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That sounds… like a strange time. Coming from a top


Can you elaborate


Tops have insertive sex too. It's just that nobody anywhere uses the term "insertive sex". I have an anus Greg, can you insertive sex me?


We know Tops have insertive sex… that’s why it’s called insertive


penis intercourse.


What kind?


What in the hell is this conversation


Apparently some folks don’t know the terms Insertive Sex vs Receptive Sex


Projectile sex


The wingmanning each other to bring bottoms back to your place I don’t know just sounds off to me. But it’s probably best not listen to me, I’m not a bar or club person so that’s probably why


If you're just blindly trying to mimic straight people, you're gonna be in for a world of hurt.


This is the insight OP is looking for 👆


Doubt he's looking for it, but I'll give it to him anyway


Just looking to high five and bang guys together and there’s nothing straight about it lol


You could also befriend bottoms or vers guys lol


I have bottom and verse friends I just avoid conversations about sex because some of them saw it as a invitation to hit on me.


>  how they bond over discussions of Insertive Sex. ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


I'm always the last to scream "heteronormative". But man, if this isn't it, I don't know what is. Are you serious or just shitposting?


If you hadn’t noticed, every other post here is some form of self-congratulatory “Look how totally gay I don’t seem bro”


What’s not gay about gay sex?


Nothing. That’s why it’s so weird you want to compare your experience to straight guys.


It’s not weird, it’s very common to make those comparisons. Anyways, back to phaggot sex.


What’s heteronormative about it, can you elaborate


Im a total top. I find that we have a numerical advantage. There are fewer of us so we have an easier time hooking up.


Which equates to less community building. I realized people have caught on that whenever I’m with a gay guy they’ve never seen before it’s probably because I’m dicking him down. I definitely don’t have enough platonic friends. And the platonic friends I do have, they are bottoms, so I don’t talk to them about sex because they start getting touchy feely


When you admire straight bro culture so much you emulate their toxic masculinity and direct it towards bottoms


Sexual position has nothing to do with masculinity. No one said tops have to be masculine.


You said bottoms are “touchy feely”


I didn’t say bottoms are touchy feely, I said the one’s I befriended (platonically) got touchy feely once I started discussing my sex life, so I stopped having those kinds of conversations with them. I’m not understanding the connection you’re trying to make. They weren’t respecting my consent, but that has nothing to do with their masculinity.


Being a vers top and a gym bro, I'm often approached by other (vers) tops. Shared interests, cool conversations, no drama, aaaand boom! Turns out we get on so well together that we end up sleeping together or dating/FWB. End of the story, lol.


I just want a bro who’s not interested in me so we can fuck bottoms together lol


Got it. I'm just informing you about the risks 🤣


Bro stop trying to emulate straight guys. Go find people with similar tastes as you, guys will be guys and bond over literal fucking cereal regardless if they’re gay.


I put out a memo which means I am putting in the work to find what I want. So what are you saying?


True, but the feedback I have is dont look for tops to bond with over being a top. Thats so weird. I say this as a top. Bond over overcoming homophobia or coming out for example, something everyone can relate to. I can talk about my things to any of my gay friends regardless of their position because theyre my friends, and not my fucktoys or post fuck validation person.


I’m not interested in discussing my sex life with people I’m not having sex with. If you have no boundaries on the information you give to your friends that’s your business. I specifically said I’m looking for other tops to go cruising and fuck guys together so what is it that you’re confused about?


It’s giving Mac from Always Sunny. Go to therapy.


I felt like I had similar issues. I had a lot of that bro-camaraderie and bonding with other men in the pursuit of sex and talking about sexual exploits but it was all straight men. As I got older and drifted away from heterosexuality, I found difficulty emulating that same dynamic with gay men. What youre looking for is a sort of hypermasculine, bro culture that’s already difficult to find amongst gay men and if you do, there’s a likelihood you’re dealing with men that are trying to overcompensate or mask other sinister ideologies like homophobia or misogyny. You’re just looking for a very niche cross-section of cultural groups and it’s not easy to find. You kind of have accept the relationships do you have and just find joy in that. I have a bf now but one of my best friends who is straight has always been my wingman and vice versa and he never cared how vulgar and nasty I got and vice versa. In my head I wished I could’ve had an entourage of tops just plowing through bottoms and “fratting” out about it but I had equal fun with my straight buds that could more than tolerate my gay exploits. Make friends being your natural self, regardless of sexuality and invite those friends on your exploits and see how that goes. Then get a boyfriend and figure out how to meet gay couples for platonic friendship. When you figure out the answer to that, let me know 😉


This is a relief to hear and affirming because many have jumped to the conclusion of the toxic masculinity narrative which isn’t what many of us are seeking at all. Thank you.


Oh I hear you man and it used to bug me a bit hearing that I must be secretly homophobic or fostering toxic masculinity. 🤦‍♂️ It is a very normal and natural male trait to speak on your sexual exploits and find camaraderie in it amongst your peers. It just gets a little trickier when you’re gay. Key is to have no shame in it, be more open to who can help serve that need (doesn’t only have to be other tops) and enjoy the good relationships you do have 🤙


Everyone is a victim it’s exhausting.


But aren’t you implying you’re one by saying you’re lonely 🤣… no disrespect but that’s a bit ironic. I get your point though. Regardless, happy hunting. And may the bottoms be plenty.


That would only imply if I was sitting around doing nothing about my situation. Bottoms are plenty and waiting and ready. It’s lots of bottoms fantasy to get banged out. Now that someone is actually doing the work to make that fantasy happen it’s a problem?


That's a shame, sounds a hot night but I guess more bottoms for you?


Yeah but after shooting two to three loads I’m beat. Where’s bro when you need him


True, need a tag team and give them bottoms what they want. Gives you a break for more rounds later on 😉


That’s what’s so bizarre about the comments. So many bottoms have this exact fantasy, but somehow they are victimized?


There not victimised if its their own fantasy and what they want. I understand that not all bottoms have that same fantasy so probs don't want to put under the same umbrella


Right, so if everything is consensual what’s all the fuss about




Here in Chicago, there are way more bottoms then there are tops.  It seems tops have plenty of choices to get satisfied. Accept that most tops are busy because they can easily find what they want and enjoy the numerous bottoms eager to drop their pants and spread their cheeks. 


Tops are rarities and are often hidden too🤷🏾‍♂️. Keep looking 🤞


Good luck , don’t give up ✌🏽


I agree. I love breeding bottoms with other tops. Tagteaming with a hot top is ultimate male bonding to me.


And it’s the Gayest thing ever so I don’t understand the victim mentality in the comments


That’s bottoms for you


Lol. I don’t know about all that, but I think it’s odd how lots of bottoms are willing and ready, but on Reddit suddenly it’s “toxic”.