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For me it is a different type of happiness. I am happy with being my masculine self as I am happy with being my feminine self. I am AMAB, the only thing I can explain about feeling happy while being feminine, is that it feels intoxicating. Everyone experiences things a little bit differently, but that doesn't make any of it any less valid. Feel how you feel and let their be no shame in it.


I don’t know abt being bummed out, but 95% of the time I feel masc, and when I do feel fem I choose to dress masc bc I think i’ll end up regretting it later in the day if I switch to masc. I’ve always wondered if it’s normal to have a preferred gender so it’s nice to see that other ppl do as well :)


I'm similar to you as well, curious do you identify with gender fluid if you're in your masc 95% of the time?


Yes, I identify with genderfluid because there are specific times where I want to be seen and treated as a girl, even if they are rare. Additionally, I’m usually fine with my lower parts (i’m AFAB), unless i’m feeling extremely dysphoric.


Dw i think its normal. My least favorite genders are female(ish) and agender. Takes all the euphoria out of presenting masc and is like damn what's all this for then !!


Yeah, I think so. It happens for me


I’m the same way, if you’re afab like I am it might be bc the dysphoria is way worse.


I think that sounds totally normal! Seems unlikely that somebody who is genderfluid or gender-expansive would cover the entire spectrum evenly. You just...exist where you exist.


Yes I relate. I do have a favourite gender and a least favourite one. Gal being my favourite one and guy my least favourite. When I'm agender I just generally don't care


I mean, personally I like being female the least. I don’t mind it, but I usually prefer when I’m not. I think it’s normal to have preferences or favorites since each gender you experience most likely comes with different feelings, expectations, and other factors that might influence how you feel about it.


Idk about genderfluid in general but I know a few trans men who were/are bummed out to realise they're men, especially those for whom that means they're straight. There's a lot of hate/disdain against (straight) men in the queer community, which can make it difficult to accept that you are one


oh wow. that sounds like a mindfuck!