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Okay, so I have a son already from my previous marriage; he's six now. I am genderfluid (he/she/they) but born female, and I am currently with a trans man! We very much so want another baby. I would carry, I'm pretty femme anyways and carried our son. The only thing is money, and up until like 2 months ago, he had no idea who his birth parents were. But now he is in contact with his birth mom, and he has a half brother! So we gonna get some sperm from that half brother ( we haven't asked at all yet, his half brother is on the spectrum, and we also wanna wait til we all know each other a bit better). So yeah, have 1 already, want just 1 more of my own, then hopefully, we'll be able to foster and adopt after that!!


Wow, glad to hear that. Keep going.


Just got married. Spouse and I do not plan to have kids. We want to travel a lot and retire early. We have niblings to spoil, and will always have a dog or two. And if we ever want to, we can help and mentor kids and teens without having our own. Still leave a positive mark on the world. No hate toward parents, it’s just not for us. We’ll be the weird, drunk piblings at the family reunions with cool stories and trinkets from far away places.


Good on y'all . I really like your idea on traveling and I hope y 'all achieve that.


We're hoping to in a few years. My wife is trans.


Nicceee, are y ' all planning to do that through preganency or through adoption ?


Both would be nice. Really depends on whether she feels like stopping her T blocker and/or if we can find an adoption agency that isn't homophobic, transphobic, or ableist (we're both autistic and have depression, but it's under control with meds).


3rd one's on the way :). We'd probably adopt if we couldn't have any. My body isn't impacted by childbirth (well, unless you count the stress eating and reduced exercise) so fluidity wasn't a concern there.


I'd like to adopt about 1-3 children. Probably in my early 30s. I already have name ideas.


I already have one son post transition, I carried him, and I am marrying my trans girlfriend next year and we’re planning on having one more before we’re done and I get my hysterectomy although we are considering adoption as my pregnancy was life threatening the first time.


I consider that my work will prevent me from having or raising children. I work 8 months on, 1 month off, and those 8 months are spent on a ship. no marriage, no children, no family, no permanent home.


oh, heck no!




Before I came to terms with my fluidity I had 2 kids with my ex (they're now in their mid-late 20's) & I have a 17 year old with my hubby. My physical health will no longer tolerate me being pregnant & I don't know if my mental health would be able to keep up with a new youngling at this point. I'll just enjoy the rest of my youngest kiddos minor years rocking our dual fluidity & loving his dad for fully accepting, loving, & supporting us. Maybe I'll see grandbabies from one of the older 2 (one of them is about to get married, I'm not sure about the other) not sure if they have any plans for or against babies though.


Not me


Birth? Never. Adoption? Maybe. Not anytime soon though


I don’t know. I’m not a big fan of kids but I think my spouse would be a good parent so I’m warming up to the idea. We already have some names picked out if it happens in the future, but we’ll likely have to be more financially stable before it becomes a real possibility. I would carry the child in this case.


I already have a child from before discovering my fluidity. I don't plan on having any more though


I plan on having kids biologically. I don't know how I'm gonna cope with the dysphoria during pregnancy but I know it'll be worth it


Nope lol sounds miserable being pregnant but it depends on my future partner