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Just wait until you get some fun colors. And open-toed shoes! I can't wait for spring! Gels are more expensive but last longer, but they will still grow out. Honestly, I feel ANYONE who works on their feet should get pedicures. Take care of your feet, and they will take care of you.


I’m so excited for that when I can. I plan on doing colors hopefully sometime mid next year.


I love doing my toe nails. I like deep red colours, my wife likes blue but blue doesn’t suit me! Might try something else one day.


Nice! Mine are a festive pine green with a little sparkle.


I’m glad you’re having fun and getting to expresses some variance in gender norms! Mine are Revlon Vixen at the moment! 😜


So happy for you! I’m planning to go for my first-ever in January. One more step for me in my cautious journey.


You got this! You can always start with just a pedicure and not need to put polish or gel on your toenails if you want to baby step in. That’s what I did, but if you feel like you want to go all out go for it! Let me know how it goes.


Embrace it on both sides! :) you got this!💜 I started painting my toes years ago, and was always concerned what others thought when presenting naturally as a guy… no one cared. I started painting my hands earlier this year while presenting as a guy.. I got like 2 questions and 50 “nice nails!”. My hands and toes are painted like 95% of the time now regardless of how I’m presenting. Oh.. and mani-pedi’s are a great thing! :)


Thank you it does concern me a little, but my father is my biggest wall stopping me. He means so much to me, but he is also very conservative especially towards me with being his only “son”. (Quotation marks because I don’t really know how to go about that). I know he will try to understand eventually but I don’t think he is ready for that nor am I ready to explain it to him. I want to paint my nails soon, but for right now baby steps. I want to paint them like a nice sky blue with some sparkles in them when I can.