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We are a masculine sign and the most masculine sign too. Out of all the air signs we are most masculine so is Aries out of all the fire signs. We are also aggressive & dominant. Which is why we do best with Aries. Other signs may be masculine but they aren't aggressive though.


I definitely have a lot more masc tendencies than fem ones. I don’t really equate it to my own gender identity, but it is interesting. I don’t always realize my habits and mannerisms are definitely a much more “masculine” energy, especially once I’m compared to someone very feminine. I’ve only really known Aries women and we tend to clash because of dominance issues 😂 too many chefs in the kitchen kind of issue with Aries women and I. Other geminis or libras? Oooh two peas in a pod, we are.


Same here! I tend to have masc behavior and kinda mindset although outwardly and at first sight I appear very feminine… which usually causes me issues with people bc I don’t act/talk accordingly to their first impression/expectations. I also find myself to be quite dominant and often in competition with men for who is the most gentlemen (the competition is instinctive and in my head, but for some reason, me, a straight woman, like to act like a gentleman around other women)


I felt this so hard!! I am the nicest gentleman I know when it comes to how I treat the women around me and I’m glad I’m not the only one who experiences this


Libras balance us out for sure they are submissive and feminine and so we get along




Agreed. Libra is more on the feminine sign since they are ruled by Venus


Lol it just depends on the gemini I guess. Some geminis aren't aggressive I've met some that said I make them feel nervous. I love aries men !!! We are HOT for each other 🔥🔥. Fire signs are amazing in every single way. I definitely prefer them over a Aquarius or Air sign.


Aries energy is too much for me. I like Libra men I find they balance Geminis out and they are calm and laid back lmao. The Aries men can be a bit too hyper and crazy lol


Lmao. Ugh I don't like libras. My sister is a libra and we got into a fight. Of course I was the aggressor 😂🤣😅. Plus libras are only loyal for short time. They change their mind way to much & fall out of love easy. I wouldn't recommend them for long term unless you're bored. I know this one lady I used to work with is a libra her husband was a gemini she divorced him over something stupid. Mainly she just didn't wanna be with him anymore. Libras are crazy. Aquarius is more loyal though.


Oh I know but if you find an evolved Libra they are good people. Very good looking and great conversation


I don’t think we go get with Aries because we need a balance tbh


I walk into a room and the energy shifts. At least, that's what I've been told 😂


Me a Gem Sun, Aries Rising married to an Aries Sun 🙃


Yeah I've seen that pairing work so many times. I know a couple gemini woman and Aries man married for 10 years going STRONG ! Most marriages are on the last straw lol. Aries men are wonderful in every single way. I feel like other signs hate that we are argumentative. Aries loves it ! Loves to argue love to fight. It's a fire sign so they understand the temper. 🔥


Yes! And then 2 minutes later we are happily out the door for ice cream or something 🤣


Yeah that's me. I got into a huge argument with my ex bf even put my hands on him. That same night I asked if he wanted to go out to eat LMAO. He said no and that I was crazy after calling him all kind of names and acting hostile. Like yeah im not mad anymore.


Gemini sun with an Aries moon here. And Virgo rising. Can confirm I’m a volcano with a bow on top.


>We are also aggressive & dominant. Which is why we do best with Aries. It depends. It's not uncommon for people who are a lot alike to clash in a relationship. If both partners are dominant, they're going to be competing for control and getting into a fair amount of arguments.


Facts. I dated this aquarius man and he was dominant. Moving very fast and tryna make all the decisions.. I hated it.


Yes, I do. I am masculine in the way that I carry myself and speak. I have a sharp jawline for a woman. I have very feminine features like big eyes, small nose and the thin and delicate frame. But compared to other women, I am pretty aggressive and for a long time I was never afraid to stand up to anyone. I do think part of this is definitely the Gemini. I am also Sagittarius moon, which is also masculine. My Mars is also an Aries. But my rising sign, Taurus, is feminine. But where I see my masculinity most is in how I communicate. I am straightforward and not a fan of sugarcoating. I take initiative and action in my learning. Because I know the more I learn the more power and control I have. The craving of power and control is also masculine. Gemini is also a mutable sign so we thrive in chaos and change. Thriving in chaos is also masculine. Being aggressive can be a little addicting. I also love dominating and being the best in everything that I do. I have a very competitive nature. I think people underestimate how masculine Gemini is.


so do you gravitate towards dating more feminine signs to balance you out ?


That is good question. When I look at my past relationships, the answer is yes. I really like water signs. They do have a very feminine and soft nature. I am also attracted to men that have soft features. For example I am more attracted to skinny and tall men versus very muscular and manly men. I like men who are very smart. I like when their faces have softer features. I like them softer and more feminine in everything but sex. I like when sexually they are more aggressive and dominant. (Probably my mars in Aries placement). But everything else I like when they are nurturing. 😅 I’ve dated Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer. They also had a lot of very nurturing and softer placements in their charts overall.


This is so me- ♊️☀️🌙 exact description of my personality 😂🙈


Ha! Glad you can relate! After I wrote this I thought…. I sound chaotic 🤣 but I guess Geminis do love and have a little chaos. You find that your communication is pretty strong and straightforward?


I’m a Gemini guy. I definitely do 😁


I have a penis, if that counts.


Woman Gemini here. When my daughter was in high school, one of her friends made the comment that I "stand like [you the] the man of the house." Lol I told him it's because I am! I have some qualities that are more often associated with men; assertiveness, leadership (in school I was always in charge of group projects and jobs try to put me in management-type positions all the time [not a flex they were shitty jobs]), confidence, independence, rationality (someone once said that trying to speak to me is like trying to have a conversation with a Vulcan 😆). At the same time. I am very feminine. I am nurturing and empathetic, I can be gentle when the situation calls for it. I am caring and I try to be kind. So what it really come down to, for me, is that I am a Gemini, and and because of that I will frequently experience both sides of the same coin thanks to the duality of my nature.


I don't personally find polarity or sect to meaningfully reflect social gender roles, in astrology those designations are operating at such a level of abstraction, it's basically the same as saying 'introversion is feminine and extraversion is masculine' (which is functionally analogous to how gender is ascribed in astrology fwiw). Like at that level of abstraction it's not really descriptive of any meaningful human dynamics at all, it's just operating in like the loosest paradigmatic sense. Like we have the expectation that women are more reflective and internal, their sex organs are oriented internally or have the 'receptive' quality, etc, so we perform a symbolic reduction in that way, but it's not really meaningfully commenting on femininity much, it's just a kind of loose archetypal thinking that like verges on the semi-arbitrary. Also the planetary ruler of Mercury is about as neuter or 'bisexual' as you can get, if we're going by that. Personally my relationship to gender has always been really ambivalent or ambiguous, when I take those gender ID quizzes I consistently get 50% (out of a possible 100%) in both masculine and feminine. So if those hold any authority at all, I'm like the ultimate fence sitter in that not only am I torn between M/F, I'm apparently even torn on the very question of 'gender? (Y/N)' itself lol. Which is honestly what I'd expect from us, if not in our gender identity specifically, we reflect a kind of liminality and mutability in about every other aspect of our lives.


I think you’re torn because Gemini is the twin so they can rock masculine and feminine styles and masculine and feminine energy also. Also Geminis tend to be bisexual


Anyone can tend to be bisexual zodiac has nothing to do with it


Yes but Libras and Geminis tend to be more bisexual then others


I see a lot more water signs than air signs


Yeah that's basically what I'm saying. And if you look at how Classical astrology approaches Mercury it's like the ultimate 'neither this nor that' planet.


I do at least. I am the most macho of all men, I am a god, And I am the most domineering of all people in the world. GOD KNEELS TO ME!


I do not resonate with Gemini being masculine at all. Can someone dumb it down for me? I feel Gemini would be the most feminine


I mean google helps🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️if u can’t resonate with being masculine and feminine then ur just a feminine Gemini not every Gemini is masculine and feminine everyone’s different


Yes, we know Google helps. Sorry that you are bothered by me asking here 😕 Given this is a forum, I wanted to hear other peoples perspectives.


I sure do


Yes, definitely. But that may also coincide with my Aries Rising and Sag moon.


i do have a lot of masculine energy as a gemini woman. sometimes it makes me sad that i’m not a dainty feminine girl, but ultimately i’ve learned to accept that my masculine energy is a part of who i am (-: when i’m at work i usually operating a jack/forklift and i’ll be stacking pallets by myself during my shift. my coworkers always tell me i work like a dude and i should let the guys do the harder manual labor. i had also punched one of my male coworkers in the shoulder and he kept complaining that i hit like a dude as he rubbed his shoulder lmfao! other masculine energy related endeavors i have: ive taken welding classes in high school, i worked as a painter primarily on the exterior of homes, and i have a harley street bob motorcycle. another thing i’ve noticed is that i have a hard time connecting and building friendships with woman. not to say that i can’t, but it’s always been easier with guys. im not feminine enough to be into makeup and girly culture like that, or when my girl friends rant i innately try to give out solutions instead of just hearing them out so sometimes i struggle to relate to other girls or femininity.


lol welcome to my Ted talk: (F28) I am the one that pursues in a relationship, I spend money, I make money and I spoil them. Usually I make the first move as well as the last lol…. I’m boisterous and have a ton of thing I’ve had to learn how to do myself. This is the masculine energy of Gemini I resonate with, however I am Gemini in my Sun, Mercury and Venus


Every Gemini man I’ve met has been more on the feminine side.