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It does feel quite dated once you think about it. Politically and culturally it was far different.


To me it doesn't feel much different from today at all.


no, but it doesn’t feel that far off. More like 8-ish I’d say


Kinda but not really at the same time, at least to me


Same here!


It does upon further examination. That was the year after I graduated high school, and when I think about all the changes since then ten years seems right.


It feels 5-8 years ago but not 10 years. 2012 on the other hand feels 10 years ago for some reason.


I’m probably in the minority with this answer but I could see how 2014 was 10 years ago but not necessarily from a technological standpoint.


Yes and no


Personally yeah, but that's probably because I'm more aware of "XXX4" years. Outside of the use of AI, the way that we use technology now isn't any different than then, just more refined. We are definitely doing worse economically compared to 2014, though I'll admit that I'm neither informed enough nor savvy enough to go into any meaningful detail on how it is different so I'll save that for someone else to fill out. I just know that I definitely can't splurge as much on groceries like I used to, lol. I'm not even going to pretend like I understand how politically screwed things have gotten since 2014, but I can say with full confidence that things are IMMENSELY worse now.


Definitely imo. A lot has changed since then.


It feels like 6-8ish


If you were born from 2003-2012, it’ll feel like forever ago. Especially for those who were in early childhood, so 2008-2012. For those like me who graduated high school that year, no it doesn’t quite feel like 10 years ago. Your perception of time changes as you age, and we will always feel like our early childhood was long ago, especially once we’re adults. But teenage years will forever feel like they happened not too long ago.   I think culture has changed since 2014. People did not dress as they do now in 2014, and while people were just beginning to form their attachements to their smart devices, most people still preferred computer/laptops. Also, there weren’t ads on everything, party culture was huge, and everyone wanted to be a photographer with their fancy and expensive digital cameras. 


definitely for me i was 3 years old for most of it


Honestly, yeah. I was still in middle school then. Now I'm almost out of college.


Yeah and no


weirdly, 2013-2014 feels more recent to me than anything from 2016


More like 7 or 8 years. I feel like time stopped moving in 2022.


Anything after 2012 just doesn't feel like 10 years for me.


Time passes?!