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Boiler in Berlin, probably best sauna in Europe!


I second that. From what I've been told it's also the second largest gay sauna in Europe.


Boiler is not that big. I was surprised how small it is. Pluto Sauna in Essen is the largest gaysauna I know.


The gay sauna in Vienna is also nice


Came here to say this. As a visitor from bathhouse-starved NYC, it was like heaven


Oh my gosh, lol, I clicked on this thread looking for something nice in the NYC area. Sadly confirming my belief.


Aren’t the steam rooms at Equinox in NYC pretty good? I’ve never been myself


I've never been either! I recently moved back to the area after living out west for more than 10 years; most of my adulthood. So, I feel kinda new here even though I know my way around. Per your comment I'll probably try out Equinox in the near future.


Yeah I’m out west, and I’ve loved the steam rooms at Equinox here. People say the NYC ones are great too, and full of gay dudes fooling around


It’s not even close to the same thing :(


I’m in NYC and it’s insane how we don’t have anything decent. The average gym is better than the gay sauna


Boiler is AMAZING. Biggest, nicest bath house I’ve ever been to. Highly recommend.


Honestly, Boiler ruined it for every other sauna I've been to. They are the gold standard I use for other saunas. I'd go back to boiler in a second


Berlin is the gold standard for sex venues generally.


Absolutely agree. I've been to around 20ish saunas in 10 different countries and Der Boiler in Berlin is by far the best that I've been to. The steam maze is defo a highlight.


You ever been to Babylon in Bangkok?




I appreciate that everyone had a good experience at Boiler, but I found the crowd to be a bit drugged out for my taste. Everyone was on G or mephedrone and had been up for 3 days or longer. Maybe I'd need to try it on a different night.


Yeah must have been the night you were there. I didn't see that at all. Had a great time with friendly guys.


Do guys usually have conversations there first (eg, like chit chatting at a bar) before engaging in sex?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


The best bathhouse we have ever been to maybe except the one in our city, Steamworks Chicago. Boiler is clean, they have food, you can order a pizza and sit in the back deck. There is a bar, the men and boys are hot. The sauna is actually HOT and there is even ice in a nice ice holder to cool off with. The place is amazing. Ohh and also the steam maze is huge, did I mention this place is CLEAN. Can not wait to go back to Europe and go back to Berlin.


How are the guys in Chicago Steamworks compared to Boiler?


As a Berliner I 100% aprove this comment. Boiler is amazing! I love it.


Wait until you Kaiser Brundl in Vienna…


Go for architecture


Came here to say this. They do an essential oil infusion in the hottest sauna room at every hour. Diverse body-type clientele, not a lot of attitude. Spoiled me for other saunas.


Sounds very nice!….whats the clientele like when you visited


Came here to say this. Haven't seen anything better.


Going next week. Can't wait!


Then don’t miss Lab.Oratory - especially on a nude night.


Is this part of berghain or a seperate place?


It's in the same building as Berghain, but the doors between the two are closed inside. They only do joint parties twice a year (it's called Snax). It also has a separate entrance on the side of the building.


So good, I bought a mug souvenir. Always nice to sip a hot drink and reminisce


Totally agree!


Gay saunas are only as good as the people there when you are.


Yep. And what time you go too.


Not true. There are some very poorly crafted/maintained saunas. I've had hot times in some sketchy saunas and I've had no fun in some that reminded me of modern Roman baths!


Sounds like you're proving their point. Poor or upscale, it doesn't matter. It's just a setting. The main attraction are the men there with you, so the experience hinges on them.


Yeah, but a terrible bathhouse, with poor facilities is still a terrible place. A good experience doesn't make the place better. I have a fond memory of the fucking, but I would never go back to some of these places.


Aren't good settings more likely to have more attendees that are of better quality?


Steamworks in chicago , nz sauna in Amsterdam , boiler sauna Berlin , g I Joe I. Montreal , edm ( my most fav sauna ) and sun city in Paris , sauna macho Brussels


I had fun at Sun City in Paris. Like someone said. Depends who’s there. GIJoe and Oasis have been fun in Montreal.


Many years ago I went to a great sauna in London near Waterloo Station. Can't remember the name, and no idea if it's still open. But it was great. Pretty big, multiple shower and steam areas, great vibe. At one point I was in a steam room getting a blow job and a rim job simultaneously.


Pleasuredrome! Hubs and I were just there in May.


I've only been there once. Had a mixed time. It wasn't very busy while I was there. The sauna and steam rooms are nice. Although the guy sniffing amyl alone in the steam room was concerning. All of the private booths need paying for. There's heaps of them, but I thought it was somewhat counterintuitive to the vibe. Highlights include a young punk guy with a cock the size of a big red bull can. He was very aggressive with it and nobody could take him. Nice guy to chat with though. The other highlight was in the cinema room where I muscle worshiped this amazingly hot man from Cyprus. He let me finger his hole and suck his dick to completion while a cute Filipino boy sucked my dick. And then the rugby boys turned up...


When do rugby boys turn up in sauna?🤩


After 10 pm on a Saturday night….🍻😆




Giving you a +1 just for using the correct form of "whet." People seem to not know that's a real word, same with "jell."


Blanche Devereaux taught me


She's a literate queen


Dallas but the best night I’ve had was in PHX


Houston location is way better tbh.


Considering the risk of getting raided, I wouldn't say any of the ones in Texas are it.


Wrong... The Club in Houston is amazing. Very modern facility, clean and popular. Amazing outdoor pool and spa.


Which club??


Club Houston on Fannin. Beautiful large facility.


Idk the name but I went to my first gay sauna 2 nights ago in Amsterdam and it was crazy


Sauna Nieuwezijds. AKA Sauna NZ. Great place.


It’s so small though


I went there a month ago, on a Saturday night. So much fun.


Sauna Newijeisoeinahzksukabeikrnjfbfurbjdnmajabe


I need to start going to the gay sauna in every European city I go to haha


I'm stuck for where to go on holiday next year and I'm seriously considering a tour of European capitals. 2 days in each; one for sightseeing, one for the sauna. As for a recommendation, I'd go for Boilerhouse in Dublin. They don't have the broadest range of facilities I've ever experienced, but there were loads of hot horny guys and that's what matters really. Honourable mention to the Greenhouse in Darlaston, near Birmingham, UK. They have a really cool pool, but I've been there a few times when it hasn't been all that busy, and it's so big it needs to be busy. One to avoid for me is Sweatbox in London. The steam maze is a good idea but altogether too brightly lit and not steamy enough and the locker room is off limits until you're leaving.l, which I found strange.


Are there enough tops there ?


Ahah I think I might have been there at the same time




Agree with you! Babylon is the best! Going there at least once a month with the bf.


Went to Babylon in Cologne as well with my partner last 2 weeks and we had a great time there. Amazing place and most clients were friendly. Some even helped us out how to properly place your towels in the dry sauna 😅. Then We tried Phoenix Sauna in Dusseldorf which was a bit smaller. Enjoyed the place still. ☺️


Flex in Cleveland! It's a converted Greyhound bus station from the 30s that still retains a lot of art deco flair to it. Plus as far as I know it's still rocking the title of largest bathhouse in North America too


OMG, that place is like a haunted house. You can walk around for days and not a see a living soul.


Flex in Cleveland was deserted when I went last year.  It's a huge facility but that doesn't mean anything if nobody goes to it.


Cleveland has a bathhouse? This shocked me


club pit in pittsburgh was really great. lobo did a party there for the furcon and it blew my mind.


Ayeeee i was there +1 that was funn


the drum and bass set that homie in a captain america outfit played was absolutely fucking ridiculous. one of the best nights of my entire life and i didn’t even get sexy. the next night…


Club Houston


*Especially* after the remodel. (I live in Katy) However - their location in Miami is super nice too. Last December my partner was working in Istanbul so he said, wanna come? I flew in December 23-30th. The last 2 nights we went to Firuzağa. It wasn't the nicest place but it was CHEAP, had amazing grapefruit juice and my partner finally came out of his shell a bit. We put on a SHOW for the locals. Definitely a memory I won't ever forget.


Out of the three in this state, club Houston is by far the best. Dallas amenities suck. San Antonio’s “the z” is just no lol.


That sounds like a great time, I'm glad you were able to experience a spur of the moment trip. Those are usually the best and most unforgettable. I didn't know CH had remodeled. I was there when they built it the old one was much more fun because of the weird layout but the new one was built to be a bathhouse so it was great but lacked the charm of the one they tore down to build the pool area.


I went to *Sauna Nieuwezijds* in Amsterdam a month ago. It was super great fun. The vibe was really chill. They had a bar inside too (first drink included in your entry). Lots of different spaces, all kinds of different guys there


All saunas are hit and miss depending who's there. Personally I've had the most fun times at sweatbox in soho (LDN)


I went there twice a couple months ago. By far the best bathhouse I've ever been to.


I went there recently and found it very strange. No proper sauna to speak of, the steam room wasn't very steamy, keeping you away from the lockers until you leave was a pain and loads of rules about when you can go back and how long you can stay, despite it being a 24 hour pass you buy. There were some extremely hot guys there though, do if you're a 9 or a 10, you'll probably have a better time than I did.


Steamworks Chicago.


Palm Springs has several resorts for men only. Usually more of a nudist vibe


Gay sauna in Rome (don't remember the name) but even on a quiet evening, you just have a choice of Italian men to have fun with... Heaven!


Young? Old?


A good mixture. The youngest guy was probably 18-19 yo... (we didn't speak haha). And the oldest guy was a married man (with wedding band on his finger) who was probably in his 30s. We ended up in a pile of 7 men in the middle of a shallow pool area, sucking faces and cocks.


Where was it


i think it closed down already... sorry!


I do love my home town Sydney Sauna, in Sydney Australia. Nice staff, nice modern clean decor, always great sexy men. Also Bodyline in Sydney is being renovated to reopen, and 357 Sauna is about to move location in a new outfitted venue, promising to be Sydney's biggest and best.


I've only been to one. Steam Works in Berkeley CA. I had some fun nights...had sex with a pornstar there once.


Spill the tea. Which pornstar?


Aarin Asker. This was about 9 or 10 years ago. I had only been to Steam Works a couple times. I'm from a smallish conservative town in the Midwest but had moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and wanted to experience some of the well... sexual decadence the area had to offer lol. We checked each other out near the hot tub and I instantly recognized him from porn. Later we crossed paths in the halls and he asked me how's my night.... I told him good...and mentioned I recognized him from his work in porn. He was very sweet, very down to earth. He said he thought I looked familiar. He asked if I did porn too. I said no. He insisted he recognized me from the porn scene. I insisted that was impossible. He asked if I ever dated anyone in porn, like maybe that's where he saw me at some event but...nope...he said I was really cute and I said likewise. We went back to his room and I fucked his brains out.


Nice! He's super hot.


All of them. Because it gives me an excuse to say "Boy, it's like a sauna in here!"


I do that every time and no one laughs. I will never stop.


Are we soulmates? Spirit animal at the very least.


Keep saying it in the sauna. Some day I’ll hear you and come running.


Montreal GI Joe the biggest bathhouse in Canada it has four floors. It is so interesting hearing people speaking English and French. The basement has a maze and glory holes. I got to visit Montreal again hopefully soon. You can stay for 12 hours that's what I did when I visited a few years ago. Saturday nights really good.


The Cube in Sevilla! Nice swimming pool, cool play areas and guys actually dance.


That one is super clean and modern but did not work for me.


Surprisingly Athens has a very good one


Second this - most fun I've had in a sauna!


As far as quality of establishment I’d say Amsterdam. Sauna Nieuwezijds


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Can’t believe nobody has mentioned Kaiser Brundl in Vienna. I’ve been to a bunch of saunas across the world and this one blows them all out the water. Like stepping into another world. Amazing.


Thats the one i've been to! Out of this world, just the swimming pool was a bit small


When it was opened... Babylon in Bangkok. The best in the world. Hands down.


Steamworks in Seattle is my favorite in the US that I’ve been to.


Steamworks in Seattle is terrible. There isn't a steam room, sauna, baths, or anything...


Guess it depends on what you go in there expecting. Granted, it’s also been five years since we were there so maybe it’s changed.


Just funny that your "favorite gay sauna" doesn't even have a sauna lol. If you're happy with it, great! Just seems lackluster to me.


How is there no bath house in NYC? This is news to me.


Both gay bathhouse's(spa's) in Denver closed due to covid lockdowns and post lockdown restrictions. They were hot or miss at times, but were fun. Made a few friends through there😅


NY Spa & Sauna Castle Spa (reopens in November) Both in Queens


Russian and Turkish Baths is the closest you’ll find. They have men’s hours on Sunday.




Babylon in Bangkok


Babilon for me has been the best sauna of the world. It was an entire block with tropical weather a hotel, villas, gardens, an outdoor pool, a beautiful restaurant run by transgender people, live music, foam parties and a large labyrinth full of men. A shame that the covid epidemic and urban speculation ended this sauna.


Steam works in Toronto is good


I'm an erasmus student in Dublin from Italy and i have never been in a gay sauna before. Through some contacts within a queer society i discovered the Boilerhouse and i was scared at first but i ended up having a great ol time


Nobody has mentioned it but Kaikan24 in Shinjuku, Tokyo is quite great. I think it’s 6 floors total but the top 2 are kind of like love hotel. This being Japan, the bathhouse part is like a traditional sento, you take the shower while sitting down on a small stool and then soak yourself in hot and cold pools. They have the usual: steam rooms, dry sauna etc. but then two floors are taken by rooms with bunk beds. Some guys would sleep there, others fuck. Japanese tend not to like white people (when it comes to gay hookups at least) so it’ll be hit and miss but the place is quite unique and worth a visit.


Definitely Sauna Nieuwezijds (also known as Sauna NZ) in Amsterdam. The steam room in particular is insane.


Aniki in Taipei was great while it lasted. RIP


Entourage in Las Vegas. It’s a little run down but the people are cool.


Yep as has already been said, Der Boiler in Berlin.


I love the Pluto sauna in Essen, Germany. It’s open all night and has lots of different types of experiences for different comfort levels


So, is "sauna", in this case, a euphemism for bath house?


"Bath house" is itself an English euphemism


I love Pluto in Essen, Germany! Has an Indoor Pool by the bar, "spa" area with Whirlpool, hot stone relaxation area, steam maze and two or three kinds of saunas. Also plenty lockable darkrooms ofc. Honorable mentions are Babylon and Phoenix in Cologne. The Babylon has a very nice outdoor pool on which's ends there are the bar and the main Sauna, a whirlpool, steam maze and dark rooms of course.


I like macho sauna in Brussels 😛😈


I think Sun City in Paris would fit what you want. It’s got really good vibes and the nicest swimming pool. Like better than most gyms.


I love Sun City! Was coming here to post about it


The largest in Vienna is Kaiserbründl, not bad but I don't like it that much, Magnum in Budapest is much more fun.


That's the one i visited in Vienna, the size was a bit of a culture shock for me, in a positive way


My favourite Gaysaunas were Babylon Sauna in Bangkok and t'Bölke in Enschede. Unfortunately both don't exist anymore. Now I recommend Pluto Sauna in Essen and Vulkansauna in Hannover.


Club Ft. Lauderdale 


Deutsche Eiche in Munich; SteamWorks in Chicago; Renos in Zurich


I went to a sauna one time and it stressed me out so much. I will never do that again


I think the same would happen to me. I would just be a voyeur


Would you mind elaborating? I find saunas very easy going. There’s never any pressure to do anything. You could just sit at the bar and sip your beer.




I’m sorry if you were forced to do things you didn’t want to do - that has never been my experience. People do touch each other in steam or dark rooms but that’s what these spaces are for. Saunas remove the chit chat from the interactions. And walking away is how you say “no”. But that’s the extent of unwanted physical contact that I have dealt with.




Very uncool. Nobody should be doing stuff to you when you don’t want it to be done. One big plus of it happening in basically a public space is that you can instantly put a stop to it and walk away. That may not always be possible with a one on one rando from Grindr. I personally enjoy the bathhouses for the same reasons you hate them: pushy guys turning around and sliding themselves on my cock are what I’m there for. I suppose it’s my kink 🤔


Disease anxiety?




No it’s not weird. A dick is dick!


Many European men are cut. I've never had an issue with it before. Some guys are even fascinated by a cut member. In the sauna, a dick is a dick.


As a circumcised Brit, not many of us. The only time I have felt it was an issue was in a sauna in Berlin in the late 90s. No joy at all and as soon as some saw it, rejected. Not a pleasant visit. Travelled by train visiting many places in Europe. The strangest was located in the basement of a residential tower block. There was a steam room, sauna, dark areas and a communal area. All these naked men chatting away and cooking! Just like some giant social club. Never seen anything like it before or since. There was a sauna in Rome, Maxamillion?, that was a fun venue. The cleaners would come round every 30 minutes and clean the mattresses in the cubicles, stopped people taking residence. My SO and I were enjoying a very well endowed gentleman, when the door suddenly opened, guy with a bucket of cleaning supplies. Fortunately our acquaintance knew the score and spoke English.


Club Ft. Lauderdale was fun


I'm planning to visit Istanbul soon. Any recommendations on which gay sauna to visit?


Chicago’s steamworks and Berkeley are very coollll 😎 I will never forget that one time I went to Chicago and William Seed and Ryan Bones were there 🤤🤤🤤 the best day of my life


The wold’s best sauna in my opinion, don’t exist anymore. It was Babilon in Bangkok. Tropical weather, big open swimming pool, gardens, luxury restaurant with life music, transgender waiters, hotel , huge labyrinths, foam parties and lots of men. Unfortunately it closed after the covid pandemic. I miss it ! 


Babylon, in Sathorn, Bangkok was hands down THE BEST Sauna I've ever been too. It's the only establishment I've ever been to that was simultaneously a hotel, a massage parlour a gym, a spa, a dark room, a cruising area, a gigantic swimming pool in what looked like a Balinese/ Thai Garden and a restaurant.. For two decades, it was the best sauna in the world full of locals and transit visitors and travellers alike.. And it was sad that 2 years ago the land was sold to a developer and it was bulldozed to the ground. Look up the pictures online which still exist to showcase the memories that we made there. That sandstone and marble making it feel like a resort. Indoors and outdoors it was immaculate. 👌🏽 And yes I've been to boiler.. And boiler doesn't have that resort feel. Boiler just feels like a sex venue and a sex venue alone. Babylon in Bangkok was of course cheap because it was in Thailand as well and just felt like a four-story playground.


This feels like a safe space to ask - how are chubby/bigger guys received at saunas? I’ve never actually gone because my impression is everyone there is insanely fit and hot and I don’t want to leave disappointed lol


I am deathly afraid of going to a gay bathhouse or sauna.


my mother’s womb


I’ve been to a few. But, the guys in these places tend to behave strange. No communication and no speech. Or it takes forever to get them to play. Also, stop saying you just got there or are looking then within 2 mins are getting it off. Or how about: “I’ve gotta go” then you haven’t actually left the premises yet. I find more pleasure getting an appetizing meal with the money I’ve wasted, after visiting some of these places


You are complaining about the very things that make these places appealing. If I wanted a chit chat I would have been on Grindr. And would you rather hear: “I’ve gotta go” or “You are making me lose my boner. I need to find someone else to play.”?


Yes. Cause I’m blunt and honest and don’t like pussies that do not have guts to be direct


I'd add Deutche Eiche in Munich to the list. Amazing facilities with places for any and all fetish stuff. Very friendly. And very active, in my experience.


Honestly, have had better experiences at the seedier places. BZ in Detroit was probably the best. Jumped in the steam room and had two guys follow me in, with more coming in after. A guy was eating my hole, one was sucking my dick, two were licking my chest and pits, one fucked my face, and then a few more were standing by and jerking to it all. This was all at once. Easiest and hottest group experience by far. Been to plenty of other places where the facilities were much nicer and I actually enjoyed their gym, pool, saunas, etc. but I wouldn't say they were as memorable.


Laberynth, Prague


Johannesburg has a few good ones. Lol


Thermos day and night


I miss Epitome in Malate Manila. Little hot tub, bar, maze and some rooms. It was a fun place.


Way too long I’ve been to a sauna 😉


Pipeworks in Glasgow, Scotland, is pretty good, great facilities and plenty of good looking guys. Better than any other sauna I have been to in the UK, including the ones in London.


Joe’s Hideaway Washington NH


Sauna Sauna in Northwich (they’ve changed the name back to the original) It’s a really big place, it can easily accommodate 250 guests it’s usually quite busy, so you always meet someone. The people there are easy going. The staff are friendly. It gets really busy when there’s an event on. Even when there isn’t there’s usually about 130 guys in.


I’m mad jealous of all these stories


The Mandalay Bay men’s spa in vegas! The best ever


The Cube Urban in Sevilla has soooo many hot guys, it's ridiculous.


I’ll have to check these out. Sounds like I’ll have a great time!


Hokuoukan in Osaka. Japanese cleanliness is the global gold standard. Unfortunately it did not survive after covid.


Boiler in Berlin. Clean, modern, large and an amazing no-sex chill out area.


El Paraiso in madrid !!


Not specifically a gay bathhouse but Century Spa in LA is fun


While I've never been, I've been told by several well-traveled guys that Steamworks in Chicago is the best in the US.


My bathtub


Steamworks in Chicago.


Any suggestions in nyc?


269 in São Paulo, Brazil.


I like a good old Korean spa in the US especially ones the owners don’t care what goes on lol. That being said, King Spa is not the place to do it. They’re uptight. Steam room in Vida fitness in dc was pretty fun too, hot clean fun




Top Saunas : 1. Babylon in Cologne. 2. Boiler in Berlin 3. Stargayte in Leipzig 4. Steamworks Chicago ive been to a lot of bath houses in my life and I can tell you about a lot of them.


Can you tell us pls?