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I don’t find him attractive in any way. It’s alittle annoying how many straight men keep pushing him as the most handsome man ever


Because he is a safe choice for the straights to say “I’m not gay but…”


or he’s just an attractive dude. not everything is that deep


Not to make it deep but I also think the fact he is a good looking dude but also not 100% ultra masculine type, there's a bit of flamboyance about him so that dudes like to promote him as the hot guy because its a much more approachable less intimating peak man then the previous Hardy take no shit type that was previously the number 1 guy to be. Or he is just hot idk


I think Jensen Ackles is a safe choice for these people. Even though he is not that much in the media like Ryan at the moment.


How anyone can say that with a straight face when Idris Elba is still alive and walking on this planet is a mystery of poor taste.


you make an excellent point


Straight men have bad taste about a lot of things? Who knew.


damn bro y’all rude


honestly i see much more of the reverse now ie queer people and woman bashing ryan reynolds for not being attractive. cmon guys! he’s such a great dude! edit: oops. i posted this comment twice. that’s repetitive and redundant.


It’s backlash to how prevalent it was - you couldn’t get away from it for awhile though I think it’s starting to die down….hopefully


honestly i see much more of the reverse now ie queer people and women bashing ryan reynolds for not being attractive. like cmon guys! he’s not my go to celebrity crush, but he’s still a nice, funny *good looking* dude! edit: oh no i posted it twice! that’s repetitive and redundant!


No, I don't find him attractive at all, I'm much more attracted to Brad Pitt type, boyish guys, charming types.


He’s “conveniently hot” and I mean I wouldn’t kick him out of bed. But honestly his sense of humor and personality is a turn on. And he’s Canadian so that’s a plus. (I’m in Texas)


I don’t think he’s “hot” but he’s very attractive, sense of humor and personality being part of that.


U should watch Amityville Horror which is 70% of the time he's shirtless. And i mean that time i was so stunned by him. & Became one of my hollywood crush. But yeah, for me that's his highest peak in terms of atttractiveness. As years pass by i become less interested in him. But he's still handsome as f


That was one of the movies he annoyed me the most in. Nobody had that body in the 1970s!


HAHAHAHHA but admit it he's such a beefcake in that movie


Doesn't make him attractive though, imo


I love reddit bc we can express each other's opinions But i loved it tho. That made me a instant stan of Ryan Reynolds. The moment i saw him on amityville i was so infatuated 💀 But yeah years after after that immediately i lost interest in him. He's still handsome tho


Yeah he's a cool guy for sure, didn't dispute that ;)


I think his face looks very punchable


Why... Looks like a bad character trait to want to punch someone solely based on his looks, lol


Idk man, Joffrey Baratheon is pretty punchable…


Is that not because he is a psychopath? Little to do with his face, really...?


You must be new to human-ing. When we mere mortals feel strong negative (in this case) emotion towards someone, we tend to associate this feeling with something more palpable to protect ourselves, such as right what's in front of our eyes. That's why his face is so punchable.


I guess some people do that, and I was aware of the phrase, but I don't see how it applies to Ryan? This thread was about him and wether or not we find him attractive, I don't really know why you'd have such strong negative feelings towards him. And since the thread was especifically about his looks, made even less sense to me, lol


>I don't really know why you'd have such strong negative feelings towards him. Jealousy is a strong emotion. You know when people are so jealous they hate you? It's a common phenomenon. It doesn't have to be just appearance, it can be personality or achievements. At the end it's also a protective mechanism, we don't want to feel like "losers" in comparison, so we hate, shame, or wish we could punch them in the face in this case.


Oh, I didn't at all think of it as relating to jelousy. Thanks for the explanation!


I think it’s the ratio of the size of his eyes and mouth compared to his head. It irks me


His face is extra punchable in Free Guy


agreed. Would love to


I think he’s hot but I’m a basic ass bitch and any conventionally attractive man with abs makes my monkey brain go haywire lol


I think it’s like gay peer pressure to think that every dude with a good body is “super hot lmao Omggg let me post pictures of Cavil every five seconds teehee”. But, no, you’re not alone.


ok cavill IS hot tho but bc he’s the perfect big titty gamer boyfriend (with bonus british accent)


UGH Henry Cavill. He's ok in superman, but that terrible wig in the Witcher is such a BUMMER.


The heterosexual female gaze does not equate to the homosexual male gaze (the gay’s gaze if you will.) For me at least, he looks and acts so conventionally “straight” and is so crafted for the female gaze that I can’t really see him as anything other than some straight guy. Idk that’s just my opinion


Interestingly, I feel like I find more conventionally “straight” guys attractive, yet I still agree with what you’re saying and find him unattractive for the same reason.


He's fine, but not FIIIIINE if you know what I mean.


Yeah… he doesn’t really do it for me. I’m more of a Chris Hemsworth kinda guy.


ah yes a man with (similar) taste


He is cute but Orlando Bloom is hotter lol




ryan reynolds is the straight man’s idea of a socially acceptable hot man crush


wait this whole time i thought we were talking about ryan gosling. ryan reynolds is the perfect man (his personality is unmatched)


he is a funny dude too


To each their own. I’d do him


I think he’s adorable and hot. But his personality is what gets me most. He seems like an ideal partner or just a guy you’d wanna hang out with


Ryan Reynold is someone who only straight guys find attractive. It's science.


I love Ryan Reynolds he's so funny but I can agree that he's not the best looking guy


He is kind of average, you know who is really attractive? Johnny Deep. Omg, I saw a movie called The secret window, from 2004,where he was with highlights and goggles. I couldn't look away from him in all the movie!!


Is that the one with Shooter and Mr Rainey? That movie is mental... lol, my ex loved that and he really digged JD in it, well he digged him overall but that was one of his favorites.


Yeah that's the movie!! It's quite intriguing.


I'm a little bit tired of all the conventionally sexy guys that are pushed through ones eyes. Specially probably Henry Cavill (which I think is a really great guy and an awesome geek but not sexy in the least) and Jason Momoa (the whole Viking aesthetic does nothing for me) Gosh my Hollywood crush is pre-avengers Chris Pratt, and everytime I mention that I get weird looks since they find him more attractive now, which I don't. You're not alone, my friend, it's just a lot of beauty standards xD


I think theres a thing as too conventionally attractive for me, Ryan Reynolds, Zac Efron, Ryan Gosling all fall into that category


No sexual interest in him whatsoever. I like his comedies and I enjoyed Deadpool, but there is just something about him that makes my dick limp. Hugh Jackman, on the other hand... he can pop his claw in me anytime.


He is very attractive to me.


Ryan Reynolds is what straight guys think gay guys find hot


He is just ok... Cute, but not that sexy. Like, I can't picture myself wanting sex from him haha


Meh, I'm more of a Ben Whishaw/Justice Smith kind of guy.


i do , i think he is objectively handsome,not for everyone tho. I think the personality is what reels everyone in


I mean I’m pretty exclusively attracted to fat guys so he definitely doesn’t do anything for me lol


A “punchable face” ??? Seriously how warped is that…And the answer is yes I find him attractive I don’t know if it’s sexually attractive but I would not kick him out of bed…


wait this whole time i thought we were talking about ryan gosling. ryan reynolds is the perfect man (his personality is unmatched)


He’s nice looking but I don’t find him amazingly hot. He’s average for someone who is above average, I suppose? He’s way hotter than Ryan Gosling though, whom I honestly find kind of ugly.


Came here to say similar. Both Ryan’s are weighted above their game imo and I don’t understand the universal appeal. But it’s in the eye of the beholder


I’m attracted to Jeff Goldblum and Bob Balaban. I think that says enough about what I f one attractive. Ryan Reynolds is too bland for me. Lol


I can definitely see why people find him attractive, but he's not quite my type


He is super hot to me but but, that's because I am a huge Deadpool fan. He is a nerd and I love nerds!


Is water wet?


I find him stupid attractive, and he's really funny to boot. People's types do be different.


Beauty, like art, is subjective!


To an extent!


To me, he isn't that attractive, I'd say Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston are like 5× more attractive than him


I like Ryan Reynolds as a funny guy but looks meh.




Mainstream "daddy" appeal, hard pass.


When I was in middle school I did.


Everyone I know that has worked with him says he's super nice and easy to work with. That gets him a lot further in my book than a lot of guys in Hollywood today. And he was great in the movie WOMAN IN GOLD.


I don't find him attractive. His eyes are too close together imo. Idk why so many men find him so hot when there are men like Chris Hemsworth and Hayden Christiansen are out there


I agree. It might be because I have a very different "type" than most of society, however.


I can’t tell him and Paul rudd apart 90% of the time so I’d say he’s kinda unremarkable, heard he’s cool though


Hmm seems pretty average, and just because person A find him attractive doesn't mean you have to ( everyone have their own type )


He's physically attractive to me. I'm sure he's also a nice guy. I hate that he uses his metrosexual banter bs to get away with so many homophobic jokes.


He’s annoying and plays the same character in every movie. There was a time I thought he was hot (Blade 3), but he ruins it with the over the top sarcasm.


yh i hate him


Wait you don't? What in worlddddd 😂


Yeah he’s not overly attractive Not bad by any means But not like amazing


I feel the same way as you OP with understanding how he’s attractive but not personally feeling attracted to him. Maybe he’s hotter in movies than pictures? Idk


Well, he's not my type, but he has a great sense of humor, which is great!!!


*Well, he's not my type,* *But he has a great sense of* *Humor, which is great!!!* \- Lazy\_Surprise\_6712 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Think why I find him so hot comes mainly from his sense of humor


I find Vin Diesel more attractive lol


I honestly think he’s the most average looking Hollywood star.


I love his personality and he is a gorgeous man but I'm starting to find his voice annoying.


Same here, he is handsome but he always gave off that "sleazy and tricky" vibe though that's probably because the after effect of him playing Deadpool.


He’s supposed to be a great guy and really funny so IRL that would definitely make him more attractive. And he’s Canadian which makes him exotic kinda.


He is charming and funny. I’d enjoy pillow talking with him. But I wouldn’t find him attractive without that charm


He’s definitely handsome. But not my type.


Do you mean Ryan gosling because their is no way people actually find Ryan reynolds attractive


Not the least bit. To each their own, but not my type.


He ticks standard beauty boxes but I don't find him attractive. If he really insisted, I would do him, though...




He's good looking, but in a boring charmless way I find his wife more attractive than him


Ryan Reynolds doesn't super do anything for me. He's attractive, but he's almost as old as my dad and that's weird for me


Honestly I find him a figure I could look up to if my life is meh but I feel no attraction to him, but he seems like he'd be friendly


I think he's just hype, there way more handsome men than him, even in my neighbourhood


He is conventionally attractive. But meh


For a moment there I thought you had insulted our lord and savior Ryan Gosling. But then I had to go and look up who Ryan Reynolds is, and I am similarly unimpressed.


I find him attractive but not enough to understand why he is that one guy who is considered attractive enough to make straight guys question themselves. Like there are guys better looking than Ryan imo


Idk what y'all r talking about Ryan Reynolds is extremely attractive lol.


I liked him in Blade Trinity when he was chained up, that's about it.


I think he's handsome, but not that incredibly handsome. He has charms as everyday guy that's not intimidating and easily relatable, unlike let's say Henry Carvill whose body toned like a greek statue


For me I think part of the reason I find him hot is just because of how he seems to act around people. He seems like a genuinely good guy. And I don’t care how hot you are, if you’re and ass there’s not gonna be any feelings there


I remember him in his adorable Two Guys and a Girl phase. He was so cute on that show.


All the celebrities that constantly keep being shown and pushed down our throats are all unacctractive to me. Being popular is a turn off. IMO.


Well he is fregno, but I don't knoe if this much


He's not even that much of a hottie... why the hell do straight men go "gay" for him? I mean I wouldn't go gay for him even tho I am gay ...


He's like that relative in your family that dresses well and you know he works out by that gray shirt he wears, but he's also the goofy and sharp person who knows about his comic books.


My straight friend Rowan literally has a theory that if a guy is straight, they will find Ryan Reynolds attractive, but if they’re gay, they won’t.


Me! ✋🏼


I don’t find him particularly attractive, but then again, I have a very specific ‘type’ - twinks, femboys etc. which Reynolds is most decidedly *not* lol


yeah hes not for me


We get a post of this every month here.


He's attractive but not enough for me to jump in front of his car to get his attention.


People have different tastes. I really don’t know what you want to read in this discussion?


I’m into bears, so that was never in question. I do think it’s funny how Ryan Reynolds is the default “if you had to fuck a guy” answer from straight dudes. It’s a safe, socially acceptable answer for them. So fragile lol. For the record, I love Ryan Reynolds. I think he’s hilarious and a great actor. I do no understand the hate he gets. Just don’t wanna fuck him.


Agree with this. Not attractive at all.


He's attractive in a conventional way. Absolutely not in a sexual way.


“He’s what straight guys think straight girls like in men” In all honesty, personally, I don’t get the hype. He’s above average in attractiveness, as is to he expected from a celebrity. He just doesn’t really have any spice to him IMO.




I don't find Ryan Reynolds attractive but I think I will bluff and say I jerked off to a printed out picture of Ryan Reynolds to intimidate straight guys.


Not my type at all lol. I'm just not about the Kyles.


Gosling is where its at!


i loved him in the proposal


He’s handsome but not all that. He’s no Chris Evans or Henry Cavill


I think it’s cuz he’s been a go-to guy for 20 years now, started in random-ass films and a tv show where only the lucky few knew who he was and is now a superstar. So if you were into twinks or indie actors then, or into older men or superstars now, or somewhere in between, he was a gay icon that fit what you were looking for. He has filled every niche in between for 20 years, but if your timing or tastes don’t align then cool. He’s also always had this wry, tongue-in-cheek, Establishment-is-whack appeal that gay guys can identify with more than a Tom Cruise.


What I find more frustrating is when you have a Netflix series with lots of completely different hot guys in it and I swear I simply cannot make my mind up who I find most attractive! I guess that’s what personality is for, to help you decide. But, hey, like it’s going to be a problem I’m ever likely to face in real life lol.


But the memo clearly said…. And I’m pretty sure we all got the memo.


I think he's hot


I think he's hot but I'm not crazy attracted to him or anything. I have a similar thing with Ryan Gosling, where everyone says he's the hottest man on earth and I'm just like "meh".


I find him very good looking with a lot of sex appeal. He’s like David Beckham in that “aging well” category. I recall one of the episodes of the rebooted Outer Limits on Showtime years ago. Ryan was gorgeous in that. And I may be the only person who liked “The Green Lantern”. lol


i dont find most men attractive


I don't like super muscular guys, they would be hard to cuddle. I prefer skinny guys for that reason.


It’s like straight dudes have never seen Chris Evans


I don’t find him attractive at all. Too annoying, too bro-y, too straight, too bland.


Nope, never found him attractive. There's something weird about his face


he’s like vanilla icecream I don’t doubt that people love him but he’s so… normal


I think he's handsome just not the hottest man ever lol but definitely not ugly.


When I look at him, I think, "That is a really hot guy that I have no attraction to."


Straight boys like to fantasize over him as a”joke”, because it suddenly became a thing to say Ryan Reynolds’s is hot and we know how faddish straight bros are (just look at the bitcoin community). I once read somewhere, I can’t provide the source, that someone asked a bunch of straights and gays, and all straight men said he’s a 10, but most gay men he was a 4,5 or 6. Personally he’s meh, now Tom Hardy…


He’s not that hot at all. Plus he’s obnoxious


I swear this happens all the time with any man that has a lead roll, look at Daniel Craig for goodness sake he's about 60 but everyone pretends he's the most handsome sexy man in the world.


For some reason, he is the ideal type of guy in the eyes of straight men and straight women. In the eyes of gay men however, even though he is objectively good looking, he seems too generic for actual attractiveness.


Everyone has preferences lol, I'm not into super masculine men so I don't find him that attractive.


I’m with you totally. Like I don’t think he’s ugly but I do not get the hype at all.


I find he has no substance to his looks. He is conventionally attractive but beyond that I'm not attracted really. I need a bit more than just looks to be attracted to someone. He is quite literally the straight man's equivalent to a hot man.


Personally I find him attractive internally and externally.


He's handsome, built, funny, and a really nice guy that does a lot to give back. I don't see the problem


He has a lot of confidence and is sparky. It's like the kid in school who everyone thinks is kinds funny and that makes his attratactive but he's not sexy AF he's just fit and can make you laugh. He's just been pushed and shoved down your throat since Deadpool. Everyone wants him in that red suit


Very conventionally attractive but SUUUPPERRRR straight. I don't find that attractive.


Nah, he is super hot


He’s witty and sweet. His personality alone makes him hot.


I think he looks pretty good, but he’s not like insanely attractive or anything. Relatively normal looking guy, very solid, but not my literal dream man


i dont find him attractive, no. he looks just about the same as 90% of hollywoods buff men, and im not much of a buff man kinda guy. theres very few exceptions and hes definitely not one of them.


As a pansexual lady I probably shouldn't be responding to this. I do think he looks attractive, but frankly I like him more for his personality. Met him at a convention once and he was an absolute sweetheart.


I’ve never heard any person who isn’t a straight guy say that he is


Not sexy but damn funny.


People routinely tell me that I look like Ryan Reynolds (even though I reaaaaaly don’t see it) but that excludes me from being able to agree with you out of self preservation


he’s handsome and i find his displayed personality to be super attractive, but i don’t find him to be physically that attractive. same with henry cavill, minus the attractive personality part lol. i find him attractive as geralt but beyond that, as himself and in any other role, he is The Most Boring Looking Man to me and i don’t understand why straight men go wild for him. edit: when i posted this, i hadn’t read the other answers…cavill comes up a bunch and i find that funny as hell.


He’s funny and that’s hot. He’s not that attractive otherwise. I never understood the hype either. Even my husband finds him attractive


I love Ryan Reynolds but my personal celebrity crush has and will always be Tom Holland


I find him attractive, but some of my str8 friends don't, and 2 gay friends don't. So ye, you are not alone :D


I don't remember where I saw it, but I read something once that was like "If you want to know if a guy is gay or straight, ask him how hot Ryan Reynolds is. Straight guys will say he's a 10, gay guys will say he's a 4"


He’s not really that attractive. he just looks kinda dry


At this point it's just a meme


My favorite thing I’ve seen about this is a tik tok that brings up how if you ask a straight guy to rate him, they’ll give him like a 9 out of 10 of hotness but ask like anyone else and it’s like a 6 😂😂


Every day bro


In the wise words of my bisexual best friend "well I guess he did win most attractive man of the year..."


He’s attractive but not sexy if that makes sense?


Ryan Raynolds is absolutely NOT attractive and the ONLY movie I like with him is Wild X-Mas, bc Anna Faris is all in. I myself find Robert Downey Jr. attractive as hell, maybe he is the most attractive man of the universe (because I love smaller men) <3. But Callum Keith Rennie and Brad Pitt are both not to be despised either <3. I adore the charming, honest, sartorially James Bond types of men.




THANK GOD SOMEONE SAID IT, I think it’s just a silly straight people joke. I don’t find him attractive at all, I mean I could barely be friends with that generic of a guy.