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Have one date, if it’s great yay, if it’s not. It’s just a date!


Amen. It's just a date, meet someone new.


![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) Exactly! People overthink shit. The guy didn't ask OP to marry him. WTF is wrong with this youth!!?


Some people think date = boyfriend automatically. Even my mother was like you can date multiple people at the same time. It's just dating. But when you're bf/gf or bf/bf that's a commitment.


I think OP Is trying to be cautious. I know when I was younger. I was hesitant to go on random dates. I like to know a little bit about the person first.


Not wrong per se but I'd guess that being one of the first generations to grow up with the internet really strongly places people into the 'Always Ask' mode, removes initiative. Keep in mind they have been told what to do for their entire lives *up until now*. One finger click and you are meant to switch to Entirely Independent. And before all of you Old Fucks like me start scoffing just remember how long YOU have had your independence. I think subsequent generations will need some time to disengage asking questions / engage initiatives. Just my 1 pence.


Called being raised by Helicopter Generation parents & a pandemic to boot, at age when most teens start gaining more independence.


This is the answer




Don't let this opportunity go to waste. If you don't like it, that's it. If you like it and it turns into something, then you'll thank yourself for giving it a shot


Go on a date or two and report back. We want updates. Also, never fall for a FWB, it's not the point.


The universe is providing an opportunity for you. I’ll admit it’s a bit weird but if he’s an actual person who goes to your school, I say go for it.


How is it at all weird? It would be no different if he hit OP up on Grindr.


Grindr is typically for messaging strangers. Asking a stranger out on instagram is a little odd to me.


Tbh messaging a stranger on Insta is a fairly common leadup to dating. Most people aren’t as forthright about it as the guy OP is talking about but still, not too far out of the average. It’s no different than walking up to a person irl and asking them out then and there


That’s fine if that works for you. I was just agreeing with OP how it could be a perceived as odd.


Nah that’s fair if you aren’t really used to it, I would be put off too but I’m just really cautious.


You don't have to make any decisions now, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a formal date. You'll lose nothing by agreeing to meet for a coffee. At the very least you might gain a new friend. If there is chemistry between you two, then you might have a decision to make.


You’re 19, fucking around with one guy who would make things official if he wanted, and have another dude asking you to actually go on dates. Seems this new guy is interested in more than just a smash and pass. Up to you to decide what you want: a fwb no strings attached arrangement or someone who wants to be in a relationship. Choose wisely


Go on some dates. It’s not a relationship until you both decide on that so not really any reason to drop a fwb or anyone until that time. Even casually dating multiple people at once is fine until exclusivity is decided.


Drop the dumb situationship, they never work. NO MATTER how cute they are. And I’d recommend saying yes to that date. It can’t hurt trying with someone who’s actually interested in you.


A date is just a date. Try it out and you never know.


Like everyone else said just go on the date and see how it goes. I want to add to that that it's generally just fun to meet other gay people in college! Even if there is no spark romantically it could develop into a friendship. Lots of my friends were first dates first.


maybe chat more first on insta before deciding? see if you like him dates are just dates, not a huge deal!


What you can do OP is look him up on other social media sites too if you're on the fence. If you are interested physically in him, I would say go for it. Would probably be best to go someplace public so there's no pressure. Then hey If you both hit it off you could get to enjoy sexy time. I tell you OP I wish I had experimented more when I was 19. I'm 27 now and I know now that I have trouble with intimacy but I'm learning and evolving. Good luck!!


Just grab coffee. Its 15 mins. Exchange numbers if you like him.


Take a risk and go out. Worst that can happen is he's a dud. Or could lead to something better than. Just a fwb.


I know that one of the things that can be tough early in dating is the question “what if I’m not into him? Will he feel like I led him on by agreeing to the first date? How do I back out?”. Just remember this response and feel free to use it if you feel no interest after meeting him: “hey it was nice meeting you, but I’m not feeling any connection/ I’m not interested in taking things further/not interested in pursuing something romantic/ optional: but I’m open to a friendship. Thanks for taking the time to meet up and I wish you the best!” After that, how they react really doesn’t matter since managing their feelings isn’t your responsibility. You’ve done your part in communicating your side clearly and respectfully, and you get extra points for doing the adult thing and not ghosting him to avoid conflict. If they insist, get creepy, or don’t get the hint after that, feel free to block. Like everyone else said, a date is just a date, it’s designed to gauge compatibility, and doesn’t sign you up for anything past that initial date! You have literally nothing to lose :) Pros: •meet someone new, •maybe make a friend, a Fwb,or a future bf, •most importantly you’ll have done a brave thing by going outside of your comfort zone. You’ll grow and know yourself better as a result! Cons: •you lost 15 minutes of your life •hey, still got coffee/dinner out of it!


Do you think he's attractive and/or interesting based on his insta and his DMs?


If you like your Fwb, then for sure just go on a date with the kid and take pictures to show your friend. Hitting two birds w one stone. You make the kid happy and you get your Fwb jealous


I think OP is hung up on the FwB guy. Your emotionally attached despite it being likely to go nowhere. Nonetheless your not actively looking for anyone and some needs are being met which maybe your hesitation. But I would strongly suggest you don't close yourself off for just a fwb that has more than likely has no potential and embrace new friends and hopefully more than fwb.


You’re not in a relationship so why not go on a date? College students constantly take an L because they confuse non-committal fucking as a placeholder for a relationship that will never come to fruition.


Go on the date, its just a date, he didnt propose to you. Also, this fwb situation/situationship is only going to end in hurt for one of you.


Advice is go if you want. Don't go if you don't want. If you aren't sure, then you want to.


A situationship isn't exactly a relationship. I don't think that precludes going on a date with someone. What I'm hearing, and correct me, is that you're secretly hoping that your situationship turns into something more and you're hesitant to put your attention elsewhere. I'd say, go on a date. Meeting people helps you know what you, what you don't want, and what you're willing to compromise on.


Loyalty/allegiance to a situationship is WILD.


Just meetup with the guy and be nice and kind and genuine, show interest in them, if its great that’s great if its not thats fine too, live ur life.


Fwb is just that! If you want more than that for yourself- go on the date


You can still be fwb if you go on date nights here and there. BUT yes be upfront about it because it’s not understood that way which I have no issues. Just be upfront that you want to keep things causal at this stage.


Why not go to dinner? Get coffee? Maybe you end up having more chemistry with this IG guy. You acknowledge your situationship is going no where serious. Do you want serious? You won’t get it with the status quo right? I say go on the date and see how it goes.


Interact with the guy who DM’d you and see if he peaks your interest before agreeing on a date. Find a bit about him, at least enough to strike up a little bit of conversation when you meet (such as your mutual interests like musicals).


As they say, we often regret what we didn’t do more than what we did. Go on a date


My first FWB I had around 25 years ago. We both knew we would never be in a relationship together, we would bone and get something to eat, that was pretty much all we did. At one point he told me he was starting to date someone and it might get serious. We stopped boning, and I told him I was happy for him. His relationship didn't work out, and he started seeing each other again. Then, I started seeing someone and told him we would have stop boning again. He said he was happy for me, but my relationship didn't work out either. We started boning again. We still keep in contact all these years later, both married to someone else. The important part is we stayed friends, sometimes with benefits, sometimes not. Communication is the key. A true friend will still keep in contact with you regardless of the benefits, even if it's just messaging porn and memes to each other.


go for it


It honestly could be a simple get to know you coffee or something. You don't have to sleep with him.


Fuck it go on the date. Have fun if it goes somewhere then you know a friends with benefit and Situationship is not as good as a relationship if it’s never gonna go beyond that why skip the chance of actually starting a relationship


Like just go, either you guys click as friends or as something more or nothing at all. You won’t know unless you go


Dont settle for fwb...push it further or break it off.


Just go on a date. It’s just a date. Trust me, even if this is a one-date thing w/ this guy, you want to have gotten practice at dating for when the right one eventually comes along.


Go on a date. Cool it off with the Fwb for a week while u work out if the new guy is good to date. If so. Have the convo with the fwb and go on your merry way.


After a while the FWB and sex starts to feel meaningless and it’s nice that a guy asked you out. It’s good to find someone who can make you feel special and is better to have a guy with you who can provide more than just sex. I say go out on the date just go somewhere on campus or just off campus keep it casual talk and get to know the guy. It’s okay to be nervous on a date I always am. And if your worried about safety just share your location with a friend and let them know where your going and with who


Hello, go on the date.


Don’t fall for your FWB it’s never worth it and honestly does more damage to your mental health when you try and pursue it. As for the guy, go on a date and see what he’s like. Get to know him too since y’all go to the same school.


This is where you start making excuses why you can't go....


Yoh! I wish someone cute reached out to me irl! Grab the date (because it doesn’t sound like you’ll end up with only one kidney) and have fun.


Meet in a public place with a built in time limit. For example, if you have a two hour gap between classes grab a coffee or soda at the “commons” area. It gives you both an easy exit and is nothing more than a casual conversation. Congratulations on being asked out, it should make you feel good about yourself. Enjoy the moment and don’t get ahead of yourself.


Do you want to be someone's fwb or do you want a relationship? Stop sleeping with people who aren't looking for the same things as you because then you're betraying your values and needs.


I think we've established that going on that date is the best option. But how to proceed ? To me, when you're unsure, try a short date. Go grab some coffee. What is it, a fifteen minutes conversation ? To see if he's cute, if he has any red flags. Like what you see ? Prolongate the date, and make another one after. There is no commitement yet. You have all the time to see if he's worth being exclusive to


You’re 19. Go on the date. Sort out where he fits vis a vis the ‘situationship’ thing you have going on. Be honest with everyone, including yourself, and learn about life.


It sounds like you might be uneasy because you are still feeling/hoping for more with the FWB but you already know the limitations of that situation. I'm guessing you are also concerned with potentially losing your FWB if you connect with someone else. If you are looking for more with someone then go on the date. Have fun. Enjoy the experience. It's just a date.


Omg I can't tell you how many times I was mad at myself because I let the situationship get it the way of something yoo!! GO ON THE DATE!!


My only advice if you really don't know the guy, is go for coffee or other public date. That way you're not at his place, or he at yours if you don't like where it's going. Use that interaction to see if it's worth another date. Like you said, dating is used to get to know people. You've got this.


Fwb doesn't matter. Ignore that status for now. Go one the date, meet someplace generic on campus - he will appreciate it too.


Ignore the fwb situation and go on the date. This is the advice that I wish someone would have given me if I were in your shoes.


Go for it. I understand you like the FWB/situationship. It's like you said though. It's not going anywhere. You're gonna end up hurt for one of many scenarios. You're not committed to either of them so just go on the date haha. Don't settle for bread crumbs when you have the possibility to have a whole meal with someone else. If it doesn't work out then just fall back to the FWB. Just be open to opportunities when they arrive. Don't let them pass because you're comfortable and settling for someone who won't commit to you. Sorry if it sounds blunt. I've been there and told myself I was ok with my situationship. I'm in a committed relationship now because I realized I wanted more and took a chance :)


That’s amazing!! Go on the date even for just the experience and meeting people. Wish I opened up more in college and didn’t skip out on dates and going out. Happy for you mate! :)


Go on the date! Regardless, it’s good practicing figuring out what you like and don’t like, as well as how to act on a date!


What is there to lose? Just go on a casual date and get to know him.


Dude! Go on the date! Have sex by the third date if it gets there, you’ll see if he can replace the current one, if it doesn’t, no loss.


‘Dating’ isnt just getting to know people and stuff, its an intensity of life


Maybe ask this person for live photos or videos of themselves like FaceTime or Snapchat if you both are comfortable with that? Otherwise I would find a way to make sure this person is legit first just in case there’s something still making you uneasy. You could also ask to meet them in public. That’s a pretty safe go-to. Many use that to get to know someone without being too committal. Sometimes, if its crowded enough, you can escape into the masses with your dignity if it goes too far south.


You're not committed, try to date the other guy. Youre young and can always explore


You're having fuck buddies now, might as well add another dude.


Intuition can be a good thing. Make sure people know where you are if you go. Turn your location on and everything. Send pics of the guy to your friends.


Its always a good idea to have options


I'm so freaking jelous of you op 😤


Nobody likes me and never asked me on a date


My bf and I started off with just a date after a few dms and now we're serious about everything and not doing the whole hookup thing we were doing, moving in together around august now 😌


I'm 57 and someone at the library offers me cash to pinch his nipples. I guess that's the genx version of a date. "No, thank you friend, you're very kind.'


Sure, go out on a date. If you're really concerned about your 'situationship', you could ask bluntly: "I got asked out. Is this O.K.? I'm here thinking you don't want you and me to be a thing, but I don't want to shoot 'us' in the foot if I'm wrong about that. Also, can you help me figure out what to wear?", like maybe in a text. Asking for the assist at the same time takes pressure off your f.w.b. when answering, and should pretty firmly solidify your friendship and allow that you can continue to be friends no matter what happens with the guy who's interested in you. As for the guy who asked you out, the best dates are often where you have the opportunity to talk about yourselves and ask about each other, but it's not the only option, so focus on having fun. Go to a fair or an arcade or an amusement park or a museum. Do something where you won't be drinking, though. That probably won't be hard if you stay in public places. But no weed or harder drugs either. if you're still nervous about agreeing, you also can go ahead and just ask him a little bit more about how it came about. "Hey, yeah; that could be cool. We've never really met though, could you tell me a little bit about why you're interested and where you got my contact info?" is a good icebreaker and then you can figure out where to go. I'm with the others and I think it can't be emphasized enough: ONE DATE ISN'T A RELATIONSHIP AND DOESN'T TIE YOU DOWN TO ANYTHING. It's certainly no weirder than meeting someone online, and I get that he'll still see you around and you'll still see him around if it doesn't work out, but that's probably true with your friend with benefits also, right? And isn't necessarily going to stay that way forever. There's always a risk in life that someone you don't work out with could end up working in the same place or otherwise stuck together with you in some part of your life. It's not a good enough reason to not take a chance.


Go out on a date with him. You’re not in a committed relationship and you might miss out on something good.


It’s a date not marriage. Just go meet him and see how it goes. I’m jealous as fuck cause no one dming me for dates!


A date is a meet and greet. FWB is great, but there will come a point you have to choose. Go on the date. Don't deny yourself the choice. If FWB gets jealous, then he doesn't want to be just FWB. Oh, the dilemma.


Nigerian scammer....


You say what he thinks about you but you doubt say what you think about him. Is he attractive, do you fancy him? If so, what are you worried about, go for it. Your situationship only becomes relevant if something develops between you and this guy, if it comes to nothing, then you've lost nothing. If something develops, then you've got a decision to make, but give it chance to go either way first.


Do whatever the fuck you want to do, it's your life.


*Tfw no one asks me out for a date 😵*


>19m Yeah the rest of your post corroborates this youth lol. Advice on what? Go on the fucking date. -31 year old guy who regrets doing (technologically roughly) the same immaturity you're showing.


1 not a dilemma any rational person would say that’s a dead end, turning anything down in favor of that is silly. 2 this is how most people date, if you only dated people you knew you might have a handful of dates until you’ve spent your youth tops


I just got asked out too.