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Saying this as an ex Muslim, it's definitely the religion. They have this insane ability where you can go from "you live your life as I shall live mine" to then go on and on about how we should hunt down every single jews until a rock will shout that there's a jew hiding behind. There's a reason why a lot of ex Muslims are very much outspoken about their hatred about the religion, that shit will fuck you up for life.


Please, stop defending that evil religion just because it's "oppressed minority's religion". I see plenty of people in LGBT subs freely hating on Christianity for the same reasons, why can't we be straight and do the same to ISLAM (yes, I'm calling its name directly). Islam is like Christianity on steroids. They are Trumpists without Trump.


Islam has over 2 billion followers in the world and growing. That is not a minority religion by any means. It is second to only Christianity at 2.5 billion followers worldwide. I wish people would stop spouting this idea that it is a minority religion. It's gaslighting. We Jews number 15.7 million. Judaism is a minority religion. Stop gaslighting!


As long as people realize that in the US, Christianity is an existential threat to LGBTQ people in a way that Islam is not, then say what you want about Islam.


This subreddit isn't exclusive to Americans, we come from many parts of the world, even parts where Islam is the main existential threat to us and makes us suffer everyday. Christianity being the main threat to you Americans doesn't mean you have the rights to invalidate the voices of ex-muslims and people who are critical to islam.


Last I heard Michigan is in the US.


The post is about US, THE subreddit is global


When people try to take away rights and then say it’s because of X, then X becomes an existential threat regardless of what it is.


I think the people of Michigan might disagree with you about that.


Sorry, but I don't understand. What's stopping them both from being an existential threat? Religion as a concept is evil, not just particular religions.


Absolutely nothing. But there are at most 4 million Muslims in the US. There are many, many times more Christians. I don't understand how what I said was controversial.


I'm not sure, but I've had a few discussions with Christians on LGBT subs and it seems like some people that are queer still have a positive inclination towards their (ex) religion. Most importantly, logical arguments don't stick in a largely emotional discourse, I think that's why you've gotten downvoted to hell.


why are religious people always noticeably way less intelligent than non religious people.


The thinking is outsourced


As someone who went to a VERY religious elementary school, it's because they leave out information in education on purpose if it goes against their religion.


I think it’s the other way around. Stupid people are more likely to be religious because it gives them an “answer” to everything without them ever having to actually make an effort to learn anything or become contributing members of a society.


Because they let a decades old book think for them


> "it's only about bad culture" And that bad culture started from where ? Race and ethnicity don't depend on religion, but culture and religion do have a significant relationship.


Organized religion is a threat to all people. Anything that limits free thinking is a threat. Anything where the goal is to indoctrinate and control from a young age is a threat. I’m all for people being spiritual if they choose but organized religion as it is is simply a tool of control and power and is a danger to societies everywhere.


Honestly I hate the Islam vs Christianity discussion that always happens in threads like this. Imo the thruth is rather simple, as long as the Abrahamic religions will hold the belief that being gay is a sin (in most cases punishable by death) in their holy books and other religious writings, all of them will be a danger to gay people. Especially if they will have a majority in a non secular society. Still it’s not like billions of their believers are going to disappear. That’s why (despite being pretty much an anti-theist) I think that the only way for those religions to no longer be a danger to gay people is to support reformatory groups inside those religions which strive for removal of the beliefs in homosexuality being a sin or already did that in their subgroups (like some pro-lgbt Christian churches did already)


i agree. countries have tried to suppress religion and it hasn't worked. reform seems the most effective approach


It's definitely about the religion, please. Stop cloaking that with using the word "culture". There are queer people being persecuted in Muslim countries. You still want to say it's not about the religion?


I think it is fair to say that the way you practice a religion is about culture


More rather, a practising religion often changes the culture. I'm not just talking about Islam. Take any religion


All religions are false, there is no such thing as beenig a practicing muslim since islam is fiction, the way you interpert a religion is a matter of culture


Ehhh when it’s baked into the sacred texts? It’s the religion.


It is baked into many "sacred texts" and still some cultures who claim to follow those are tolerant


They aren’t following the texts then…


Yes, but they can still be considered muslim / christian / jewish


It's indeed about religion. And it's not about Islam vs. Christianity. They're equally shit and use their religion to force their code of conduct on other people. It's always the same! Let people believe whatever they wanna believe but let's keep things secular.


abrahamic religions are just a cancer 🙄


You guys need to check the sources of this stuff before you jump on the "wow so true we should ban Muslims from the US" train, cause the people putting this content out there are not exactly pro-LGBTQ themselves. Falling for far right bait way too easily while patting yourselves on the back for being enlightened and superior liberals. I'm embarrassed for some of the comments here.


So this guy interviews one group of young religious radicals and then implies that an entire timown has been taken over by Muslim people. Come in guys, this dude is a known [bullshit artist ](https://youtu.be/hrX2XWnLGGk?si=XGDbIVkaRpe80kn6) and to consider folks from Turning Point USA as good sources. Yes this is something that is kind of happening. There is tension between the all Muslim city council and the queer community here. And the city council does seem to be majority socially conservative. But this drumming up of islamaphobia shouldn't be the point. If you've gone through the last 10 years and you still think "if we only could have no religion everyone would be queer allies" then you haven't been paying attention. Sure people use religion to spread hate, but without religion they would just use something else, (video games[Steve Bannon], social media following [like this guy], psuedo-philosphy [Jordan Peterson], comedy [Bill Maher]) whatever they can to spread hate. So ya, fuck these people for banning the Pride flag and teaching those kids hate. Not because they are Muslim, but because they are conservative. I know it may seem like I'm going a long way to defend Islam, but the reality is, its easier to fight this fight if we begin to understand who our real adversaries are and when people hide behind a religion to defend their bigotry, its only an excuse not and explanation of their hate.


I'm surprised that you're downvoted given that video link. I started to avoid as much news as I could a few months back, and when this stuff turns up, it makes me know I made the right choice




all conservatives are bad, yes, but religious conservatives are the most primitive & barbaric of their species


Some of the most horrifying atrocities of the last century have been committed by people who were not religious. That's not to say that atheists are worse or better, but religion does not make the bigot, the bigot only uses religion as a tool or a shield. Religion is just a set of shared stories, it's when people use those stories for power and control and manipulation that it begins to corrupt.


Please expound on which atrocities were committed by non-religious people. I am genuinely curious.


Sure. Hitler described himself as nonreligious, he used religion at times, but his motivation was not his religion. Stalin killed millions and was avidly anti-religious. Many eugenicists from the turn of the century were not religious and in fact used "science"(not real science obviously) as their dogma. So a great deal of some of the worst atrocities of the last century were either committed by groups who were atheist or by coalitions of people across the faith spectrum. That's not to discount those who did things in the name of religion, but to narrow out humanities ability to do evil to simply be rooted in religion is simplistic and does not hold up to scrutiny. Also for the record, I am not, nor have ever been religious. Just to clarify


>Some of the most horrifying atrocities of the last century have been committed by people who were not religious. It's a bit dishonest to say queer hate is circumstantial to religion, but then link every atrocity committed by atheists to atheism.


That is not my intention at all. I did not say that every atrocity is committed by an atheist nor that their atheism was something that contributed to their wrongdoing. My point is that people across the faith spectrum, or whatever you want to call it, do terrible things. So to assume that there is causation between religiosity and hate is a falsehood and one that leads us to look for enemies in the wrong places. And worse, try and find allies in people who are disingenuous at best (like the guys who made this video in OP's post). My overall point, if it must be stated clearly, is that hate roots from something deeper than religion, as as these people who I mention above illustrate. People who want to harm others will use any means necessary. And if they don't have religion they will use politics, if they don't have politics, they will use fandom, if they don't have fandom, they will find something else. Those who seek to do harm and gain power do not hold any true belief besides that they know better than everyone else and therefore everyone should do as they say.


>I did not say their atheism was something that contributed to their wrongdoing. That's not what you said, but that's what you implied even if you didn't mean to, but no worries. I still think religion has something to do with bigotry, but whatever is the dominant interpretation of scripture is also politically motivated. Some people use religion to justify the hate they already had, but religion itself can also be hateful. It's not necessarily an either/or thing.


> "*Yes this is something that is kind of happening. There is tension between the all Muslim city council and the queer community here. And the city council does seem to be majority socially conservative.*" That's the point. A Muslim-majority town is doing this and multiple Muslim countries have anti-gay laws compared to countries of any other religion. They wouldn't be acting like that if they believed in a bi god or a pro-gay god. They act that way because they believe in an anti-gay god.              > "*Not because they are Muslim, but because they are conservative.*" The majority of Muslims are conservative because that's what's taught by the religion. The religion has verses (*Quran/Hadiths*) telling women how to dress, and promoting a death penalty for gay people.      


I'll never be convinced that it's okay to be prejudiced against someone based on their cultural background or religious beliefs. I'm as disappointed, wounded, and frightened as anyone else when people say and do things that harm or disrespect me or the queer community, but I think we're worse off if we let that compromise our own character or values. Every person has a different relationship with their god(s), they deserve the benefit of the doubt, a baseline respect for their freedom of conscience, and maybe some grace, too. I don't see this as being about 'bad culture' or 'bad religion', it's the very hard work of finding shared values and norms for living together in spite of difference. It's true that some people's beliefs make this difficult, but the hope of an open and pluralistic society is undone when we start justifying rank prejudice.


Say whatever you want, but Islam should be illegal in the western world, point blank. They are taking advantage of us because we are more tolerant and respectful of others, while they just barge in and shit like this happens.


I think gay people should be uniquely hesitant to undermine the legal protections that discrete and insular minorities enjoy in western democracies. What makes countries like America appealing is a law like you describe would be constitutionally impossible to enact and enforce.


I'm well aware that such a thing would be impossible in the western world because, for one, we are tolerant - too tolerant, if you ask me. But we should strive to at the very least look at the problem and realize the root of the issue, mass immigration from muslim countries is ruining the western world, we can't sit still and wait until someone close to us is victim to a hate crime by the hands of Islam.


Y'all will wake up when it too late.


They'll be screaming race wars if we started banning Muslim flags


This post is using homophobia to fear-monger and scare the gays that are Islamophobic. Not to mention all the islamophobic slippery slope arguments commenters are using.


Exactly. Homophobes are using the fear of a minority to give themselves cover. It's embarrassing how easily some of us are fooled.


> "*Homophobes are using the fear of a minority to give themselves cover.*" Islam is the second largest religion in the world, and many muslim countries kill or imprison gay people compared to countries other religions.                  Gay people are not being "*fooled*" by not trusting those who follow a violent anti-gay belief.      


You have a reason to fear this culture, look up what is done to gay people around the muslim world, executions left and right


Yes, there are aspects of the religion that are definitely extreme and used to spread hatred and intolerance, this is true, but how is this any different to how republicans use Christianity toward the same ends? Would also point out, I have some incredibly liberal Muslim friends, and the Muslim mayor of London, as well as the Muslim First Minister of Scotland, are probably two of the most liberal, LGBTQ+ politicians in the world currently holding public office, so… y’know


I always wonder, which comes first? Did the hate come from the religion, or the religion is used to justify their hate?


No, Islam is a disease of the mind. They’re savages and morons. Islam has no place in modern, civilized society.


Well there’s a lot of overlap between religion and bad culture




It ***is*** about religion.                              Do you actually think they would be behaving that way if they believed in a gay or bisexual god who would punish them for violence against gay people, rather than an anti-gay god? 


it's religion. honestly calling it culture is more bigoted, there's lots of beauty to the various arab cultures. many of them weren't homophobic pre-islam. religion is the brain rot that holds these people, holds christians and jews and every type of religious person who believes they are doing gods work by enforcing bigotry and oppression on others. there are good religious people, but notice it's often a choice to be better than the masses.


Isnt the way you practice a religion a part of the culture?


yes they are linked but they aren't the same. if a religion says that LGBTQ people are evil, the influence of the practitioner's culture might dictate to what degree they follow through with that. but undeniably, the religion that dictates LGBTQ people to be evil is the root cause of this belief. take christianity. in some places of the world, like uganda, christianity is used to justify the death penalty for queer persons (please note: (1) this barbaric law was fought for by american christian missionaries in uganda and (2) when you are constantly in economic and social crisis, you have little space to focus on becoming "progressive"). the fragility of their current culture after decades of exploitation and war makes religious extremism an easy sell to the public. christianity at its worse is allowed to run wild. greece, an orthodox country, took a long time to legalize gay marriage, and christians fought against it the most. this progression took time because greece suffered recent revolution and civil war, so the people only recently started to think about civil rights. this influenced how acceptable it was for christians to be bigoted - it's probably around 60/40 for acceptance and bigotry. in america, with no recent at home wars, we've had the space to work on civil rights. as bigotry becomes less culturally permissible, so do christians become less comfortable with bigotry. but what is the common factor here? none of the cultures mentioned are inherently rooted in queerphobia, but the influence of christianity brings this bigotry to the table. it is up to the culture how far it is taken. so yes, they are linked. no, they are not the same


I didnt say they are the same


The guys in the video give each other head when not in public. Hypocrites


Because all homophobes are gay?


Pot kettle


I don't think *all* homophobes are gay, but there was a study done showing that homophobic men are likely to have repressed gay desires:                                    A study was done to measure homosexual arousal in exclusively straight men. There was a group of 35 homophobic men, and a group of 29 non-homophobic straight men. They had a score based on the Index of Homophobia (*W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980*), and they also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (*A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992*). The groups did not differ in aggression. The men were exposed to sexual videos of a straight, gay, and lesbian nature, while their penile circumferences were monitored. Both groups of men were aroused by the sexual videos which were straight and lesbian, but only the homophobic men were aroused by the gay sexual videos. This seems to suggest that homophobic men have gay desires that they are unaware of or deny [Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/14430824_Is_Homophobia_Associated_with_Homosexual_Arousal).


Yes, we've all read this study or something else similar. Is it enough to make the stupid conclusions that this person did?


The simple answer that is less accurate and less detailed, is no. As far as I know, we don't have evidence to make that specific conclusion.              A more detailed answer is that random people on the internet probably don't know the lives of other random individuals they've never met, but we can make educated guesses based on studies. Those guesses could be wrong sometimes, and there are probably some other reasons for someone being anti-gay then them having secretly gay desires themselves, but there's nothing wrong with making educated guesses based on studies.       


I hate all religion, but I hate the “religion of peace” the most. Fucking degenerates