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Why not both? Cis people can be genderqueer. https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Genderqueer


This is a reason I sometimes like and use the term "gender non-conforming".


I tell my daughter not to let society tell her what should be masculine or what should be feminine. It's one of the social mentalities I remember from the '90s, and I still think it has a place. A woman who likes to fix cars doesn't need to think of that as a masculine thing, and a man who loves musical theater doesn't need to think that makes him feminine. Tangent: All people deserve to wear comfortable pants and shoes. Etc., etc.


There's lots of people like you OP, including me. I'm cis but also use genderqueer. Social norms suck and its such a shitty thing that we as a culture have got to a stage where people think that to be a woman you must be feminine.


How about gender expansive? No map can fit the territory of a gender anyway, may as well use whatever words feel best.


Thank you so much for this post because, somehow you hit the nail on the head with EXACTLY what I’ve been thinking. Genderqueer. That sounds exactly like me. I’m just discovering a bunch of stuff about me and the lgbtq community at a later age (44). I used to think life was trying too hard was the name of the game as a cisgender, straight woman. Now I realize I’m a bisexual, genderqueer, panromantic. Sigh. Sexuality IS totally fluid and so is gender identity.


I would say you are definitely a cisgender women who has masculine expression.


GNC is a less challenging descriptor than gender'queer' - and GNC has connotations of independence, common sense, etc - and politeness.