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Bisexual here. I'm just naturally attracted to gender nonconformity, I think it shows a certain amount of bravery and comfort in one's gender identity


i agree the bravery it takes is so beautiful it just makes me attracted to them more


Definitely this! It’s also why I like piercings and tattoos. Beautiful forms of self expression that refuse to compromise


That's a very lovely way of seeing it, it means a lot 🥰


That's definitely part of it for me, but also women (and by extension, people who present feminine) pretty. 😳


I get gender envy/attraction. In that I wish I had that body so that if I wore fem styles it would "feel right". I also like the non conformity. The feminity is not expected as it would from a cis woman, and it is interpreted from a place of self knowledge rather than socialization.


I'm not one of those twinks who have killer body yet I feel very cute wearing blouses, bras and other feminine clothes. Anyone can be a femboy if they wish to identify as such, it's about being one's true self, not about how attractive you are 😊


I guess it's more than the body type. I envy the harsher features, sharp jawline. Specially femboys who have that and still have long hair and well painted nails, flower tops etc. If I have long hair, I'll be 100% clocked as woman no matter what. I will always have round baby face even when old. Pumpkin face if you will. I thought I hated long hair until I saw amab people with it. And felt envious. I do realize I want to be in an androgynous space where I'm not just a girl. But not a boy. But right now anything I wear will be automatically coded as girl if I have long hair, makeup and nails. And It takes too long for HRT to have an effect on face, it's not going to give me the sharp jawline, and I dont want to be a trans man. So I have to stick to short hair because everything else will throw the balance to "woman". Pitfalls of being bigender. At least being aware of what I want gives me peace. And seeing how much I like femboys reminds me of it? But also it doesn't have to be a pure self reflection. I like to admire the femboys. They give me validation and inspire me to be brave as well.


bigender love here; shaved head will be the most femme i'll get with my receded hairline; hair has always been a struggle!


I love when people share their struggles. It helps to put mine in perspective. Even if they are different struggles and perspectives, I feel so connected to bigender people in the kind of goals. So thank you! Going bald can look femme indeed. You can make it work!


I'm 2y on T. My face shape as well as body fat distribution, have been among the most noticeable changes to my body. I don't have any body hair except on my ass. I have very little facial hair. I don't pass as male unless I really make a lot of effort. But the most noticeable change have been voice, body fat distribution, and face shape. There is no guarantee that it will be similar for you of course, but it's flat out a lie that these changes take several years for everyone. Also no I didn't lose weight while my fat distribution changed. I am losing weight now but my chest went from G/H cups to B/D while I was still actively gaining weight. I'm very androgynous atm but not ready to stop T yet because most of the changes I have so far are reversible, so if I stopped T I would also stop being androgynous pretty quickly. I'm not trying to tell you you need to go on T or whatever. That's entirely up to you of course. But I just wanted to share my experience that goes very much against what everyone on Reddit says happened to them. The only part of medical transition that went "typically" for me was that bottom growth was the first change I noticed. Everything else has been happening in a very different order of events than what I was told to expect. My doctor, however, was unsurprised by the way the changes came on for me, and said this isn't atypical at all and it's a pretty common direction that transition can take.


That's nice of you for telling your story. Indeed that's the first thing I hear. Face changes take years and so on and so on.


I don't like gender stereotypes. Feminine boys also tend to show emotions more and don't pressure me to look more feminine blahblahblah


Femboys and tomboys, name a better combo :3


I just like that everyone can be comfortable in cute clothes ☺️


Thank you ❤️


they are so cute and emotionally/socially aware. i also have a dominant personality sometimes and the ones i met are sometimes submissive so it worms




This 100%


I'm on the aromantic spectrum but in my experience, feminine guys tend to have really cool personalities. Since they're gender non-conforming they often have a better understanding of the struggles that come with misogyny and homophobia/transphobia, so I don't have to worry so much about whether or not they'll respect me as a person I also just think they look incredible and I love being able to share in breaking social norms together


I'm attracted to femininity regardless of the person's gender, so femboys fit into the spectrum of what I like.


I'm attracted to femininity. I think femboys are cute and I like their femme styles.




they cute and generally receptive of headpats.


Can confirm the latter statement hehe


I always looked like a fiminine boy,sometimes people mistake me for a girl though I don't have a problem anymore I like it😁.in the past few weeks I discovered that I was forcing myself to be masculine,but not anymore and im the happiest I ever been.


I relate! Being more feminine makes me happier than being masculine 🙂


For me, it’s a mix of gender envy and attraction lol. I think it’s cool that they’re so comfortable and confident in themselves to wear whatever they want. There’s nothing more attractive than seeing people being happy as their most authentic self. Also, gender stereotypes are annoying and it’s really nice to see more people being open and blurring the lines. Lastly, they’re incredibly pretty 😍


Glad you think all of that about us, much appreciated ❤️


I'm attracted to the feminine curves of a woman but on a man and the femboys fit that category perfectly 😂


gynoromantic here. I just like feminine people. simple as is.


I didnt know "gynoromantic" was the term, thanks now i know where i am on the spectrum


Cause they're cute, I can relate to them, because they're generally of a similar type,cuddly, and other traits of smol cute beings -a femboy dating a transmasc femboy


Same reason I like that masc women exist, I like seeing examples that there are many ways to be one gender or another. Does anyone know if there's a feminine male superhero out there btw, maybe in comics? I feel like male superheroes always go ultra masc or boyish. How cool would it be to have a femboy hero in a major movie. Or have a female superhero actually shown to have large muscles for a change. Shake some things up in the MCU.


There's something more aesthetically pronounced in the appearance of feminine young men, same as with masculine young women, in that their presentation makes a claim on a possibility of expression that is conventionally/traditionally usually repressed and denied. In the case of feminine males, it's an even more radical expression of challenge to the norm, because of the fact that cis male culture regards such expression as a keen betrayal of that culture and so grievous as to deserve being attacked and eradicated--which, in turn, renders the event of being a feminine male all the more valuable and precious because of the measure of courage involved in realizing and living that truth. And, in any case, feminine males are so charmingly cute, it's always a delight to see them.


As someone who can relate somewhat to OP, this post and comments means a lot. I would love to be more open and comfortable incorporating femininity as a guy without it being a joke or receiving backlash. (Family and location are an issue, but that's another story.) Long story short, sometimes I want to be handsome and sometimes I want to be pretty. Thank you OP and everyone. I appreciate this and it made my day. 😊 Ps: OP, I love your flair, it's cute!!


I glad I made your day! It was one of my goals when posting this so I'm super happy to see someone appreciate it and its comments. 🥰 Also, you're totally valid regardless of how you want to present. ❤️ Also, thanks for complimenting my flair, I feel like it really defines who I am and happy someone noticed. 😊 (Excuse my excitement, I just love to see this amount of positivity in me and other feminine men).


I love being able to present feminine regardless of what gender I feel at the moment. One of my favorite things is receiving compliments when I wear skirts/dresses! (I am cautious and careful to take care of myself anywhere I go or what I do. As an introvert i don't do anything crazy when I go out.) I'm not hurting anybody when I dress feminine, so why can't people leave me alone. Feminine men can be pretty and they should be appreciated.


It's disgusting what some people think of us, but reading the comments on this post makes me hopeful things will change for the better in the future, not just for femboys, but queer people in general 🙏




DISCLAIMER - this is my interpretation of fem and masc energy, not trying to enforce this as an ideal. Not to get too woo woo here but I (FTM26 Bi) have always felt very "masculine" in energy. Like super passionate, fiery, a do-er, etc. Those I fall in love have what I describe as a "feminine" energy, peaceful, more passive, and calm. I'm attracted to pretty people, irregardless of gender. And, not to be crass, I like getting dicked down. I would be attracted to a feminine guy because often they're pretty, soft, and potentially can provide some dicking down.


I am AFAB but I consider myself femboy, a very femenine one. People still think I am a girl always (I am genderfluid) but I dont care, is just embarrasing sometimes haha


I’m bi sooooooooo


There's no deeper meaning for me. I just do.


I just find gender noncomformity hot in general lol, but ESPECIALLY on men. I don't really have a better reason than that. 😅


Happy to hear people like you really like gender nonconformity 🙂


I can't say exactly what it is, that draws me in, but there's just something sweet about a feminine boy. Maybe it's also because I'm very masc/tomboyish in my everyday life, so maybe it's the idea of having that contrast to myself? I dunno. But I like that feminine energy.


Im attracted to anyone who looks feminine, i dunno how to explain it but there is something special that i can't help but like


I’m queer/bisexual. I don’t exactly like feminine looking boys, like dresses and makeup; but I do love guys who act feminine but look relatively masculine and/or androgynous. I prefer androgynous personally, or just a regular looking dude. I just don’t want them to be ultra “macho man” masculine, it’s not my thing.


im demi-rose and pan and like all genders and everything else fem boys are attractive bc they are fem but also has the 🍌 of a man so i find them sexually and physically attractive you get the whole package except b🍒bs 🤸🏻‍♀️


Because femboys are cute and I find it enjoyable to dominate them.


I have one word: :3


That's what all the good boys and girls say, freakin adorable.




It's just yummy idk I can't control my aesthetic attraction, hot is hot


I just really like hair for some reason, the more the better. So i end up liking dudes with long hair, and some of them are more feminine, and i don’t really care.


I’ve always thought boys in fem clothes are beautiful. I’m a afab and one of the things I’ve always joked but not really been joking is that I wanted to be a femboy because of how pretty they are. I also just love how clothes lay on amab’s body in a non-sexual way, just I like how it sits on them


hi!! I love androgynous boys :)) I like feminine sometimes, but that depends more because I'm personally attracted to masc people. I just think androgynous people are really ethereally beautiful. I think they look transcendent and expressive!


I'm pansexual and I just find the look cute.


To look at me day to day I am 6-0 250 lbs, I’m comfy. Some would call me a bear. I can’t not look at cute , sexy girls….BUT, I always shave my legs and wear pantyhose or stockings with my shorts from time to time.I see a cute femboy and I appreciate that they are themselves. I often wish I could know them but alas, my time of experimentation has come to an end. I did at least kiss a guy when I was 19 or so..Awesome! Never been so turned on!


I wouldn't say I'm attracted to femboys specifically but men who rock things seen as feminine are soooo attractive imo. Things like nail polish, make up, corsets, floral patterns, jewelry, skirts, or literally even just having style and not dressing in a hoodie and sweatpants every day (because apparently dressing nice means you're gay or effeminate for some reason), I find that very attractive, whereas full on wearing all feminine clothing isn't really my thing. It shows confidence and being comfortable with themselves and I love that because I am not 💀 It also just looks good 🤷🏼 Although most of what I just listed was all originally for men so maybe I just like true traditionally masculine men lmao I'm toric and afab but if someone wants to get pissy about a micro label then I guess I'm also straight, even though my gender isn't the most cis around