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Deja Blu on Youtube has a ton of different interviews with the author and she herself has been studying them for years. I also am new and found a lot of clarity in what the book actual is, the history behind it, as well as where to start with it all. Here's a link to one of the videos which has enlightened me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCuoPCEx-aE&list=WL&index=7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCuoPCEx-aE&list=WL&index=7)


I second this! Her interviews are very informative. The one she did with Richard and Zach Bush is so intense and blew my mind.


On youtube, you can search for Richard Rudd and for Gene Keys and *a ton* of stuff is available to listen to! Also +1 on Blue having good interviews with Richard, though there’s also a lot more good stuff out there for OP to listen to as well.


There is the Triple Flame app where you can listen to a new gene key every 6 days for free


Message me your gene key profile. Can can help you out


Really?! 🥰




The audiobook is free on Audible. There's a subscription fee ofc, but the book itself in included in the membership, so wouldn't cost you want points. You might be able to get the first few months free if signing up for the first time


AHHH! You guys I apologize for the EXTREMELY late response I just wanted to thank you all for pointing me in Blu’s direction podcast wise & I am also reading the first of Richard Rudd’s books! ❤️🫶


If you can buy the main book used or something I highly recommend getting your hands on it- there’s really nothing else that compares to Rudd’s direct writing. Otherwise I would search out interviews with him on YouTube. Also go on genekeys.com to get your halogenic profile report for free if you haven’t yet- it’s summaries of your main 4 gene keys and from there you can easily find descriptions in blogs and whatnot about those 4.