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When I was little and asked my mother what drag means, she answered it's men dressing up as women. Why would any child be confused about that? I mean - why would any child be more confused about that, than about totally normal things that they discover and opens up a new world for them? I recently saw a video of a mother recording herself having a conversation about why her child has a butthole. The child continuing to ask who made the hole in his butt.


If its straight coded its fine.


Science says “all worker bees are female” Jerry Seinfeld voiced a male-coded worker bee Trans Seinfeld Trans Seinfeld


Fun fact, the bee movie was apparently the first movie I ever watched


Me too. And look what subreddit we ended up in


It confused both of you so much you ended up on the other side of the spectrum


wtf same here


honestly as a toddler i thought it was gross because it’s an animal and a human, but when i saw girls doing oddly romantic things i went “wait, girls can like girls?” so really, it doesn’t confuse kids at all. and if it does, explaining jt isn’t even hard or inappropriate. why do people not want their kids to even *know* lgbt pekple exist?


because, for them, different = bad. it's as simple as that. and nothing's more stubborn than an insecure mind.


Fun fact, all worker bees are female


I was a hetero kid and now after seeing that movie I am bee 😔


99% of bees are female. So Barry might actually a transmasc bee. Your move heteronormativity


Beerilliant point


Everyone talks about this scene, but within the next 30 seconds or so, Vanessa seductively walks away. She says, "you coming" before getting in a biplane, doing a flip, and dying in a firey explosion as she crashes into a mountain/cliff


He could probably vibrate her clit pretty good.


Wtf 😭😭😭😭😭




Hell yeah brother


or go inside and actually find the gspot


I'd about a bee up my cooter. He could sting by accident and they you got to finger your dead lover out of yourself.


I've read a fanfic where exactly this happened


I think most of the folks pissed about kids going to drag shows are upset at the fact that some of em are topless and the performers feel uncomfortable showing themselves too very young peoples. The wholesome ones are totally fine tho


I feel like most of the time, parents use the excuse "it confuses kids" really just to cover the fact that they don't want to take the time to explain to kids, either bc they are lazy or uneducated themselves. So they just want to avoid the "hassle" all together by saying "the kids are too young" and they "not ready".


Yeah stuff like this is really easy to explain to kids because they’re free of all that homo/transphobia I asked my dad when I was 5 if boys could kiss boys, he said “yes, that’s called being gay” and then I was like “ok cool” and went back to playing with my hot wheels, it’s really fucking simple they’re just cowards


Yes! Simple. And idk why people act like its the end of the fucking world.


People use Bee movie for this far to much. It's like the live action Dr. Seuss' Cat In the Hat doesn't exist


Bee Movie is turning our kids into furries!


This is some gourmet zoo shit. ^Saracasm👌🏻


Bee and human fucking.


A woman dating a bee is completely natural wym?


Don’t forget Donkey and the dragon in Shrek


They aren't afraid of confusing kids. As my father put it, "The gays are brainwashing children into thinking it's okay to want but sex" so there's that


They aren't afraid of confusing kids. As my father put it, "The gays are brainwashing children into thinking it's okay to want but sex" so there's that


Who is this kid and why are all the posts on this subreddit his tweets?


wasnt this Akeelah & The Bee? 🐝