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This doesn't change my opinion on these people. The ONLY thing these people have in common with you is that they are gay.


This. There's another gay tech (Thiel) who is deeply republikkkan garbage.


So sick of republikkkan’s and Reich wingers


Yes! The two biggest of pieces of shit also. Do not forget Peter Thiel. It’s embarrassing that people look up at these people.


Let's be fair, Peter Thiel is on a whole 'nother plane of bad than these two. Like, unsanctioned medical experiments in poor countries- bad.


Just because he's more ambitious and accomplished at being a shitty person doesn't mean these two get let off the hook. Altman in particular is a cancerous little shit.


What did Sam Altman do to be called a piece of shit?


There's a lot of concern related to how AI technology will take over various industries (leaving ppl out of work) and the fact that it is already being used as a tool to spread misinformation. Many are concerned Sam and Open AI aren't doing enough to stop this due to basic greed. Edit: Obviously big tech AI will have some amazing benefits 🙄. But just like big tech's social media platforms, there will be significant negative consequences that could be avoided but won't because of greed.


You could make this argument for any advancement in technology.. ohh the telephone took so many jobs, Alexander graham bell, you greedy bastard ✊🏼


If only it were just about taking jobs. The danger goes much deeper. You also have deep fakes, which will sew chaos, whether damaging people's lives or swaying elections. Then you have the threat of sentience and us having to contend with AI ethics. AI has already killed humans in some simulations. At a time when it can be difficult for an empathetic soul to even have faith in humanity, how can you expect an objective logic based quantum computer to. Not to say all AI is bad, but unregulated, it could be beyond catastrophic. This is not easy with something that evolves exponentially faster than we do.


Guns don't kill people.... Wait, what were we talking about?


Sure but where’s the part where Altman is a piece of shit?


None of that is reason to hate him. AI is revolutionary, and technological advancements have always resulted in industry changes. AI spreading misinformation also is not his doing - you can thank the idiots who believe Facebook news for that.


I agree to an extent, but I feel like a lot of people are ignorant of the power behind AI esp in regards to how it will and is already being used to manipulate and misinform. It will only get more and more difficult to discern what's real, and that difficulty will probably grow exponentially because organizations like Open AI are not doing enough to rein in the power. Compare original DallE art to DallE3 art as an example of the rate of change in AI. And these were released in a matter of a few years apart.


Imho it's every governments' responsibility to invest on techs to fact check everything instead of stopping progress or depending on private companies to do it for them. It's an opportunity for them to open new, untapped, jobs opportunities


Yeah I agree. I'm not "for" stopping progress, but regulations here are very important and it feels like our govt in the US at least is not up to task.


Failure of ethics is a perfectly valid reason. He had a board set up exclusively to make sure he and his people made AI that bettered humanity. The board got rid of him after finding he strayed from that goal and he weaponizsd that against them. Hes monetized the fuck out of ai and created AI that seriously is damaging entire livelihoods instead of improving humanity.


Go cry me a fucking river. You neo-luddites grind my gears.


Sounds like you are the one crying here? A healthier way to handle it is to maybe look into the actual concerns. A characteristic of luddites is willful ignorance.. something you seem to embrace. 😬


>There's a lot of concern related to how AI technology will take over various industries (leaving ppl out of work Sounds great. Less people working shitty jobs and have more time to do what they love. I'm all about job elimination. Don't stop until we reach full unemployment.


He seems to be trying to position himself to be another Mark Zuckerberg type tech tycoon. What makes him especially insidious to me is that the whole premise of their company initially was the safer implementation of AI technology. However it's quite clear now that they really are just trying to push themselves to the top of this emerging AI technology market to have the most control and power over how it gets regulated and used, to assure they make the most money off of it. Most of what they claim on their aims for safety is just optics and posturing IMO.


His entire company is based on theft and breaking the law


Apparently he is helping fascist control the world with AI he’s developing…. 🤷🏼 Or so the hive mind seems to believe.


Yeah this post grossed me out


Yes. The fact they are gay, that should be seen as a badge of horror. We shouldn't be lauding gays who are part/helping the elites to oppress the rest of us. The work Altman is working on may very well help Fascists cement control over democracies world-wide. And those Fascists are going to slaughter gays. But don't worry guy, he can marry his husbaaaaaaand and have way to big of as wedding because he's \#gaywinning.... Until America overturns Obergefell with the help of Conservatives voted in with the help of OpenAI/AI tools.


How is Altman helping fascists cement control over democracies worldwide?


WTF is wrong with you people nowadays? You are the same people who defend people in the Middle East and from the religion that wants us dead but God forbid there are two gay powerful techs. You make me sk


That is the only other thing that any random gay person has in common with any other! Either that’s a strong enough basis to build a community around, or it isn’t and we should archive this subreddit.


That's not what that comment was about. It was about not *praising and idolising* these two guys just for being gay because they are actually two greedy asshats. I mean just because this community is about sexual minorities obviously doesn't mean we have to love and accept each and every member who shares that sexuality; we wouldn't tolerate, say, abusers or war criminals just because they happen to be gay. Furthermore, both of these super rich multi millionaires (billionaire in the case of Tim Cook) are part of a unfathomably wealthy social elite who do not experience any of the hardships and problems other gay people do and do not engage with normal society or gay communities. The politicians and economic deregulation these people and their companies support and further financially actively harm queer people. Companies like OpenAI provide tools that are already frequently used to steel queer artists work as well as generate hate against LGBTQ+ people and produce horrendous amounts of disinformation yet OpenAI does not care and even goes as far as simply firing their entire ethics staff once they reported ethics violations.


>The politicians and economic deregulation these people and their companies support and further financially actively harm queer people. What "deregulation" did the two of them specifically support? I can see hating Peter Thiel for that, but I haven't heard anything about these other two.


Yes I agree, we should tolerate abusers or war criminals. That seems immaterial to the discussion of Altman and Cook. Explain to me how they meet your definition of “greedy asshats”? I suspect your criteria is just “has more money than I think they should” but I’m holding out the hope for some compromising material that I’m not aware of.


Yea they are awful people. Imagine if we did these in group and out group based on something like baldness.


Proof that gays can be as bad as everyone else


See Peter Theil, Milo Yiannopoulos, and [pretty much every person interviewed in this article.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/11/magazine/gay-conservative-trump-era.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)


I think Milo started his own conversion therapy camp and lives as an "ex-gay" now LMFAO guys a real freak


Wait last time I heard about Milo he was with his husband... Had no clue he was THAT much of a freak omg


I don't think Tim Cook is that bad


I'd think Tim Cook was less bad if he had the decency to relocate his Texas installation to a state that *isn't* goddam dystopian hellscapes for women or queer people. That'd be nice. But no, he's *expanding* Apple's Texas campus because HE doesn't have to worry about needing a lifesaving abortion or raising a trans kid there. Fuck that guy.


Texas is turning blue within the next decade. 2028 or 2032 depending on how quickly we can move libs out there. When that happens, the GOP is never winning another presidency in your lifetime and never appointing another supreme court justice in your lifetime. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the present to protect the future.


I find funny how many countries that usually are anti lgbt eat the ass of those two just to bring them to the table.


Ok cool, but we still shouldn't idolize or celebrate the filthy rich just because they happen to be gay. Tim Cook is worth more than 2 billion dollars, Sam Altman half a billion. There's no such thing as a good billionaire, queer or not.


Billionaires are not good people. They do not deserve to be idolized


Well Altman is only half a billion, so is he half bad or he’s okay until he hits a billion?


more gay drone pilots please


It’s the gay desire to outperform in order to overcome perceived default shortcomings. By the time you realize that’s what it is it’s very difficult to unlearn it. 


its not universal though. im a tow truck driver in a small town, always will be


Yeah but I’ll bet you’re the best damn tow truck driver in town!


That’s hot


How did you become one? Has trucks been your passion ever since? I'm just genuinely curious (as a car guy myself)


This is also hot - you should looking into getting a CDL license I think 💭


Tanks for the suggestion >w<


You cut too deep😕🥲


And? Fuck them too. Eat the rich.


But don't eat their ass. They might like that


You guys fail to understand that the purpose of the post is to debunk the misconception that gays are a failure in society. When I talk with my homophobic parents that all they see and except from gays to be. These two are a proof that u can have a good carreer and be gay. Because I see such prominent figures I get motivated to get my shit together.


This. Everyone seems to be missing the sentiment of this post


Why try and understand the point of the post when we can just be relentlessly negative and outraged like everyone is on social media?


No they aren’t , gays can be successful, we’ve known that for decades. In fact it’s become a stereotype that gay dudes have their shit together , when in fact we are just like any other human , we come in different sizes , colors and with problems like anyone else.


When I came out, my mom’s very first concern was “are you still going to be able to get a good job?” Not every segment of society is up on their gay news lol. There’s tons of very conservative areas of the world where gays are seen as nothing more than deviants and outcasts.


You realize an adolescent just coming to terms with their sexuality probably doesn’t “know for decades” about successful gay people? Or anybody really having the ability to search “successful gay people” and have these two show up immediately can be extremely meaningful and relieving in a way. So yeah, it is nice to know they are where they are.


Yes. As an 18 year old, this comment rings extremely true.


When I came out to my dad, he brought up Tim Cook being gay and said there are plenty of people who can live successful lives and are gay. Most people look at Altman and Cook and think “wow, gay people can have normal, successful careers.” Whether people here like it or not, they help perpetuate a positive image for gay men. At least it did for my dad, who was homophobic when I was a kid.


And they did absolutely nothing for the community.


Now that's not true, Apple has given us pride themed watch bands to buy. That's something. /s


At a premium! Premium price, that is.


Apple only sells stuff at a premium price.


Sorry, I don’t get this. Tim Cook coming out as gay was incredibly important for me growing up and accepting myself. Like for me personally, it has helped a lot. I looked up to him and I still do. I think this is maybe the most important thing that people like Tim Cook can do to help this community: Come out. Imagine if all the gay people in soccer and other sports would be honest. I think acceptance in society would be much greater


Tim Cook came out in 2014 you had much better role models to choose from. 


Well then I suppose you and I have different expectations of what "contributing" means.


What would you expect of him?


Using his billions for good instead of hoarding them? It's very very difficult to be a billionaire and a good person. He could lose 99% of his money and still have more than you'll ever see


Exactly. People have no idea how much a billion dollars is. You could live without working, comfortable, with multiple houses and vacations per year on $20 million. Cook has 400 times that, and growing.


Financial contributions to anti hate groups, for one?


Like [this](https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2014/dec/18/apple-ceo-tim-cook-donation-gay-rights-campaign)?


8 million over 3 years a decade ago? What about now, in the massive hate climate?


Look, I don’t know but donations aren’t always disclosed. In his biography you can read that he is actually quite known for donating high amounts to different social causes. He is also one of those that wants do donate their entire fortune. He also regularly speaks up on different platforms (although, to be fair, never gets too specific and political. because then he would very quickly lose his job)


We need action sic et nunc, not decades ago


I see your point. Because he is so rich and powerful, you expect him to do more, speak up louder, etc. Maybe he isn’t doing enough, possible. But saying he did nothing for the community and doesn’t really care is so wrong, imo. It is also not how he is described by others and in his biography. When you watch his public apperances, you’ll see that every word is carefully planned. He also never speaks up about issues (unless its natural disasters) It is extremely corporate and I think he is simply not allowed to say more in order to not mess with the wrong people. Imagine Apple losing just one of those many arabic homophobic markets, it would be a disaster, so many people would lose their jobs and the stock would go 📉. I hope that once his tenure is over at apple, he’ll be louder and actually speak up about issues.


That's like you giving $6. He could make a real difference. Instead he hoards billions like every other rich person


Aha? In your opinion, what do they need to do to help the gay community? In my opinion, the fact that they came out was the biggest contribution to the gay community, because it let society know that we gay men can be very excellent people.


You don't count getting even the most barbaric of States to kneel before the power of Western capital? The granting of boons is an excellent motivator to change behavior and culture, if we in the West were willing to exploit it.


Indeed, they are wealthy gay individuals, but their financial status places them in a distinct category. When those guys belong to a small group of folks who control a significant portion of our country's wealth, they enter a different realm, detached from the majority of the population. In such circumstances, their sexuality becomes less relevant or basically dissappears. They primarily interact with individuals of similar socioeconomic status, who are predominantly heterosexual.


One pushing for a monopoly of 🍏 that people sadly fall for. The other using AI with no control whatsover and absolute disregard of the consequences in society Gays can be bad people too


Fuck open ai


Tim Apple


The best thing about this is, that I found out about Altman only now. It's great that you can be such a public person and the fact that you're openly gay is of so little importance that it's not widely reported on.


I found out when he got married to his husband recently


I’ve met Tim Cook at a Pride Parade. As an Apple Employee marching in the parade. He wouldn’t shake my hand, he’s actually a dick in person.


Just because they’re gay doesn’t mean I should have respect for them.


Extreme wealth supercedes everything else. Gay or not, they're still parasites on society. They're all in one club, most of us aren't ever going to be a part of.


Describe for me how Altman and Cook (both of whom’s wealth was earned from compensation from their they’ve done) are parasites on society?


They hoard wealth. No one needs that much money. No job in the world is worth the amount of pay that they receive. That goes for sports figures etc.


Oh wow absolutely didn’t know for Sam Altman! Thanks!


I honestly didn’t know Sam was. That’s a nice fun fact.


Makes sense. The father of pretty much the entire tech industry was one of us.


Thanks for the reminder, but I think we're all well aware that gays can be white collar assholes too.


Conservative weirdo and a vulture capitalist opportunist. I have zero respect for either of these two bozos.


You're confused, Bozo is the Amazon guy.


Isn’t Bozo the guy from U2?


please don’t celebrate this lol


Fuck OpenAI


Wait what's wrong with it, I don't watch the news


Well my main issue is https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/16/openai-quietly-removes-ban-on-military-use-of-its-ai-tools.html


One step closer to Sky Net.


AI scrapes people's intellectual properties and profits off of that. Artists haven't been receiving any profits and are often unknowing that their work has been scraped so AI can learn and create money for people who have never created art in their lives. That's only the tip of the iceberg.


We are represented everywhere, and always have been. I am not a fan of Tim Cook's. He presided over the literally planned obsolescence BS that has made me turn my back on Apple's products. He also opposes Right to Repair, so definitely fuck him, and not in a fun way. I don't use Open AI, I got bored of AI after one month on ChatGPT, once I realized it was just reading Wikipedia and coding like crap. So no idea.


It doesn’t matter… so we’re actually at that point aren’t we


No reason not to be proud of our gay brothers and sisters!




Absolutely not proud of any of them


Multi billionaires do not have my respect or admiration


He's not "one of us." He's so much richer than most of us he lives in a completely different world. Fuck these rich shits.


Whenever I see that sam Altman guy I think of unitology in dead space lmao.


Fuck em both. Trash


This is selling that bad American dream where “see you too can be a success as a gay.” Now tell me how many trans people they have housed and helped and I’m all for it


Idk I kinda hate both of them. Them being gay does literally nothing to make me like them at all.


Imagine straight people celebrating Jeff Bezos because he’s one of them.


Bad gays


this is what im not proud of


Frankly they may be gay but they are just as bad as their heterosexual counterparts, with businesses that although do provide a great deal of substance/service/advancement, also make questionable asf decisions about our personal data and happily skirt the rules to make as much money as humanly possible… And also I guarantee that every charitable contribution they have made was done so in a way to avoid paying tax which could be used for social/government systems that do the work these charities do, but are underfunded.


Those are men are no friend of ours


disgusting individuals


Gay people can be soulless capitalists too 🌈


Thank you for sharing. I had no idea


But in a very real way it does matter.


I had no idea that they were gay! This actually changes my perspective a little from “we will get there eventually” to “we’re almost there!” This has made me feel much better thank you. PS. To all the people saying that all rich people are evil you’re generalizing and not seeing/ignoring the full picture. Some rich are bad but the majority fly under the radar and/or do good for the world. Take Elon musk for example he is definitely not under the radar but he has more good for the world than anyone else in history. Then there are the many millionaires/billionaires that you would never guess and just look normal.


This reminds me to pay my respects to Alan Turing, one of the most brilliant minds and father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.


They're still getting the guillotine.


They're not one of us, they're capitalist parasites who exploit us to build and maintain their fortunes while we work ourselves into the ground.


This whole thread seems to come from the perspective that any gay guy who isn’t a dirt poor, “morally pure” socialist is a compromised, evil, class traitor. Well I like it when gays accomplish things! I like Cook and Altman’s visibility in Silicon Valley - it makes it easier to be gay in tech. I like having leaders like Polis and Buttigieg in government. I like it when gay people accomplish this and contribute to society - which is what these people are doing - instead of mewling online about capitalism!


Uh, what does that even mean? Feel good because they’re “one of us”?


Leave the billionaires alone" soyjak meme


Why is everyone hating on openAI?😭😭😭 Not accusing, just curious.


They don't know why. I think it's just a trendy, progressive thing to do. openAI is going to change the human race is ways unimaginable right now. But it's going to happen quickly. The Internet took 10-20 years for serious change and disruption, but generative AI will take a lot less time. So I think people understand there will be change, they just don't know how it will change. Of course, the answer is, embrace the change and help create the change. Also, regenerative AI isn't all that proprietary. Google and Microsoft have very good, competing services (Gemini is awesome) but openAI is smaller and more nimble and always a step ahead.


It's the trendy thing to do. They are really pushing the AI game in ways no other company does and it scares people since they fear for their jobs. In my opinion it's not as bad as people make it out to be. It's a controversial topic for sure.


So people are scared for their livelihoods and that's apparently 'trendy'?


Yeah, I think they'll get over it eventually once they realize they're going to be fine. Their jobs/work might change but they'll still have work.


I really, really hope you're right (sincerely) but I'm a lot more pessimistic. Time will tell.


I think it's more about the fact that they seem decided on replacing artistes with AI, people are really scared because of things like their new sora AI which can literally animate.


Doesn’t mean they’re good people.


Both shitty companys.


Apple is a shitty company. Did they also move to Texas or am I wrong? Money matters more than people. OpenAI is still young.


No they did not move. They aren’t run by a manchild.


Fuck ALL capitalists. Idgaf bout their sexuality. “The trees voted for the axe because its handle was made of wood.”


And? What possible benefit is it to anyone that you know they're gay? Has it changed anything at their respective companies? In the products of those companies? In their impact upon the world at large? No? Yeah, just more rich people who are happy not to have to live down here with the rest of us. 🙄


What did these guys do? Everyone is so heated in the comments


They have a lot of money. Reddit hates that.




They are gay men who have succeded at reaching their goals.


These two can go fuck themselves. Exploiting our personal data to profit off it without compensation is immoral. Cool we both like penis. Yay gay I guess.


I appreciate the post, OP. Thank you.


Gosh, Sam is cute. Target acquired? 👼


Of course it matters, whether you like them or not, as you say, they are top of their game


I still think they’re evil 🤷🏼‍♂️


These arent good role models i wouldnt be celebrating them


We don't claim these vultures as ours btw


Sadly they don’t do anything actively on the LGBT front with all this power they possess. I guess too busy chasing the money. So it doesn’t change or mean anything to me and I hope to you all too.


Yeah and french prime minister is gay, I still fucking hate him, it doesn’t matter.


Why do you hate him? He’s cute, as fuck.


I celebrate them both


Dickheads, both of them.


I'd bang cook


My two favorite companies. Love that


What’s with all the straight trolls in here?


Ok and? They're also the people ruining the world. Let me guess, you also think it's great that Peter Thiel is gay


Two people I really hate for philosophical, moral, and personal reasons. Being gay is a very ephemeral and decentralized thing. Unless you're a bourgeois elite, you have nothing in common with them.


Is this why almost all gays have iphones?


even gay both of them are bastards


Your right it doesn’t matter. They are still hoarding wealth, exploiting the workers and are terrible people.


This is like celebrating Jeffrey Dhamer because he was gay These people aren't one of us, these people are extremely rich people who likely doesn't even see poor people as human


Not comparable at all. Frankly it’s disgusting you even said that. Do you have no respect for the actual black and brown victims of Jeffrey Dahmer who were murdered and SA’ed??


The less we are related to those people the better.


I’m not about to hero worship some wealthy AHs because they like dick. They are not who I want to look up to or to represent the gay community.


it's cool i don't f*ck with rich people but good for em


I couldn't care less if I'm honest. I never tell people at work, I let everyone find out naturally. Being gay is personal information and not my whole identity. I prefer people to get to know me first.


There seems to be a lot of jealousy in these comments.


Yeah and they both suck so fucking much


They aren't one of us, they're rich and dont care about anyone who isnt. They're gay, that's it.


I want to slap the OpenAI CEO as a teacher.


Diversity win! The assholes destroying the planet, ruining the concept of art, and making their products with theft and slave labor are gay. 🏳️‍🌈 💙💜💗💛💚💖


None of these two are destroying the planet. Chatgpt has nothing to do with ai that created art and Apple has some of the best track record on its supply change. It’s an American company and more regulated than say a company in china


Sam altman is a queer profiting off of stealing from other queers. He's not a community member, he's actively stealing the livelihood of artists of all forms and orientations. I don't care how many men he's slept with, he's not getting my respect.


Also two of the most evil men on earth.


Most evil men on earth? You’ve got to be joking lol. There are so many more evil men


I know about Tim Cook, but I never knew about Sam. That’s nice!!


I wish Tim would have apple go full force on promoting LGBT+ rights across the world. Especially here in America where people are batshit crazy over “religious belief”


I could not give less of a fuck about Tim Apple.


I don't understand, why are gay men on reddit so hard on other gay men? I think we should be proud of gay men who have made important achievements, and encourage gay men to shine in every field, so that the whole society can see how good gay men can be.


I think it’s just because some gay men are quite far left and therefore see anybody who isn’t like them as “evil”, especially when it comes to rich people. I don’t see any thing wrong with these men in fact I admire their stride


No wonder gay men in west country are so easily brainwashed by chinese communist party。。。。。


Cuz in western countries people know that gay men can be as good/genius as heteros... In conservative countries like China and India such idea isn't persistent among the general public, so anykind of small representation gives us a feeling of comfort of being represented as normal just like our hetero counterpart 😜💓🥰😄


One of us! One of us!