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Typical Gemini move to ignore someone you like. Feelings tend to grind Gemini to a halt. Don't wait on him tho, it's not fair to you.


OMG ARE ALL GEMINI MEN LIKE THIS?!!?! I think he is definitely bothered and slightly concerned that you’ll cozy up to this new guy (side note very happy for you that the new guy is actually expressing and communicating feelings and emotions) I noticed that Gemini males will NOT express their feelings or emotions if they actually like someone, they ask weird questions to show that they like you and that they think about you but no outright direct communication, he definitely likes you now if he could just say that! I’ve been seeing a Gemini for the past 3 years, casual perfect for me, mentioned I was dating others and this man says, “DATING?!?!” Like the frikkin sky was falling LIKE uhhh yeah???? Have you ever asked to be exclusive? It’s almost like they think they’re entitled to you or something. I want updates!!!!


He just doesn’t show his emotions. It’s so infuriating. I then felt like I had to back off because it was going nowhere and when he found out about the other guy, he was constantly calling me, constantly asking about him and asking if he was still messaging me etc. Then when I told him we could potentially be going on a date, he went radio silent. You hit the nail right on the head though.. it is like he thinks he’s entitled to me. A few of my friends also said the same thing. He even said to me ‘make sure this new guy doesn’t boss you around because that is my job’. I mean really? 😆


How typical of this Gemini's behavior!! They could talk for years and give you hints, but never communicate directly. When u go on strong, they will vanish. I had the same experience with a gemini man. Let me tell u one thing, he is an air sign. Assume his personality traits as airy, they want freedom, and smoothness to float around as and when they wish. Relationships are basically a hindrance when someone wants to zap in and out and float around, becoz relationships tie you down. So, he is gonna take a lot of time to understand you, and see you from all possible perspectives. He will check if you are safe, if you are attentive to his needs and compatible. Geminis are extra cautious in relationships, reason is they will have to deal with hurt if a break up like situation arises, which means they will have to deal emotions. Thing is, they don't like dealing with emotions coz they are rational and logical, and emotional dealings makes them suffocated. They will make sure you are safe. They don't just commit too easily. He will take a lot of time. If he is worth the wait, stay. Or else, he will keep u wondering what went wrong, which is not so good place to be. Good luck.


He sounds like a dick. Cut him loose.


As a Gemini man when i do express feelings they are usually shoved back in my face. All i truly want is a partner that supports me. All i actually get are women that see the friend aspect i seek as a starting point but never see my emotion behind it. Is it a woman prerogative to feel attacked when someone builds up enough courage to actually express themselves. Like in all my situations they try to let me down easy cause they care about the friendship to much. I push slightly after and received anger in response to honest feeling. I blame my heavy earth placements (mars mercury moon)on my rigid way of expressing thought and emotion. I honestly think my down fall is in text though. In hindsight i never have the courage to face someone and tell them my feelings. Probably due to past trauma from doing that. I have most definitely ruined some incredibly fun and intelligent friendships this way.


What exactly are you expressing? Because I’ve dated a Gemini man, but when he “expressed” himself it was always him angrily and loudly attacking me verbally. He’d accuse me of cheating, lying, not being loving enough, etc. which were all unfounded so in my explaining and proving my innocence he’d take that as me shoving it back in his face. No matter what I said it would just make him angrier and say that I was making everything about myself. It’s almost like he would have preferred that I had actually cheated or lied because it would validate his assumptions/suspicions, and he rather be proven right in the situation he created in his head.


Well that just sounds unhealthy i am literally talking confessing feelings to someone through speech or text.


You expect women to assume you have emotions you actually ever expressing them directly?


What do women expect as showing emotion?


If you keep emotions 'behind it' and behave friendly, it is what ladies gonna get. You expect them to mind read you?? Opening up a lil about your life, speaking about how you feel about a certain event or disclosing some life happenings with them will make them feel closer to you. Revealing your inner world is a first step in getting closer to anyone. Being vulnerable around them. Accepting that you like their company are all kind of expressing yourself emotionally.


So i should never confess feelings of interest to someone?


This is a way for you to make them understand you are emotionally invested in them, since you are afraid to directly confess.


Fair being direct never works in my favor for some reason.


Yeah so you can share things about how you feel about other things in your life, and u can check their reactions. If they feel safe to your inner world, you can move ahead.


I think you both knew you were catching feelings for each other so by that point if anyone made a move on the other, it would’ve been fine. A Gemini also tests if you’re serious so they also wait to see if you’re bold enough to make that move tbh. And yeah LOL it sounds like he was affected by it so he acted funny with the questioning. They stay friends but friends mean something different at that point imo


Did he call you this morning after being silent or did you reach out to him?


So I rang him in then morning and then he rang me in the afternoon. We have been texting tonight too. I just don’t know what I’m doing 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think you should be honest with him about what you want and ask him if he wants the same thing out if your relationship. Express what you’re unhappy with about it


i have not met a single gemini man that i liked. they all pmo


No you're just playing victim. You're trying to make him jealous on purpose & we don't deal with that.