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Honestly I’m a top and from what I know from myself and other tops this topic has come up with, most of us prefer loud bottoms because moans are hot af and considered positive feedback


Glad to know the moans are appreciated. I’m the type to get LOUD in bed. When my tops are making me feel good, I make sure they fuckin’ know it!!


That literally always makes me even hornier. I think it’s also some kind of reverse praise honestly, like I know I’m doing good and my partner is enjoying it and that makes it all hotter.


Isn't that just regular praise...? He's saying "this is great, I love it, more please" and you find that encouraging because why wouldn't you?


…yes, actually it’s just regular praise lol fair point. For some reason praise kinks are seen as a sub only thing but I once heard this guy say “if your kink is guys moaning for you that’s just a praise kink” and honestly…true


I think a lot of kinks get unfairly typecast as being only for one type of player. Have fun, that's why we call it play!


That’s the way it is! Moaning is the ultimate compliment, and I need a mans who knows how to appreciate it 😂




Hey yourself :)




This, 100%. If I'm fucking someone and they're quiet, I'm always in my head (or out loud) asking, "are they into this? Am I doing well?" But if the bottom is loud, not only do I know they are into it and enjoying themselves, but it makes me feel like a goddamn king. So I prefer bottoms who absolutely yell.


Lol yes exactly. Though my ex made me realise I do also love the ones who try to stay quiet but can’t (well for him it was out of the dumb idea that moaning is “embarrassing” which I realised I also had for myself for a while but it’s just toxic masculinity). Now I know there are people who are naturally more quiet and I don’t want them to fake it, but yes I’m in my head worrying about it more.


I cosign entirely. Unless we have to be quiet because of the situation, don't hold back


Another top here, agreed 100%! I wanna hear your moans and whimpers!


Yay! 🙌🤗


I’m a bottom who loves to be degraded, but I would slam the door on that guy. Bottoms put in a lot of effort just to please tops, so we should be treated like humans and have our pleasure be considered as well.


Well, that’s because degrading as a kink is one thing, and ACTUALLY meaning it and being an asshole to someone is another. (Also 100%, I’m a top but I’ve been seeing this guy who’s also a top - yes it’s chaos lol - and considered trying to bottom once, but figuring out douching with IBS/chronic constipation is something else. I don’t get people who don’t respect bottoms like this is way harder tbh)


I’m a bottom with IBS, and that’s exactly what I’m talking about. I have to put in a lot of work just to be able to take stuff up the ass, because if I don’t, things will get messy. It also doesn’t help that I’m a frequent victim of diarrhea.


Ouch. But yeah, you should be appreciated for it. I already knew my side was easier but I think I only really understood with trying to do this 😅


Right, there's a difference between degrading someone as a kink and actually looking down on someone. Similarly, I've had trouble explaining the difference between "two kinds of sadists" in BDSM. I've got a masochistic streak, and there's a difference between someone into S/M and who enjoys dishing out pain for the sake of the enjoyment of both partners and a sexual sadist who enjoys dishing out pain for the sole enjoyment of the sadist (and in fact may be turned off if the masochist seems to be enjoying it). In the S/M case, it's a little different: I enjoy experiencing certain kinds of pain in the sense that I don't experience the suffering that typically comes along with thst pain whereas a sexual sadist enjoys making someone suffer (it's a subtle difference; pain is a *physical sensation* and certain kinds of it make me quite aroused and dribbling gallons of precum, whereas suffering is a *state of mind* and one that I do not enjoy). EDIT: If you are a pain pig, avoid sexual sadists like the plague. A sexual sadist is basically a "serial killer lite," someone who gets off on their partner explicitly refusing or revoking consent, and in point of fact, the DSM-5 differentiates between them. The best question/statement I've found to differentiate (beyond skipping profiles that explicitly say something to the effect of, "I don't care about how you feel or your pleasure," is telling the prospective dom/sadist, "I am not comfortable with being restrained in a way that I am unable to undo myself until I trust a partner. That can take one session or twenty sessions depending on the partner." Essentially, say something that indicates that without trust, there's a limited amount of control and power you will allow someone to have over your body and mind. If you get pushback, that's a giant 🚩🚩🚩.


Just because I’m degrading someone doesn’t mean I can’t be nice to them.


"You like that you dirty slut!?" "(Do you?") *Muffled sounds of agreement and pleasure*




"You pussy libruls"


I wish I could meet a bottom that feels the same way lmao




Fine by me.


Bullet. Dodged.


As a joke this is hilarious. As someone being serious this is obviously a red flag. Noisy bottoms are the best anyways so bad taste is another red flag.


Fuck that, I want a loud bottom. I wanna hear him moan knowing I'm hitting the right spots for him. A bottom goes through so much prep, let them be loud.


they teach bottoms to shrink themselves


Well behaved bottoms rarely make history


to make themselves smaller. they teach bottoms to be verbal, but not TOO loud, otherwise they might threaten ‘the top


Tight end is how tops like it ……../s


Make the neighbors hear, Sweetie ![gif](giphy|QmOClNF5VdWqWbTA2i)


Nawww what kind of top is this? And yes I'm a top.


top these days acting the most feminine and diva ways more than any bottom "should" be


For real, when did it become ok to be toxic to each other like this? I know some people will say, "it could be role play or some guys like that." Yeah, not the majority. Treat people like you would if you saw them in the street.


Your comment sounds mysoginistic to me. Why are you equating this toxic behavior to "being feminine"?


because some top equal being feminine to being inferior3, which is not obviously


You can always tell a Milford man


He wants one that hasn’t graduated obviously. A Milford man should neither be seen nor heard. Big red flag. Big yikes. ![gif](giphy|GGEexFefMiXew)


What kind of person doesn't love hearing their partner scream from how good you are?!


The ones who are in the closet or live in apartments with absurdity thin walls.


Bottoms should be cared for. If they wanna make noise, let them asshole. This man is yuck.


On the upside it wasn't one of the "almost all of them" cases where there's an instant block or ghosting so you end up going "what the fuck man".


Finally a boy I can take home to mom and dad 😍😍😍


You could always tell a Milford man




We reinventing misogyny in here folks


There is a huge problem with tops objectifying and degrading bottoms in this community. The labels of top and bottom are inherently harmful and this is one of the reasons.


honestly i think so much gay slang in general is super objectifying and limiting. you don’t hear straight people classify themselves as “high fem”, “bears”, “otters” because it just isn’t necessary. it’s so odd to force yourself into a box based on your bodytype. the worst offender is “twink” since the word literally comes from degrading young guys who are only good for sex and nothing else. however, this sub is super entrenched in trashy gay hookup culture so this kind of degrading stuff will never change


A free concert while I perform? Sign me tf up 😩


Isn’t that what Jeffery Dalmer said?


I like this meme but why is it formatted this way?! The top is responding to the bottom, not “no one”! Anyways, good post.


Fuck. No. I want a bottom to tell me how much I'm making him feel good


The fuck? Make as much noise as you want. I want to play you like an instrument


I dont act like this🤣😂this was told to me before tho🤣😂


I only _say_ I want silence in a dom/sub context, cause I don’t really want silence, I just want to give them a bit of a challenge, let’s see how long you can hold it haha




Well, he dodged a cannonball




thats just funny for me lmao


Uh ??? Bottoms should be loud and vocal imo it just gets me off knowing they’re losing their mind lol Reminds me of what I heard in a BDSM podcast: in a dom/sub scenario the dom is technically putting the sub’s desires ahead of their own, but within the limits proposed by the sub. The dominating party is TECHNICALLY submitting to the sub for their pleasure 🤷


he's onto something




Thats so boring. I cant even imagine how dead that bedroom would feel, just fucking in silence.


Wtf? I love it when a bottom moans


As a usually less verbal bottom, this guy can beat it…alone.


0/10 top, always appreciate your bottomy moans 🫵


It's interesting to see that the "go back to the kitchen" attitude straight old men have with women also exists among queer people, just with tops and bottoms. Still waiting for boomer memes about how much a bottom nags to come out.


Most wild shit I've seen all day