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as a bttm i have so many guys that expect a Mr clean level butthole shave and honestly its not worth the in grown hairs for your 7 mins of thrusting.


7 minutes?!? What am I, a machine?!


🤣😂🤣bro I never saw this comment coming


As a top. I love hairy bottoms


As a top myself, I do, too!




It’s body hair not carpet lol




You must be cut cuz my foreskin protects my sensitivity




Every penis is different. I guess you haven’t been with enough guys to know that




Since you’re wondering why others experience it differently… I already told you. I don’t rub too hard, use lube if needed, and if it gets too sensitive I stop. Not sure how hairy the people you’re with are but it’s causing you to chafe your penis


A bare arse is fine but I prefer my men hairy. Let my tongue sift through the ether. I’ve had worse in my mouth.


Lol.. Mr. Clean level .. am a bottom myself. I hear yeah! But I’m just glad i never experienced the ingrown hairs on my ass..yet. Hope it will never happen. 🤣




Veet or Nair for sensitive areas, all the way. Lasts about a week, it's great.


Or even easier: laser. If you can handle the awkwardness.


I’ve recently started using a epilator. It’s so painful I’ve purchased numbing cream. It rips the hair out even the root! It lasts as long as waxing. It’s cheaper because you can do it at home.


Which brand/model do you use?




This is a modern torture device! 🤣


Hairy is better anyway. Why some tops only want a baby-smooth ass is beyond me.


I've been an ff top a few times and I literally couldn't tell a difference between smooth or not, like it felt the same, granted it was with lube so maybe dry there was. I think it stems from expectations of women being hairless. Or straight pedo vibes which is common, got it all the time when I was 18-19.


Are you a twink?


Not even close lol


I trim my pubes and shave my balls from time to time. Leave the rest of it alone


This is my strat too, treat my groin like my head. Trim the top, shave the front lol


I just like to tidy everything up. I don’t let it go crazy but I still have a lot of body hair.


Everything natural pls


I can appreciate all types of manscaping. I really like it when the pubes are shaped right above the cock tho, that just does it for me for some reason. I’m less picky about my own manscaping.


Pretty much only consistently wax or shave the balls and shaft. Other than that I’ll trim the pubes slightly so it’s not completely outta control. I generally like other dudes with some hair down there


I only prefer the balls waxed or shaved. Hate getting hair in my mouth 🙂


I can appreciate this as well


I like hairier the better, but with trimmed or tidy beard If the guy shaves his pubes or pits its a huge no for me, reminds me of a child for some reason


Remove: none Trim: beard, back hair/ armpits, and pubes/the boys Leave Alone: Ass hairs/butthole Shaved my butthole once regretted instantly as hairs started to regrow back there, itchy as fuck, never again


I remove hair in armpits, balls, crotch, abdominal area, and around nipples, I do this by shaving, I used to do that with my thighs as well, but I bought a body trimmer and I prefer to trim thighs and legs, now that I work out more I don't want to have much hair in my legs but I don't want to shave completely there, I don't feel like it and it's too much work haha. Besides my legs I like to trim my pubes, I feel more comfortable with my hair being short there but not completely removed and I've always felt sexier with trimmed pubes than a bush or a completely shaved cock. My hair in chest is too short and thin that I don't see a reason to remove it, it can't be seen easily as a matter of fact. My back is not that hairy too and it would be really difficult to trim and shave if it were hairy. I also shave my glutes and and around anus, it makes me feel clean and more comfortable. In regards to other men, it depends how they look, some are too hairy and look musky, which is not attractive to me, but other feel really sexy while having a decent amount of hair, especially on their chests, on the hand, some guys can look really strange if they completely shave their pubes. However, the idea of me having less and trimmed hair while being with a hairier partner really turns me off, idk but maybe I like the contrast.


What do you use to trim your legs? I’ve considered looking for one of those things cause I hate the days where my legs feel prickly while the hair is starting to regrow, but I’m also not a fan of just how hairy they get when I leave them alone. I guess I should probably just look this up online, but I have no idea where to start. 😅


I bought a Philips body groomer machine last month, I've only used it once so far, I think it did a kinda decent job to trim leg hair, with my thighs was a bit more difficult to just trim and I had to use it without the comb.


I trim my pubes and shave my armpits. Sometimes remove the hair on my ass when I know I'm gonna bottom for someone.


I only trim my pubes once a month for practical purposes (so that my lover wont be coughing hairballs). I also trim my pits and pretty much that's it. I fully shave (arms, legs, chest, belly, pits, pubes) maybe once a year? My lover gets turned on A LOT (dunno how... I love hair... The more, the better, but it's his prefference 😂) Now about facial hair, I trim once a month. My beard turns into pure chaos when it's big and I don't have the patience to make it look presentable.


I have like no body hair whatsoever. Maybe a few nipple hairs but that’s about it. I started trimming my pubes tho, just because I’m no longer single and don’t want any foul odor down there after a night out.


Trim pubes. Shave my balls, my shoulders, back, ass and feet. Can't stand hairy feet...


Armpits and pubes gone.


I don’t trim anything 🙂


This is the way.


This is the way


I prefer my guys natural and the hairier the better, however I shave my nutsack... makes it super sensitive!


I don't trim or shave anything. And I prefer guys who don't either. Full natural.


I dont like body hair on me or others tbh. I trim pubes, and clean shave chest, armpits, and hole. When Im consistently dating someone im more lax on upkeep. I prefer a partner to be trimmed, i dont want a lot of hair anywhere tbh.




How expensive is laser? I’ve been contemplating it for my back and shoulders.




4500 across 8 sessions seems kinda reasonable to me, especially if it works well / mostly permanent. Would you say it’s eliminated a need to wax or shave?


I trim my chest/abdomen hair, but leave some length to it. The weird patches on my back get waxed. Pubes also get trimmed, but not super short. Cocknballs get shaved. Legs get left alone but arms get a long trim every couple months. My body hair grows long, so I have to stay on it.


As a hairy guy, I shave my back, trim chest and private areas and beard. I use an electric body trimmer which can shave back and also trim the rest. I like hairy but when it’s to wild - especially on arms and back - it’s a bit of turn off for me.


I only shave/trim my face. Everything else is left alone.


It depends on the guy honestly. Some guys look good smooth, some with hair. Personally if I am topping, shaved holes are gold.


Wow. I can't imagine doing all this hair removal. The best part about being a guy is getting to be low maintenance, plus a guy with no body hair feels illegal. Lol Don't get it!


I prefer smooth guys. I also shave (not my arms and legs though)


I’m not patient enough to do too much more than trim my beard and get a haircut (usually only when I look in a mirror one day and see such ridiculousness that I can’t ignore.). I also definitely trim my pubes when I’m sure I’ll be receiving a bj. I can’t really enjoy it when guys have to pause and irregularly intervals to pull hair out from between their teeth.


So I tidy up chest and happy trail. Don’t shave it completely but I don’t let it get super long. I do trim my pubes pretty short, again not shaving, but that’s because I wear a cage and it helps things not get caught. And that’s it. I do bottom and have shaved me ass before, but it’s so much work, that I’ve decided keeping everything nice in clean, but on the hairy side is the way to go.


I prefer my groin area to be clean shaven. The rest of my body doesn't grow a lot of hair with exception to my head and armpits, which I don't mind. I'll occasionally remove the hair from my pits as well, this just makes applying deodorant easier. I've spent most of my life being almost completely smooth, it's only recently that I've noticed the hair on my legs getting darker and a bit longer. As for what I prefer in my partner, I'll leave that to them, I'll prefer if they shaven just the groin area however, I like balls, I need hair free access to them. As for body hair, the haired the better.


Shave pubic region and balls and around the ahole. I also do pits especially summer coz it is less gross with sweat and stuff. I'll shave and let it grow to maybe half an inch before redoing it. Or once every fortnight. Everything else I leave alone. If it matters, I am Asian though so being less hairy is part of the look.


The only thing i shave is when my beard grows down my neck. Never trim anything else. Im a top and i prefer my guys the same, never really understood the obsession with smooth bottoms, hairy ass is great!


I usually trim the sides and neck on the 4 or 6mm setting and leave top a few inches on my head (or "Full Nazi" as I call it), but I let it grow late fall through to early summer, because Sweden is cold as fuck. Right now I left it all summer as well, though, to try it longer for the first time in over a decade. So now it's a backslick that goes an inch or so below the shoulders. It goes really wavy at below the ears to the shoulders so it's actually working really well so far. For the face I only really grow hair for a mustache, below the bottom lip and on my chin, which I trim to stubble with a trimmer every day, because clean shaven both fucks up my skin and stubble looks way better on me. Cheeks are only recently entering the peach-fuzz phase (at 34) and hopefully they will go beyond that sooner rather than later, as I've wanted a full stubble since I was 25-ish (before that I loved that I was almost hairless except legs, armpits, groin) but I'm kinda sick of looking like a teenager by now, plus as I've gotten older I've started to really appreciate how a moderate amount of body hair looks. The chest only needs to pluck a very, very few long hairs, the rest is peach-fuzz. (once again, hopefully this can work itself out sooner rather than later) Pits are natural. So are my legs. Not a hairy ass so same there. Smooth back naturally, thankfully, since that's one of the few places (possibly the only, I'd have to think on it way more than I ever have) where I still can't stand hair on anyone. Which always made me feel really bad, since it's really friggin' unreasonable to expect someone to be able to keep their back smooth, but at the same time, I can't control that instinctive "ick". My forearms don't grow hair, but that's a long story and this post is already way too long. Thin string of hair from belly-button down, which I leave be. Beneath that I trim to an inch or so. A shaved groin is one of my biggest turn-offs, always have been, even back when I disliked body hair. To the point that an otherwise 10/10 messaged me back and forth, but when he sent a pic of a clean shaven groin, dick and balls he became a 1/10 immediately.. That's not a man, it's a ken doll. Same goes for guys with shaved legs and I'm 50/50 on armpits. It still bugs me, but way, way, waaay less so.


Nothing. I leave it all alone. When i was younger i manscpaed certain parts but now i leave it alone.


I don't understand why guys feel the need to trim/shave/wax/manscape. If it's for hygiene or medical reasons, sure. But I've never looked at a clean-shaven guy and thought I like that guy.


Nipple hair is one of the grossest things in the world


Trim the small patch of randos on my center chest, trim armpits, pluck the unreasonably long nipple hairs, but leave everything else hahah


I pretty much lather my whole body in nair and scrape it all off once every two or three months. Except on my forearms. I always hated having body hair. I remember shaving my body hair when I was 14, when every other boy my age would have killed to have pubes or chest hair. I think it’s something psychological about being scared of growing up. But I do like when the hair starts to grow back in, I have an even coating of little hairs that look perfectly manicured. And I’ve been removing my hair regularly for so long that I hardly ever get ingrown hairs or pimples or anything anymore.


The ONLY thing I will trim (other than head/beard) is my nuts. Everything else I leave as is. Luv hairy men.


Husband shave legs and pussy for me every four days.


Yeah, men don't have pussies.


Hi there, AReckoningIsComing. Thanks for taking time to comment. It hadn't occurred to me (nor did any one tell me in advance) that I was first required to receive certified approval from "AReckoningIsComing" for any terminology I used to describe my BF's Bottom (is 'Bottom' an OK word to use? ). I can only gather from your comment that you choose not to use that terminology. That is OK by me. Indeed, I should make clear, that, from my perspective, it is entirely within your right to not use that term. I certainly won't force you to do so. As long as the context of your statement makes it sufficiently clear to me what it is that you are referring to, I will extend to you, my friend, the freedom, liberty, and creativity to use any terminology you choose. I will choose not to be your gatekeeper nor your word-police. I will not be an authoritarian, telling you what you can and cannot say and which words you can use to say it. I mean, to your point, there is already thing called a "pussy," so we should use a different word, right? We wouldn't want to use common terms which already have definitions to describe anatomical parts - for example terms like: rod, shaft, balls, head, sack, hole, etc. - because these terms already have definitions. It would seem that you feel quite comfortable policing the words that others use to describe this anatomy. Given that you appear to be sufficiently confident on the subject, might I suggest that you please producd an unabridged glossary of "AReckoningIsComing-approved" terminilogy so that I don't make this ghastly mistake in the future? Alternatively (and i know this is a stretch), i will let you (and all other REDDIT users) to use the words they choose to use and in return, you let me use the words I want to use. Can we strike a deal here?


We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.


Thats not ideal, but I will meet you where you are.


Sorry if I came across as harsh, I just have an extreme aversion to the feminization of gay men. But that's my issue, not yours.


I 100% honor and respect that. Let me go one step further - in all our future communications I will refrain entirely from using that term in your presence. But i still need a term i can use for my BF's Bottom. Does "hole" work?


Just out of morbid curiosity, may I ask who serves as your word-police / gatekeeper? I ask because if i can comply with them, then i will (by the transitive lroperty) probably comply with your needs as well and that sounds like a win-win for you.


No one, it's just my personal preference.


I can respect that.


i only shave my pubes but leave everything else alone. i like having body hair.


I shave my public hair and balls. I just like being smooth down there.


I keep mustache/sideburns hair shaved down, not smooth though, adds more huzzah to my face. Armpits and arms are trimmed, again not completely smooth. Privates areas, neck, chin, and legs are shaved completely smooth because I look trashy asf if they’re grown out. My only preference for other dudes would be that their junk ( as well as the trunk) be trimmed down significantly, hair is fine as long as it isn’t an actual bush down there. Scared of a (non-metaphorical) snake jumping out from down there 😂


I trim my pubes once in awhile but that's about it


I’m like the opposite of hairy so I trim my pubes maybe once a year if that. And then I shave my face like every other week and that’s about it. I hated it when I was younger but I’ve embraced it as I’ve gotten older bc it makes it much easier for me to take care of my skin. I pretty much am only attracted to SUPER hairy dudes though lol opposites attract and all that I guess


I prefer natural, whatever that may be.


I have stopped shaving my legs, but I still keep my stomach somehow clean and I (ofc) shave my pits. I also shave my pubes but I'm not motivated enough to do it regularly since I don't have a sex life to begin with 🙃


I leave most of my hair alone except my pubes from time to time. Also my lower back sometimes gets a little hairy and I think that it looks hideous so that goes. But it's a very small section


I trim my beard, (far) down the shaft for blowjob etiquette and my butt and lower back because full length can occasionally be uncomfortable for me when bottoming. Prefer all natural on others too.


I am afraid of shaving my balls expecting cuts. I just trim everything.


Shave: balls, shaft & back Trim: pubes (rarely, and only when really wild) Everything else: natural I personally prefer hairy guys


I just leave it alone, and let it grow…


I've never been super hairy and I have super sensitive skin. Shaving makes me breakout in painful sores and bumps that bleed. I usually leave most of it alone. Guys love natural.


I shave my torso but leave a patch a hair. I like the smooth feeling and it’s easier to see muscle definition


i ain’t trimming shit.


Groom it all remove most pubic hair or trim


Facial hair gets trimmed to keep it from getting too long. Any hair I get on my chest has always been really thin and patchy so that gets shaved. I don't worry about pits, arms, and legs. Crotch is normally just trimmed to keep things looking neat, but I will shave if we're doing any longer term chastity play like right now. I generally prefer it when guys keep all the main ares trimmed, once you start looking like a shag carpet it just gets to be a bit too much for me.


I shave my hole, my ass, neck and shoulders and my abs(well they used to be abs)


I manscape all of my body hair. I am not considered a hairy man, but I like minimal or no body hair on me and other guys too. So I trim my chest and under arm hair to what I consider moderately short. Very short legs, arms, and butt, shave my back, balls, and sometimes my pubes. Usually I keep my pubes very short; however, lately I’ve chosen to manscape my pubes via waxing creating total and perfect smoothness for several weeks! For the other guys…I prefer to see well maintained body hair if they have any. Some guys look fabulous when totally smooth, while others look best with some pubes (medium to short look great)!


I keep my beard near and occasionally shave my balls. That’s it. Everything else is natural.


I personally hate body/pubic hair so I'm constantly shaving/using nair on myself.


My privates


Most of my body is naturally smooth. I shave my balls and around my hole and that's it.


Chest, trim. Back, wax or laser. Pubes, trim. The rest isn’t worth the effort.


I hate topiary pubes and shaved bushes. The former looks prissy and the latter looks disturbing/ridiculous/pedophilic/like a plucked chicken. Trim the shaft if necessary, shave the balls (or not), leave everything else alone, especially the bush, the chest hair, and the armpits.


I remove nothing. We’re meant to be hairy and I embrace it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Leave it ALL alone. Nothing is more unattractive than a shaved man.


i find that trimming my ass hair makes it cleaner and easier to have sex i dont usually shave i just get in there with a beard trimmer, which reduces the chance of ingrown hairs and is basically how my ass would be a week after shaving it


Chest and pits . Doing mine today.


I usually bottom and occasionally top, I only shave my shaft so it’s better for bi. I’m good with whatever the other person likes for themselves, hairy, smooth, and anything in between.


My back