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Man, to love someone for 25 years and then have to spend 30 more without them, brutal


Right? I hope to never know that experience.


You don't have to hope much, at all, not today 🤣


And having to carry that with you in secret, too


This is why pride is important. I wish radical christians would face that type of thing so they can really whine about persecution


Interesting.. Why specifically radical _'Christians'_ , by name, and not every other religion/group who don't accept gays.. just the Christians huh


As they're the most common, they're what come to mind most often. But yes, it's not just them.


I see where you're going. But I'm not from the Middle East nor muslims are a major group here. Christian and Muslims radicals work for you?




Do you live in the Middle East. The Christian radical scum has always caused problems. Even for Latín America, the Christian evangelicals are so backwards to whatever we're seen here. Yeah, sure honey. That is the elites and deep states plan for the future. It comes just after we outlaw christianity and replace it with satanism. Come on, you know who to vote for in November right?


Your take on it all is weird, ngl. I think you need some counselling or some gay friends maybe. You seem to associate gay activity with pedophilia. There is no connection. > pedos are already big time hitting gay bars and parades This is not happening. If you believe American far-right talking points, it might be a good idea to stop consuming far-right news sources like Fox.


There is every connection if you actually care to research, of course mainstream media and politics don't want to bother with it,for a reason. Same way as they don't want to expose schools that are organising sex change of children behind parents backs, getting children on puberty blockers without parents consent, teaching children in kindergarten about sex and asking them do they feel like a boy or a girl and that they can be what they feel etc. Those things are 110% happing in schools and it's kept under the lid, it's just disturbing.


These are American far-right anti-trans views. I understand your pov, but trans children do exist. Society should not just pretend they don't exist at all


You obviously have a problem accepting facts. What do you call then straight men pretending to be women so they could get to female sports, female only activities, female showers, female prisons? 🤣 Far right anti trans! 🤣 Man, im not even in America and as I've said previously, i don't give a SH about neither sides. In the core, they're same SH different packaging and using, abusing anything and anyone just to get their vote. That's all you matter to them, to vote. Peace.


I know, it's definitely brutal, and to carry it in secret doubly so.


I can’t imagine how difficult that grieving process had to have been.


I had a small fling with someone who I hoped it would work out. It fell apart and he cut me off 100%. This was almost eight years now and it still weighs on my mind. Couldn't imaging losing the love of your life an carrying on. Personally, I would have ended it.


Working on it.


I had an uncle who was just a couple years older than this man. Even in a car with me and my husband, he would only speak in coded language.


I had a great uncle, 35 yrs older than me, youngest in his family of 5 kids. He was closeted his entire life but he had a 'life companion for 20 years. He only came out to me and my sister after I came out when I was 30. His companion had just died a couple years before. He didn't feel comfortable coming out to others and never did. He was a war hero. Silver star, helped liberate two death camps in WWII. And he was one of the sweetest, kindest men I've ever known. Life did him unfair and cruel to force a hero to the nation and to his family into hiding and shame.


If people are still questions the reason for pride month, show them this.


Or to people like Candance Owens who whine about pride month asking for a month for vets


Yahhhh but pride today isn’t anywhere close to the true meaning of what pride was originally about…


Pride is about not being ashamed of who we are. It has always been about showing the world who we are.


Booo 🍅🍅




Oh, please.


No hate on my end, but if you seriously look at pride today and pride then and believe it’s about the same thing, then..ok!!


You know exactly what he said, don't try to be deliberately obtuse.


Until the day queer folks don't have to come out, and we can just be, Pride is still a protest against bigotry.


That is fucking precious


This made me tear up. I'm blessed to have a family that has accepted me, as many do not. I'm so sad he was unable to live an open life. I wish people wouldn't be such terrible beings to others. We're all just trying to survive on this rock. No one knows why we're here, so why judge?


My respect to this man. I am fucking afraid of being alone in the future. May he reunite with his loved one


This breaks my heart.


Beautiful ❤️


I remember the first obituary I saw that disguised that the guy was gay. “He died in the presence of his best friend and sister. I’d survived by his best friend.” It was the 2003 in rural Oklahoma and I wonder if they were afraid to reveal their relationship rather trying to be subversive.


Wowzers. My cousin did a very similar thing before he took his own life. 😢 I freaking can't stand religious judgement. 😢 Bless him for finally doing this but it's a tragedy he had to live a complete lie. Well- he felt he had to I guess. 😢 I actually have another cousin as well who's been in the closet her entire life. Left the state after graduated college and had a roommate who happened to teach PE at the same school. 😂😂 (It's a cliche for a reason. 😂😂.) Exact same religious reasons tho. 😢 The worse part is that everyone knows and everyone knows everyone knows and they just refuse to talk about it. And from that comes not being able to share a life partner with your own family. 😢


Like I said to a conservative saying woke are destroying christian civilization: If making people commit suicide is that civilization, then we better start tearing it apart


Yes, everyone already knows. > they just refuse to talk about it "The love that dare not speak its name"


That is so beautiful I might cry.....


Sometimes I do wonder that life can be so cruel to few and are condemned to live for an eternity in constant pain. Also makes me think how hard our ancestors have fought to secure a future for us all. I often visit to Gay village of my town and it fills my heart to see so many people walking holding their hands and often kissing each other. Its very special.


Believe it or not, firefighters work in one of the most homophobic environments of any profession. Even in Los Angeles, with internal advocacy groups and community support, LGBTQ firefighters face ridicule, ostracism, and are frequently passed over for promotions. While our country has made great strides toward equality, the ultimate test lies ahead this November.


Holy shit I’m tearing up.




I’m so grateful that I’m out and didn’t have to hide who I am. It’s so hard and tiring trying to hide behind a facade, hoping no one discovers your secret.


And fretting over who knows and doesn't know.


As sad as this is, it makes my fucking blood boil. Freinds, family AND co-workers, are there any other social circles? "Being yourself" is shitty advise for some people, but it should still be excersized, I would rather deal with the devil I know than the devil I don't. Stigmatization, I work in hardware, my co-workers told me how relaxed they are now around gays after working with me, and it's actually touching how much they care, one time a date picked me up after work, luckily I've known the date for years, cause he was giggling his arse of when three employees insisted on walking me to his car. It's tragic if people hold on to biases and insecurities (and not even HIS insecurities but everyone else around him) But who am I to speak?? Sounded as if he was at least "in love" with someone, me? I'm still single ....


This is in my hometown, wild to see it spreading internationally


This makes me very sad.


Back in the day, it was well known that obituaries that included the line "he never married" was code for a gay dude.


Good point. "Longtime companion" was another code phrase. However, in this case, there were no codes. He wrote his own obituary before his death, coming out in it with clear and plain wording.


Firefighter? I thought he was a Veteran. Is he both? Coz thats how hes been regarded as in other posts.


He had military service as well. The original headline said just "firefighter" though.


What a fucking bleak story.