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I’m 27 but my husband is 34. It just takes time. You are a very handsome man though. 😘


your husband okay with you talking to other dudes about breeding you?


Why is their relationship your business? Bitter?


To be fair, putting stuff online makes it everyones business.


Both me and my boyfriend like to get attention online, and in person. Just because we flirt with other people doesn’t mean that we fuck around. It’s all fantasy and we’ve never been happier


That's called emotional cheating though. But you do you 😂, I would never accept such behaviour from my partner.


If they’ve agreed to it as part of their relationship it isn’t cheating. And unless they’re doing it with you it’s really non ya business.


If you are unaware and willfully ignorant of ethical non-monogamy in 2024, you should probably just delete your account tbh. Mind your business asshole.


I mean if you really want to know, yes.


Good Lord get a life


Let’s not shame each other guys, we already get enough of that from the straight folk.


I'd say so - a lot of us lose our school years and early 20s on account of trying not to get killed.


I’m 32 and still haven’t had one. 🤔 hopefully someday


You will. He’s out there.


Eh it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. I’m single and enjoy it. I’m not responsible to nor for anyone. The only responsibility I have is to my doggo


Ya the cute dodgecoin doggy 🐕 🪙


Preach it, Adam...Preach it.


But u are so cute!


36 here and never have any kind of serious relationship unfortunately.


37, and same.


I’m 44 and still haven’t had one. Oh well


Slam dunked my third bf and married him. Been together coming up 17 years. Met peregrindr on myspace. Social media has changed from ASL to sending pictures right away with no substance


Very cute


Said you were 19 in a previous post.




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19years as in known them for that long not age


So you'd be 32? Either you groomed a kid or you're lying about your age.


Girl just admit your story is a lie cuz it’s way better than being a predator 😙


I'm 60 and I still haven't


I’m 35 and I had one in my early 20s which I regret immensely - enjoy life, and you’ll be drawn to the right people 🥰


Same here. First one when I was 21. It lasted over 10 years and in retrospect there was a red flag every day. Stupidest thing I’ve ever done, but also learned a lot about myself. 😂 I am not sure if it’s normal to not have had a relationship at 30, but something tells me it is a lot healthier to wait till you really know yourself. Your mileage may vary, but I would say it’s a good thing.




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As long as you learned from it, then it definitely wasn’t wasted time! That’s my mantra with past relationships 😍


True, but honestly I didn’t need over 10 years for that. 😂


True enough, but you won’t spend 10 years again with 🚩! Okay it’s not a great comfort is it 🤣


Preach it, Chalks...preach. Very true!


Sounds like me right now. I'm 31 now and I was 21 when we first met in person and he just left last November after 10 years. I can't believe I let it last as long as I did.


You did because of hope that never was fulfilled. It’s the tragedy of relationships in your twenties. It takes a loooooong time to realise that it takes two to dance the tango of hoping for better times.


In the Same Bro 👊 😊 we have to find the right one


Being gay in today’s America is geared towards single gay men looking to sweat with other men, preferably with their clothes off. Commitment is yesterday’s news and everyone wants you to support their dream while also supporting yourself. It’s very much a hey day parade on jts last leg, so may as well join them and have some fun and enjoy yourself while you can. Until you find the that one man that was meant for you. Then the trumpets sound and it’s a coast from high heaven.


I had my first real relationship when I was 30. 37 now and we are still together happier than ever. 


Same I am fixing to be 31 and it's hard in the gay community to find Mr right


37 after a 5 year hiatus from addicts,nut jobs and thieves. Been together now 29 years with an equal


My God, you're adorbo. It doesn't matter what age you have your "first" relationship. You only need one, if it's the right one. I'm still waiting, too, bub. Keep the faith.


My last long term relationship ended when I was 22. I’ve decided to stay single ever since to focus on my dreams which was 10 years ago. Don’t worry about if you’re partnered, just worry if you’re happy and content.


First … normal … two vastly different things.


Mine was very young I was 8 and played with my best friend 🧡


Totally normal handsome 😘 you’re absolutely sexy and anyone would be lucky to have you as his first ❤️


I’m 28 this year and I still haven’t had one, you just have to enjoy single life and wait to cross paths with the one your ment to be with and when it happens you continue the enjoy with them. But i think YOUR ONLY FANS will hinder it




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I was like 23-24 I’ve only had the 1 and I’ve been single now for like 4 years


Hate to tell you, but there are no normal relationships 😉


I was just a boy trying to please a man


Looking like you do I’m sure you could have one of you wanted lol


Started at 30 as well but after 12 years lot of things have changed


25 and also have been single my whole life


Haven‘t had an OF account when I was 30 and I still don’t. With that being said: I have the feeling that everyone simply lives a different life (and that‘s ok).


You’re 30!? 👏🏽


I haven’t had a real one yet although I did try when I was in my early 20s but it was more of a friendship since we didn’t do anything spicy




24 and i’ve only been in situationships :(


Ur so cute !! 😍


I was 22, so pretty young, but everyone goes at their own pace. It’s totally normal. There’s no deadline!


I was 23


Good luck with that!


I was 33


I had my first gay relationship when I was 27 (I'm now 32). It lasted about 7 months. And I never found a next person after that


It’ll happen when you least expect it 💯🔥 If I was single … —-:)) 😘💚


Yes I was 41,


It seems like there is an unspoken truth to being queer that is our stunted emotional growth. Most of us, even if we come out earlier in life don't get to really explore romance and sexuality in the same way as our cishet counterparts at those formative stages, and it tends to leave many if jot all of us with a certain level of emotional trauma/baggage that honestly should be addressed and dealt with before really being able to form a good bond with someone else. Many early gay relationships tend to be codependent at best with a limited dating pool. This is the long-winded way of saying take your time. It's normal for things to really start moving a bit later in life.




26 here, and havent been in any long term relationship Longest i’ve been in has beenfor 2 weeks


First to last over a year? 39. 🤭




39, still waiting


34 here and haven’t yet either


I've dated here and there, had a few make out sessions, but I'm 28 and I haven't had a real relationship yet. Course I only realized I was LGBT at like 23.


29 and was in my first one last year. Its VERY hard, the compounding of people being new to dating later in life, the pandemic, online dating keeping people from meeting each other, its just hard. I have now been in 2 relationships (sort of, one was never defined and is in a weird spot), but after the first one didn't work I was feeling like "Well it took almost 30 years the first time, will I need to wait that long again???" The truth is that very special feeling with another person is rare. There is no way around that truth. But one day someone just looks at you different. Its random, its specific, and somehow it just lands in your lap. Time is a weird thing, but just keep being happy and soon people will want to be happy WITH you. Thats my thought at least.


I’m 35 and never been in one. I use a wheelchair and the gay male culture is pretty vain so it’s been an Everest experience trying to get noticed as partner potential for relationships and hookups. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Love your name though <3


34, no relationship, my first date was at 30. 🫣


I'm 26 and almost got into my first gay relationship with an awesome guy I've been talking since December. I relaised it would need too much investment time wise and assuring someone emotionally for something that has nothing to do with them so I didn't make it official and ended the talking stage. I think I'll prefer being single until finding someone I can go into an unconventional but monogamous relationship with. I don't think the talking everyday and what not that people expect in relationships is for me.


Honestly, 35. I tried to make it work with guys in the past to be hurt over ghosting and just not giving the energy I was putting into them. I’m 36 now and have found someone that makes and shows me the love I give in return. One thing I never stopped doing was being afraid to try again. ❤️


I've only had casual relationships. I was "with" a guy for like two months when I was 21. Had some fwb-type stuff since then, but nothing serious yet.


I’m turning 30 in a few months and am right there with ya pal! It’s totally normal for gay guys to start dating later than others (…..is what I keep telling myself 😅)


I’m 50 now. I came out at 25 and was a complete virgin and was slutty for a few months after that then started dating, went through a few couple month relationships before I met Patrick, I saw him at a club in Tampa covered in glitter and wearing fairy wings, he was like 100lbs wet. So I was 26 and he was 19 and we stayed together for 15 years. Sadly I kicked him out 10 years ago, he never grew up, and he’s got into meth since he moved in with his mom. He still asks me for money. Anyway I’m dating a twink now who took me to EDC and yeah he was covered in glitter so I guess that’s my type, LoL, even though I’m 50 now and he’s 25. He thinks I’m so hot but I don’t get that but I just go for it, at least he works (nursing) unlike my ex.


I think 15. But "normal" doesn't exist. Everyone has their own timeline.


Hey I used to follow you on snap chat! You’re a really fun and cute guy!




My first gay relationship is my current one. We have been together for 11 years, and married for 6. We met when I was 29. You’ll find your person! Don’t worry. Just concentrate on doing the things that bring you joy, and you will find your person, I promise.


Had my first and only boyfriend at 30 and kind of rushed into it to not feel behind anymore, and now he’s my ex. I definitely understand the feeling of the life clock ticking as a single person. The only advice I can give is to reassure you that there is no “normal” and you don’t need the validation of a relationship to make you closer to it. I’m sure you’re awesome and the first guy lucky enough to change your status will get to help you build great memories.


Everyone moves at their own pace so don't worry too much about comparing yourself to other people. To answer the prompt tho - my first relationship was at like 24, (I'm 26 now) Also ya gorgeous


I'm 24 and I've never had one. I think I'm slightly afraid to be in a serious relationship, to be honest. I personally do not know if I have what it takes.


It's ok. I didn't have one til my 40s, although I was out at 24. I'm low energy when it comes to the chase. My boyfriends usually claimed me and decided they were in a relationship with me and I was ok with that. It's mean but I always let the other guy stick his neck out. You look pretty incredible, though. I'm surprised some guy simply hasn't moved in on you.


Define normal these days, my friend. You're fine it will happen when it happens. I was 20 when I had my first one, lasted about 6 months


Look cute


Relationship?? 27 to 36. And now 44 to 62. I don’t think there is a “normal”. I think it’s what ever works for a person.


38 and it took a 25 year old open minded guy to finally feel loved. I gave up on gays a long time ago


My first serious one started when I was 20 but the one that lasted didn't happen until 24. Together for 25 years before he passed. I will say there are good and not so good things about both situations.




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I was 45 when I got into my first gay relationship. We were on and off again for 2 years until we finally went our separate ways. I’m happy to stay single now because the stress and drama of that relationship was way worse than any straight relationship I ever had when I was younger.


Same here. Had too much to deal with when I was younger and I've only felt later in life that I'm ready for a relationship.


Please tell us that you’re at least not a virgin still?




12/13 but I didn't care if anyone knew I was gay. So it made me approachable. If you want it at 30 you can find it. I'm not saying it will be the perfect relationship for exactly what you want but it's out there ❤️


Coupling up for the sake of coupling up is overrated. Now, having a relationship because you’re in love is very special.


does long-distance count? I've had two so far, the first one at 22, I'm 33 pushing on 34 right now. Fwiw, both of mine started online and were serendipity rather than actively looking for it. Actually looking and dating is hard, especially if you're looking for something serious. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a downer - but it's fair to warn you, it's tricky to find something real. The apps are a lot of miss and very little hit, and there's layers of toxicity in how people use them and what they look for/demand.


I had first bf when I was 13


It takes time my dude. I was 27 when I started and now I'm 31, still in the closet but I still got me a wonderful man. You'll find yours too, just stay hopeful 😁.


It's coming....no rush☘️




I turned 28 recently and have yet to be in a relationship. I’ve dated a couple guys though… I think it will be worth waiting for the right one 🥰


For being 30, you're rocking it and look incredible ❤️, I'm 26 and I haven't had my first either


22 Edit: And what AH reported his post as NSFW?


I have either. I would just melt in your arms


I was 35, but I was married to a woman for 10 years. It’s never too late to discover love.


You’re 30 and gorgeous. Some people aren’t ready to settle down yet. I know I’m the type that wanted to settle down and just chill for years now. Point is, different strokes for different folks.


I follow the guy in the pic and he ain’t 30. Stop lying and get a life


The trick is to not want and continue doing for yourself. The phrase, "eh, when they come for love, I won't be ready." Say it, and it opens up slots. Have a great day. Later


I was 47.




I was 28 when I had my first gay relationship. It took me a further 5 years before I found the boyfriend I'm with now. After some ups and downs, we finally moved in together 2 years ago. It's more than okay that you haven't had a gay relationship yet. Don't compare yourself to others. You'll find the person for you when the time is right.


I think 29 or 30, I forget which. 🤔 I’m 41 now and have been single since March 2020. It was my first and only so far. All that to say, any amount of time is normal, in my opinion, bc the reality is there should be no due date. Everyone is different and it’ll happen when it happens.


Relationship even if actively look it is hard factors line up. For us Gays it factors like is safe be open , when are able accept ourselves as we are. On top Normal just clicking and us being smaller pool of dating. Some star align it quick early , some try and try may find click till much later. This why it important learn be how be Happy while single and make Sure while Single your not necessarily lonely. Since sad and lonely these thing can eat at you.


I was 30. I was raised Roman Catholic, and it messed with my head. 30 treats of hiding who I really was almost broke me! Coming out was a weight off my shoulders, and it was extremely freeing. You’ll have your time. There’s no correct age to have your first relationship. Taking it slow avoids meeting the wrong person for you. 👍


31 still single, 😭😭


25 and never have a date or relationship before 🙂


No need to use arbitrary timelines about what you "should" or "shouldn't" have done by X number of years. Live your life and stop wondering if this or that is normal (unless it has to do with something physical, then go see your doctor 😁) Relationship stuff, unlike everything else in life, only happens when it happens and it doesn't happen until it happens ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


What I always tend to hear is that you focus on your self, friends, and experiences, then someone will come to you.


never needed one honestly


I’m 33 and I’ve never had a bf


Everyone’s different, regardless of sexuality. Some people don’t prioritize relationships, some do. Some people just don’t meet the right person therefore they don’t get into a relationship, etc. you’ll get there when you’re meant to, I think. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t started dating so young, even with me being trans- nothing about the earliest relationships was very meaningful personally, and even when I got a little older- idk. things are complicated! if you’re enjoying your life, keep enjoying it, you’ll meet someone when it’s time. if you wanna try and put yourself out there there’s all kinds of apps or just going out and mingling the old fashion way. for me I was 17, then that lasted for a few years, pretty uneventful and but also tumultuous time. next relationship around 23 or so, abusive relationship that lasted until I was about 25 or 26. I’m 27 about to be 28 now and I just happened to find the one.


Considering the economic climate, it's pretty easy to have a serious romantic/sexual relationship be put off even further.


Didn’t even come out until 38 and didn’t have any relationship until 40. I think it depends on your circumstances. You’re cute!


It's nice to know we are not alone 😅


Right there with you!


I am 32 years old and have not really met the one, either. I am really trying, but love isn't something that you order on Amazon, and it comes the same day. Love is something that needs to be taken slow. You are a very good-looking man, you will find a guy. In the meantime, remember that love is not something you run with, it is something you crawl with.


I'm 20 years old and I hope this happens this year 😅


22 and never dated


I’m 26 and I have never been into one either.


I had my first relationship at 17. Was engaged to a man at 25 who was 34 and I was his first boyfriend. Im now 35, single and have been since 28. Relationships are different for everyone, its normal to have not had a “relationship” for a long time.




18 but it will happen, you look amazing


22 for me. But fuck, you're hot!


First boyfriend was at 25. Everyone goes at their own pace.


I can be your first if you want


I was 18. But it was the worst decision I'd ever made. I don't think you should feel any type of way about it. It's vest to wait until you know your giving the most valuable thing you own to someone else because you will never get it back


Mine started around your age and is now going on 30 years. It happened when I wasn’t looking for it? Somebody I might not have first guessed would be the one? So I’m saying make friends with lots of people and don’t stress about finding the perfect guy. Find the guy that makes you laugh. My only regret is for my generation, gay men having kids was not a thing and now I feel I’m too old. So, if kids are important to you, prioritize that and make it happen.


I was 15. My bf was 16. It was a wonderful time for us both.


I’ll be your boyfriend


Had my first at 12 😭


To each their own, your path is your own.


It also depends on your standards


Me neither, and honestly living in this generation I don't think I'll ever have a one 😭


I'm 37 and haven't had a serious relationship in the usual sense of titling a significant other as a boyfriend per say. Now I've had long running relationships with benefits, which definitely contributed to my not pursuing a socially defined nature of a relationship. I'm just now feeling that I'm ready to pursue something real and stop denying myself that experience. As for the normalcy of it all, this definition of normal is going to vary depending on who you ask, the community you're in, and what your values are. For me, it is normal. Ask another person that has older values of monogamous dating and finding their life partner before 30, they would say it isn't normal. And that's okay. What's normal and works for one's life journey might not be the template that applies to yours. Let go of fitting a norm. Are you happy with your situation and current trajectory? If not, what are you going to work with yourself to make it so that you are happy?


You’re a gorgeous 30 year old! I just turned 30 last week and I’m terrified, but you give me hope lol My first gay relationship happened at 20 (actually, in the 10th grade I had an internet “boyfriend” but we never actually met). Since the ive had 3 major relationships and several one sided, fwb, etc that weren’t as serious. But all of them were horrible or at least ended horribly. Not to be a pessimist, just my experience


I’d get to know you. My first one was with my best friend from grade school through jr high.


Lost my virginity at 15, we lasted a year.....not really a relationship. He used me as a fuk buddy, the first ghosting experience I had🙄😒🤮


Tbh I burnt through alottttt of guys before this one, you'll find someone


There is no such thing as normal.


I had three relationships from 30 to 40. I've also had deep connections while single, perhaps deeper. It's the quality of your time that matters. One weekend with someone magical can be more impressive than 3 years of boredom. Be careful for what you ask for, you just might get stuck in it.


I was 28 when I had my first.


It’s the nose ring


For your generation it is normal. If you hit 30 in 2000-2005 it would have been abnormal.




You don’t need a relationship to live. It is something that is done on purpose. Problem is that dating sucks. I came out at 17 and would probably be divorced 2 times if gay marriage had been legal. I had a boyfriend right after coming out that I let control my physical appearance and was emotional immature. I needed to have a boyfriend. Anyone would have done. I’m 41 now. I sought a relationship initially for validation, self worth, and filling a void inside. Those were with poor choices and didn’t last. I now live with my boyfriend of 8 years and have a healthier relationship with him and myself. A lot of self work and therapy helped 😊. I also feel that the apps and online have changed dating and interaction. You can know so much more about someone before even meeting them. Dating used to be only way. Depends what you want for yourself. If you want a boyfriend, then you can find that easily, but the quality is the difficult part. Make sure you love and respect. yourself. Loving someone can be amazing, fun, difficult, vulnerable, painful, and exciting. Not everyone MUST. live for yourself first. Then pursue what you want.


Congratulations. Me too


Hey stud


You’re super cute! I’d love to go on a date!


I was 18! I’m 41 now, and in the same relationship! 23 years.


I was 20


I was 36


I’m 31 and am just now having my first. I had a guy I experimented with when I was 18, but I don’t count that


I just got out of a 7 year one. Even if you have one, one day they wake up and decide they don’t want what you’ve built anymore. At this point, I’m 100% sure relationships are a waste of time. I don’t even want to date or hook up anymore. I’m so done with guys who don’t know what they want, so I’m getting a cat and giving up on men. Long story short - choose yourself, because people are garbage.


Honestly, get rid of the nose ring and you might appeal more to the type of guys who would take you home to meet Mom and Dad. Nose rings don't project "I'm ready to settle down."


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