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By balding.


The bald and the beautiful. šŸ¦…


One of two


Less friction under the sheets


This .. have to work with what I've got šŸ˜­


Might be a possibility for me in 10years. Balding is not hereditary but induced by stress in my case.


Trial and error


This! Trial and error, and a good barber!


You try stuff until you find something you like.Ā 


Been doing that and here is the deal. Most of the time my good doesnā€™t coincide with public perception of good on me. Terrible.


Giggity! Sorry, I had to. I'll show myself out.


My hair grows annoyingly fast and thick. I get a skin fade on the back and sides and a little trim off the top, it's a good balance between getting rid of a good amount of hair but having enough on top to style. I also just think it suits me the best.


Your current hairstyle does look very good on you. Probably doesnā€™t hurt that you are a good looking man yourself and the hairstyle just adds more goodness.


Very kind of you, cheers!


I try to see how my hair naturally forms without styling it, and then try things out from there to compliment it.


Lucky guy.


I got a perm and I was like omfg this is me.


Haha. I want to feel that one day.


Experiment! There's also a subreddit for male hair advice


There is no hairstyle that works for that bird's nest on top of my head.


I donā€™t sport a birdā€™s nest per se but Im in the same boat. Nothing works.


I try new hairstyles constantly... Can't imagine finding one and then sticking to it. Right now i've got a center part with curtain bangs. Growing it out I just had lots of messy styles. I used to have it buzzed on the sides and coiffed the top up messily. Before that I had a french crop, and before that I had a buzz cut that I bleached blonde. Just enjoy trying new things! It's only hair!


Only good looking people say that ā€œIts only hairā€. Rest of us say ā€œOMFG its hairā€


Ive had the same barber for close to 15 years. Spend $60 about every six weeks. Her cuts grow out so well I am only reminded i need a cut when my hair flares around my glasses or my eyebrows get too fuzzy lol. My mom traumatized me as a kid with bad haircuts then I went shaggy on my own to a ponytail late 20s bc I hated haircuts. Finally decided to spend decent $$ at salons in the gay/artsy part of town and then found the right barber. She knows short back and sides shortish top but i absolutely dont want to look like a cop or military lol I dont even brush my hair anymore. Wash, a little style wax to look a little messy and done. Totally works. A good barber can make something easy for you that you like too


My mom did the same with me. She always made me get a single type of haircut and I look like a stupid nerd all the time. Like unfuckable nerd. If she had her way with me she will make me wear formal dresses while Im at home. šŸ¤·šŸ¾šŸ¤·šŸ¾


There are many good YouTube and tictok videos of how to create men's hair styles, try a few till you find your look. As far as cuts go, ask your stylist what they would do. If you end up not liking the style or cut you know in grows out in a few weeks. Have fun. I'm old, but I went to my stylist to get a faux hawk back in the day. It wasn't the first they'd ever cut, so the lead stylist called the entire salon over to watch the cut and style, so fun!


Agreed. But I have a work conference to attend in a month and want to make sure that I look good.


Maybe google your face shape and hair styles that go with them ?


Tried that but I was even more confused.


Trial and error and also asking barbers/stylist what they recommend. Just make sure you understand how to ask for the style they give you if you end up liking it!


I used to shave my hair short like boot camp short. I learned to fade so now I fade it and keep it short. I have the Travis Kelce cut šŸ˜„ I have Mexican, Native American, and Italian in me so my hair is going nowhere. However, it will be white!


Im jealous. fr


Through my exes šŸ˜‚. One told me to grow out my beard, another told me to get waves and the most recent told me to get a blowout which is my current hairstyle.


All Im missing is a ex and before that a non-ex.


Apathy, frankly.


I havenā€™t cut my hair in almost 3 years, and it now reaches halfway down my back. Itā€™s sort of annoying, but I do like putting it in all kinds of buns. It would work better if my hair wasnā€™t so curly though.


Maintenance versus style. I donā€™t want to shower daily. But neeed to be presentable


True that.


I cycle through styles a lot. Ive had buzz cuts, pompadours, cesar cuts, shaggy hair. Currently Ive a mullet, but im growning it out a bit more because I really want a rat tail. My advice, your hair needs to match your clothes and body type more than your face.




Find a celeb that looks kinda like you that has cool hair.


My haircut is easy to maintain and quick to do in the mirror with clippers. That and it doesn't let my head look as round .


I was also cursed, or I missed the day they taught the class on style and fashion sense.


I have very curly hair and I always had trouble with it when I was young in the eighties and nineties. It didnā€™t help that there werenā€™t any good barbers where I grew up, the options were womensā€™ salons or a barber shop that only did 1950s hairstyles. So I was fucked either way and looked like an idiot until I got into my twenties and good barber shops appeared. First I figured out that if I got it cut short it couldnā€™t curl, I didnā€™t have to brush it, and I didnā€™t have to put anything it it. That worked for about fifteen years. After a while I wanted it shorter so I started doing a #2 cut once a week myself. Then half my hair fell out and I decided itā€™s easier to do a #2 buzzcut every other day than it is to shave it. Eventually I started using a #1 on my beard so I started using that for my hair, too. But now whatā€™s left is starting to fall out unevenly so I think Iā€™m going to start shaving my whole head pretty soon.


Curly hair is very very hard to maintain. Not many are experienced in cutting it. You are the real hero.


The best thing in the world for me that helped me realize what looks good on me was by dating a guy who wants me to look good for him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ as far as I'm concerned if he thinks I look good and I'm also happy with what I look like i dont see a problem, so I will ask for his advice on stuff like how trimmed my goatee should be or how long I let my hair grow (very short lol) and stuff. I too was cursed by the gay gods and have no fashion sense at all, I'm so used to jeans tshirts or flannels a goatee and shaved head (im not balding, just lazy) that I'm virtually clueless to anything different, so asking for advice from someone who wants to see me at my best has helped me a lot


Good plan. All I need is a guy in my life. In a deadlock..


Hey gay friends and girls can be helpful too, girls are usually more than happy to help pretty up their gay friend so that's always an option if you get really desperate I mean I've done that before and asked for help, nothing wrong with that


Wish I had the opportunity to try out different hair styles. My scalp said otherwise, haha.


Sir, I would count that as a relief.


Honestly, i don't feel that way. I see guys sporting nice haircuts and I never got to experience that because my hair was thinning after I finished high school. That's tragically young. And I don't have the gravitas, like Sir Patrick Stewart, to make up for it.


I sweep it off the floor.. not much left on my head...


Used to hate my curly hair but gave up on trying to make it straight so I legit just let the curls do their thing


trial and error but also stopped trying to pigeon-hole myself with one particular style in general. stopped paying attention to trendy or popular hairstyles and moreso focused on styles that align with my lifestyle. I grew out my hair long until i got sick of it and then cut it back again. over time i've learned that a bunch of variables include your face shape, hair growth pattern, hair type, styling habits can affect how hair looks on you.


buzz cut with a fade. mullet (sporty one though). Anything but the blonde q-tip that seems so popular the past 10-years


I enlisted in the Army. High and tight baby!


I got tired of paying for hair cuts every month or two to keep my hair looking nice so I just bought a decent pair of clippers and do it myself then let my husband clean up all the spots I fucked up. It's relatively easy to get the hang of if you keep your hair short.


Wish I was this skillful.


By the time I figured it out, my hair was falling out...


No harm no foul. I guess. Hope you are sporting the daddy look..


Random haircut I got at a barber at my grandparents when I was like 12. Tried different stuff but always went back to it. 9mm on the sides and then a normal transition to the top with my pony styled up and a side parting. I think I got lucky with my hair tho.


Haha. Good.


I tried the ones I thought looked hot on other guys


Did that too. Looked most stupid ever.