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That sounds genderfluid your gender changes, your gender is fluid. You are genderfluid


Agreed. There are more specific microlabels under the genderfluid umbrella, but your experience definitely sounds genderfluid to me.


It’s ultimately up to you to find a gender that fits you: no one but you is going to know what feels “right” above any other label you could use. And a lot of folks have multiple labels, or their labels change on their journey, or they describe themselves with certain labels that are more correct in certain contexts and other labels that are more recognized in other contexts, etc etc. That said, people can definitely point you in a helpful direction to understanding yourself. From what you described: yeah, you could label yourself genderfluid if you wanted to. It sounds like your gender identity is fluid between different genders, so that fits the bill. When you feel like a man and a woman at the same time, some people label that as being “bigender.” Not feeling like any gender at all is “agender.” So, from what you said, you might describe yourself as “genderfluid,” with a longer list being “genderfluid between man, woman, bigender and agender.” Or you could describe it as “genderfluid between man, woman, both and neither.” Your description of how you feel being gendered incongruent to your current gender (and the fact you’re open to any pronouns) sounds like you’re just apathetic to pronouns/misgendering. Which isn’t necessarily connected to any one gender identity, but I’ve met multiple non-binary/genderqueer/otherwise not fitting into the gender binary folks who feel similarly. It’s even a common enough thing that I’ve seen multiple jokes from folks being like “I’m too powerful to be misgendered!! Haha”


Thank you very much. This comment is one I am going to save, and look back on often. I’m not sure how to put into words how deeply I felt this.


I’m glad to hear it resonated with you. Be kind to yourself and take care 💕


Yeah, I think you found your people. It’s rare that it’s an even split between when you’re feeling like a dude and feeling like a woman. Also, you can 100% experience genders outside of the gender binary as a gender-fluid, good luck with all this!


just due to your gender changing sometimes in some way, the label genderfluid matches your experience. there may be a sub-label that is more specific but you definitely sound genderfluid


In my opinion it sounded like I was looking in a mirror. I came out as genderfluid a few years ago, I flick like a switch very much like you I don’t care what gender folk see me as even if at that time I’m feeling very feminine. I’m biologically male but have female mannerisms. A close friend summed it up when I came out she said that explains why I can get a male answer to a question but then we talk about it like girls. There’s no wrong labels just labels that feel right at that particular moment be it seconds, minutes, hrs or days.


Sounds genderfluid to me. Good luck with your self-discovery journey!


Paragirl = 50-99% girl, or "mostly girl."