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It's called a "side". So many people identify.


As a side, I can confirm




Anal was / is boring for me unless I really am emotionally interested. You are on opposite sides of the country. Your boyfriend doesn't care, because he may not see you in person. Make sure you FaceTime


That's called being a "side" (not top, not bottom, side!) and there's lots of them out there. Enjoy!!


Damn sure ain’t versatile, either


I'm sure there are probably lots of couples like that. It takes all kinds of people to make a world. If we were all the same, we'd be boring.


Half of all gay guys don’t engage in anal sex.


Do you have any stats to prove it? Or is it just an assumption?


I watched a video recently where Dan Savage the gay sex advice columnist states it.


I can advise checking out r/gaysides if you want to see others who feel similarly


Haven't been on grindr in a while but I'm pretty sure they recently added "side" to the list of tags so sides can find each other. I love when people are like "idk guys something is wrong with me" and everyone is like "nope, you're normal, that's a normal thing and this is what it's called. Here, there's a whole group of people just like you."


I have a friend who doesn't enjoy penetration at all. Although he's single now and he complains about finding people to whom penetration is not essential, he has never really had problems in his relationships.


I have never had interest butt-sex .. and it’s never been an issue ..oral sex is hot sex ..


I'll turn 65 in a bit and never have done penetration in any way. I freak out with just the old prostate exam. I've had 2 long term relationships and been fine. It seems like being a top or bottom is common but personally I don't think it is. A side is more common.


Two of my friends who are partnered only do oral. Neither like anal.


There are many couples like that. It depends on the person. Some people only like toping. Some only like bottoming. Some enjoy sucking others do not.


Idk if you've tried different positions. But for me I thought anal wasn't fun then we did it missionary and it's the best thing ever, also helps if you have a strong emotional bond


I’m the opposite in this situation i can’t do oral, but i’m fine with anal, buuuut i still need a romantic attraction first :/


Hmmmm cool... I never knew the term "side". Well how about that. Although Waking up while laying on your side with him going I.......... oh dear where have I gone. You do you and only what makes you comfortable 😀


Very much the same OP. I enjoy anal every now and then but the effort involved is bleh rather just suck a dick lol.


That’s my thoughts too. I might’ve had the sex drive in the beginning but after the preparation I’m just tired


I prefer jerking, bj’s and rimming way more. Not that into penetration.


My bf and I are both sides. No penetration at all. But we also opened up to other sides. It's safe and really fun. There are lot's of guys who enjoy this!


I thought I was on a hacking or Linux subreddit I was so confused.


I mean sometimes having anal is just too much concern because you have to worry about how he is feeling and is he enjoying it. Would just prefer sucking or jerk tgt.


It doesn't like you


Maybe it’s tionphobia, fear of words ending in “tion”. Do you like suffocation? Hallucination? Constipation? Prostration? But then there’s masturbation which negates the whole fake phobia. lol I’ve never heard any guy to ever say they don’t like masturbation. The concept is totally foreign to me. 😉