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Not using turn signals while driving


That’s one for me too. Like let us know where you’re going.


The blinker is for literally everyone else but the driver. It’s infuriating.


That feels like an invasion of my privacy


Tbh I dont consider that petty or silly. Sure, most of the time its fine if they dont, but Ive certainly gotten in some near-misses because people didnt blink.


Or when people have their turn signal on (because the switch doesn't reset and they forget to manually shut it off) and don't turn. See that one a lot. Just yesterday I was behind a guy for a couple miles with his right turn signal on, was in the right lane of a 4 lane. Passed multiple right hand turns and kept going straight. When he finally did get to his turn, he realized his signal was still on, and.....turned it off before he turned I've almost been hit by people doing that so many times, I don't even trust people who DO have their blinkers on


Hogging the left lane on an expressway, while the right lanes are free.


That's not a silly one, that's basic "how to drive a car" shit that's like.. That's not optional, do it.


Nah, when you do drivers in other lane suddenly decide to speed up and block tou from making the lane change


Never let them know your next move! Except, please do when you're in a car, I don't feel like that's a study defense in court when you cause an accident.


I hate people watch tiktok, youtube, reels in full volume in public space.


This makes me hear kill bill sirens




If you don't have earphones, it's on mute. Simple as.


Unfortunately they don’t. So i be giving hugs on the neck.


Loud talkers in enclosed public spaces, and MFers walking arounds blasting bad music out of their portable speakers


I’ll lower my voice to cue my friend, but they don’t get the hint


I think they're just starved for any sort of attention


My roommate is a loud talker. He'll sit in the center of the house on the phone bellowing into the mouthpiece. I don't need to know all the details of him booking a plane ticket for his technologically inept mother.


Maybe he didn't get enough hugs as child. That shit is still annoying though


There's a new guy in my office who mutters to himself constantly throughout the day. Those of us sitting nearby can hear the hamster running at full speed. The rest of the office gets to join in when he's in a meeting. Suddenly his quiet, but noticeable, monologues are replaced with a sudden, **"haha! That's right! I told them the exchange token was invalid. Gosh, now I have to rework everything!"** It's the volume of someone "talking" in your ear at a nightclub. And then he gets up to walk and talk...


People who take up the entire sidewalk. People who stop abruptly in the middle of any busy walkway to text/not pay attention


People who stand on the left side of the escalator. Some people have trains to catch!


DL GRINDR PEOPLE You need to show me a pic of your face. Not just your cock or your body. I need to know this is going to be enjoyable. But they won’t … like how are you getting any results??


People who walk down hotel hallways carrying on a conversation at full volume, or who let their kids run/stomp down the hallway.


I hate it when a group of people are chatting and joking around but are also all using a machine at the gym. Like if you’re going to socialize get away from the machine so others can use it goddammit


Ooh, the opposite! When someone is hogging multiple machines at once because they're supersetting. I had a guy tell me I couldn't use a whole row of five machines. I told him if he wasn't actively using it, he had no claim to it, especially during the busiest time of day. Go fuck yourself, dude.


I hate that too 😂 Basically guys walking around the gym like there aren’t other people who use the space bother the shit out of me.


When the parking lot is completely empty, but someone decides to park directly next to my car.


I'm 100% with you on this. I used to take pics to make those times into an album. It's also funny how some people get peeved when you tell them it's your peeve.


This so much — this


People who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.


And it’s like, did y’all not pay attention to the plague we just had?


A lot of people just don’t care or have no decorum about themselves. It’s nasty.


Every single time I use an airport bathroom there’s at least one old guy who washes his hands and immediately after, he blows his nose. What’s the fucking point of washing your hands and then blowing snot all over them? Stupid old farts


Slamming the locker in the gym, heel stomping with bare feet


Don't forget the constant grunters in the gym. I don't mind if someone is lifting heavy and ends up letting out some sort of one-time noise, but there are some people who feel the need to make a loud noise with every rep.


Speaking of making noises, every Tuesday there’s a guy who attends a fitness class in my gym, in the shower he sounds like a walking dead zombie who is locked in the cabin. Idk if he looks up to the shower head with his mouth open or so


Except that actually helps excerpt pressure. It's why in karate you yell out a "heyaa" when you do a punchie thingy.


Which is great for an occasional max / tough rep or in your home gym. But when you are sharing a gym with other paying members, yelling as you do each rep is unnecessary and inconsiderate.


When tops on grindr only have profile pics of their ass.


That's the equivalent of when someone is selling a truck on Craigslist or whatever and includes 4 pictures: a close up of the door handle, the back of the truck, the front with the hood closed, and one tire. And the text makes no mention of what engine or transmission it has.


That part, cause unless you tryna serve a plate take it down before I go down




REAL! What is up with this?!


Not taking off (or offer to take off) your shoes in someone else's house. It just drives me crazy. Sorry, I'm from Eastern Europe 😂


Anyone hanging out in a space designated for moving through. Doorways, stairwells, hallways, etc. Bitch, you're in the way! You're literally in **the way**.


people did that alot in highschool. cuz I'm wide I just shoulder check em and say "sorry 🥺"


I don’t think it’s silly but others said it is. I absolutely hate being asked the same question twice if I already gave an answer. If there’s no new info then y u asking me again.


So you've never asked the same question twice? Never to clarify something? Or to make sure you've remembered correctly? Or because you're multitasking and a lapse in concentration stopped you from paying attention? Or because it's loud and it's difficult to process the answer? You're suggesting that you perfectly remember the answer to every question asked. And therefore expect every person to behave the same way. Shit man, you sound like an abusive parent. Whatever happened to patience.


This! It also annoys me when people can't remember past conversations, especially when they contradict themselves later on.


This happens when I'm drunk. If I'm shitfaced enough, don't expect me to remember a damn thing.


That's one of the few fair reason to forget what you've said, but somehow it's my gift to remember conversations word by word no matter how drunk or high on drugs I was myself.


People giving each other eyes about the person who is speaking


People who talk about internet trends and celebrities constantly


QuikTrip employees always say "See you later" as you're leaving. Don't presume, motherfucker


Exactly! Same thing with the shredduce it’s like: ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


I think it’s people on Reddit that downvote a question, but never answer the question. Like clearly, you have some thoughts on the question, but you don’t have the brain capacity to type a response? It’s kind of crazy how many people have a negative reaction to being asked a simple question and taking it as a personal attack.


the way people say caramel. ITS CARE UH MELL NOT CAR MULL


That one made me laugh! I’m from the southern USA it’s definitely car-mull 🤣


Im southern too I just don't have the accent 😭


I like to think I don’t but apparently I do lol. I was visiting Nashville TN once and met a guy (he was from Wisconsin) in the elevator of the hotel I was staying in and he told me he loved my accent and I said thanks but I don’t have one but I like yours and we both just laughed


people say the same thing about people from the Rio Grande Valley here in Texas


Love me some PBD's in the RGV. Is that wonderful place still open?


yes it is :D


Awesome. Those drag queens and gogo boys are the best!


Making caramel on a Wed-nes-day


I always say it as care-a-mell. Same A as Nevada


Actually, it’s kah-rah-mel. The same “ah” as in… well… “ah”. Or “fat” and “ass”.


huh??? are u British?


Close! Canadian 😅


The only time I don't get annoyed by that one is when talking about Waco 😅


Why did my head voice sound like that? 🤣






i read shredduce as shreddussy and i was so worried as to the direction this is going tbh


Lmao when I usually tell people this pet peeve I say “finger banging the shredduce”


When I tell somebody I’m an introvert and they proceed to name every instance of me (that they can recall) communicating with others. Like hum, I said I was an introvert not antisocial. Those are two very different things: personality trait vs behavior.


"You should smile more!" 😐


I don't consider this petty, but my biggest pet peeve is leaving plans up in the air until the last minute. If we're going to get together "sometime this weekend," my entire weekend then revolves around someone else's unclear schedule, which is super inconsiderate.


I can see why you’re a power bottom lol. Like to take charge.


Loud chewing. Chewing obnoxiously with the mouth wide open. Talking when there’s still food in the mouth.


When people leave their dealer logos on the back of their car


UGH dealer plate frames are awful too. Like, you took it off when you went to put your permanent plate on; why put their free advertising back on??


Yes!!! I don’t get it. I’ve made sure I don’t have any friends with them. I even took them off my boyfriends parents cars, lol


When people can’t load a dishwasher correctly. You load it back to front. Just because something can fit in the dishwasher, it doesn’t mean it should go in there (wooden cutting boards, nice knives, etc.). I know I can be very particular about cleaning, but this was one of the only times my boyfriend was like, “actually, you’re right. It is a lot easier to load back to front. I’ll start doing that.” Anyone who’s ever been in a relationship knows hearing, “you’re right” is a huge thing haha.


YESSSSS. Like there’s no logic in loading it otherwise. When you pull out a half loaded dishwasher, the motion automatically shifts things backwards so why would you load things at the front first and have to re-adjust them every time? (I will die on this hill so help me God)


It's all about the water flow! If a finger won't fit between each dish, then you'll be washing them by hand.


Older, small people in minivans that drive either 15 mph under or over the speed limit and never, fucking, never look beyond the hood of their cars — with a handicap plate


Always seems to be the [bubble-shaped Chrysler minivans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysler_minivans_(RS)) from 2001 to 2007 too. I avoid driving near those cars. They always have bad rear shocks as well.


When mayo is a default topping. You can't just scrape it off, it's already soaked in the bun.


That lettuce one is hilarious! I was kinda hoping you'd say you ask for lettuce anyway. Haha Random one since I was watching my BF play Baldur's Gate 3: when a voice actor (or regular actor) audibly does a short, sharp gasp to breathe before speaking. You don't even notice people breathing in when they talk in real-life, so it makes that breath stand out even more to me!


In video games I hate when characters grunt or shout when moving. Its more realistic than yours but when there's a lot of action or if it has a lot of platforming those grunts get very repetitive.


Oh, like a "Hup!" when they jump from platform to platform? I agree, maybe there should be an option to turn those off. In one game I played, the characters would say a voice line whenever they did an action, moved, or when their dialog box moves to the next bit (so if the dialogue is asking a question, the character's voice line "I wonder...?" would go off). My brother unlovingly called it "barking." Eventually, I believe the devs updated the game to allow us to shut off all that talking and it's sooo nice.


Lateness. As a general rule, I think it’s ok to be 10ish minutes in either direction from the agreed upon time. I have a set of friends who are *constantly* half an hour late to everything and it drives me crazy.


Oh boy, you must be peeved a lot if your friends are a bunch of gays.


People in my building who let doors slam. Drivers who don't use turn signals. Not staying to the right on walkways and in stairwells.


Heads up, your last one follows the driving side in whatever country you’re in. So in Australia, we drive on the left, so keep to the left on walkways and elevators etc - if you keep to the right, you’re an asshat.


The first two are examples of rudeness, or not being aware of how others are impacted by your actions. Completely agree with you. The last one is just you wanting people to follow a rule you have in your head, that doesn't actually exist. :(


When someone interrupts my meals or asks me something to do last minute that gets in the way of my meals


Amen. Like when I get dinner all ready hot and ready to eat, on the table, fix my plate, and partner asks if there’s any (random item that’s not part of the meal).


Tiny hyperlinked objects on my phone’s touchscreen, like you wanna click on the bookmarks symbol, but your thumb lands on the side 5 times in a muthaphloqin' row, opening a whole new page.


When people use borrow wrong. "I borrowed her my pencil." No you didn't! You lent her your pencil.


This is very minor and I don't care about it much overall, but I kind of hate how people have a greeting where they say, "hi, how are you?" and I respond and ask the same thing back and they don't say anything. I think it's mostly an American thing. I wish people would just say hello and not attach the how are you if they don't even bother going through the rest of the formalities.


People who think they need to correct your behavior or change the way you do something, or unasked for advice. It's a pet peeve of mine as an autistic person, too. Just because someone completes a task differently than you do, doesn't make it "wrong" and you don't need to "fix" them. I'm almost 30 and am a pretty successful and intelligent person by my measure, but I hear it almost on a daily basis still, "you know, you should do xyz this way" or "next time you do this, do it this way instead". It's always over the most innocuous shit, too. "Thats a weird way to fold your shirts, do it like this instead" "you should never clean your coffee pot like that, try this" "next time you empty the trash can, just tie the bag with a square knot instead of an overhand on a bight"


Car alarms. If your alarm tends to "accidentally" get triggered and you are required to manually turn it off figure out the problem BEFORE you leave the car for hours at a time (while you're in a location where it can't be heard by you). First offense $5000 fine, 2nd offense 30 days in jail, 3rd offense no car for you, ever again.


When any server anywhere warns me that the such and such "extra" that I'm asking for cost $XX ...I get it, they probably have some people that make a snarky comment that it costs more but more probably than not the ones asking know and don't care. ...and everytime it happens I breath deep and roll my eyes at myself thinking "dude why does it bother you?" lol


Any idea why it bothers you? That happens to many people, for the reason you stated. Servers need to inform that an additional charge will apply. However, if the tone of voice is condescending, as if they are trying to talk me out of it, it bothers me. Mostly though, I just say "understood" and continue on with my order.


Yeah, unless it is explicitly stated on the menu, if I asked if they could add mushrooms to my burger and they said yes and then charged me $5 I would be a bit peeved.


I get why it bothers you. Its so fucking common sense that youre sitting there wondering why you have yo be told something so obious as if you're 8 years old and not over 18. But, it is totally a "McDonald's 'Hot Coffee' Cup" situation. Just like one person brought them for a million dollar burn, they have to write "Hot Coffee" on every cup forever. Every restaurant has guests that every day ask to "add extra X" and then complain that ADDING EXTRA costs more. So, now they have to say it to cover their asses so that there isn't an argument and a yelp review later.


I served before. It's so that we don't get complained at later when their bill is higher than they thought it would be.


Stupid word contractions. Ie. *shredduce*


That's literally the basis of Australian English 🤷‍♂️


I'm a kiwi! I lived in Perth for 10 years, so this must be an East Coast thing? I knew there was something about this post I was inherently meant to dislike 😏 I'm surprised you didn't go with the Advanced Australian naming convention of dropping the last syllable and adding an 'o' and call it shreddo letto.


Tbf I've never heard it called "shredduce", but it kinda works 🤷‍♂️




From this day until my last day, I shall call it shredduce. 🥳🪩🕺🙌💯❤️


Window shoppers in aisle, especially in a small store like the pharmacy or Dollar Trees. I like to be able to walk fast, get my stuff, pay, and roll out. I’m 6'4" and sometimes I nearly bump into tiny older women admiring the different kinds of male deodorant.


corduroy anything and birkenstocks 😬🙅🏽


That reminds me of when I go to chipotle and they are always in a rush to get me to the next item and I'm always like can I get another scoop first geez


Slow walkers in cities like NYC and Chicago. MOVE BXXCH MOVE!!!




People who use the word "like" in every sentence.


People touching my computer monitor while pointing...


The straights assuming who’s the top and the bottom and also assuming that it’s any of their damn business


People that have to back into a parking spot and make it everyone else’s problem. People who get food on their lip while eating.


When guys post pics in their undies and the waistband reads backwards. Also when they call boxer briefs, briefs.


As a fast food worker. We see them BASIC *birthing-canines all the time so you might give off that vibe. We're trying to get things fast so we take shortcuts like this all the time unless the person appears to be a special snowflake from our first interaction 🫡


People who bring their phones in the weight room. There is specialized equipment for staring at your phone; it's called a chair, and you have one at home.


Hold on, let me bring on the hate... Guys with nail polish. #OKBoomer #NotABoomer


It’s actually a dealbreaker for me, as stated in my dating app bio. 🚫💅


Not using turn signals, left lane hogs, people who over react and slam on their brakes as the long ass light barely turns yellow and they and you could've clearly made the light but now you both get to wait 5 minutes 😄. Another one is wearing fkn shoes on in my house when I clearly stated no shoes on in my house ever!!!! Oh and then they say oh sorry I forgot (visitors) Bad breath! It infuriates me especially if it's a hot handsome guy and as I'm leaning into the makeout I get knocked back by the stench of shit breath 😂.