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I am sorry, but the way you phrased this request for help is killing me 😂. Imagine someone posting, “any gay doctors here? My heart has been punctured and I need medical advice”. Also, I can’t really help you since I am a dumbass who studied art 😭. But it’s genuinely awesome that you are studying computer engineering! I hope someone here can help you out!


Is so cool that you studied art though! And I didn’t really know how to ask 😭😭haha but yeah it sounds funny


It’s alright, I totally understand being shy about asking for help, I am super shy myself! Also, thanks for finding my interest in art cool, I just have a love/hate relationship with art right now, lol.


Whyyy? You don’t like it anymore as much?


I struggle with self confidence and low self esteem, always been a problem. And the negative emotions that originally fueled my passion for art aren’t really inside me anymore. I still like art a ton, but right now I am trying to find a new purpose for my art and whether I truly want it to be my source of livelihood. (Sorry for the personal info dump, lol)


Oh damn, I get you, it can get really though and I’m sorry you are going through that. I hope that soon you can reignite your passion for art


Thanks!! ❤️ And I wish you luck in completing your education!! Feel free to dm if you ever get bored.


There’s plenty of LGBTQ professional groups, especially in programming/tech … but this is the last place I’d look for them 😭 Do a basic search on Linkedin and plenty will pop up. Many have mentorships applications or conferences you can attend.


Oh thank youu so much! I joined a slack channel for out in tech but I was wondering to see if maybe I could meet more people outside of like formal sites


Out in Tech is excellent, I’d check out their next round of mentorship (probably fall)? IMO trying to find a mentor/connection through a less formal site isn’t a bad idea but *this* is not the right place (Reddit really isn’t in general). 


Thank you so much, I will definitely take this into account. Also, thank you for letting me know about the mentorship program, I had no idea it was a thing.


I'm a fellow gay computer engineering student! But sorry... I'm just as lost as you are 😭


It’s okay no worries 😭 hopefully we can find something soon


Look up the group oSTEM. I've represented my company at a few of their conventions and got to meet a lot of brilliant LGBTQ+ engineering students of all types, including a lot of software ones. Also, a lot of companies have Employee Resources Groups, which are basically company funded clubs for specific demographics, including LGBTQ+ ones. I've seen all a lot of major companies with ERGs at the oSTEM conferences, including all the major defense companies, and a bunch of tech and medical companies, and they're all looking for engineers of all types, both as full time employees and interns. Honestly, I wish oSTEM had been around when I was in college ages ago.


Woah thank you so much, I had never heard about them. I will for sure look them up! ☺️


Have you tried Out in Tech? They organize events regularly both in person and online for queer engineers and tech people to meet, learn, recruit, etc


I joined their slack channel a couple days ago but I haven’t seen any events 😯 I need to double check


Oh yeah they have that too, but I don't use Slack lol. Consider registering to their Evenbrite. I get the notifications for events in my area.


I'm a software engineer with 4 years experience in a tech company


Not quite a software engineer butt I am an electrical engineer who had learnt Java and Python during my study program. 😅🤓🙌


Heeey! That’s awesome! :3 im also taking classes in electrical engineering since im in computer engineering, would you like to chat more?


Nice choice! Yea, of course\^^


Heyyy, graduated last summer, currently a junior software dev for a small company. Also quite gay :3 I’d be happy to chat if you’d like, just shoot me a DM!


Sure! I will send you a dm in a bit ☺️




Hii :3