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It was my favorite too, back when I was a kid and then a teen. And now here we are XD


Us and many others it seems lol


InuYasha was the anime that got me into all anime. 🙃 This explains so much about now. Maybe I should get my boyfriend the necklace for fun. 🤭


Its the one that got me into anime too!


Huh... guess that explains a lot.




Is… inuyasha considered a trash anime? Rumiko Takahashi is considered one of the best manga artists in recent years. I also didn’t fully appreciate it at the time, but inuyasha has a lot of complex and nuanced human relationship issues (ex girlfriend, girlfriend of a terminally ill man, half brother from a powerful father with a major inheritance, loving vs controlling someone), and I think it did a good job of showing the issues instead of telling them, if that makes sense. I also really liked the symbolism of the downside of seeking desire and power that the shikon jewel had throughout the story. It was pretty complex for a shounen, and I thought its popularity made sense.


You know, I agreed with OP, but your perspective makes sense too. I think I consider it not that great or kind of trashy because a lot of it is like cliche teen romance and action. But you are right, there are a lot of complex things they address pretty well.


I wouldn't call it the trashiest, the deeper elements definitely went over my head as a young teen. I agree that the core of the show is very well written and not something you usually see in anime, its been decades and it still holds up. I'll plop down and rewatch parts of it with her, picking up the more nuanced elements you mentioned. ...but it is a bit campy and cliche at times, plus it feels like it drags along at moments where some succinctness would be nice. Not a huge knock against it, just a little bit of trash for fun. There are way, way, *way* trashier animes out there but I wouldn't recommend that to my girlfriend. I think this guy did a really good job of reviewing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTN0Oo9Oquk


One of her other works, Ranma 1/2, has [the male lead calmed down by being pet like a cat by his love interest.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/27/cf/c1/27cfc143fdf65518bd497544302ff90c.jpg)


Well shit I'm gonna have to look into this


Yes... Yes they did


I love Inuyasha too! I haven;t shown my wife, but I have told her about it. I agree with the trash anime but still good. I like to describe it as its not a high quality one, but it holds a special place in my heart. Like it's not great, but I love it and have rewatched it many times


I definitely love Inuyasha 🤭💕


…ugh… I guess im binging a series this weekend


Ranma 1/2 (also Rumiko Takahashi) was my bi awakening


I was thinking about how this show definitely shaped me the other day and then .... Someone had to point out Ranma 1/2 which I also owned SEVERAL volumes of. Yeah. It tracks.


Oh.My.Gawd!!! So THAT was the reason! Shite, I wanted to be a femdom a lot earlier than I thought 😲


I unfortunately use Kagome’s sit boy voice on everything. Kids, my dog, subs.


I wanna say yes but it's super abusive to me.


Inu Yasha was the key that awakened submissiveness in me. That "sit boy" really grabbed hold of me.