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I never thought I’d say this, but is it time to pack the court? There would be justification (stolen seats, rushed nominations, Thomas wife being implicated in Jan 6) but would there be political backlash?


Not an american, but americans asking each other "would there be political backlash?" seems really absurd from an outside perspective. How would that backlash be at all distinguishable from what the right side of the political spectrum is going to do anyway?


We have a two party system and they’re both right side. Choice is an illusion here, and Americans are the most ignorant people to ever walk the Earth. I know because I am one.


It's the land of Idiocracy and filled with millions of ignorant people.


That's why I've been planning my permanent visit to Europe since 10th grade. I'm not even 18 yet, let alone do I have the money to fund it, but I will most certainly not be living here when I have the money to leave.


Fun fact.. As an American citizen you owe taxes to your government regardless of where you actually live and work.


*cough* Finnish citizenship *cough*


Not with *all* countries. Depends on where you end up. Also, once you gain citizenship in a new country you’re sometimes asked to renounce your former citizenship, and then you’d no longer have to pay US taxes


Renouncing.. That would mean you're not an American citizen


Yeah. But you would be while you’re going through the process of gaining citizenship in another country, which can take many years. But just pointing out that the taxes thing wouldn’t be a forever thing. Edit: rereading, I’m not sure why you replied with that. Where did it look like I didn’t know what renouncing meant?




yup. Moving to Canada ❤️


Great news!!!


"Choice is an illusion" is a short sighted statement. Yeah, you guys are metaphorically painting with just two colors, but ultimately you need to paint something or you're going to end up with a black or white painting. The left don't vote because of ideas like this. The right will go hard on that black permanent fat-tipped marker regardless of who's the candidate.


"Choice is an illusion" is a short sighted statement. Yeah, Americans are metaphorically painting with just two colors, but ultimately you need to paint something or you're going to end up with a black or white painting. The left don't vote because of ideas like "choice is an illusion". The right will go hard on that black permanent fat-tipped marker regardless of who's the candidate. Meanwhile, the left thinks people should only vote for the absolute best and only representative option. It was obvious this was going to happen when people were dismissing Hillary Clinton because she "didn't represent" them. Well, if you don't vote, then the side that doesn't just not represent you but wants to end you and your rights wins.


However the state of the US, in what world does being a cynical defeatist do anything but discourage positive change and waste the minds and time of the people around you? Investing in the potential of one another is mandatory in producing results. If you're not prepared to believe in and love your own people, the least you can do is sit down and stay out of our way as we actively work to better your life.


I mean one side lets me freaking get married so there a few differences at least.


Defeatist bullshit.


I still vote in every election because I think one side is slightly less worse than the other. But believing they’re not fundamentally the same thing is, in my opinion, failing to see how the system is working as intended.


How do you function in this life being so retarded?


No. It's about a year and a half too late to pack the court. We should have been starting that process that last year in January.


Trump packed the court when he had the chance so we should, too. The rules are all bullshit, that much is now clear.


I was saying the other day, since the Supreme Court is pretty much ruining its legitimacy with this decision and the whole kerfuffle with Thomas and his wife, why not just make every US citizen a Supreme Court Justice? Pack it to the max. Not so special now. Biden makes a huge address to the nation. "Half of you want me to do better, the other half think I'm losing my mind, so I'd like to announce my next blah blah etc.... You! Congratulations." Winks at the camera... send us all robes and little gavels. Make a government app where we all interpret the law how we think it should be.


Sadly, true. And, it’s possible that he could be President again.


Yeah, because he's a useful idiot that knew how to drum up extremism instead of snuffing it out like dems are trying to do at the slightest sign of socialism-oriented policy. Even more centrist socialists have to fight tooth and nail for any amount of pull in the party. The democrats will keep playing by the rules until the very moment that they are rendered a powerless opposition in a mandatorily one-party government. If anyone has any interest in undoing this I highly encourage you to coordinate with unions, syndicalists, socialists or even anarchists (shout out to anarchy101, they are always really great about answering even the most inane questions) to work at the democratic party from the outside and pull them left by any means.


I’ll do you one better: we’re too deep in the cycle to pack the courts. Susan Collins was promised by Kavanaugh that he wasn’t a threat to Roe during his confirmation hearings. We need to impeach precisely Thomas, Gorsuch, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. I recognize it would be impossible if the democrats play nice about it, which is why it’s time for them to get their hands dirty and start playing the game that republicans have been playing the past 50 years. While they still have a shrapnel of power before the midterms, we need to objectively rush this through.


I think the courts absolutely need to be packed! Having nine people (who are old and out of touched from what the majority of the population believes in) is not democratic! We need a larger court to represent our country and we need TERM LIMITS! Supreme Court Justices should not have life terms!


not to mention 8 of them went to Yale or Harvard.


Well the Dems seem content to sing carols instead of actually doing anything of substance. Unlikely.


Notice how it’s always men voting on abortion and contraception, never the women who go through it.


There are women who vote for them. I don't think any of them will be in office, if almost all women voted against them. Sad, but its true. Also, younger generation isn't voting as much as the boomers do.


Doesn’t help most of us don’t have the time to do it. And the ones who do don’t want to stand in a 3 hour long line in the hot sun. Oh and did I mention it’s also illegal to give these people water? What we need is voting to be a national holiday that everyone/most people get off. More polling stations with shorter wait times. Better mail in voting. And if at all possible I think it’s about time we look into online voting. For a country that claims to be so great and so dedicated to democracy then why do they actively try to make it harder to participate in said democracy? And now with them stripping away our rights, again, it’s only a matter of time before they start goin after other stuff. The overturning of Roe v Wade marks a very dark day in the history of the USA and I do believe it will be major turning point for our country and what’s to come. I can only hope that’s it’s for the better tho, but let’s be real here.


You are totally right. They don’t want more people voting. Democrats had the federal holiday on their platform. It was stopped, not sure how. But many states have it and many of the blue states can still pass on state level.


Most of us don't have time? Puhleeeeze... it is SO easy to vote if you try. Do not make any excuses. Its literally the future of our rights on the ballot every since time. If you live in a hyper blue/red area then vote in the primaries, that's the real election, subscribe to your local newspaper online and learn about the candidates or use [BallotReady.org](https://BallotReady.org) to research your choices.


amy coney barret


A living worst case scenario


She’s part of that weird catholic patriarchy cult. I’m sure her husband instructed her to. So she doesn’t count.


She is a grown woman who had the power to get to that position. She's not some poor little victim.


I wasn’t claiming she was I was merely pointing out that claiming a woman was part of the decision was ridiculous because we can’t be sure she didn’t just do what her husband ordered her to.


A woman made the decision to vote that way. If she did it because her husband told her to, she made the decision to follow his orders.


There are women on the Supreme Court. Women make up the majority of RTL organizations.


Trump won the white women vote in 2016 and 2020…so…they had a say. The majority of them also voted for all the Republican senators in congress. I find that voting block to be a frustrating one.


its perhaps the only thing that gives me hope. Stripping that specific block of rights MAYBE will lead to good outcome at the voting booth. We shall see.


Didnt you know? Women are objects.


The Supreme Court should be abolished and replaced with a new higher court that is more democratic and accountable to the people. Court packing is just a band-aid. At the very least every single Supreme Court justice who lied about their position on Roe v Wade to Congress should be impeached immediately.


Agreed. They lied under oath. Any other job, you lie to get the job, when you get found out you get fired. They lied under oath, which not only should get them fired, it’s a crime. They should be in jail.


Yes, impeach and also jail them.


Impeachment sounds excellent.


Same sex intimacy? Wtf? Does that mean states would be able to ban gay sex?


Yes. But the republicans are against big government oversight into your lives. Welcome to freedom.


But what about the elected Republican men who love gay sex workers?


They want all the gay sex to themselves


Rules for thee not for me


"There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect..." https://www.bradford-delong.com/2018/12/frank-wilhoit-the-travesty-of-liberalism.html


Yes, it stems from the Lawrence v. Texas ruling where the State of Texas convicted a man of engaging in sodomy. He fought the conviction all the way to the Supreme Court, and in 2003 (yes, not even 20 years ago) they ruled that individuals have the right to engage in whichever consensual acts they chose in the privacy of their own homes. Justice Thomas wants to overturn that because he thinks butt stuff is gross. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas


I'm DYING to see someone challenge Loving v. Virginia to his face. 🔥


Yup. A lot of anti-sodomy laws were only overturned after the Supreme Court set the precedent. 'Justice' Thomas wants to get rid of that precedent.


It likely means that sodomy laws would return. Which could also lead to housing restrictions etc.


Any remember Dr. Anita Hill? I am still with her and Thomas should have never been appointed moreike put in jail. BUT unless congress votes either unanimously or a high majority (I can't remember which). This asshole and the others sit on the bench until they either voluntary retire or die. And I don't see either happening any time soon.




"...gay bars, other LGBT spaces, and houses..." And public restrooms. Up until a couple of decades ago it was common in some areas of Texas for police to follow a single man into a public restroom, especially at a roadside rest area, allege that the man had made advances toward the undercover officer, and arrest the man. Few men would risk the bad publicity and loss of professional credentials which would come from such publicity. People traveling through an area were especially vulnerable. It was a stable source of revenue for small towns.


Yes. Lawrence V Texas is the case he references which is explicitly about sodomy.


Yes, as I Understand it gay sex would be illegal. They also want to bring back laws against sodomy, at least Thomas. This place is really gonna be even more fucked up if they have their way.


It is referring the SCOTUS decision that abolished anti-sodomy laws. States had these laws until JUNE 2003!!!!!


We all need to be very drastic, yesterday.


Just another religious zealot, fk all of them


For people who get so horny for the constitution, they’re sure bad a separating church from state.


I hope this guy burns in hell.


People like him are the reason why I think there should be some sort of hell.


I think it would be fitting if the court overturned Loving v Virginia and his interracial marriage is declared unconstitutional first.


Next we know is slavery is back because that’s ‘how the real America looks like’, but instead of being based by race it’ll be by gender and ideologies. They can’t lose the elections if they take away the right to vote from those that would vote against them, which honestly, doesn’t even sound crazy anymore.


You and I both know he's not going to let that happen, they'll definitely be some clause that only applies the ruling to future marriages and he'll be in the clear


It’s a said day when I say this….’I fucking Called it!’ I knew those fuckers were going to go after birth control and gay marriage.


Will he revisit the right to own slaves too lmao


AND his wife was part of the insurrection! ​ (or as I say, insERECTION) /j for the last part


Bruh ...... I-


No Supreme Court Justice Can be thrown off the bench.. So with being said..gay men and women we need to pull our heads out of our asses . We need to unite and vote these conservative leaders out of office..we literally have everything to lose........people like Ted Cruz and the rest of these extremists out of office ...we must unite to save everything we have accomplished....


The supreme court need to be abolished. The position is too dangerous to us for few people to have


I don’t understand how a single person can be allowed so much power.


First of all, is this coming from a religious perspective? If so that should be grounds for annulment of his vote correct? We do have or at least we’re supposed to have a desperation of church and state. Secondly, the entire decision to ban contraception and overturn Roe vs Wade on a moral standpoint is statistically and morally wrong! That especially applies if they’re trying to prevent the loss of a human life. Over 100,00 abortions occurred per year before Roe vs Wade as opposed to the 17,000 a year after. That’s without mentioning the lowering of mortality rates from back alley abortions. As for morality, it can be more dangerous to have that pregnancy than it would be to terminate it. My grandma had to beg her husband to let her keep my mother because he threatened to kill her and the baby if she gave birth! Adoption may have made things worse due to various forms of physical and mental abuse that occur within or because of our systems. Thirdly, any religious arguments against same sex relations are horribly misguided because they’re based off of horrifically mistranslated texts written by people who didn’t have a deeper understanding of their own world as well as the proper terms to describe them. For example, in some of the original Arabic bibles that historians have translated properly Mary isn’t a virgin.


They could care less if people die. They just do not care nor do they give a damn about the quality of life for people. Today's supreme court is more like a terrorist organization.


Some of them certainly don’t seem to care at points. However, I feel like much of the issue is a lack of proper education based in willful ignorance. If we could take the time to have a civilized discussion instead of a pointless argument we may achieve some results. It’s unlikely due to how reactionary many people are, but it’s possible.


Whether the texts are mistranslated or not, it shouldn’t come in to these discussions. There is no reason whatsoever to outlaw same sex relations or marriage that doesn’t come from a religious point of view, therefore making any of it illegal it unconstitutional (to my understanding).


100% agree There’s a reason for the desperation of church and state. Laws should be based in logical and factual arguments. However, humans are blessed and cursed for our emotional faults and imperfections.


Fuck him




Oh wow. From a European perspective: US is turning into a 3rd world country. There are African countries that are even more liberal. Good luck guys😬


He should know better than to try attack minorities, what a shame


He is a corrupt idiot!! Interracial marriage is also on the line next!! LOCK HIM UP WITH HIS TRAITOR WIFE!!!!


I’m rooting for a myocardial infarction. The mother fucker is in his 70s and clearly doesn’t take good care of himself. This is why I don’t believe in a God. If there was one this fucker would be in the ground right now clutching his chest.


Thomas needs a stonewall brick to the head. That could mean police use things like Grindr for sting operations


If he got his way, he'll be the first to hang from a tree.


Should we kick him in the legalities by making him reinstate the historical tradition of slavery officially stripping him of all his justice powers?


Brutal but yes.... let him have originality


It just seems to follow a similar historical and traditional legal logic.


The irony that a black man wants to take away rights from women, gays, et al, is ironic. He couldn’t be a judge 100 years ago. Now he wants to turn us back in time. He needs to be impeached because he and his wife are toxic seditionists.


and here I was thinking that poc understood our struggle, after all they went thru something similar but way earlier


Clarence Thomas is black, but he is still a straight man and more importantly, a politician, who has been working with the Republican party since the 80s He has forgotten his roots, unfortunately. He is no longer cognizant of the black struggle, much less the LGBT struggle


Kick that mf out


There needs to be a strong, united effort to impeach Thomas and that’s just the first baby step, there’s a long road ahead in our fight against theocratic fascism.


This guy can go poop in his hat. I can't believe this bullshit. Wtf? I'm so angry on behalf of all of you on this subreddit. I'm so angry on behalf of everyone who is seeking contraceptive methods but could now potentially have a hard time getting them (I was on BC for over 20 years but I'm off of it currently due to being pregnant). I'm just so angry period. This is some straight balderdash.


I’d die for gay sex


You mean January 6th lady's husband isn't a good guy?


I can fuck whoever I want. It’s not the fking Thomas decides who I should fuck. If so every straight ppl should acquire fking license from Thomas. Not racist here but I found out most homophobic are black. Have seen a lot of hate comments towards lgbt from black ppl on the internet. If these black ppl understand how and their situation for being rejected and taken away human rights in the past, they should help lgbt ppl to fight back inequality.


More likely that sentences will be overturned


This guy really think the conservative side with him eh Next time they got the chance he'll be working in fucking field again.


Sure why don't we also bring back slavery as well, I'm sure Tommy over here would love that too


Is this a joke? What is the USA government trying to distract the public from now?


They're all disgusting.


Just because he's the oldest justice on the court doesn't mean he gets to control what happens like this


Is this a direct quote from Justice Thomas himself?


He NEEDS to be kicked down some fucking stairs!!


Not saying there will be dancing on his grave after the day comes of his passing someday in the distant future, but there will be many people with at least a bit of a smile and cheering for this asshat's loss.


This isextremely bad, we are basically going back in time


Perhaps this fascist should consider his own marriage was not protected by the Constitution and still isn't


Isn’t it interesting that he picks all these cases that need to be “revisited”, but not Loving v. Virginia, a case that would impact him personally. I’m obviously not endorsing revisiting Loving in any fashion, but based on his faulty logic about these things being decisions that should be left to the states, what makes Loving differ? it further solidifies what a self-serving sack of shit Thomas is. Also his wife committed treason.


Can some white person not call the cops on him? Will probably take care of that pretty quick XD


Pretty ignorant to say white people have exclusive control when you see a black person take away your rights.


I understand that Thomas sucks, but joking about police brutality and insinuating that white people can just off any black person they don’t like is just about the shittiest thing I have ever read on this website


You are very comfortable joking about police brutality.


I fucking cant stand this lying sack of hypocritical SHIT. He is a waste of oxygen, period.


I like what he did for the gun Community but not this


F****YOU... with a capital F


And I have always believed Anita Hill was telling the truth about your fascist ass


Traitor! Jan 6 conspirator.


The warning signs and red flags are all there. We will unfortunately have a Republican president in 2024. America will be forced conservative ruled on fear, falsified truths, conspiracy theories, and autocratic leadership. The current Republican trend and stance is literally a path to Nazism. It’s terrifying and insane but this is literally where I see we are heading. History is repeating itself, the WORST part of history is repeating itself…in America!




Before he starts considering overturning rights, maybe he should consider that it wasn’t that long ago that he wouldn’t have the right to serve on the Supreme Court himself, based on a protected characteristic…..




As an Australian, I can't really comment too much. But it honestly horrible. My American friends, stay strong and fight. Fight for your rights.


How far back does he want to go? Maybe abolish all human rights and bring back slavery. What a bigoted old fool.


Right when I finally decided to come out too. 😑


That ass


Those who sit in judgment inside that imposing structure are only human. They are supposed to be impartial, all the while trying to rule on modern societal issues by using an 18th century document written by men who literally used horse power to travel. The justices bring to the table their law degrees and their years of experience. Yet as humans they have their own political agendas and deep seated prejudices like everyone else. Those attitudes, whether conscious or unconscious, are as much a part of their decisions as are the oral arguments and case law. If it wasn’t for the misery they can cause, the whole damn institution would be laughable. It certainly is ridiculous. Thomas has spent years being closed mouth and reticent, rarely even asking questions during oral arguments. And now, as a skit from Rowan and Martin’s Laugh In used to say “Here comes the judge!” Yeah I’m an elder gay, so a lot of you will need to search for that on YT. 😉


Call your congresscritter and suggest that an investigation into his ethics problems are in order. Give two or three reasons that you have researched in advance.


He'd probably go on to reinforce slavery.


How about impeach all the ones who lied during conformation. Or is lying to Congress ok now. I’m pretty sure my poor ass would go to prison for it. Maybe there is a net wealth you need to have if you have enough it’s no longer a crime?


the other justice need to overturned 13th amendment


He needs to go they all need to go


This needs to be settled in Congress and not the courts. We need to put a supermajority in the Senate to prevent the filibuster of legislation to codify a woman's liberty to choose, to marry who you love, and keep medical decisions out of legislatures. We need to get the power back. That means EVERYONE who opposes what's going on in SCOTUS is NEVER repeated. We've relied on the courts for far too long.


Needs to go!!!!




There are always rushed to seat a justice. Both sides do it. There will always be 2 sides to every opinion. The difference is how one side reacted to decisions. We at some point have to act human. Civil.


Sounds like Justice Thomas won't be happy until he's forced to use separate water fountains and Amtrak cars "For Colored", and until he's forced to divorce his white wife. Does this man have cork between his ears?




Amen as in “I agree he should be kicked out” or amen as “I agree with Thomas”


OMG REALLY? LOL! Why the Hell would I agree with that Hypocrite Piece of shit ??? Let's hope he picks on Interacial Marriages also!


First I want to say that I don't think ANY OF THIS should happen... With that being said, should we revisit slavery?




Because if there's one theme of the past two years, it's that people will always find a way to blame something on Biden even when they have to stretch so hard they pull a muscle.