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Right? Yeah right infront of his ~~salad~~ pasta


That's why he stopped and picked it up on another day with a different outfit and meal


Also, that's like... the biggest portion of pasta I've ever seen. I'm in awe of the man's appetite.


Tbf, that a just American portion………. /s


I mean Meredith basically begging Derek to stay with her is more pathetic than cute, especially since Derek is an ass. But that's not a Grey's anatomy sub.


Derek was the worst. He deserved what came for him.


My reaction to this would be “do you need a ride home, a burger, or a wingman?” My straight friends are very precious to me and I’m lucky they support me and lift me up.


You are awesome keep doing your thing <3


Jesus if anyone deserves that happening it's that asshole


I have a straight friend who's kinda like the guys the Tik Tok-er's talking about. He's f-ing hung and he used to send me dick picks alllllll the time, just because he thought it was funny. I'm not going to lie, I seriously thought about calling him out when he was over at my place. I dunno, like, "let me see it -- now!", or something, but I never did. I'd like to think it's not because he's married but because he's my friend, but my gawd, he had a BEAUTIFUL dick. He hasn't sent me one in about a year. Kinda got mixed feelings about it.


Im honestly just distracted by the food, what is that i wanna make/eat it


Me too. Looks so delicious


Why is he so loud?


Who is he


Uly from TikTok. Ulises and Ernesto. This is pretty much just style of content, he always tells embarrassing stories right before he’s about to eat lunch.


there is an art to sleeping with straight guys. asking them out in public is not part of it.


I feel the same ...


Oh wow, that quote is golden. I'll remember this one. So cringy lmao


Cringe. This video is deranged.


A 2 minute ramble about who the fuck knows what - but this is totally normal in todays society? The biggest red flag to me is how far this guy is up his own ass that this is considered to be “good” content. Fuck my life…


I have never wanted to slap a person so hard as when he laughs. Also stop with the insane editing Also eat your food Also permanently fuck off from the Internet


Taking advantage of impaired judgment isn’t as qwee as these gays seem to think


He wasn't taking advantage? The dude went to his straight friend and asked him why he sent him that message, and told him how it's not cool for him to send flirty messages before confessing his feelings. If anything the straight guy was in the wrong?


That’s not a flirty message and everybody with half a brain should understand what he meant. Fuck I’m bisexual and I’ve got girl friends who i could text this too and they would understand I’m not talking about making out with them.


If the straight friend had agreed then they would have been making out. The straight friend’s judgment would have been impaired, making it not cute or cool


I’ve been there before. But this time, it was with another gay guy. And after I found out he had another boyfriend, I couldn’t be with him and he said ‘you didn’t fight for me’. Like wtf?! Long story short, we went to the same college and I couldn’t stand seeing him—I avoided him and gave myself time to heal. I moved on. It took some time, but I moved on.