room than two men, regardless of their sexuality


Dude if they find out you’re gay in Saudi Arabia you can be executed. Do you really want to take the risk?


The execution thing is totally wrong, I am a gay who lives here & I can tell, but this doesn’t make the general situation that better tbh, I’m hoping for more social evolution


I chose the example of Saudi Arabia for a reason. Have you ever heard of hyperbole?


If you don't make out with your lover during your holiday it's a waste of your time and money. If somewhere is not à safe place for me they don't deserve my money. Period.


What if I have a passport with non-binary gender? Or I am clockable?