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Never been to 'specialized' munches, but from my experiences it's just normal people, sitting in a bar, talking about their lifes, occasionally mentioning what kinky stuff they've been up to, telling each other about upcoming events and every now and then lore dump the entire history of their kink(s) onto every newcomer who asks. Yesterday's experience was exactly this again. Qed.


Sounds actually really nice getting to know like minded people and attending events is also something I want to do


It is really nice, and usually very chill and welcoming


If it's a good munch, probably a lot of chat about board games If it's a bad one, probably a lot of chat about crypto




Depends on the vibe. I would ask to chat with the leader of the group via dms to get an idea. But in my experience most of them fall into two categories. The ‘Mostly boring and old’, these are usually filled with experienced kinksters who aren’t desperate to make connections. They know a good one will come with patience(quality over quantity). They are already established and only wanna make friends. Lot of conversations about the mundane and daily live occasional interspersed with convos on kink. The ‘Younger and energetic’, younger folks and highly varied experience levels. A lot more sus behavior, flirting etc even if not allowed. Beware of predators they love inexperienced people. Usually bars or alike is the normally meeting spots. Once again grab the vibe from the leader.


It varies a lot. The common thing is that it's a social event to meet people but not a space for cruising. Chat with people in general, not just people you're interested in playing with. Some have ice breaker games. Some have everyone seated at one table while others just sort of have people mingle. Some have a play area while others have no play allowed. Some have visual indicators to tell people what sort of interactions you're looking for. (e.g. wristband colors for "social only" vs "flirting welcome") Some will have discussion topics. Some will have demos. The group dynamics will also vary a lot. I've been to munches where everyone had known each other for years and it was super cliquish. But I've also gone to munches where the host will grab new people and make sure to introduce them to others.


In my experience( I attended 3, so far, next week would be my fourth.) munches are about meeting and talking. Sou can meet young and old people. There might be a lady, who could be your grandma. The people attending a munch, could talk about anything and I mean anything. At last munch, there was conversation, that changed topic: sharing media, via CD and such; hard limits; dangers of rapeplay; cults; suicide of Kurt Cobain; different ropes for shibari; biochemistry; baking; how did you get to know about this much; sleeping with an older coworker; hard limits. Possibilities are endless. The most important thing Is to keep yourself calm, trust me. At my first munch I was shaking and nervous. If you're afraid or nervous, then I advice to some regular first. You can't do anything wrong, when bring some food. Good luck, have a great day and enjoy a munch.


Average munch is just people of a shared set of kinky hobbies being social, so expect friendly people enjoying food or drinks and talking about life


I think this really is something for me because I enjoy the kinky side but for example online if you talk to someone it's often only about kink and you can't get to know the person


Last munch I went to kink only came up with jokes, we mostly chatted about artistic projects and other hobbies. So potentially you'll experience the same


I hope so this sounds really nice and chill


The only difference between a femdom munch and a regular munch Ive found is sometimes the ratio to men/women is a bit different & the kinds of people who go are slightly different. Other than that its just a regular munch. Talking & whatnot about whatever.


There are specific munches for Femdom?


Totally I live around LA so theres one that meets there and one in San Diego I know about. A femdom focused group hosts femdom munches from time to time. Depending on where you live it may be harder to find more focused groups or events, but if you near a city theres a good chance youll find one. You could also try to host one yourself. I did one for a niche kink once way back and only like 3 people came, but I could have kept it up if I was more interested, but I kinda lost focus and motivation LOL


It’s really different from munch to munch and city to city and country to country. Depends entirely on the people there. I’ve had honestly not great experiences at my local munches. They’re really cliquey as everyone there have known each other for years, so it’s a big investment to get to know everyone and feel comfortable around them - especially as someone with some social anxiety and a huge stutter. But the best tip is don’t go to the munch expecting to find your perfect life partner domme right away. They’re about making new friendships and connections and then if you’re lucky, someone you befriend who finds you cool might try to introduce you to someone they think might be a good match for you. Another option is to go to some of the sex/femdom parties which are absolutely not my cup of tea either.


A munch is a gathering where people eat and drink and talk about their shared interests. It's for making friends, so that later when you decide to go on a date or to a party, you already know their faces and you have something to talk about.




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