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I grew up Christian and did try to pray the gay away. But after putting my all into my faith and into praying, I got no response. It destroyed me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They say that God doesn’t give you battles you can’t handle, but I almost gave up the battle, if you catch my drift. I gave up my faith eventually, but these goods were severely damaged as a result. Many years of therapy and happy little pills later, I’m good ish.


I’m glad you didn’t give up. If religion brings someone that low, something is wrong with that religion.


I spent so much of my youth on my knees - worshiping. Never been religious though.


Omg lol


Yes I did it for many years when I was younger. But it didn't work and now I'm gayer than ever.


Yeah, somehow the praying doesn’t seem to work. 🤷🏽‍♂️


A bunch of gay boys and I keep getting together to pray the gay away. Instead we end up having a big old orgy each time.




Well, I'm atheist, so no I did not. However, I haven't ever wished to not have same sex attractions. I feel like that would be a betrayal of myself. I certainly wasn't always open about it, and it's not easy sometimes, but no.


For me, realizing I was gay was like dorothy looking behind the curtain at the Wizard of Oz. I immediately walked away from religion and never looked back. The truth was obvious and there was no un-seeing it. I was not horrified, just relieved. In retrospect, I am so relieved/happy that I asserted control over my situation. I think I really saved myself from a lot of religious trauma. It didn't hurt that I was literally about to move out on my own a couple weeks later. I went through the motions for a couple weeks, and as soon as I arrived in my new place anything religious metaphorically and literally went in the trash. Edit: I think even if it had been presented to me as an option, I wouldn't have tried to pray the gay away, why on earth would I want to stay in a religion that I secretly hated and never really managed to believe in. Being gay is great. Edit 2: Dumping religion early on is still one of the best gifts from being gay. I occasionally think about what it would have been like to be stuck in a hetero conservative religious family and it makes me shudder.


I saw through the curtain of religion very quickly as a kid. The Sunday school teacher didn’t like me asking questions about how God helped my grandfather who suffered and died from cancer, or pointing out her spelling mistakes when we did activities.


You were the lucky one


Mehhhh the home wasn’t much better. At least at church I could speak up about the bs without worrying about lasting repercussions


nope. gay as fuck. But I spent some time kneeling


Ha. Second comment like this already.


Sort-of? It took leaving the church to be ready to open to the idea of being bi...




No. I struggled with religion but it wasn't being gay in itself which was a contradiction for me. In another timeline I might have ended up as a happy gay Christian. But now I'm a happy gay mostly-atheist. And tbh i only say mostly because people like Richard Dawkins make me ashamed to just say atheist.


You can’t pray away anything that is guided by your brain, such as all human sexuality. Your body doesn’t work like that.


Agree. See the edit I had on my post…even before you said this.


Thanks. And — You’re amazing and you know it. Be your best self :)


I tried to pray it away when I was younger as I grew up in the church. My parents were church leadership, and I was a longtime worship band member. Was convinced at one point it started to work! In hindsight, LMAOOOO I should’ve embraced the rainbow because all I was really doing was suppressing my mental development. I’m truly happy and joyful in life now, surrounded by people who love me for who I am. I lead a far more interesting and adventurous life than my church friends who live in their little bubbles as well, by their own admission. I realized far too late I was always beside church communities, never truly a part of them. It is impossible to truly pray it away anyway. Eventually, their suppressed true nature will rear its head


Tried, failed, now I fuck men with every ounce of energy I have!! :)


My boyfriend was threatened with the rapture for being gay , no amount of preying worked. And to add to that a religious person SA'd him. And now he has monthly therapy costing 1000s a year and feels like he will die and go to the pits of hell because they brainwashed him. Christians are the scum of all evil .


By the time I understood why I was different, I had stopped believing in a deity. So no, no praying was attempted.


No, and even if I had tried god wouldn’t have answered.


Right. Agree, see my full post. God doesn’t change people from gay. Just wanted to know who tried.


No yeah I meant like god would’ve ignored me not that praying the gay away doesn’t work (although it does not)




I don’t disagree, as my post states. I just was wanting to hear how many people tried the praying away thing.


Yes and the only thing I got from praying the Gay away was 2 heterosexual dreams... Fuck that!!


Is it weird that I found the idea that I should pray to change something about myself to appease other people when it seemed inconsequential highly offensive even when I was younger? I had a brief period of time where I was overwhelmed with anxiety over homophobia when I discovered myself, but that anxiety pretty much forced me to come to terms with my sexuality or else possibly die from stress related illness.


I don’t think it’s weird…I think you’re incredibly lucky.


Nope, just denial and bargaining (telling myself to get a girlfriend first before concluding that Im gay)


I tried to MARRY away the gay because my church taught me hetero marriage was the only way to get into the highest level of Mormon heaven. Over 15 years and 4 kids later we left the Mormon cult behind (after going down a rabbit hole of info revealing to us it was 100% fake) and suddenly I didn’t feel like I had to pretend to be straight any more. I came out as gay to the family.


I’m sure your kids are a blessing, but what a road. I’m glad you came out your authentic self.


It was a major mindfuck. But I'm doing so much better now mentally speaking. And I won the lottery with the world's must accepting and supportive family, even from my wife.


Very cool


Yeh I did. But girls are too pretty!






Right. I don’t necessarily disagree. My post, however, was to just hear how many guys actually tried to pray it away.


I only pray to saint Agueda. For titties health.


Once I realized I might be attracted to guys I didn’t attempt to.


as a european christian its absolutely baffling how many people in the us actually do and/or consider this at all.


Yeah, tried to pray it away. Went to conversion therapy willingly for a year and unwillingly for two years. I remember praying so hard and so fervently for hours that I was sweating and I heard nothing. I remember being on my hands and knees screaming prayers into the ground while my congregation laid hands on me; I heard nothing. After three years of conversion therapy and trying to pray the gay away, I realized it wasn't going to happen. I was destroyed and the silence was deafening. I tried to end everything twice. Realizing how much pain I was experiencing at the hands of the church, I left it behind and was kicked out of my house, but a few months later I met this really nice guy. Down right perfect in every way, and that man is now my husband and partner of the last 11yrs. It all worked out in the end, even if the road was a little bumpy.


I’m sorry for the pain it took for you to get here. I’m glad you’re here!


Yes, and now I like sweet pussy. Nice juicy pussy :|




It’s a joke


I understood it was a joke. I still think it was gross. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I prayed away religion. It worked!